.Net Core 5 WebAPI Missing ClientId in Production - .net-core

I have a WebAPI that I am able to debug/deploy in 4 different place with no code changes and it only acts different in production. On the image below, the left shows the local dev machine (both VS & IIS), the right shows the production server, both IIS, one for staging one from prod. It started out as a CORS issue I thought...I could tell headers weren't being sent and received. But as I'm digging in, I can see it starts before that. It's saying that the ClientId is not being sent (AzureAd), although it's obviously working fine on other 3 environment scenarios.
Then I used chrome://net-export/ I found in this question. As I dug in through the results of that, I went all the way to just before stopping the logging, when the error is shown and I can see that the ClientId IS BEING SENT (second image shows cleaned up from the net export file). An Access Token is being sent back as well
Response being returned
Both the request and response show up as a socket connection. I don't know enough about that to know if, or what, impact that may have
So, I've been struggling on this and am now at a complete loss. The staging and production are same server. This isn't a new production site; it's actually been up for over a year and working fine. It's managed code, running on IIS on Win 12 Server.
Here's the differences: This is after .net core upgrade. Again, works everywhere else, even on same server.
ANY IDEAS at all before I go completely bald????

UPDATE: I finally fixed this. In the web.config, I changed the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT value and it began working immediately.
This is one of those issues that are not too usual, but maybe helpful to someone in the future. The Web.Config never crossed my mind through all of this. This was simply matter of desperation at this point. I swear sometimes just asking the question is the magic. :-)


Application_Start() called twice in IIS7.5 hosted MVC 5 application

After moving all my solutions over to a newly installed machine (which makes me think this is a config issue), I am now having this problem with my MVC 5 web application(s).
When I build my web application (VS 2013), this of course regenerates all the web code and IIS will restart the application on next page load. However now it seems, when I go to my start/login page, the Application_Start() fires as expected, but when the page is submitted, before the HttpPost method is reached, the entire application seems to start again (Application_Start runs again). This second start seems to occur before the first Application_End() is called...but regardless of the sequence I have no idea why this is now an issue.
Checking the application shutdown reason in Application_End() I get the notorious vague (and apparently completely undocumented) "BuildManagerChange"...which MSDN gives some ridiculously vague description of.
Does anybody have idea why this would start after loading my development environment onto a new machine. Both machines are Win7 Pro running IIS7.5, and I believe the IIS config is identical to the old one (though, apparently not??). The source code/web.config/etc has not changed between machines.
The only documentation I could find on this issue was in regards to using IISExpress, however I am using the standard IIS7.5 installed with Win7 pro.
Edit: After removing all custom code from the entire startup of the site, and reverting my LoginController back to it's original simple form (no custom code), this still occurs.
Well, wasting 2 days on this was fun! But, this was resolved. Running procmon showed that hash.web was being accessed by mcshield.exe (McAfee AV). Apparently the live "on access scanner" checks the asp.net cache, and somehow IIS is aware of this and thinks it needs to rebuild the site again. For some reason McAfee does not check it after this first time so it functions normally after a second build/restart. I added a scanner exclusion to the c:\Windows\Microsoft.NET folder, and that seems to have solved the issue. –
A bit late to the party, but maybe it'll help someone. For me it was because I accidentally mapped two IIS sites to one directory. This resulted in two IIS background worker tasks and Application Application_Start() being called twice even though the second site was marked as "Stopped" in IIS.

A custom proxy yields Incompatible magic value 1012089682

I have a custom http proxy that one worked. I have made some changes to its authentication process. And now when I try to launch an applet I get "Incompatible magic value 1012089682 in class file ...". Regular html files are transferred without any errors.
In my other web research I found this article http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?t=313827 discussing an ascii vs binary transfer issue.
My problem with debugging this is that the get of the jar file doesn't show up in tamper data on the browser nor in the access log of the webserver containing the proxy, nor in my proxy error log. So I am some what baffled. any help in how to get more information to solve this would be appreciated.
The technology is antique, but the company doesn't want to pay for upgrades. The proxy is an NSAPI plugin running in IWS 6 (SunOne webserver)
Thank you.
There was indeed a bug in my proxy code. I am not exactly sure what caused the symptoms described above, but fixing the code so that it didn't re-authenticate every time fixed my issue.

