Generating Integer Sequences based on a Modified Bernoulli Distribution - r

I want to use R to randomly generate an integer sequence that each integer is picked from a pool of integers (0,1,2,3....,k) with replacement. k is pre-determined. The selection probability for every integer k in (0,1,2,3....,k) is pk(1-p) where p is pre-determined. That is, 1 has much higher probability to be picked compared to k and my final integer sequence will likely have more 1 than k. I am not sure how to implement this number selecting process in R.

A generic approach to this type of problem would be:
Calculate the p^k * (1-p) for each integer
Create a cumulative sum of these in a table t.
Draw a number from a uniform distribution with range(t)
Measure how far into t that number falls and check which integer that corresponds to.
The larger the probability for an integer is, the larger part of that range it will cover.
Here's quick and dirty example code:
draw <- function(n=1, k, p) {
v <- seq( 0, k )
pr <- (p ** v) * (1-p)
t <- cumsum(pr)
r <- range(t)
x <- runif( n, min=min(r), max=max(r) )
f <- findInterval( x, vec=t )
v[ f+1 ] ## first interval is 0, and it will likely never pass highest interval
Note, the proposed solution doesn't care if your density function adds up to 1. In real life it likely will, based on your description. But that's not really important for the solution.

The answer by Sirius is good. But as I can tell, what you're describing is something like a truncated geometric distribution.
I should note that the geometric distribution is defined differently in different works (see MathWorld, for example), so we use the distribution defined as follows:
P(X = x) ~ p^x * (1 - p), where x is an integer in [0, k].
I am not very familiar with R, but the solution involves calling rgeom(1, 1 - p) until the result is k or less.
Alternatively, you can use a generic rejection sampler, since the probabilities are known (better called weights here, since they need not sum to 1). Rejection sampling is described as follows:
Assume and each weight is 0 or greater. Store the weights in a list. Calculate the highest weight, call it max. Then, to choose an integer in the interval [0, k] using rejection sampling:
Choose a uniform random integer i in the interval [0, k].
With probability weights[i]/max (where weights[i] = p^i * (1-p) in your case), return i. Otherwise, go to step 1.
Given the weights for each item, there are many other ways to make a weighted choice besides rejection sampling or the solution in Sirius's answer; see my note on weighted choice algorithms.


When have enough bits of my series with non-negative terms been calculated?

I have a power series with all terms non-negative which I want to evaluate to some arbitrarily set precision p (the length in binary digits of a MPFR floating-point mantissa). The result should be faithfully rounded. The issue is that I don't know when should I stop adding terms to the result variable, that is, how do I know when do I already have p + 32 accurate summed bits of the series? 32 is just an arbitrarily chosen small natural number meant to facilitate more accurate rounding to p binary digits.
This is my original series
0 <= h <= 1
series_orig(h) := sum(n = 0, +inf, a(n) * h^n)
But I actually need to calculate an arbitrary derivative of the above series (m is the order of the derivative):
series(h, m) := sum(n = m, +inf, a(n) * (n - m + 1) * ... * n * h^(n - m))
The rational number sequence a is defined like so:
a(n) := binomial(1/2, n)^2
= (((2*n)!/(n!)) / (n! * 4^n * (2*n - 1)))^2
So how do I know when to stop summing up terms of series?
Is the following maybe a good strategy?
compute in p * 4 (which is assumed to be greater than p + 32).
at each point be able to recall the current partial sum and the previous one.
stop looping when the previous and current partial sums are equal if rounded to precision p + 32.
round to precision p and return.
I'm doing this with MPFI, an interval arithmetic addon to MPFR. Thus the [mpfi] tag.
Attempts to get relevant formulas and equations
Guided by Eric in the comments, I have managed to derive a formula for the required working precision and an equation for the required number of terms of the series in the sum.
A problem, however, is that a nice formula for the required number of terms is not possible.
Someone more mathematically capable might instead be able to achieve a formula for a useful upper bound, but that seems quite difficult to do for all possible requested result precisions and for all possible values of m (the order of the derivative). Note that the formulas need to be easily computable so they're ready before I start computing the series.
Another problem is that it seems necessary to assume the worst case for h (h = 1) for there to be any chance of a nice formula, but this is wasteful if h is far from the worst case, that is if h is close to zero.

