How to install the Heroku CLI without HomeBrew on MacOS - heroku-cli

I would like to install the Heroku CLI in my Macbook without using HomeBrew. Is there a way to do this? Perhaps by using a native command via terminal? Or some other way that does not depend on another bit of software? I have searched online but have not found a way to do so.
Note: I have had issues with HomeBrew so I no longer use it, and hope to continue installing without it. I also did a search on Stackoverflow, as well as check the suggested similar questions while composing this one.

For anyone else seeking answers: I just figured out how to install Heroku without Brew or using npm. Use the command below (it is in Heroku's instructions page):
curl | sh


How do I fix the CondaHTTPError [duplicate]

I'd like to install the pymongo library but I'm getting the following error:
(C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3) C:\Users\xxxxxxx>
conda install -c anaconda pymongo
Fetching package metadata ...
CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION FAILED for url <
Elapsed: -
An HTTP error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL.
HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way.
ConnectTimeout(MaxRetryError("HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', por
t=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /anaconda/win-64/repodata.json (Caused by
ConnectTimeoutError(<urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x000
00000054D6128>, 'Connection to timed out. (connect timeout=9.
Steps taken to resolve:
1. Update C:\Users\\xxxxxxx\.condarc file with the following:
- defaults
ssl_verify: false
2. (C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3) C:\Users\xxxxxxx>
conda config --set ssl_verify False
Additional Info:
(C:\Users\xxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Continuum\anaconda3) C:\Users\xxxxxxx>
conda info
Current conda install:
platform : win-64
conda version : 4.3.27
conda is private : False
conda-env version : 4.3.27
conda-build version : 3.0.22
python version :
requests version : 2.18.4
config file : C:\Users\xxxxxxx\.condarc
netrc file : None
offline mode : False
user-agent : conda/4.3.27 requests/2.18.4 CPython/3.6.2 Windows/7 W
administrator : False
A number of posts online simply reinstalled Anaconda, any other options apart from a fresh install?
This works a charm:-
Just copy these:-
from D:\Anaconda3\Library\bin to D:\Anaconda3\DLLs.
Execute the following command in the cmd prompt/terminal:
conda config --set ssl_verify no
I try to create a virtual env with python 2.7 with anaconda, the base env is python 3.7. I encounter the exactly same problem. It turns out that there isn't such problem with other virtual envs with python 3.7 or 3.6.
This post works perfectly to solve my problem on win7 with anaconda prompt.
It basically says you need to add the following directories into your user environment path in windows (go to Start and type in: View Advanced System Settings, then select Environmental Variables: then select Path and click Edit: finally you can click New and add a path):
C:\your_directory_to_anaconda3\Anaconda3\Library\bin -- This is the directory for openssl
If you added conda to your PATH variables, remove it and use the "Anaconda Prompt". This solved the problem for me.
I faced this issue when I tried to create environment. I solved it by first activating conda base environment by using:
conda activate base
then I created the environment
conda create -n myenv python=3.7
Check the proxy URL
Verify .condarc file
For me, the problem was with the indentation in the .condarc file.
http: http://testproxy:8080
https: https://testproxy:8080
My authenticated proxy server is configured with a domain whitelist for massive and repeated downloads so root or local sudoer doesn't need to be authenticated.
Adding is not enough as this repo redirect its traffic to
In my case, adding "" to the whitelist solved the issue.
The issue was resolved by adding a username and password to file C:\Users\xxxxx.condarc
- defaults
ssl_verify: false
I had the same problem on Windows 10-64 bit and intuitively installed the 64-bit version of miniconda. However, it results in exactly the same error above. Installing 32 bit conda installer has resolved the issue
Before installing some package (pydicom) the installation run just fine. After
it I tried to install matplotlib, but I got the same error as yours.
I tried conda config --set ssl_verify no but it didn't solve the problem so I set it again to true.
Fortunately, I had a virtual environment where I installed my packages. I closed all Anaconda prompts and tried in a new test environment. Magically, the install worked. I came back to my original virtual env and run the install again, and it worked!.
It might be that I just had to wait for some time before I could use conda install again.
One other thing I could do is remove the package that caused the problem, but I didn't have the chance to try it. If it has anything to do with some virtual environments not being affected, then one possible way to guard against this is to clone the environment before installing any new package.
Edit: I tried the same solution but It did not work. But instead of showing the error immediately, it asks me whether I want to proceed. I deactivated the env, and re-opened anaconda prompt, then did the same steps as above and worked again.
I also had the Same Issue, I resolved by installing 32 bit Anaconda Installer.
Which resolved the CondaHTTPError: HTTP 000 CONNECTION, on Windows 64 bit.
I faced this issues after "conda clean -a" on win-64.
Activating and deactivating existing conda env resolved the issue.
You might need to upgrade your openssl installation
You can download it here (Try the latest version):
My issue was simply not running the conda init command prior to attempting to create an environment.
