How to Backup old website data to new server - wordpress

How can i update old backup data of my website to new server. which tools should i used to upload backup or is there manual to do it?

Many way to move old backup to new server but i prefer All in one migration plugin.

Firstly, please do more research before asking a question. This question has been asked probably over a million times before.
Official guide:
I can list the links forever...
Here is how I would do it:
Log in to FTP and download the root folder with all website files (the folder is usually called html or htdocs).
Login to phpMyAdmin (if you don't have phpMyAdmin you can use MySQLWorkbench) and export the database.
2.1. If there are multiple databases, you will have to check wp-config.php define( 'DB_NAME', 'DATABASE_NAME' );.
Now do the same with new hosting just in reverse.
Log in to FTP and upload your website files to root directory.
Log in to phpMyAdmin and create a new database and then import the exported database. Make sure to create a user with correct permissions for that database.
(optional: if your domain changes as well make sure to change it in wp_options table)
Edit wp-config.php - enter new details for the db name, db user and user password.
You can also use a plugin for that but most of these type of plugins are paid or have limits on how much you can export etc.


Wordpress wants to install itself, rather than run the blog

We have created a duplicate of our website on a new server as part of a migration. We have a wordpress blog that is part of our website.
The docroot of the wordpress site is set as an alias in our main site. The result is that to access the site home page, the following url is used:
The new environment is not available to the public at this time, and is only accessible within our VPN. When the above link to the blog is followed, instead of the expected home page of our blog, we get the page at, which wants to install a new site.
The configuration in the new environment is supposedly an exact copy of our production site from some time back. The permissions on the main files is the same.
What is it that is causing the attempted blog access to be redirected to the installation script?
The responses so far have not really absorbed the intent of the previous information. We are not migrating in the normal sense. Rather we are testing in a new virtual environment that will eventually lead to a more normal migration.
We have an exact duplicate of our original wordpress and database environment that is running in a virtual environment with an updated protocol stack that is only accessible if you are on the VPN for that environment. As far as we can tell, there is no difference in the configuration.
For example, the parameters in wp-config.php are exactly the same as in the original installation. When php runs, it sees the same environment, with host names and everything identical. It would not work otherwise.
Yet if there really were no difference, it would just run. But since WP is trying to install a new database, there is something different that we are missing.
To further illustrate this: supposed you took an image backup of the wordpress installation and the database, and put it in a different VM, and set up the DNS and everything as it needs to be--the new environment looks no different than the old one. All databases, wp-config settings, etc, are the same. So our main website and database functions very similarly.
As I mentioned above, the difference in the protocol stack should be considered. The old system is on PHP 5.6.27--the new one is on 7.3.4. So that could be causing some difference, which maybe somebody might recognize. Wordpress is 5.2.2 and should be compatible with both PHP levels.
We believe there is some relatively simple parameter setting that we are missing. For example, as in the first answer that $table_prefix is set wrongly. But that is not it in this case.
WordPress redirects you to that installation screen because the database it's connecting to is working (meaning, the username and password are correct), but the data it's expecting to be there isn't. Therefore, it assumes it's a new / empty database and prompts you to install WordPress.
I've seen this happen in two scenarios:
The database really is empty, and thus WP needs to install the standard tables and info
The table prefix in your wp-config.php file is incorrect for an existing database
Look at your wp-config.php file in the root directory of WordPress, and look for a line similar to this:
$table_prefix = 'wp_';
Then, open up the database (phpMyAdmin or some other interface to browse what the database structure actually is) and confirm that the table prefixes (the first few characters of the table names) actually match what's set above.
Hopefully this gives you something to go on! Let us know what you find
Migrating Wordpress websites can be quite tricky. I've worked as a WP developer for a number of years and always struggled with manually migrating websites.
There are a number of factors to consider:
WP stores a lot of installation specific information within the database. So you can't do a database dump and upload the export into a new database.
Changing the website url within the wp_options table in the databased there are still other references to the original url scattered throughout the db.
You could try a find and replace all using an editor that supports this sort of functionality (vscode, sublime, atom) but things always end up breaking and your doing tons of "find & replace" actions.
I have always relied on a 3rd party tool Backup Buddy as it simplifies the entire backup and migration process and offers the peace of mind of having easily deployable backups for your website.
Backup Buddy allows you to export your website as a zip and then you can move the zip to any server you want and the plugin provides an installer script (php) to guide you through the migration of your wp site to any host and database of your choosing.
Note: I am not in any way affiliated with iThemes or Backup buddy, and I do not stand to benefit in anyway if you decide to use the plugin. This is only advice on a tool that I have found helpful, reliable, have had success with, and currently actively use on a number of websites that I maintain.
WordPress display installation page because you have not update your wp-config.php file after migrating server so please follow below steps in future when you migrate your website.
Please follow this steps when you migrate your WordPress website from one server to another server.
Back up your website files/database
Export wordpress database.
Create database on your new host server.
Edit the wp-config.php File and edit this details.
Add new database name
Add new database username
Add new database user Password
Add new host as per your hosting provider or (localhost is default)
Import your database to new server.
upload the WordPress files to your new host
defining new domain URL & Search/Replace old domain URL