Mixing function for non power of 2 integer intervals

I'm looking for a mixing function that given an integer from an interval <0, n) returns a random-looking integer from the same interval. The interval size n will typically be a composite non power of 2 number. I need the function to be one to one. It can only use O(1) memory, O(1) time is strongly preferred. I'm not too concerned about randomness of the output, but visually it should look random enough (see next paragraph).
I want to use this function as a pixel shuffling step in a realtime-ish renderer to select the order in which pixels are rendered (The output will be displayed after a fixed time and if it's not done yet this gives me a noisy but fast partial preview). Interval size n will be the number of pixels in the render (n = 1920*1080 = 2073600 would be a typical value). The function must be one to one so that I can be sure that every pixel is rendered exactly once when finished.
I've looked at the reversible building blocks used by hash prospector, but these are mostly specific to power of 2 ranges.
The only other method I could think of is multiply by large prime, but it doesn't give particularly nice random looking outputs.
What are some other options here?
Here is one solution based on the idea of primitive roots modulo a prime:
If a is a primitive root mod p then the function g(i) = a^i % p is a permutation of the nonzero elements which are less than p. This corresponds to the Lehmer prng. If n < p, you can get a permutation of 0, ..., n-1 as follows: Given i in that range, first add 1, then repeatedly multiply by a, taking the result mod p, until you get an element which is <= n, at which point you return the result - 1.
To fill in the details, this paper contains a table which gives a series of primes (all of which are close to various powers of 2) and corresponding primitive roots which are chosen so that they yield a generator with good statistical properties. Here is a part of that table, encoded as a Python dictionary in which the keys are the primes and the primitive roots are the values:
d = {32749: 30805,
65521: 32236,
131071: 66284,
262139: 166972,
524287: 358899,
1048573: 444362,
2097143: 1372180,
4194301: 1406151,
8388593: 5169235,
16777213: 9726917,
33554393: 32544832,
67108859: 11526618,
134217689: 70391260,
268435399: 150873839,
536870909: 219118189,
1073741789: 599290962}
Given n (in a certain range -- see the paper if you need to expand that range), you can find the smallest p which works:
def find_p_a(n):
for p in sorted(d.keys()):
if n < p:
return p, d[p]
once you know n and the matching p,a the following function is a permutation of 0 ... n-1:
def f(i,n,p,a):
x = a*(i+1) % p
while x > n:
x = a*x % p
return x-1
For a quick test:
n = 2073600
p,a = find_p_a(n) # p = 2097143, a = 1372180
nums = [f(i,n,p,a) for i in range(n)]
print(len(set(nums)) == n) #prints True
The average number of multiplications in f() is p/n, which in this case is 1.011 and will never be more than 2 (or very slightly larger since the p are not exact powers of 2). In practice this method is not fundamentally different from your "multiply by a large prime" approach, but in this case the factor is chosen more carefully, and the fact that sometimes more than 1 multiplication is required adding to the apparent randomness.

Generate N random integers that are sampled from a uniform distribution and sum to M in R [duplicate]

In some code I want to choose n random numbers in [0,1) which sum to 1.
I do so by choosing the numbers independently in [0,1) and normalizing them by dividing each one by the total sum:
numbers = [random() for i in range(n)]
numbers = [n/sum(numbers) for n in numbers]
My "problem" is, that the distribution I get out is quite skew. Choosing a million numbers not a single one gets over 1/2. By some effort I've calculated the pdf, and it's not nice.
Here is the weird looking pdf I get for 5 variables:
Do you have an idea for a nice algorithm to choose the numbers, that result in a more uniform or simple distribution?
You are looking to partition the distance from 0 to 1.
Choose n - 1 numbers from 0 to 1, sort them and determine the distances between each of them.
This will partition the space 0 to 1, which should yield the occasional large result which you aren't getting.
Even so, for large values of n, you can generally expect your max value to decrease as well, just not as quickly as your method.
You might be interested in the Dirichlet distribution which is used for generate quantities that sum to 1 if you're looking for probabilities. There's also a section on how to generate them using gamma distributions here.
Another way to get n random numbers which sum up to 1:
import random
def create_norm_arr(n, remaining=1.0):
random_numbers = []
for _ in range(n - 1):
r = random.random() # get a random number in [0, 1)
r = r * remaining
remaining -= r
return random_numbers
random_numbers = create_norm_arr(5)
This makes higher numbers more likely.

How do I sample from a custom distribution?

I have the pdf of a distribution. This distribution is not a standard distribution and no functions exist in R to sample from it. How to I sample from this pdf using R?
This is more of a statistics question, as it requires sampling, but in general, you can take this approach to the problem:
Find a distribution f, whose pdf, when multiplied by any given constant k, is always greater than the pdf of the distribution in question, g.
For each sample, do the following steps:
Sample a random number x from the distribution f.
Calculate C = f(x)*k/g(x). This should be equal to or less than 1.
Draw a random number u from a uniform distribution U(0,1). If C < u, then go back to step 3. Otherwise keep x as the number and continue sampling if desired.
This process is known as rejection sampling, and is often used in random number generators that are not uniform.
The normal distribution and the uniform distribution are some of the more common distributions to sample from, but you can do other ones. Generally you want the shapes of k*f(x) and g(x) to be very close, so you don't have to reject a lot of samples.
Here's an example implementation:
#n is sample size
#g is pdf you want to sample from
#rf is sampling function for f
#df is density function for f
#k is multiplicative constant
#... is any necessary parameters for f
function.sample <- function(n,g,rf,df,k,...){
results = numeric(n)
counter = 0
while(counter < n){
x = rf(1,...)
x.pdf = df(x,...)
if (runif(0,1) >= x.pdf * k/g(x)){
results[counter+1] = x
counter = counter + 1
There are other methods to do random sampling, but this is usually the easiest, and it works well for most functions (unless their PDF is hard to calculate but their CDF isn't).

