How to restrict/customize the Resource Group Region in ARM templates - azure-resource-manager

When we deploy a Custom template in Azure then a few parameters like Resource Group and Region are automatically popped up in the Azure portal (see the attached screenshot). I want to know how can we customize or restrict the list of regions using ARM templates.

The first "region" dropdown is for the resourceGroup's location - it's required when creating a new one, disabled when using an existing one. For a custom template, you cannot customize or remove that control unless you provide your own ui definition file.
That said, there's also nothing that requires you to use the value from that control in your deployment. If you want to use that value you'd reference it using resourceGroup().location in your template. That would allow you to remove the "duplicate" but also requires that the resources are deployed to the same region as the resourceGroup.
For your own "region" control, you can use the allowedValues property on the parameter in the template and that will restrict the items in the list to what you provide - that's the link that Jim provided in the comment above.
If you supply your own ui definition file there are more things you can do to restrict the list, but requires you to write a bit more code. This would be the starting point:
The docs talk about managedApplications, but the ui is a generic construct that you can use for template deployments, here's a generic example:
[edits post comment]
If you want to leverage the "built-in" region control you can customize the list of locations that appear there by setting the config in the createUiDefintion.json file. More on that here:


How does one implement a dexterity.membrane user and group?

On Plone 4.3.7, as per Products.Membrane & dexterity.membrane instructions, I've added a CustomMember & CustomGroup content type and assigned them the proper behaviors. After adding instances of them, going to membrane_tool, adding those types (seems this was required) to the selection of membrane content and reindexing, instances of custom member types show up in membrane_tool catalog.
However, groups do not show up (in membrane_tool catalog). Neither do the groups show up in the regular site management Users/Groups UI, but I guess that's to be expected (given they are not catalogued).
Neither can I log in using the credentials entered when adding CustomMember instances.
What additional steps are there to make custom Dexterity-based Users & Groups work? Is the group assignment done by containment (ie. a CustomUser must be added inside a CustomGroup) or via some other mechanism? And how are roles assigned?
P.S. I've also tried out the example member content type provided by dexterity.membrane, but trying to add that results in an error.
The default implementation expects the membrane user to have a "enabled" workdflow state.

symfony dynamically add translation based on condition

I'm searching for a way to add a translation to an existing translation catalogue during runtime.
I have a working symfony 2.3 application which uses translations in de/en/fr/it and fetches all available translation keys from /Resources/translations/messages..yml.
Now if a user logs in I want to have the possibility to override some of the already loaded labels based on setting for that user (e.g. textfield in DB which holds key-value-pairs).
messages.en.yml Company profile
Usersetting: Profile for company
I found no way to add/override keys to the existing catalogue or to make them available in twig. Is there a Bundle or a setting or some Symfony magic to get this to work?
You'll probably want to extend Symfony's own translation class for this. This article explains how to do that:
The key point is to override the "translator.class" parameter in your config, and then point it to your own class that first checks for database overrules and will defer to the symfony default implementation if it cannot find one.

Creating blank dummy Components which contain mandatory Fields with the SDL Tridion 2011 Core Service

I wanted to create a blank Component in SDL Tridion 2011 using the Core Service. The only information I have at the start of the process is the Schema URI. The Schema may contain any kind of field (text, rtf, number date, embedded etc), some of which may be mandatory.
I understand that for the mandatory fields, I will need to save some dummy value in them, and this is acceptable as they will be changed manually later.
How can i achieve this?
First - you make sure all fields are set to optional in the schema, otherwise this will never work.
Second - You save.
When an optional field has no value, it will have no XML representation. If you have a schema that defines a component like this:
When all fields are optional and you save a value in Field 2, Tridion will store the following:
<Content xmlns="yourNamespace"><Field2>SomeValue</Field2></Content>
If one of your fields is not mandatory, then you'll have to provide a value. If you're using the CoreService then you can use ReadSchemaFields class to get the fields and some information about them - what type, mandatory/optional, etc.
Looking at your question/requirement to understand what you're exactly looking for, so we can answer the best possible and relevant.
Are you asking for "How can you write a generic code for component creation using core service?" instead of creating a component with a specific schema knowing all the fields upfront.
If that is what you are looking for, here is what you need to do:
You need to read the schema fields with CoreService (since you know the schema URI)
Now you know what type of fields (embedded/component link etc) you need to create content for
use the links pointed by "Puf" in his answer.
Please note that, if the field is marked as required in Tridion Schema you must have to fill a value and it has to match the field type defined in schema.
Reading schema fields via Core Service sample code can be found here
Updating a Component's field through the Core Service is already answered here: Updating Components using the Core Service in SDL Tridion 2011
That post points to a helper class you can find here: Updating Components using the Core Service in SDL Tridion 2011
If those don't help you in creating a Component, I suggest you post your code instead of asking us to write it for you.
We ask about use case, because code to fill in specific fields for a specific schema only works in one environment. Code that can automatically determine fields is re-usable.
If the use case is for an Tridion setup that has Inline Editing (Experience Manager or SiteEdit), then the correct approach is content/component types. These define a reference component with "junk defaults," instructions to the author, and even save location context.
If the use case is to allow authors the ability to create dummy components, this is out-of-the box with:
One-time setup required to create a "reference component." Of course we can mimic this behavior (in case "Copy of Untitled" isn't an appropriate name) by copying items with the core service.
In that case, I'll also do a copy--see a general solution for creating Tridion items using the Core Service.
Fields that require a default can have an actual default in the schema.
"Junk values" don't help authors much, always consider good defaults such as an appropriate selection or instructions in the case of fields (maybe). A 10 second change costs development practically nothing, but impacts all future components and the authors that create them.

