Does PRISM for Xamarin Forms support the new Shell / URI based navigation? - xamarin.forms

I was searching for an article on the net about this, however I couldn't find anything.
Does PRISM for Xamarin Forms support the newer Shell / URI based navigation API?
Thanks in advance!

Currently, there is no support for Shell (and navigation) with Prism in Xamarin.Forms. For future investigation and news about this topic, there is an open issue on the Prism Library GitHub repository.
You can find it here, and you can also read the discussions about these topics.


Xamarin Forms Open Image in another app

I'm using xamarin forms. All I need to do is to open Image full sized with zooming and dragging. I know, that on Android I could do it using another app, "Gallery" for example.
But what should I do when developing on cross platform apps? Maybe there is a lib, that can do such things?
Take a look on ImageEdit plugin. It supports Xamarin.iOS and Xamarin.Android platforms.
This plugin will enable you to manipulate(resize,crop,rotate,monochrome) a image(png,jpg).
I've found the solution for my issue a long time ago, but forget about the answer.
For me the solution was to use the Stormlion Photo Browser. It has some nice functionality, and works with local images. For Uri you just need to use "file:///your_path_to_image" and that's it!

Use native Calling and Chat API in Xamarin forms

I am building a dating app in xamarin forms. Everything is setup like login,peoples profiles ,payments etc. But now i got stuck on implementing voice call and chat functionality.
There are many library available of native IOS and android like Sinch,Twillio they are not available for xamarin forms. Is there any way of using these library (Specially sinch api).
I tried to achieve it using binding feature available in xamarin but end up with failure. As binding feature only useful in case AAR(Android archive) or Jar library. I was looking for some example or guidance where something like calling/chat/image editor (i.e. where UI and coding involve) has been implemented in xamarin by using native API.
You can use SendBird Messaging SDK and Chat API for Mobile Apps and Websites.
It has support for Xamarin officially and It has a nuget package NOT OFFICIAL for Xamarin.Forms It's works perfectly you can download here
Additionally, you can use this sample on Github that use this nuget package.
This answer is not spam. It's only a recommendation
You can use CometChat Xamarin SDK, It fits your above requirements perfectly. It has Audio/Video call functionalities builtin along with Audio/video broadcast & screen share. For more information you can check out the documentation at the following link:

Xamarin Forms GDrive integration

Is there any Sample or blogs available which talks about Xamarin.Forms & Google Drive integration? I have read google docs and i can understand there is no official support as of now. But any alternate approach or workaround is appreciated.
As you have mentioned there is no official libraries available for Xamarin.Forms & Google drive, but you can access gdrive using .Net nugets with some more platform specific codes in xamarin.forms. I have written a blog about it read it here. Hope that blogs helps !

How to get Tweets using Twitterizer in

I am using twitterizer2 to login twitter using am able to login using twitterizer,but unable to get the tweets from my timeline which are tweeted by me and othres too.
Twitterizer is not maintained anymore and not compatible with Twitter API 1.1.
Details about Twitter API 1.1: blog
From Official page:
Will applications using Twitterizer stop working?
Not right away, no. I have no power to stop the code or binaries that
are already in use from working, nor would I want to. However, the
current version of Twitterizer uses version 1.0 of the Twitter API
which is scheduled for death in March 2013. At that time, I cannot
speak to any functionality.
What am I supposed to do now?
As I see it, you have three options: jump to a new library, make
Twitterizer your own, or roll your own.
Twitterizer source code will remain available in its current state. I
encourage you to download the source and make it your own.
If you'd rather not take that on, there are a couple of other
fantastic libraries. For example: Linq2Twitter and TweetSharp
As said above you need to find a new library compatible with Twitter API 1.1, as Linq2Twitter or TweetSharp.

How to create custom Twitter Widget with C# in ASP.NET

i need to create my own twitter widget in my website.How to get tweets from Twitter and Clear concern about the authorization properties.
There are several very good .NET libraries for communicating with Twitter.
I would recommend starting with Twitterizer (
You might also consider TwitterVB (, which is a library that I developed for .NET.
Both of these libraries have had stable implementaitons of OAuth for some time.