Combining two normal random variables

suppose I have the following 2 random variables :
X where mean = 6 and stdev = 3.5
Y where mean = -42 and stdev = 5
I would like to create a new random variable Z based on the first two and knowing that : X happens 90% of the time and Y happens 10% of the time.
It is easy to calculate the mean for Z : 0.9 * 6 + 0.1 * -42 = 1.2
But is it possible to generate random values for Z in a single function?
Of course, I could do something along those lines :
if (randIntBetween(1,10) > 1)
GenerateRandomNormalValue(6, 3.5);
GenerateRandomNormalValue(-42, 5);
But I would really like to have a single function that would act as a probability density function for such a random variable (Z) that is not necessary normal.
sorry for the crappy pseudo-code
Thanks for your help!
Edit : here would be one concrete interrogation :
Let's say we add the result of 5 consecutives values from Z. What would be the probability of ending with a number higher than 10?
But I would really like to have a
single function that would act as a
probability density function for such
a random variable (Z) that is not
necessary normal.
Okay, if you want the density, here it is:
rho = 0.9 * density_of_x + 0.1 * density_of_y
But you cannot sample from this density if you don't 1) compute its CDF (cumbersome, but not infeasible) 2) invert it (you will need a numerical solver for this). Or you can do rejection sampling (or variants, eg. importance sampling). This is costly, and cumbersome to get right.
So you should go for the "if" statement (ie. call the generator 3 times), except if you have a very strong reason not to (using quasi-random sequences for instance).
If a random variable is denoted x=(mean,stdev) then the following algebra applies
number * x = ( number*mean, number*stdev )
x1 + x2 = ( mean1+mean2, sqrt(stdev1^2+stdev2^2) )
so for the case of X = (mx,sx), Y= (my,sy) the linear combination is
Z = w1*X + w2*Y = (w1*mx,w1*sx) + (w2*my,w2*sy) =
( w1*mx+w2*my, sqrt( (w1*sx)^2+(w2*sy)^2 ) ) =
( 1.2, 3.19 )
link: Normal Distribution look for Miscellaneous section, item 1.
PS. Sorry for the wierd notation. The new standard deviation is calculated by something similar to the pythagorian theorem. It is the square root of the sum of squares.
This is the form of the distribution:
ListPlot[BinCounts[Table[If[RandomReal[] < .9,
RandomReal[NormalDistribution[6, 3.5]],
RandomReal[NormalDistribution[-42, 5]]], {1000000}], {-60, 20, .1}],
PlotRange -> Full, DataRange -> {-60, 20}]
It is NOT Normal, as you are not adding Normal variables, but just choosing one or the other with certain probability.
This is the curve for adding five vars with this distribution:
The upper and lower peaks represent taking one of the distributions alone, and the middle peak accounts for the mixing.
The most straightforward and generically applicable solution is to simulate the problem:
Run the piecewise function you have 1,000,000 (just a high number) of times, generate a histogram of the results (by splitting them into bins, and divide the count for each bin by your N (1,000,000 in my example). This will leave you with an approximation for the PDF of Z at every given bin.
Lots of unknowns here, but essentially you just wish to add the two (or more) probability functions to one another.
For any given probability function you could calculate a random number with that density by calculating the area under the probability curve (the integral) and then generating a random number between 0 and that area. Then move along the curve until the area is equal to your random number and use that as your value.
This process can then be generalized to any function (or sum of two or more functions).
If you have a distribution function f(x) which ranges from 0 to 1. You could calculate a random number based on the distribution by calculating the integral of f(x) from 0 to 1, giving you the area under the curve, lets call it A.
Now, you generate a random number between 0 and A, let's call that number, r. Now you need to find a value t, such that the integral of f(x) from 0 to t is equal to r. t is your random number.
This process can be used for any probability density function f(x). Including the sum of two (or more) probability density functions.
I'm not sure what your functions look like, so not sure if you are able to calculate analytic solutions for all this, but worse case scenario, you could use numeric techniques to approximate the effect.
