phpLiteAdmin v1.9.8.2 has "SQL?" showing up all over the page - sqlite

Screenshot with SQL? everywhere.
I upgraded to the latest stable version; I tried changing themes; I've tried different hosting servers. These SQL? messages still show up. Sometimes there might only be 4 - 6 on the screen, sometimes, like the screenshot I added, there are so many, you have a hard time seeing your data.
I tried searching the site, and the web using DuckDuckGo, but, as you can imagine, searching with the term "SQL?" gives you thousands of useless pages to sift through.
I can't be the only one who has this issue, so I'm sure someone has figured out what the problem is, right???
Thanks muchly!!

Even if this question is 9 month old, i stumbled upon it while having the same issue - finally finding the solution to this:
The "SQL?"-outputs are just debug-information!
You can opt-out them in your phpliteadmin.config.php by changing
$debug = true;
$debug = false;


Lot's of data was tripled in nop commerce, customer roles, message templates, etc

a client of ours was messing around with the admin side of nopcommerce, and she found a lot of the data seems to have tripled. After lot's of searching around, I can't seem to find anyone who has had a similar issue.
One thing I noticed when initially looking at this, was that there were 3 languages (all English). Removing 2 of these didn't give any errors, but also didn't help with the tripled data. Up until now, that was my best guess as to what could be going wrong.
Has anyone else experienced anything like this, or have a greater knowledge of nopCommerce that might have an idea what is going wrong?
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Problem you installed this nopcommerce, using the wizard, many times. When you did that some records are duplacaded, because the wizard doesn`t treat it.
I've the same problem and o solve that removing it directly in database...

WordPress Meta Data Being Corrupted, Deleted, or Altered

I've got a single meta variable with a string value that should always be 0 or 1 being stored on pages. I can set it using a simple dropdown box in a metabox and it seems to work great. For some bizarre reason, it sometimes gets changed from 1 to 0 seemingly randomly. I have no clue why, and it seems to happen even on a page I wasn't editing or updating. I'm baffled and don't even know where to begin looking because I haven't figured out how to replicate the problem.
Does anyone have any suggestions to search for a possible way to replicate this or figure out the cause?
IMO: That kind of bugs only can be catch debugging. Exists a tool called mtop that allows you see at all DB actions...
More easy is to log all queries in a period of time (until you see the malfunction) Here a related issue: Log all queries in mysql. Then you only need to look closer at update actions in the appropriate table. This can be done in windows or *nix. Good luck...

Hukkster technology stack

I started using a few days ago. It is really fast and accurate.
The bookmarklet of hukkster always fetches correct price from the product page.
This happens for all the featured merchants it supports.
I was really curious to know what technology stack they might me using for such a fast and accurate response ?
I have tried to search everything I could on google. I found nothing other than Hukkster success story, Hukkster in NEWS etc.
There was nothing related to technology stuff used by Hukkster.
It is Mozenda .
Found it. Here it is:
The co-founders believed in their idea. There was just one problem–neither one knew how to code. They didn’t let that stop them. They developed a “paper prototype” that they could run without coding. They built a crawler using a data extraction service called Mozenda, and did the rest of Hukkster’s legwork with spreadsheets, emails and phones.


OK, I have been trying to write a fairly simple app for days!
My background: I've been a programmer for 30 years, but when it comes to ASP.NET, all I have is a class I took years ago, and even though it was easy for me and I was top in the class, I've forgotten a lot.
However, 80% of my issues has arisen from using MySQL. It seems like MS just doesn't like using non-MS databases very much.
Everytime I run into a new issue, it takes me hours & hours to find a solution.
There was the issue of the SQLDataSource putting square brackets around all table & field names (just the way MSSQL likes it). I got that solved.
There still is the issue of it putting a ? instead of #param-name when building the update & insert queries. The only solution I found here was to go into the code and manually correct the queries.
I still can't get parameter queries to work.
And everytime I turn around, there's a new issue that seems to point me using MySQL. I no long believe the light I htink I see at the end of the tunnel.
Now, using a RAD environment I wasn't real familiar with, I fully expected this project to take me longer. Actually I budgeted for twice as long. But something that I could have whipped out in 1-2 days in VB6, has so far taken me 2 weeks in ASP.NET. I am way behind schedule.
So, my questions are:
Should I just give up on using MySQL and convert my DB to MSSQL?
Is there a 3rd party data source control that is more MySQL friendly?
I've googled this, but couldn't find any. I even looked at Telerik's Radcontrols, who told me that all I have to do is connect their controls to the built in MS SQLDataSource, totally ignoring where my issues lie.

Bugzilla: How to get an rss feed for bug comments?

I can see where to get an rss feed for the BUG LIST, however I would like to get rss updates for modifications to current bugs if possible.
This is quite high up when searching via Google for it, so I'm adding a bit of advertisement here:
As Bugzilla still doesn't support this I wrote a small web service supporting exactly this. You can find its source code here and a running instance here.
What you're asking for is the subject of this enhancement bug:
but no one seems to be working on it.
My first guess is that the way to do it is to add a template somewhere like template/en/default/bug/show.atom.tmpl with whatever you need. Put it in custom or an extension as needed.
If you're interested in working on it or helping someone with it, visit channel #mozwebtools on
Not a perfect solution, but with the resolution of bug #255606, Bugzilla now allows listing all bugs, by running a search with no criteria, and you can then get the results of the search in Atom format using the link in the bottom of the list.
From the release notes for 4.2:
Configuration: A new parameter search_allow_no_criteria has been added (default: on) which allows admins to forbid queries with no criteria. This is particularly useful for large installations with several tens of thousands bugs where returning all bugs doesn't make sense and would have a performance impact on the database.
