Testing divisibility of Ints by 11 - math

I'm struggling with this code right now. I want to determine whether an integer is divsible by 11. From what I have read, an integer is divisible to 11 when the sum (one time +, one time -) of its digits is divisible by 11.
For example: 56518 is divisible by 11, because 8-1+5-6+5 = 11, and 11 is divisible by 11.
How can i write this down in Haskell? Thanks in advance.

A number x is divisible by y if it's remainder when divided by y is 0. So you can just do
divisibleBy11 x = x `rem` 11 == 0

ifan I'm sure you know that in real life you would use mod or rem for this simple example, but the algorithm you are asking about is interesting. Here's a fun way to do it that emphasizes the functional nature of Haskell:
digits = map (`mod` 10) . takeWhile (> 0) . iterate (`div` 10)
divisible11 = (== 0) . head . dropWhile (>= 11) . iterate (reduce11 . digits)
reduce11 [] = 0
reduce11 (d:ds) = foldl combine d $ zip (cycle [(-), (+)]) ds
combine d (op, d') = d `op` d'

Surely, div and mod are faster, but why not? I assume the problem is converting a number to a list of digits:
toDigits = map (read . (:[])) . show
56518 is converted to a String "56518", and each symbol in the string (every digit) is converted to a string itself with map (:[]), at this point we have ["5","6","5","1","8"], and we read every single-digit string as an integer value: [5,6,5,1,8]. Done.
Now we can calculate the sum of digits this way:
sumDigits x = sum (zipWith (*) (cycle [1,-1]) (reverse (toDigits x)))
cycle [1,-1] makes an infinite list [1, -1, 1, -1, ...], which we pair with the reversed list of digits (toDigit x), and multiply elements of every pair. So we have [8, -1, 5, -6, 5] and its sum.
Now we can do it recursively:
isDivisible x
| x == 11 || x == 0 = True
| x < 11 = False
| x > 11 = isDivisible (sumDigits x)

How about...
mod11 n | n < 0 = 11 - mod11 (-n)
| n < 11 = n
| otherwise = mod11 $ (n `mod` 10) - (n `div` 10)


Get a sequence number from 0 and alternate positive/negative incrementing every other time

I would like to be able to obtain a (non-convergent) sequence of numbers by a simple calculation that would look like this: 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4 ...
By simple calculation I mean being able to do it with a single variable that would start from 1 (or 0) without having to rearrange this sequence.
I made several (unsuccessful) attempts in Lua, here is what it should look like in principle (this example only alternates 0s and 1s):
local n = 0
for i = 1, 10 do print(n)
n = n==0 and 1 or -n + (n/n)
Is this possible and how?
I just succeeded like this:
local n, j = 0, 2
for i = 1, 10 do print(n)
n = n==0 and 1 or j%2==0 and -(n+(n/math.abs(n))) or -n
j = j + 1
But I have to help myself with a second variable, I would have liked to know if with only n it would be possible to do it?
The whole numbers are enumerable. Thus there exists a mapping from the natural numbers to whole numbers. You'll now have to use a loop to loop over natural numbers, then compute a function that gives you a whole number:
-- 0, 1...10, -1...-10 -> 21 numbers total
for n = 1, 21 do
local last_bit = n % 2
local sign = 1 - (2 * last_bit)
local abs = (n - last_bit) / 2
print(sign * abs)
on Lua 5.1; on newer Lua versions, you can use n // 2 instead of (n - last_bit) / 2 to (1) use ints and (2) make extracting the abs cheaper.
Simply "emit" both n and -n in each iteration:
for n = 0, 10 do
My problem was solved by #EgorSkriptunoff in comment of my question, his approach is:
n = (n > 0 and 0 or 1) - n
The output of:
local n = 0
for i=1,10 do io.write(n..", ")
n = (n > 0 and 0 or 1) - n
Actually gives:
0, 1, -1, 2, -2, 3, -3, 4, -4, 5,

Hi everyone, I'm trying to code this formula in prolog, any help is appreciated :)