Came across the CondaHTTP Connection error after installing Anaconda environment on a new Windows 10 computer. I tried virtually all the recommendations above unsuccessfully! Looking up the Anaconda archives ( ), I downloaded the immediate previous release .... and on installation and rebooting my PC, all is now wellscreenshot of release
In short - installing Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio solved my problem.
In more detail: upon trying a suggested solution of installing a new version of OpenSSL, the installation process told me I was missing a dependency - the Visual Studio Redistributable package. The installer led me to a direct download page of the 2017 version. I can't find that page now, but the official release of 2019 can be found here, and should work as well (found under Other Tools and Frameworks).
Uninstalling and reinstalling anaconda for all users (instead, of current user only, requires admin privileges) and activating the option to add Anaconda to PATH during the installation process, fixed the issues for me.
Thank you everyone for your responses. In my case, I found out that my Kaspersky Internet Security was blocking it the whole time. The moment I quit the application all applications were downloaded. Please check your firewall settings before trying all the above options.
I tried all of these solutions and none worked for me. After running the command
conda config --remove-key channels
in the Anaconda Prompt, everything started working for me on my next attempt.
Adding that I had the same problem on ubuntu on WSL. None of the solutions worked for me, until I realized I was working on WSL version 1 (I thought I'd already upgraded). Upgrading from WSL 1 to WSL 2 solved the problem for me.
Running following these two commands worked for me.
conda config --remove-key proxy_servers
conda clean --source-cache
I'd tried all of the advice on this and many other webpages.
In the end I broadcast a "help me Obiwan Kenobi, you're my only hope message" to a large group of people at work and one of them who used python all the time was able to help me
The trick was to set several windows environmental variables
To my company's root certificate (a .cer or .crt) which I had downloaded to a spot on my disk
You may also need to add (in my case)
(or your particular \Anaconda3\Scripts) to your path.
And then I set proxies just for good measure
note I previously copied libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll, libcrypto-1_1-x64.pdb, libssl-1_1-x64.dll, libssl-1_1-x64.pdb from anaconda3\Library\bin to anaconda3\DLLs so that could be part of the secret sauce
and it didn't work until I killed and restarted anaconda-navigator
Two steps to deal with this error.
The Anaconda prompt configures the path, to include all the necessary executable files (for instance Library\bin - On Windows, launch it with admin permission). So that you need to use it to execute conda :
Update conda with conda update conda
Exit my proxy software which solved the issue.
I would like summarize some of the proposed answers in this post and propose my experience on that. As it can be understood from the error explanation, the error is related to the connection and I strongly believe that no need to uninstall and reinstall anything if the real cause of the problem be known. My problem gone away after the system powered off and powered on again one day later. So, some possible causes and their solutions (these solutions could be tested in order based on the written bulleted order) could be as follows:
Crash in anaconda prompt:
Probable solutions:
Deactivating and activating the environment, without removing all packages or …, or
Closing/reopening the prompt (Michael Heidelberg) or
Using cmd.exe instead, perhaps
Non-responsiveness of the anaconda site:
Massive site traffics related probable issues, that could be the reason of non-responsiveness or to temporary block some IPs
Probable solutions:
Retying as recommended in the error: HTTP errors are often intermittent, and a simple retry will get you on your way. It solves my problem sometimes. or
Activate or deactivate VPNs or Proxies (like use in .condarc; see: Github sroder, Nandhan Thiravia, Vinod Sangale, Peter Lucas, Sunding Wei).
Try after a while if you have time
System firewall block the site:
That might be happened by activating and deactivating of VPNs, repeatedly or by some other works
Probable solutions:
Finding the issue in system firewall and allowing the connection in the firewall settings (ScienceJedi, Github)
Reboot, perhaps
If the aforementioned ways didn't solve the problem, testing the related answers in the following order:
Add ...\Anaconda3\Scripts, ...\Anaconda3\, and ...\Anaconda3\Library\bin to the path (talentcat, skerjj, Victor Ochieng, jankap), perhaps need a reboot after (lightarrow)
Copying libcrypto-1_1-x64.dll and libssl-1_1-x64.dll from D:\Anaconda3\Library\bin into D:\Anaconda3\DLLs (Swapnil)
I think it could be used in the first step because It is unlikely to be cause of any other problem. The reason I didn't mention this at the beginning is that the developers could placed these files in that directory during installation, too, in default, but they didn't; perhaps it had some reasons (Github).
Note: these files are for Python >3, and I didn't find them for Python 2. Perhaps they have another names.
It must be said that my problem didn't solve by this solution.
Keep your SSL stack up-to-date (kamal dua, Anaconda troubleshooting, update openssl, Abdulrahman Bres, Update to openssl 1.1.1)
I didn't recommend it at first because Its not a good idea to unset ssl verification unless you know what you are doing (Pratyush comment) and somewhere I read that it couldn't return to True again.
It must be said that my problem didn't solve by this solution, too.
conda config --set ssl_verify false
conda update openssl ca-certificates certifi