drupal-----views(how to know the fields name)

how to know the field variable name when output by views. eg:now, i want to overwrite a field's output, the name which i added is field_hello. but i don't know what's the variable name of it? namely how to print the variable in views-view-field--field_hello.tpl.php
In the Views UI, under "Basic settings", you can click "Theme: Information" to get a list of what template files are currently being used and what file names can be used. You'll find all the default templates within your views/theme/ directory. If you copy one of those to create your custom template, e.g. views-view-field.tpl.php, you'll see they're heavily documented with all the variable names available. For field templates, you have $view, $field, $row, and $output. Depending on whether you want the pre-processed value or the processed value, you probably want $field or $output.
Using Theme Developer (formerly part of Devel), you can inspect a page and see what variables get passed to it and use them in your own templates.
If you talk about using a variable inside a views field: this is not possible due to security issues. Depending on the fields, there are some variables available and Vies tells you which one but you don't have easy access to ALL the variables that your template is able to process.
The simplest solution is to look inside the views module directory, views/theme/ all of these templates are the default view display and contain code that prints the varibles, arrays etc that your view will generate.

Panel page URL - Need to access named arguments

I have a Panel page, which I have given a path of: books/travel-books/%city/%country/%page. The help text underneath the field says "The URL path to get to this page. You may create named placeholders for variable parts of the path by using %name for required elements and !name for optional elements. For example: "node/%node/foo", "forum/%forum" or "dashboard/!input". These named placeholders can be turned into contexts on the arguments form.", so I have named my arguments appropriately.
So now in my code, I need to get the values of those arguments. I've seen arg(0), but that requires me knowing which index the argument has. Is there anyway to access it by the name I gave it in the path? Something like arg('city')??
The reason being, that I need to have similar path arguments on many pages, and need to access the values of these in my module. But the arguments may be in different places for another page. For instance, another page might be at: flights/%city/%country. Then I want to access the city argument within the same function, but it is at a different index.
Can anyone help?
you can check for arg(0) first, see whether it is 'books', 'flights', whatever... then associate names accordingly. do it as a helper function in a custom module and call it before referencing (wherever you're referencing it).
The text that you quoted from the panels help text is referring to what panels call context.
Panels has a great use if you want to aware of what context a certain piece of content is being viewed. Fx if you had several shops with different products, you might want to control which blocks in a sidebar would be displayed, based on the shop that the product belonged to.
This is essential what context is in panels and what the named placeholdes are used for. You can be default add different kinds of context, fx nodes, users, taxonomy terms. You can then use the different pieces of context if various ways.
If panels default options is not enough, you can also create your own plugins to panels to make it handle your special cases. But it requires a lot of time to learn how panels work.
Other solutions
Using panels might not be the easiest option for you, it depends what you are aiming for. But if you don't need to make pages that is aware of the context, this would probably be a lot easier to do with views and theming. Views can handle arguments in urls very well, and it is a lot simpler to both style and configure.
In Drupal 7 you can get the arguments from hook_content_type_render
function <your plugin name>_content_type_render($subtype, $conf, $panel_args, $context) {
$block = new StdClass;
$block->title = t('test');
$block->content = 'test panel arg: '.$panel_args[0];
return $block;
Custom panel tutorial