I'm trying to code this formula in prolog :
"str" is input number as a string
"base" is the base of the input number.
Result is,
(base)^0 * str[len-1] + (base)^1 * str[len-2] + (base)^2 * str[len-3] + ...
I'm new to prolog and I have this right now:
calc([],_,0):- !.
Long >= 0,
Size is Long - 1,
power(Base , Size, Res),
Res1 is Res * H,
but it doesn't work properly I spent yesterday trying to solve the problem but with no success.
Any help is appreciated :) .
You can do something like this:
value(String, Base, Value) :-
string_chars(String, Digits),
value(Digits, Base, 0, Value).
value([], _, Value, Value).
value([Digit|Digits], Base, Accumulator, Value) :-
atoi(Digit, Number),
NewAccumulator is Base*Accumulator + Number,
value(Digits, Base, NewAccumulator, Value).
atoi(Char, Int) :- % convert ASCII code to integer
char_code(Char, Code) ,
Int is Code - 48.
The predefined predicate string_chars converts a string into a list of chars:
?- string_chars("1101", Chars).
Chars = ['1', '1', '0', '1'].
The predicate atoi converts a character representing a digit into a corresponding integer:
?- atoi('3', Integer).
Integer = 3.
Supposing that [1,1,0,1] is a list of integers (representing a number in base 2), its corresponding value in base 10 can be computed as following:
Digit Accumulator
- 0
1 2 x 0 + 1 = 1
1 2 x 1 + 1 = 3
0 2 x 3 + 0 = 6
1 2 x 6 + 1 = 13
Here are some examples:
?- value("1101", 2, V).
V = 13.
?- value("1201", 3, V).
V = 46.
Alternative solution Suppossing that you already have a list of integers representing the digits of a number, the solution is even simpler:
value_integers(Digits, Base, Value) :-
value_integers(Digits, Base, 0, Value).
value_integers([], _, Value, Value).
value_integers([Digit|Digits], Base, Accumulator, Value) :-
NewAccumulator is Base*Accumulator + Digit,
value_integers(Digits, Base, NewAccumulator, Value).
Here are some examples:
?- value_integers([1,1,0,1], 2, Value).
Value = 13.
?- value_integers([1,2,0,1], 3, Value).
Value = 46.
?- value_integers([1,2,0,1], 10, Value).
Value = 1201.

Concatenation of binary representation of first n positive integers in O(logn) time complexity

I came across this question in a coding competition. Given a number n, concatenate the binary representation of first n positive integers and return the decimal value of the resultant number formed. Since the answer can be large return answer modulo 10^9+7.
N can be as large as 10^9.
Eg:- n=4. Number formed=11011100(1=1,10=2,11=3,100=4). Decimal value of 11011100=220.
I found a stack overflow answer to this question but the problem is that it only contains a O(n) solution.
Link:- concatenate binary of first N integers and return decimal value
Since n can be up to 10^9 we need to come up with solution that is better than O(n).
Here's some Python code that provides a fast solution; it uses the same ideas as in Abhinav Mathur's post. It requires Python >= 3.8, but it doesn't use anything particularly fancy from Python, and could easily be translated into another language. You'd need to write algorithms for modular exponentiation and modular inverse if they're not already available in the target language.
First, for testing purposes, let's define the slow and obvious version:
# Modulus that results are reduced by,
M = 10 ** 9 + 7
def slow_binary_concat(n):
Concatenate binary representations of 1 through n (inclusive).
Reinterpret the resulting binary string as an integer.
concatenation = "".join(format(k, "b") for k in range(n + 1))
return int(concatenation, 2) % M
Checking that we get the expected result:
>>> slow_binary_concat(4)
>>> slow_binary_concat(10)
Now we'll write a faster version. First, we split the range [1, n) into subintervals such that within each subinterval, all numbers have the same length in binary. For example, the range [1, 10) would be split into four subintervals: [1, 2), [2, 4), [4, 8) and [8, 10). Here's a function to do that splitting:
def split_by_bit_length(n):
Split the numbers in [1, n) by bit-length.
Produces triples (a, b, 2**k). Each triple represents a subinterval
[a, b) of [1, n), with a < b, all of whose elements has bit-length k.
a = 1
while n > a:
b = 2 * a
yield (a, min(n, b), b)
a = b
Example output:
>>> list(split_by_bit_length(10))
[(1, 2, 2), (2, 4, 4), (4, 8, 8), (8, 10, 16)]
Now for each subinterval, the value of the concatenation of all numbers in that subinterval is represented by a fairly simple mathematical sum, which can be computed in exact form. Here's a function to compute that sum modulo M:
def subinterval_concat(a, b, l):
Concatenation of values in [a, b), all of which have the same bit-length k.
l is 2**k.
Equivalently, sum(i * l**(b - 1 - i)) for i in range(a, b)) modulo M.
n = b - a
inv = pow(l - 1, -1, M)
q = (pow(l, n, M) - 1) * inv
return (a * q + (q - n) * inv) % M
I won't go into the evaluation of the sum here: it's a bit off-topic for this site, and it's hard to express without a good way to render formulas. If you want the details, that's a topic for https://math.stackexchange.com, or a page of fairly simple algebra.
Finally, we want to put all the intervals together. Here's a function to do that.
def fast_binary_concat(n):
Fast version of slow_binary_concat.
acc = 0
for a, b, l in split_by_bit_length(n + 1):
acc = (acc * pow(l, b - a, M) + subinterval_concat(a, b, l)) % M
return acc
A comparison with the slow version shows that we get the same results:
>>> fast_binary_concat(4)
>>> fast_binary_concat(10)
But the fast version can easily be evaluated for much larger inputs, where using the slow version would be infeasible:
>>> fast_binary_concat(10**9)
>>> fast_binary_concat(10**18)
You just have to note a simple pattern. Taking up your example for n=4, let's gradually build the solution starting from n=1.
1 -> 1 #1
2 -> 2^2(1) + 2 #6
3 -> 2^2[2^2(1)+2] + 3 #27
4 -> 2^3{2^2[2^2(1)+2]+3} + 4 #220
If you expand the coefficients of each term for n=4, you'll get the coefficients as:
1 -> (2^3)*(2^2)*(2^2)
2 -> (2^3)*(2^2)
3 -> (2^3)
4 -> (2^0)
Let the N be total number of bits in the string representation of our required number, and D(x) be the number of bits in x. The coefficients can then be written as
1 -> 2^(N-D(1))
2 -> 2^(N-D(1)-D(2))
3 -> 2^(N-D(1)-D(2)-D(3))
... and so on
Since the value of D(x) will be the same for all x between range (2^t, 2^(t+1)-1) for some given t, you can break the problem into such ranges and solve for each range using mathematics (not iteration). Since the number of such ranges will be log2(Given N), this should work in the given time limit.
As an example, the various ranges become:
1. 1 (D(x) = 1)
2. 2-3 (D(x) = 2)
3. 4-7 (D(x) = 3)
4. 8-15 (D(x) = 4)