Create a New Plone addon mrbob error

I want to start developing of my first test addon. I have a problem on the basis of mr.bob. Any described ways have leaded to one result. my documentation
log image
mrbob --help
do the same answer.
After I came to the conclusion the problem is in pre-installed Python2.7 with no worked mr.bobe and bobtemplates. I do not know how to make a working set.
Looking at your traceback I guess mr.bob is not fully supporting Windows.
The readline module on Windows is not available. There's some alternatives like pyreadline.
Seems it's a know issue: see
Don't know about mr.bob, but you could alternatively try adi.devgen (disclaimer: one of my add-ons). Install it with pip:
pip install adi.devgen
And then do:
devgen addOn yournamespace.youraddonname

Does guile have a package manager?

I'd like to discover the guile ecosystem. I looked at how to install a library and I didn't find a package manager, like python's pip. Does such a thing exist for guile ?
Looks like guildhall is the closest thing to pip out there. There has been some discussion on the Guile mailing lists recently around it. The posts by Wingo, Boubekki, Zaretskii, and a few others who are heavily involved with Guile development indicate a push towards making guildhall an upstream source for something called Guix that is a more general package manager intended to be independent of platform.
If you consult the Guix list of packages you will see guile there and a number of other guile related items (e.g. guile-json, guile-ncurses, etc..). I'd give that a shot. Otherwise you're on your own and you'll have to either fall back to the OS package manager or pull down the source yourself, build, and install.
Full disclosure: I haven't tried Guix myself but I've been meaning to. I'd be very interested to see how it turns out for you so if you do go this route it'd be awesome if you could provide an update with your Guix experience.
There's also been a recent call to update the libraries page and from a quick inspection there's been some small number of updates that you may find useful.
#unclejamil This is an update of my attempt to install the guix package manager.
First of all, the links:
the official page:
the download page: (guix-the-system and guix the package manager are listed together)
Installation (Debian)
Guix needs Guile-2.0-dev and more dependencies, which are present in Debian's repositories:
apt-get install guile-2.0-dev guile-2.0 libgcrypt20-dev libbz2-dev libsqlite3-dev autopoint
Download guix. See the above links to download a binary. Or get the sources:
git clone git://
The installation goes with a classical ./configure && make && make install.
make will take several minutes and make install needs root access. If you install from source, make will build guile objects of the 346 base packages (python, zsh, abiword,…) so it'll take a long time (the database is included into guix-the-program, so we must do that. You can still tweak this list in the Makefile, at MODULES) .
Note: Your current directory must not contain non ascii characters.
Note: see also this complete tutorial, with the focus on how to install guix locally, i.e. not to run make install:
To install packages with guix, we need a running server.
The first method, for testing purposes, is simply to run the server in a terminal:
sudo guix-daemon
and the client in another one:
guix package -s "guile.*curses" # search with regexps
sudo guix package -i guile-ncurses # install. All start with the "package" command.
For the proper method, see
To be continued.
This answer is a community wiki, feel free to complete it, thanks !
I am building Guix right now and encountered the same error about not finding guile-2.0. I managed to fix it by installing the development files for guile-2.0
sudo apt-get install guile-2.0-dev
I encountered some more errors later on and it just meant I needed to install the development files for it.

dart_api.h not found when build library dart_sqlite

As i ask before, to use dart-sqlite, I must install dart-ext:sqlite first. But every time I try to build it, I found error= Can not found dart_api.h. how to fix it?
I install it on ubuntu 12.04.
Thank you
It sounds like you didn't follow the build instructions:
Either edit to point to the SDK, or set the environment variable DART_SDK.
Once you correctly point DART_SDK to the dart-sdk directory of your local Dart installation, the build system will find $DART_SDK/include/dart_api.h just fine.

Web Interface to CVS repository

Does anybody know of a Web Interface for CVS repositories.
I work on Ubuntu 10.04
UPDATE: I have found by lots of Options by Googling, but wanted to know which one(s) people use here. Will give me a heads up instead of me getting to know each & every Interface out there...
ViewVC is the interface used by SourceForge. I found a ton of other interfaces just by Googling "web CVS interface."
Within ubuntu's Apt repository, there are packages for:
* viewvc
* csvweb
Both which can be installed by typing, eg apt-get install viewvc
I use cvsweb on Solaris, but it's easily apt-get installed on Ubuntu.
is the one that i used in several projects
