Iterative eigensolver allowing initial guess and complex eigenvalues? - julia

I have a time-dependent complex matrix A(t), and I want to follow its eigenvalues over time. In other words, in the time-dependent list of eigenvalues a[1](t), ..., a[n](t), I want each entry to change continuously over time.
One approach is to find the eigendecomposition of A(t+ε) iteratively, using the eigendecomposition of A(t) as an initial guess. Since the guess is almost correct, the iteration should only change it slightly, giving the desired continuity.
I think the LOBPCG and SVD solvers in IterativeSolvers.jl can do this, because they let you store the iterator state. Unfortunately, they only work for matrices with real eigenvalues. (The SVG solver also requires real entries.) The solvers in ArnoldiMethod.jl can handle complex eigenvalues, but doesn't seem to allow an initial guess. Is there any available eigensolver that has both the features I need?


Homogeneous eigenvalue sampling of a sparse unitary matrix

I work with Julia, but I think the question is more general. Suppose that one wants to find the spectrum of a very large (sparse) unitary matrix U numerically. As is reported in many entries, diagonalizing by brute force using eigs ends without eigenvalue convergence.
The trick would be then to work with simpler expressions, i.e. with
U_Re = real(U + U')*0.5
U_Im = real((U - U')*-0.5im)
My question is, is there a way to obtain a uniform sampling in finding the eigenvalues? That is, I would like to obtain, say 10e3 eigenvalues for U_Re and U_Im in the interval [-1,1].
I am not entirely sure how uniform sampling of the eigenvalues would work, but I think you are looking for ARPACK. ARPACK would use matrix-vector products to find your eigenvalues, so I am not entirely sure if the Real/Im decomposition is required in this case (hard to say without knowing a lot about the U).
Also, you might want to look at FEAST algorithm, which would benefit a lot from the given search contour.
I am not aware of the existing linking of Julia to those libraries, but I don't think it is a problem since Julia can call C functions.
Here, I gave some brief ideas, and Computational Science might be a better place to find the right crowd. However, a lot more details about U, its sparsity, size, and what does "uniform sampling of eigenvalues in the interval" means would be required.

8 point algorithm for estimating Fundamental Matrix

I'm watching a lecture about estimating the fundamental matrix for use in stereo vision using the 8 point algorithm. I understand that once we recover the fundamental matrix between two cameras we can compute the epipolar line on one camera given a point on the other. To my understanding this epipolar line (after it's been rectified) makes it easy to find feature correspondences, because we are simply matching features along a 1D line.
The confusion comes from the fact that 8-point algorithm itself requires at least 8 feature correspondences to estimate the Fundamental Matrix.
So, we are finding point correspondences to recover a matrix that is used to find point correspondences?
This seems like a chicken-egg paradox so I guess I'm misunderstanding something.
The fundamental matrix can be precomputed. This leads to two advantages:
You can use a nice environment in which features can be matched easily (like using a chessboard) to compute the fundamental matrix.
You can use more computationally expensive operations like a sequence of SIFT, FLANN and RANSAC across the entire image since you only need to do that once.
After getting the fundamental matrix, you can find correspondences in a noisy environment more efficiently than using the same method when you compute the fundamental matrix.

What is the meaning of "Inf" in S_Dbw output in R commander?

I have ran clv package which consists of S_Dbw and SD validity indexes for clustering purposes in R commander. (
I evaluated my clustering results from DBSCAN, K-Means, Kohonen algorithms with S_Dbw index. but for all these three algorithms S_Dbw is "Inf".
Is it "Infinite" meaning? Why did i confront with "Inf". Is there any problem in my clustering results?
In general, when is S_Dbw index result "Inf"?
Be careful when comparing different algorithms with such an index.
The reason is that the index is pretty much an algorithm in itself. One particular clustering will necessarily be the "best" for each index. The main difference between an index and an actual clustering algorithm is that the index doesn't tell you how to find the "best" solution.
Some examples: k-means minimizes the distances from cluster members to cluster centers. Single-link hierarchical clustering will find the partition with the optimal minimum distance between partitions. Well, DBSCAN will find the partitioning of the dataset, where all density-connected points are in the same partition. As such, DBSCAN is optimal - if you use the appropriate measure.
Seriously. Do not assume that because one algorithm scores higher than another in a particular measure means that the algorithm works better. All that you find out this way is that a particular algorithm is more (cor-)related to a particular measure. Think of it as a kind of correlation between the measure and the algorithm, on a conceptual level.
Using a measure for comparing different results of the same algorithm is different. Then obviously there shouldn't be a benefit from one algorithm over itself. There might still be a similar effect with respect to parameters. For example the in-cluster distances in k-means obviously should go down when you increase k.
In fact, many of the measures are not even well-defined on DBSCAN results. Because DBSCAN has the concept of noise points, which the indexes do not AFAIK.
Do not assume that the measure will either give you an indication of what is "true" or "correct". And even less, what is useful or new. Because you should be using cluster analysis not to find a mathematical optimum of a particular measure, but to learn something new and useful about your data. Which probably is not some measure number.
Back to the indices. They usually are totally designed around k-means. From a short look at S_Dbw I have the impression that the moment one "cluster" consists of a single object (e.g. a noise object in DBSCAN), the value will become infinity - aka: undefined. It seems as if the authors of that index did not consider this corner case, but only used it on toy data sets where such situations did not arise. The R implementation can't fix this, without diverting from the original index and instead turning it into yet another index. Handling noise objects and singletons is far from trivial. I have not yet seen an index that doesn't fail in one way or another - typically, a solution such as "all objects are noise" will either score perfect, or every clustering can trivially be improved by putting each noise object to the nearest non-singleton cluster. If you want your algorithm to be able to say "this object doesn't belong to any cluster" then I do not know any appropriate index.
The IEEE floating point standard defines Inf and -Inf as positive and negative infinity respectively. It means your result was too large to represent in the given number of bits.