How to reverse integer in Prolog using tail-recursion?

I would like to make a predicat reverse(N,Result) in Prolog.
For example:
Result = 54321.
I have to use tail-recursion. I can use *, +, - and divmod/4 and that's all.I can't use list.
I can reverse a number < 100 but I don't find how to finish my code, I can't complete my code to reverse integers bigger than 100 correctly.
N <10,
N > 9,
N < 100, !,
R1 is R*10,
Result is Q + R1.
Can I have some help please ?
Thanks you in advance.
I suggest the use of CLP(FD), since it offers declarative reasoning over integer arithmetic and a lot of Prolog systems provide it. Concerning the digit-reversal, I recommend you take a look at entry A004086 in The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. In the paragraph headed FORMULA, you'll find, among others, the following formulae:
a(n) = d(n,0) with d(n,r) = if n=0 then r else d(floor(n/10),r*10+(n mod 10))
These can be translated into a predicates by adding an additional argument for the reversed number. First let's give it a nice declarative name, say digits_reversed/2. Then the relation can be expressed using #>/2, #=/2, (/)/2, +/2, mod/2 and tail-recursion:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
digits_reversed(N,X) :-
digits_reversed_(N,X,R) :-
N #> 0,
N0 #= N/10,
R1 #= R*10 + (N mod 10),
Note that digits_reversed/2 correspond to a(n) and digits_reversed_/3 corresponds to d(n,r) in the above formulae. Now let's query the predicate with the example from your post:
?- digits_reversed(12345,R).
R = 54321 ;
The predicate can also be used in the other direction, that is ask What number has been reversed to obtain 54321? However, since leading zeros of numbers are omitted one reversed number has infinitely many original numbers:
?- digits_reversed(N,54321).
N = 12345 ;
N = 123450 ;
N = 1234500 ;
N = 12345000 ;
N = 123450000 ;
N = 1234500000 ;
N = 12345000000 ;
N = 123450000000 ;
Even the most general query yields solutions but you'll get residual goals as an answer for numbers with more than one digit:
?- digits_reversed(N,R).
N = R, R = 0 ; % <- zero
N = R,
R in 1..9 ; % <- other one-digit numbers
N in 10..99, % <- numbers with two digits
N mod 10#=_G3123,
_G3123 in 0..9,
_G3159 in 0..90,
_G3135 in 1..9,
R in 1..99 ;
N in 100..999, % <- numbers with three digits
N mod 10#=_G4782,
_G4782 in 0..9,
_G4818 in 0..90,
_G4845 in 0..9,
_G4794 mod 10#=_G4845,
_G4794 in 10..99,
_G4890 in 1..9,
_G4916 in 0..990,
_G4842 in 0..99,
R in 1..999 ;
To get actual numbers with the query above, you have to restrict the range of N and label it after the predicate has posted the arithmetic constraints:
?- N in 10..20, digits_reversed(N,R), label([N]).
N = 10,
R = 1 ;
N = R, R = 11 ;
N = 12,
R = 21 ;
N = 13,
R = 31 ;
N = 14,
R = 41 ;
N = 15,
R = 51 ;
N = 16,
R = 61 ;
N = 17,
R = 71 ;
N = 18,
R = 81 ;
N = 19,
R = 91 ;
N = 20,
R = 2 ;
If for some reason you don't want a constraints based solution, or if you using a Prolog system not supporting constraints, an alternative solution is:
reverse_digits(N, M) :-
( integer(N) ->
reverse_digits(N, 0, M)
; integer(M),
reverse_digits(M, 0, N)
reverse_digits(0, M, M) :- !.
reverse_digits(N, M0, M) :-
N > 0,
R is N div 10,
M1 is M0 * 10 + N mod 10,
reverse_digits(R, M1, M).
This solution can be used with either argument bound to an integer and leaves no spurious choice-points:
?- reverse_digits(12345, M).
M = 54321.
?- reverse_digits(N, 12345).
N = 54321.
?- reverse_digits(12345, 54321).
But note that this solution, unlike the constraints based solution, cannot be used as a generator of pairs of integers that satisfy the relation:
?- reverse_digits(N, M).
reverse_acc(N,Acc,R):- C is N mod 10, N1 is N div 10,
Acc1 is Acc * 10 + C,
reverse_acc(N1, Acc1,R).

