Created a 2nd Nginx server using the same public IP using freenom domain and cloudflare nameserver but "The site can't be reached" - nginx

Hello fellow developers,
I was following this guide ( to setup/simulate an Nginx server running on Ubuntu in VirtualBox with bridge enabled. My first attempt was a success.
However, when I try to redo the same steps for a 2nd domain on a second ubuntu server in a different virtualbox environment with the same public IP address (both running on the same machine), I get a "This site can’t be reached" error, despite successfully obtain the new SSL certificate for the 2nd domain
What could possibly be the problem?
thanks in advance


Not able to access nginx from outside world

Not able to access nginx from outside the server
I have used ansible role written by me to download nginx on linux machines. But i'm not bale to access that nginx service outside of the server (the one on which it is installed)
You can access the code from above url
I am able to get a welcome page of nginx service running on Centos machines, but can't get anything when i tried to access ip address of machine running on ubuntu 14.04 and having nginx installed on it.
Its simply means nginx port is not opened.
steps to follows:
login to your machine which is trying to access nginx.
if it is windows ,open DOS prompt OR if it is linux, open terminal.
run following command :
Based on output , if port is not open, you can refer following guide to open port:

Symfony 4 swiftmailer configuration issues

I have tried setting up SMTP in the dotenv file:
And I've sent an email using php bin/console swiftmailer:email:send. This gave me an error:
[app] Exception occurred while flushing email queue: Connection could not be established with host [Connection timed out #110]`
So I assumed this is caused by the firewall. So then I tried to send an email via an online SMTP tester and the email got sent and all worked as expected.
However, this still does not work on my server. Even after turning off the firewall on my (Windows) VPS, the same error persists.
My setup is as follows:
I have a VPS (WINDOWS) with plesk where I host my domain and the mail server.
I also have a home server (CENTOS) where I host my subdomain with plesk.
What am I overlooking? What could be the cause of this issue?
Some host providers block 465 and 25 port. So only 587 is left to use. First, contact your host provider and ask if they are blocking SMTP ports. And if not please come back with more information and server config.
So apparently, please correct me if im wrong. This is what I think I did wrong:
I have a subdomain from my main plesk which I host on my home server. The project i'm working on is running from there.
The main domain with that plesk account is running on a VPS with the mailserver.
As it turns out (I think) my ISP from my home internet has restricted access to port 25. And thats why my home server cant access the mail server.
I tried to disable firewalls everywhere, even routed the ports in my router to my home server, nil fix. (please note that i tried to telnet to several SMTP servers not just my own) with all access rejected.
I tried it with another port (465) from my home server and it works now.
At the end using another port did the trick. I am however not sure that this is the issue. But this is just my guess.


I have hosted my WP app in AWS EC2 and is using GoDaddy DNS to point it to my domain. I received and email from GoDaddy stating that my site is blacklisted by McAfee as Malicious. Please see the image:
Now, when I try to access my website Google shows an error page with the following content : DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN. Is this because my site is blocked due to the McAfee blacklisting. Any help on this is highly appreciated, Thanks in advance.
DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN means that your domain is no longer pointing to your server.
to troubleshoot you may use these steps:
check your domain resolve status via this tool
if NOT resolved at all register a Cloudflare account then change name servers in your registrar panel to NS provided by cloudflare.
make sure that all DNS entries are like original zone.
wait for propagation and recheck
restart your home router and run this command on windows CMD ipconfig /flusdns
if you are on Debian/Ubuntu run sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
You can try below solution to fix DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN issues.
Release and Renew IP Address
Restart DNS Client Service
Change DNS Servers
Reset Your Browser
Disable VPN and Antivirus Temporarily
try this post for complete info:- DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN

Why is my Bitnami WordPress website deployed on AWS (free tier) not accessible?

The website domain is I tried to view the logs via SSH on the server, this is what I got.
Got error 'PHP message: PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /opt/bitnami/apps/wordpress/htdocs/wp-content/themes/revo/lib/widgets.php on line 714\n'
and this
Certificate and private key localhost:443:0 from /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/server.crt and /opt/bitnami/apache2/conf/server.key do not match
AH00016: Configuration Failed
I attempted installing an SSL certificate when I noticed the site was offline. Could that have caused the whole site to be offline.
Hi Bitnami Engineer here,
It seems that Apache is running properly now but the DNS is not properly configured. As you can see in this online tool, the ec2 and are set properly to the machine's IP but the domain is not
You just need to configure to point to the machine's IP
Happy to help!

Set Up Realm Mobile Platform on Ubuntu (Digital Ocean)

I just set up a new Ubuntu 16.04 Droplet on Digital Ocean and I'm following this tutorial to get a Realm Object Server running:
I have installed the service, but now I'm trying to figure out how to adjust my configuration.yml. Right now I have an IP address that points to /var/www/html on my server. I have changed all instances of listen_address in the configuration.yml file to my Droplet's IP address, but when I visit the IP address, it still shows the default landing page:
Is there more I am supposed to do either with Apache or with the Realm config to get it to point to the Realm Server's admin screens?
It looks like you're not actually hitting the Realm Object Server. This page looks like a default page for apache or something, on DigitalOcean. You need to specify the port of the server in order to reach it: http://<ip>:9080 by default.
Solution found here:
Installing an Ubuntu Droplet without the LAMP stack worked without any changes to configuration.yml.
