tailwindcss and phoenix liveview.
My code look like this
<div x-data="{isExpaned: false}">
<button #click="isExpanded = !isExpaned">Parent menu</button>
<div x-show="ixExpanded">Sub menu</div>
And First loaded page, even though isExpanded value is false, it shows sub menu.
and refresh the page also shows submenu.
And I checked that x-data="{isExpanded: false}"
why is it happened?
This problem is not related to tailwindcss nor alpinejs
It relates to Phoenix liveview setup
I need to add this code to work with alpinejs and liveview together in app.js file
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket('/live', Socket, {
dom: {
onBeforeElUpdated(from, to) {
if (from.__x) {
window.Alpine.clone(from.__x, to)
params: {
_csrf_token: csrfToken
hooks: Hooks
I have this VueJS component that displays a star-shaped button
<template >
<div id="tenseFav">
<img :src="imgForFavButton">
The computed property imgForFavButton returns a different image depending on if the item is in the list of favorites or not.
computed: {
imgForFavButton() {
const isFav = this.favs.has(this.id);
return isFav ? starOn : starOff;
I want to add animation on hover, so the image is the one with the yellow star and maybe some transition effects. I am not sure if I have to do this on CSS or VueJS.
On VueJS, I have no event to control the hover natively so I have to use something like:
<div id="tenseFav">
<button #click="emisor">
#mouseover="hover = true"
#mouseleave="hover = false"
and then in the computed property use an if:
computed: {
imgForFavButton() {
if (this.hover === true) {
return starOn;
const isFav = this.favs.has(this.id);
return isFav ? starOn : starOff;
This works but it looks a bit hacky.
Is there a better way in 2022 for this kind of thing?
I feel that I will face a lot of problems trying to add a transition effect to this.
I am trying to bind jplayer on my site to mediaelement player(wordpress) that plays music on my site.
I done somethings already but I am missing something. In functions.php file I added
//Enqueue scripts
function register_scripts() {
then I added in header
<div id="WM" class="jp-jplayer"></div>
<div id="jp_container_1" class="jp-audio" role="application" aria-label="media player">
<div class="jp-type-single">
<div class="jp-gui jp-interface">
<div class="jp-controls-holder" style="width:100px">
<div class="jp-controls" style="float:left;">
<button class="jp-play" role="button" tabindex="0" style="padding:0;">p</button>
<button class="jp-stop" role="button" tabindex="0" style="padding:0;">s</button>
<div class="jp-current-time" role="timer" aria-label="time"> </div>
then I added in footer
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
ready: function(){
jQuery(this).jPlayer("setMedia", {
mp3: "https://example.com/mymp.mp3"
and now here is part that and I am struggling with. Jplayer needs to play along with mediaelement player on my site because jplayer contains file that has audio watermark on it so it will play over my music that is played over mediaelement(my theme supports it). So code that I added also in footer is:
// click on play button
jQuery('.home, .page-id-53, .page-id-29 ,.tax-download_tag, .tax-download_category, .search-results,.tax-download_tempo,.tax-download-artist').find('.mejs-button.mejs-playpause-button').on('click', function () {
jQuery(window).load(function() {
setTimeout( function(){
jQuery("#WM").jPlayer("volume", 1);
jQuery("#WM").jPlayer("play", 0);
}, 1000 );
jQuery(document).on('click', '.mejs-play > button', function() {
so for some reason jplayer is not playing that file when I click play button(mediaelement) I guess I am missing something, but dont know what, if anyone maybe knows what to do to make it play when I click on play button, but when I pause it and play it again it should play from start.
Thank you
Lets say this is start of code
// click on play button
jQuery('.home, .page-id-53, .page-id-29 ,.tax-download_tag, .tax-download_category, .search-results,.tax-download_tempo,.tax-download-artist').find('.mejs-button.mejs-playpause-button').on('click', function () {
now I need to add something to run jplayer play button
I am trying to add a class to an element depending on whether the user has clicked on a link. There is a similar question here but it is not working as I wanted it to be.
I created a component which has its own internal data object which has the property, isShownNavigation: false. So when a user clicks on the a I change isShownNavigation: true and expect my css class isClicked to be added. Alas that is not happening - isShownNavigation stays false in the component when I displayed it {{isShownNavigation}} but I can see in the console that my method is working when clicked.
I imported my header component to the App. Code is below.
Header Component
<header class="header">
v-bind:class="{isClicked: isShowNavigation}"
export default {
name: 'header-component',
methods: {
showNavigation: () => {
this.isShowNavigation = !this.isShowNavigation
data: () => {
return {
isShowNavigation: false
<div id="app">
import HeaderComponent from './components/Header.vue'
export default {
name: 'app',
components: {
'header-component': HeaderComponent
I am using the pwa template from https://github.com/vuejs-templates/pwa.
Don't use fat arrow functions to define your methods, data, computed, etc. When you do, this will not be bound to the Vue. Try
export default {
name: 'header-component',
methods: {
this.isShowNavigation = !this.isShowNavigation
return {
isShowNavigation: false
See VueJS: why is “this” undefined? In this case, you could also really just get rid of the showNavigation method and set that value directly in your template if you wanted to.
v-bind:class="{isClicked: isShowNavigation}"
v-on:click="isShowNavigation = true">
Finally, if/when you end up with more than one link in your header, you will want to have a clicked property associated with each link, or an active link property instead of one global clicked property.
I have a v-for loop where a button is created for each iteration. I'm trying to make a toggle handler where clicking the button will toggle the color of the button. But since the buttons are dynamically created, all of their colors are changing ....
<div class="pets" v-for="pet in pets" :key="pet.id">
<button class="favorite" v-on:click="toggle">
<i v-bind:class="[{ 'red' : favorited }, 'material-icons']">favorite</i>
The pets array is being filled with a http call. My script looks like this:
export default {
name: 'home',
data() {
return {
pets: [],
favorited: false
methods: {
toggle: function() {
this.favorited = !this.favorited;
The Style tag just changes the color
<style scoped>
.red {
color: red;
Essentially, I'm trying to created a favorite button where you can toggle favoriting an object from the array pets. I know why my method would activate all my buttons. Since favorited is not unique to a button and coming from the data. So when favorited = true, the class 'red' is bound to all my buttons. My question is how do I bind the class 'red' to just the button I click on? I'm relatively new to Vue and this is driving me nuts lol! Someone please tell me how I can fix this.
Add a favorited property to your pet objects in the pets array. Then use that property.
<div class="pets" v-for="pet in pets" :key="pet.id">
<button class="favorite" v-on:click="pet.favorited = !pet.favorited">
<i v-bind:class="[{ 'red' : pet.favorited }, 'material-icons']">favorite</i>
If you didn't want to modify the pet object, then here is an alternate way.
I am trying to modify the ionic angular seed application to suit my purpose. I am using links <a> with button definition for navigation. But the link is not resolving to the required view. Webstorm IDE throws the below error:
Cannot resolve anchor #/tab/deals in file tab-dash.html
The link is written as below:
[ open a tag ]
class="button button-outline button-calm" style="width: 48%;" href="#/tab/deals" >
[closing a tag]
and the relevant state routing code from App.js is as below.
.state('tab.deals', {
url: '/deals',
views: {
'tab-deals': {
templateUrl: 'templates/tab-deals.html',
controller: 'dealsCtrl'
It used to work when it was in the footer tab section. But not working when I moved it to main section under <ion-nav-view></ion-nav-view>
Not familiar with Webstorm however, you can use ui-sref directive in its place.
Replace the path name with the name of the state you want to navigate to:
<a class="button button-outline button-calm"
style="width: 48%;"