Floating point error in successive coordinate rotations

I have code (Python) that must perform some operations regarding distances between reflected segments of a curve.
In order to make the thinking and the code clearer, I apply two rotations (using matrix multiplication) before performing the actual calculation. I suppose it would be possible to perform the calculation without any rotation at all, but the code and the thinking would be much more awkward.
What I have to ask is: are the three rotations too much of a penalty in terms of lost precision because of rounding-off floating point errors? Is there a way to estimate the magnitude of this error?
Thanks for reading
As a rule of thumb in numerical calculations -- only take the first 12 digits seriously :)
Now, assuming 3D rotations, and that outcomes of trig functions are infinitely precise, a matrix multiplication will involve 3 multiplications and 2 additions per element in the rotated vector. Since you do two rotations, this amounts to 6 multiplications and 4 additions per element.
If you read this (which you should read front to back one day), or this, or this, you'll find that individual arithmetic operations of IEEE 754 are guaranteed to be accurate to within half a ULP (=last decimal place).
Applied to your problem, that means that the 10 operations per element in the result vector will be accurate to within 5 ULPs.
In other words -- suppose you're rotating a unit vector. The elements of the rotated vector will be accurate to 0.000000000000005 -- I'd say that's nothing to worry about.
Including the errors in the trig functions, well, that's a bit more complicated...that really depends on your programming language and/or version of your compiler etc. But I guarantee it'll be comparable to the 5 ULPs.
If you do think this accuracy is not going to be enough, then I'd suggest you perform the two rotations in one go. Work out the matrix multiplication analytically, and implement the rotation as a single matrix multiplication. Alternatively: have a look at quaternions (although I suspect that's a bit overkill for your situation).
What you need to do is compute the condition number of your operations and determine whether it may incur loss of significance. That should allow you to estimate the error that could be introduced.

Filtering methods of the complex oscilliations

If I have a system of a springs, not one, but for example 3 degree of freedom system of the springs connected in some with each other. I can make a system of differential equations for but it is impossible to solve it in a general way. The question is, are there any papers or methods for filtering such a complex oscilliations, in order to get rid of the oscilliations and get a real signal as much as possible? For example if I connect 3 springs in some way, and push them to start the vibrations, or put some weight on them, and then take the vibrations from each spring, are there any filtering methods to make it easy to determine the weight (in case if some mass is put above) of each mass? I am interested in filtering complex spring like systems.
Three springs, six degrees of freedom? This is a trivial solution using finite element methods and numerical integration. It's a system of six coupled ODEs. You can apply any form of numerical integration, such as 5th order Runge-Kutta.
I'd recommend doing an eigenvalue analysis of the system first to find out something about its frequency characteristics and normal modes. I'd also do an FFT of the dynamic forces you apply to the system. You don't mention any damping, so if you happen to excite your system at a natural frequency that's close to a resonance you might have some interesting behavior.
If the dynamic equation has this general form (sorry, I don't have LaTeX here to make it look nice):
Ma + Kx = F
where M is the mass matrix (diagonal), a is the acceleration (2nd derivative of displacements w.r.t. time), K is the stiffness matrix, and F is the forcing function.
If you're saying you know the response, you'll have to pre-multiply by the transpose of the response function and try to solve for M. It's diagonal, so you have a shot at it.
Are you connecting the springs in such a way that the behavior of the system is approximately linear? (e.g. at least as close to linear as are musical instrument springs/strings?) Is this behavior consistant over time? (e.g. the springs don't melt or break.) If so, LTI (linear time invariant) systems theory might be applicable. Given enough measurements versus the numbers of degrees of freedom in the LTI system, one might be able to estimate a pole-zero plot of the system response, and go from there. Or something like a linear predictor might be useful.
Actually it is possible to solve the resulting system of differential equations as long as you know the masses, etc.
The standard approach is to use a Laplace Transform. In particular you start with a set of linear differential equations. Add variables until you have a set of first order linear differential equations. (So if you have y'' in your equation, you'd add the equation z = y' and replace y'' with z'.) Rewrite this in the form:
v' = Av + w
where v is a vector of variable, A is a matrix, and w is a scalar vector. (An example of something that winds up in w is gravity.)
Now apply a Laplace transform to get
s L(v) - v(0) = AL(v) + s w
Solve it to get
L(v) = inv(A - I s)(s w + v(0))
where inv inverts a matrix and I is the identity matrix. Apply the inverse Laplace transform (if you read up on Laplace transforms you can find tables of inverse of common types of functions - getting a complete list of the functions you actually encounter shouldn't be that hard), and you have your solution. (Be warned, these computations quickly get very complex.)
Now you have the ability to take a particular setup and solve for the future behavior. You also have the ability to (if you do things really carefully) figure out how the model responds to a small perturbation in parameters. But your problem is that you don't know the parameters to use. However you do have the ability to measure the positions in the system at repeated times.
If you put this together, what you can do is this. Measure your position at a number of points. First estimate all of the initial values of the parameters, and then all of the values a second later. You can adjust your parameters (using Newton's method) to come close enough to the values a second later. Take the measurements from 5 seconds later and use that initial estimate as your starting point to refine your calculations for what is happening 5 seconds later. Repeat with longer intervals to get all of your answers.
Writing and debugging this should take you some time. :-) I would strongly recommend investigating how much of this Mathematica knows how to do for you already...