How do I make 100 = 1? (explanation within)

Right now I have a code that can find the number of combinations of a sum of a value using numbers greater than zero and less than the value.
I need to alter the value in order to expand the combinations so that they include more than just the value.
For example:
The number 10 yields the results:
[1, 2, 3, 4], [1, 2, 7],
[1, 3, 6], [1, 4, 5],
[1, 9], [2, 3, 5], [2, 8],
[3, 7], [4, 6]
But I need to expand this to including any number that collapses to 1 as well. Because in essence, I need 100 = n in that the sum of the individual numbers within the digits = n. So in this case 100 = 1 because 100 --> 1+0+0 = 1
Therefore the number 1999 will also be a valid combination to list for value = 100 because 1999 = 1+9+9+9 = 28, and 28 = 2+8 = 10, and 10 = 1+0 = 1
Now I realize that this will yield an infinite series of combinations, so I will need to set limits to the range I want to acquire data for. This is the current code I am using to find my combinations.
def a(lst, target, with_replacement=False):
def _a(idx, l, r, t, w):
if t == sum(l): r.append(l)
elif t < sum(l): return
for u in range(idx, len(lst)):
_a(u if w else (u + 1), l + [lst[u]], r, t, w)
return r
return _a(0, [], [], target, with_replacement)
for val in range(100,101):
s = range(1, val)
solutions = a(s, val)
print('Value:', val, "Combinations", len(solutions))
You seem to have multiple issues.
To repeatedly add the decimal digits of an integer until you end with a single digit, you could use this code.
d = val
while d > 9:
d = sum(int(c) for c in str(d))
This acts in just the way you describe. However, there is an easier way. Repeatedly adding the decimal digits of a number is called casting out nines and results in the digital root of the number. This almost equals the remainder of the number when divided by nine, except that you want to get a result of 9 rather than 1. So easier and faster code is
d = val % 9
if d == 0:
d == 9
or perhaps the shorter but trickier
d = (val - 1) % 9 + 1
or the even-more-tricky
d = val % 9 or 9
To find all numbers that end up at 7 (for example, or any digit from 1 to 9) you just want all numbers with the remainder 7 when divided by 9. So start at 7 and keep adding 9 and you get all such values.
The approach you are using to find all partitions of 7 then arranging them into numbers is much more complicated and slower than necessary.
To find all numbers that end up at 16 (for example, or any integer greater than 9) your current approach may be best. It is difficult otherwise to avoid the numbers that directly add to 7 or to 25 without going through 16. If this is really what you mean, say so in your question and we can look at this situation further.
