Firebase Analytics Funnel why no option to filter by event parameters? - google-analytics

There is absolutely no option to do so in Firebase Console or am I just not seeing it?
What is the point of having all these parameters if I can't use them?
when a screen transition occurs and any of the following criteria are met:
No screen was previously set
The new screen name differs from the previous screen name
The new screen-class name differs from the previous screen-class name
The new screen id differs from the previous screen id
firebase_screen, firebase_screen_class, firebase_screen_id, firebase_previous_screen, firebase_previous_class, firebase_previous_id, engagement_time_msec

You have to activate the parameters in the Analytics platform to be able to use them, otherwise you will only be able to see them on BigQuery if you have connected these two platforms.
Link Google Analytics 4 properties to Firebase:
How do events and parameters work with Google Analytics 4 properties:
GA4 BigQuery Export:


Firebase - where to see a nice graph (pie) for user property?

My app is using 4 different fonts (condensed, normal, bold and thin) and I want to know how many users are using which one. This is my code:
FirebaseAnalytics analytics = FirebaseAnalytics.getInstance(activity);
analytics.setUserProperty(PROPERTY_FONT_TYPE, "" + getFontType());
I also added this PROPERTY_FONT_TYPE in my firebase console in the part Analytics -> Custom definitions.
How (and where) can I see a graph/pie how many users are using which font?
Firebase console seems to be extremely un-intuitive.
This can be done - but in the Google Analytics console not the Firebase Console. Every Firebase Analytics project (now) has a corresponding Google Analytics 4 property, where a "free-form" exploration can be used to view a pie chart.
Step 1
Press the 'View more in Google Analytics button' in the analytics dashboard of the Firebase console.
Step 2
Navigate to the "explore" page in Google Analytics.
Step 3
Create a new 'free-form' exploration.
Step 4
Change the visualisation to a 'doughnut chart'.
Step 5
Remove the default dimension and then add the new dimension that you are interested in (in this case "PROPERTY_FONT_TYPE"). Drag this to under 'breakdowns' (where the default 'Town/city' dimension was).
Step 6
You can now view a pie chart of your custom user property.
The 'exploration' is automatically saved so you can come back to it later.

Firebase Analytics: How to get and integrate UA-type measurement ID instead of G-type measurement ID for Firebase Analytics?

I am running a React web app on Firebase. Firebase automatically generates G-type measurement ID (G-XXXX). I'd like to get a UA-type measurement ID (UA-XXXX) and somehow integrate it into Firebase project.
Reason: I want to use React-GA package ( but the package apparently does not support G type measurement IDs.
Is there any way to create and integrate the UA-type measurement ID somehow to Firebase project configuration? I'd love to see the data reflected into the Firebase console dashboard, not having to leave the console to see the data.
Any idea on how to do this? Thanks!
I had done it before with the same package.
First; you need to add a "universal analytics property" manually on google analytics page. Because Firebase is only using latest version. Click admin icon at the bottom-left and then click + Create Property
You will see Show Advanced Options button. Enable this of an earlier version of Google Analytics. Once you finish you get your UA-xxxx code.
import ReactGA from 'react-ga';
class GAService {
init() {
//ReactGA.pageview(window.location.pathname +;
const instance = new GAService();
export default instance;

Firebase + GTM + GA implementation issue

I am using iOS Swift 3 and trying to track screen views in Firebase and push those data into GA with GTM.
My issue is that I cannot get the screen name from "screen_view" events pushed into GA.
In firebase, the initial automated screen view hit has no screen name and only screen class so I used Analytics.setScreenName to set the screen name and override the screen class.
However this causes two hits in Firebase, one automated with no screen name and one manually triggered with screen name.
Also, I want to pass the screen name from the event into GA as a screen view type. I set the screenName field in GTM to a variable.
I have tried various event parameters for the variable
"firebase_screen" : results in not found and (not set) in GA
"_sn" : results in "invalid event parameter" in xCode debug
So I guess all the parameters that start with _ are reserved in Firebase. So how do I get the reserved event parameters from firebase into GA. For example, I may want to store the App Version in a custom dimension for something.
The biggest problem here is the screen name not picking up in the screenview hit from GTM to GA.
In Google Tag Manager you'll want to set the following:
Tag type: Universal Analytics (Google Analytics)
Track Type: Screen View
Field Name: screenName
Value: [the variable I've identified below]
Trigger: Fire on "Event Name" contains screen
** Note the Trigger might be better as matches "screen_view", but I haven't had a chance to test
Variable Type = Event Parameter
Event Type = Custom Parameter
Event Parameter Key = _sn
Other Things
Make sure the Analytics.setScreenName is working and in ViewDidAppear as that fills the _sn parameter.
Xcode Debug Example
In Xcode you should see something such as:
firebase_screen_id (_si) = 4233194112313113131331;
firebase_screen_class (_sc) = ViewController;
firebase_screen (_sn) = Home View;
firebase_realtime (_r) = 1;
firebase_debug (_dbg) = 1;
firebase_event_origin (_o) = auto;

Google analytics push custom channel grouping

Is it possible to push custom channel group into Google analytics in a similar way as events? For events I use this code:
_gaq.push(['_trackEvent', 'Popup - displayed', 'Popup displayed - Popup Id 5', 'This is popup title']);
Now I want to push new custom channel group Popup displayed each time user get served popup so I can compare results with Organic search without popup, Direct traffic without popup with organic search with popup.
I would like to accomplish something like this:
With the current Google Analytics version you could use a set call with your tracker object to overwrite campaign data and then create a custom channel definition that matches your custom data:
trackers = ga.getAll();
tracker = trackers[0];
tracker.set('campaignMedium', 'withPopup');
No idea how you would do this with your version of Analytics which is deprecated. Also this may have side effects (like loosing the original campaign data).
However you may simply create two segments, one for users who have seen the event and those who have not. Since you can select multiple segments this allows for a comparison without changing anything in the code.

Google analytics user explorer get user report

How do I get user report from user explorer, using GA API. Didn't manage to find any information about it here For instance in user explorer (audiences section) you can see a list of records having ids like 11111111111.2222222222 and I want to get information about user activity on the website for record with id 11111111111.2222222222 using GA API
While the latest GA release notes says the client ids have been "surfaced" (i.e. made visible) it is (at least currently) not available as a dimension via the API. So if you want to use it you'd have to add the client id as a custom dimension to your reports yourself. Off the top of my hat this should look something like this:
ga(function() {
var trackers = ga.getAll();
trackers.forEach(function(tracker) {
Put before the pageview this would write the client id to your custom dimension with the index 1 (which you need to create in advance via the interface in properties->custom definitions). Should also work with multiple trackers on the same page.
This will of course not help you with data that's already been collected.