Migrating site to wordpress

A client asked me to migrate a website to wordpress. The theme is made, everything is working fine locally and now im thinking the best way to make the migration. I'm thinking on makeing the instalation on a subfolder for testing and then moving it to the root of the server. Is there anything i need to do other than copy the files from wordpress folder to the root? Anyone know a good tutorial or a better way to make the migration?
Take a look at this tutorial from Sitepoint I'm always referring to it when I want to move WP websites and it works.
Step 1 Upload you all local files or WordPress setup to the live server.
Step 2 Export your localhost database and edit it with notpad++ editor.
Step 3 find your local website name into notpad++ something then go to replace tab and all replace tab your with now save it.
Step 4 check database name username and password into wp-config.php it should be correct which one you using live server database.
Step 5 go to you live database and take backup it then removes it and then imports your local database now.
Step 6 for making sure go to wp_options table and check the URL it should be now if not then change it
Step 7 go to wp-admin and set the permalinks to the post name
and check it is working fine or not.
local site comes properly but when we deploy same folder on server ... it shows broken pages
In order to migrate a Wordpress website you should
1. Copy your www folder using FTP Client (FileZilla, Fire FTP or WinSCP).
2. Export you database (important!) and then import the database in your new Web Hosting (Like OVH or other..).
Let me know if you have any others question !
Yes, you have to do lot more things than you specified.
Follow below steps :-
Download "Wp Migrate DB" plugin from to your existing site
Open db migrator. When you will try migrating, it will prompt you to give folder path and website url for new site(old site is already filled by plugin so don't change them)
After adding folder path and URL start db migration
Copy files and folders from your local to live
Import migrated db to new database
Copy new credentials for db connect to wp-config file
Re save permalinks, as it may won't work after migration
After this you are all set to go...
Let me know if you need further assistance.
followed this tutorial and worked like a charm. Wordpress installation moved to the root of the server and everythig works fine. Themes and plugins. Just made the test right now.
Thanks for the answers.

Wp admin page isn't accessible

When I go to
the url changes to
Somehow I just can't access the admin page to login.
I have copied the site from an test site on the localhost. And changed the url's in the database to the new ones but due to unknown reasons I just can't access the admin site.
When you move a wordpress to a differently named domain, it is not ehough to just search and replace in the database, because wordpress (sadly) store a lot of things in serveral table in serialized format.
So what you need to do is, in your case:
Create a backup of your local database.
Create a backup of your current production database and file.
Delete all the files from your production server, and drop all table from production database.
Copy all files to your production server from localhost.
Import the local database to production database.
Do not open the production wordpress site in the browser!
Go to here, and download the newest script:
Unzip it into a wp_replace directory.
Upload this directory to your document root, where wp-conifg.php is.
Go to the
Fill the From and To fields, without http:// and without trailing slash. Eg: somethinog.localhost to '`
Live run it. You will see, how many records changed in wich tables.
Delete this wp_replace directory. If you leave it, add a htpasswd to it otherwise anybody can crash your db.
Go to the WP admin, navigate to Options -> Permalinks. Push save.
Now you can use your new domin :)

Migrate the wordpress site

I have a wordpress site with some my edits. I need to remove it from to
Is there any manner to do that? I thought It should be enough, If I copy the whole FTP and the database and change information in wp_config.php
If you want to move WordPress to a new server or to a different location on your server, you do not need to reinstall. WordPress can handle this situation. Please refer this link for more info.
It's fairly straightforward. You need to ensure that:
You copy all your files via FTP
Update the info in wp-config.php
Import your database
IMPORTANT: Update your database as your URLs will now be different.
These steps are covered in more detail in this article
Yes you are right.
First of all make Database in .Name should be same so you won't find any difficulty.
2)Change siteurl and homeurl from wp_option table in the database of Export database from and import it in
3)Also upload everything through FTP to new location.
Also Add in wp-config.php Define('WP_SITEURL',''); Define('WP_HOME','');
Second Option :
You can use Duplicator plugin as well. Download and install this plugin on server 1, active the plugin select it from the menu, run through the steps.
You will get 2 files, an installer and a file zip. upload both to server 2. go to and run through the steps
Bingo site has moved.

Change wordpress database in wp-config

I'm trying to replace the WordPress database I have on my live server. Here's the scenario: I have two databases on my server. The old one and the new one. When I edit config.php to change the database name from the old one to the new one, WordPress wants me to re-install. Here's why I'm confused...
The tables in the new database have been updated to the old URL (I'm keeping the same URL).
It's the same database user so the db user and db password don't need to change.
The db user has permissions for the new database.
I thought that I should be able to change the database name and go, but WordPress isn't letting me. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I've been working on this for several hours and I'm at my wit's end. I know there just HAS to be a way that doesn't involve manually adding/editing content in the WordPress admin.
Have you made sure that the wp-config.php:
$table_prefix = '';
Is the same as the prefix in the database (phpMyAdmin) if you use that? Usually that can keep displaying the admin/install.php page.
Wordpress prompts you to reinstall Wordpress because you're missing a whole directory in your Wordpress files (forget which one, sorry). In part, it will create the wp-config file which will store the database info.
I can't see it be bad to follow the install process, it'll ask you for the credentials to your database, which should atleast overwrite the old file and configuration. Don't forget to backup your files before doing this, in case it all goes to hell.
I had the same issue. It turned out that my new MySQL DB had an issue.
I restored the DB with innobackupex and didn't apply the --apply-log parameter on the backup directory to create the correct log files for the InnoDB engine.
Check your MySQL error log file to make sure that everything is normal. The log file's location is /var/log/mysql/[hostname].err.
