How to get Tweets using Twitterizer in -

I am using twitterizer2 to login twitter using am able to login using twitterizer,but unable to get the tweets from my timeline which are tweeted by me and othres too.

Twitterizer is not maintained anymore and not compatible with Twitter API 1.1.
Details about Twitter API 1.1: blog
From Official page:
Will applications using Twitterizer stop working?
Not right away, no. I have no power to stop the code or binaries that
are already in use from working, nor would I want to. However, the
current version of Twitterizer uses version 1.0 of the Twitter API
which is scheduled for death in March 2013. At that time, I cannot
speak to any functionality.
What am I supposed to do now?
As I see it, you have three options: jump to a new library, make
Twitterizer your own, or roll your own.
Twitterizer source code will remain available in its current state. I
encourage you to download the source and make it your own.
If you'd rather not take that on, there are a couple of other
fantastic libraries. For example: Linq2Twitter and TweetSharp
As said above you need to find a new library compatible with Twitter API 1.1, as Linq2Twitter or TweetSharp.


SCORM runtime api is not getting the details it should have

We have built an LMS system and we are struggling to make it SCORM compliant. We are trying to run any SCORM package from another LMS and pass the collected data to our own LMS so that we can track the progress. We have tried SCORM runtime api and found this is the most complete and relevant api so far. The issue is that the SCORM packages we have come up with are all different and they are not emitting all the information more importantly cmi.suspend_data to runtime api. We have made two separate implementations, one downloaded from is giving up all the information including suspend_data and another downloaded from not working at all while both are SCORM 1.2 compliant and runtime api coding with js are the same.
There is a "Launch SCO" link at the top left corner of the page you need to click to kick off the experience.
I have ensured that the package from easygenerator is working by uploading that into the and it worked fine there, and I have tried hand coding the whole api thing even then it did not work. Can someone shed some light or show an working runtime api example which will work globally for all the SCORM packages.
Download link for easygenerator SCORM package (not working) -
Sample from (working) :
Sample from (not working) :

Google One-tap project status

Does anyone know what is the status of Google One-tap AKA YOLO project?
It seems like all the official documentation on One-tap is gone. The cached version states:
The beta test program for this API is currently closed. We are improving the API's cross-browser functionality and will provide updates here in the coming months.
There are quite some websites which are still using this technology, either because they were in Beta and/or whitelisted by Google.
There is a new version that addresses the feedback and issues from the beta, it's available as of 2020 Q1:
All of the prior URLs regarding one tap are all 404 errors now. Seems like it was totally canned and they are deferring to the more generic sign in integration from a website login page.
The offical document of the project has been updated. Please see the latest status there.
this time stuff gonna be the opposite > 2. Headings:
reword//06{GUIDEDLATEVIEW||2022 blank

How to access Google calendar events in Unity3D?

I'm building a VR/AR calendar in Unity, and looking for the easiest way to read calendar event data from Google and Facebook (let's just start with Google). I've tried using the Google Calendar C# API, but Unity doesn't support .NET 4.0 or above (Google Calendar API only works with .NET 4.0 and above). Unity does have a .NET 4.6 Experimental version, but in Visual Studio after installing Google.Apis.Auth etc and other packages needed in PuTTY package manager the C# code would still not recognize the imported packages below:
using Google.Apis.Auth.OAuth2;
using Google.Apis.Calendar.v3;
using Google.Apis.Calendar.v3.Data;
using Google.Apis.Services;
using Google.Apis.Util.Store;
So next I tried a different approach: I tried installing the Unity Firebase plugin. It only works for iOS and Android for now, so I started a new project just to start clean. There are only a few YouTube videos about Firebase in Unity in general, and they don't get into Google Auth, just Google Analytics and regular plain email/password, so it's been trial and error for a few weeks now. I feel like this guy, except I'm not working with a FitBit, and I don't have it figured out. Does anybody have insight on how to go about this?
More important question: If I were to get Google Auth working through Firebase in Unity, how would I go about pulling the Google Calendar event data associated with that account? Would that be back through the C# script?
Is there another way all together that I'm probably missing? Thanks for any help!
To clarify your question. The Google Calendar API supports any language that can send HTTP POST and HTTP Gets. The Google .net client library currently requires a min of .net 4.5 to run. There is currently no support in the library for unity there is an issue here which states that we will probably not support it.
That being said you can still add google calendar to your project you will just have to code your own library for it.

Facebook Connect for Qt

I am trying to use the facebook API provided by Nokia Developer:
I need to know what library or files should i include to connect to this API. And if you can provide me with any important guidelines it would be great.
Did you actually read the page you linked to? The first line has a link to the download location and the entire page is full of examples of how to use the API.
However, if you did follow the download link you'd see this:
Facebook is deprecating the old REST api upon which this library is
based on. The new api is called facebook graph api and that should be
used, the rest api breaks all the time so its not a good idea to use
it. Please look at for a Qt
implementation of the new facebook graph API
Which makes your question somewhat irrelevant.
With Qt 5, you can now use the V-Play Facebook Qt Plugin.
It wraps the native Facebook SDK around a QML item and thus has the advantage that native login functionality and the whole Facebook Graph API is available cross-platform.
There is a free sample, documentation and tutorials available here:

How to create custom Twitter Widget with C# in ASP.NET

i need to create my own twitter widget in my website.How to get tweets from Twitter and Clear concern about the authorization properties.
There are several very good .NET libraries for communicating with Twitter.
I would recommend starting with Twitterizer (
You might also consider TwitterVB (, which is a library that I developed for .NET.
Both of these libraries have had stable implementaitons of OAuth for some time.