Why attach debugger to IIS instance

It may be a silly question but why one would like to attach debugger to IIS instance?
These SOs
Attach Debugger to IIS instance
How do I attach the debugger to IIS instead of ASP.NET Development Server?
show you how to do it but could you let me know what are the benefits of doing this?
One time, in my entire career, we had a web app that started getting strange errors that had us baffled. We tried a dozen things to try and figure out what was wrong, but we were panicking and needed an answer immediately. So, we attached a debugger to the production instance and set up a few watch/break points. It helped us track down the errors and fix the problem.
Naturally, it hung the server during our debugging session, and made people mad, but no more mad than they already were, because of the problem we had.
It would not have been necessary if the code had been written better, with error logging and diagnostic points. I don't expect to ever do it again.
Apart from TimG's post a couple of reasons I can think of are:
To debug the application in a closer representation of its
production environment
To debug on a remote machine
Example, like #TonE #1 -- in order to test a deployed website (with web.config transformations) locally, like if you can't remote debug a live website or just need to test config transforms (since you can't run them in-place):
Open site project from C:\Dev\AwesomeWebSite\AwesomeWebSite.sln
Publish the site to a local folder C:\Webs in Release mode (or Whatever mode)
Set up a local IIS website pointing at the published project
Do stuff on the locally-deployed version (e.g. browse pages, make webservice calls, etc)
Attach VS to w3p.exe (appropriate instance) in order to debug the deployed version
You might be able to effectively do the same thing by instead pointing the Project at your IIS website per this answer.

ASP.NET 2.0 application never loads

I have an application that runs perfectly fine locally using the VS 2010 application server, however, when I deploy to our web app machine startup just spins and spins and never loads. We have other apps on this same machine that load just fine (this is a debug deployment of same app in product).
I have been spinning my wheels on this for days and I am at a loss as the problem could be.
Here is what I did
Create a new directory (same level as other apps)
Copied over our existing test (www.domain/test/) and it works fine
Build and publish new debug app (www.domain/test/) and it just spins trying to load first form.
I know the diretory is "working" as the 'test' application I put there works fine.
If it's killing the App pool, you might get something in the event log. Fiddler (www.fiddlertool.com) is great http debug tool which let you see if you're in a redirect loop. Also Firefox shows a more meaningful error, something about exceeding the max redirect count.
It does sound like something is looping, but not quick enough to cause a stack overflow, which is odd, because you'd expect it to fail every time.
Do you have the ability to remote desktop into the machine? If so try running process explorer and look at the process details for the worker process that is giving you issues. Definitely look at the TCP connections being created. If your processor is pegged at 100%, and memory usage is rising then you probably have an endless loop running.
It sounds like it's more related to IIS than ASP.NET. What about the identity that the website is running under? Is it possible that the user the site's running under a bad user, or maybe the password needs to be re-entered?
I did a quick Bing search
There are a lot of postings regarding the error message you described above. Most if not all point to code in your app that is crashing. I know I had a similar problem when I used an automated/threaded daemon utility in my web application. Make sure your code is not bringing down the server, sometimes the VS2010 web server is a little more foregiving than an actual IIS deployment.
If that doesn't work try running a Remote Debugging Session to try and catch any errors being thrown but not handled.
Lastly you could try to setup a new local IIS server to see if you have the same problems. Scott Gu has a nice article about using IIS Express to do this.

WebService Debug Synchronization (why do my breakpoints give the message "The source code is different from the original version"?)

I'm fairly new to web service development, and I am really confused about how ASP.Net Development Server synchronizes with code during debug mode. When I make changes to my service, I cannot figure out how to propigate those changes so that my client can "see" them (I've been able to synchronize through a stumbling series of publishing the service, viewing the service in browser, etc... but I have a feeling there's a more reliable system than my random ritual).
Here are the symptoms I'm seeing: After I've made a change to the code behind my service (Service1.svc.cs), started the application through the debugger and attached the debugger to the WebDev.WebServer.exe process as well, my latest changes are not executed, and my breakpoints are not hit (they have the message that
"The source code is different from the original version."
What really baffles me, though, is that when the ASP.Net Development Server notification pops up in my system tray, its physical path points to my project folder, so I don't understand how it could be looking at anything but my current code files.
I do not like to play with knives but the only thing that worked for me involves editing the .csproj file itself. So, unload the project file, edit it by cutting and pasting the three asp.net files so that they are together in the ItemGroup. However, sometimes it is necessary to go further as explained here: http://carnotaurus.tumblr.com/post/4130422114/visual-studio-debugging-issue-with-files-of-the-same - Also, I give a list of other proposed solutions that did not work for me. I hope it helps.
