A custom proxy yields Incompatible magic value 1012089682 - http

I have a custom http proxy that one worked. I have made some changes to its authentication process. And now when I try to launch an applet I get "Incompatible magic value 1012089682 in class file ...". Regular html files are transferred without any errors.
In my other web research I found this article http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?t=313827 discussing an ascii vs binary transfer issue.
My problem with debugging this is that the get of the jar file doesn't show up in tamper data on the browser nor in the access log of the webserver containing the proxy, nor in my proxy error log. So I am some what baffled. any help in how to get more information to solve this would be appreciated.
The technology is antique, but the company doesn't want to pay for upgrades. The proxy is an NSAPI plugin running in IWS 6 (SunOne webserver)
Thank you.

There was indeed a bug in my proxy code. I am not exactly sure what caused the symptoms described above, but fixing the code so that it didn't re-authenticate every time fixed my issue.


Understanding SVN's WebDAV client protocol

I am trying to use svnjs to implement a client SVN on the web. However, the library is not finished, and doesn't work at all. So I've decided to fix it.
For example, when I add a file and commit it I get a 409 Conflict error when uploading the new file. I have found this documentation of WebDAV usage in SVN, although it seems unfinished.
The new file is created within the resulting working collection using a PUT request.
That's all it says. It tells anything about which headers I must include, etc.
So, I have two options/questions:
Where can I find more detailed documentation of WebDAV-SVN?
There are plenty of SVN clients on Windows/Linux. Is there a tool to inspect outgoing and incoming traffic from that specific app, in order to see working examples?
Many thanks in advance!
Thanks to #bahrep 's comment, i found some documentation about how WebDAV/DeltaV works. Here are the links, if anyone is interested:
WebDAV: http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc4918.html
DeltaV: http://www.webdav.org/specs/rfc3253.html
In my case, I discovered that when receiving a 409 Conflict, the server had to tell me the reason. From there, I have been able to dig a little more into the errors, and finally solve it.
I haven't pushed the working svnjs yet (it was for another project), but I may at one time push it in https://github.com/royalmo/svnjs . If you come from the future and you're still interested, you may go check that repository.

.Net Core 5 WebAPI Missing ClientId in Production

I have a WebAPI that I am able to debug/deploy in 4 different place with no code changes and it only acts different in production. On the image below, the left shows the local dev machine (both VS & IIS), the right shows the production server, both IIS, one for staging one from prod. It started out as a CORS issue I thought...I could tell headers weren't being sent and received. But as I'm digging in, I can see it starts before that. It's saying that the ClientId is not being sent (AzureAd), although it's obviously working fine on other 3 environment scenarios.
Then I used chrome://net-export/ I found in this question. As I dug in through the results of that, I went all the way to just before stopping the logging, when the error is shown and I can see that the ClientId IS BEING SENT (second image shows cleaned up from the net export file). An Access Token is being sent back as well
Response being returned
Both the request and response show up as a socket connection. I don't know enough about that to know if, or what, impact that may have
So, I've been struggling on this and am now at a complete loss. The staging and production are same server. This isn't a new production site; it's actually been up for over a year and working fine. It's managed code, running on IIS on Win 12 Server.
Here's the differences: This is after .net core upgrade. Again, works everywhere else, even on same server.
ANY IDEAS at all before I go completely bald????
UPDATE: I finally fixed this. In the web.config, I changed the ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT value and it began working immediately.
This is one of those issues that are not too usual, but maybe helpful to someone in the future. The Web.Config never crossed my mind through all of this. This was simply matter of desperation at this point. I swear sometimes just asking the question is the magic. :-)

Does version need to be live to check if TrustManager error is fixed?

I'm experiencing the problem
Your app is using an unsafe implementation of the X509TrustManager
interface with an Apache HTTP client, resulting in a security
vulnerability. Please see this Google Help Center article for details,
including the deadline for fixing the vulnerability.
I needed to break my app's code to (i think) fix the problem. I need to know if the change is working, if so I'll fix the other problems the fix caused. If I upload the build to production using timed publishing but don't make the build live will it tell me if the error affects that build # in the popup error message?
Builds submitted using timed publishing will be flagged if they are affected.

FLEX/amfPHP ActionScript error 2048

Sorry about the mishmash of words in the title, but that's how confused I am. I can't even summarize the error I'm getting in a simple sentence.
This flex/amfphp application works fine on my computer, even though it accesses an Oracle database on another server. However, when I try to access it from another computer, this is the error I get. I'll try and put the most relevant code in. (My browser tell me this is an ActionScript error).
Fault faultString="Send failed"
faultDetail="Channel.Security.Error error Error #2048: Security Area Violation..
Couldn't load data from http://localhost/.../amfphp/gateway.php
As I said before, it works on my machine for some reason. Now, when I try to access this remotely from other machines, it seems that the PHP engine is looking for gateway.php on the localhost of that machine?? Does this mean that PHP is looking for gateway.php on the client's localhost rather than on the server??
Correct me if I'm wrong, and thanks in advance
Your services-config.xml in Flex propably points to http://localhost/.../amfphp/gateway.php
You'll need to change the endpoint in that XML file and recompile the application.
You could also create your ChannelSet at runtime. In that case you don't need the services-config.xml anymore. Take a look at http://raghuonflex.wordpress.com/2008/06/05/endpointatruntime/ for some inspiration...

Preventing UNC Share error at build time

At work we have a bunch of sites hosted on our development server. The folder containing all these sites is mapped as a network drive.
In VisualStudio I open the root of the site as a WebSite and when I build the site I alwys get this error.
Error 4 An error occurred loading a configuration file: Failed to start monitoring changes to
'I:\Sitename\wwwroot\' because the
network BIOS command limit has been
reached. For more information on this
error, please refer to Microsoft
knowledge base article 810886. Hosting
on a UNC share is not supported for
the Windows XP
Platform. I:\Sitename\wwwroot\web.config
I've checked out the KB article and made the registry changes it suggests but this didn't help.
Does anyone know of a fix or workaround for this?
Instead of using a mapped drive, use full UNC path and give your current logged in user access to that path: \\MachineName\Sitename\wwwroot\web.config
Chances are high you will get a different effect from that , especially if the Mapped drive was being mapped with different credentials.
Take a look at this hotfix: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/911272
It cures the problem
Changing the FCNMode using that hotfix doesn't always fix the problem.
I made a very detailed answer to this problem here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20710473/705198
That answer is an accumulation of all the technet, msdn, and blog reference material I could find on the subject, and what we ended up having to do to fix the problem. Disabling Jumbo Frames (HP Server NIC problems causing another error) and SMB2+ combined with the registry edits were what ended up saving us with our high traffic IIS sites. The registry edits alone only made it so the network bios limit errors would not show up as fast under normal load.
