Link resolving error while modifying ionic angular tabs seed app - angular-ui

I am trying to modify the ionic angular seed application to suit my purpose. I am using links <a> with button definition for navigation. But the link is not resolving to the required view. Webstorm IDE throws the below error:
Cannot resolve anchor #/tab/deals in file tab-dash.html
The link is written as below:
[ open a tag ]
class="button button-outline button-calm" style="width: 48%;" href="#/tab/deals" >
[closing a tag]
and the relevant state routing code from App.js is as below.
.state('', {
url: '/deals',
views: {
'tab-deals': {
templateUrl: 'templates/tab-deals.html',
controller: 'dealsCtrl'
It used to work when it was in the footer tab section. But not working when I moved it to main section under <ion-nav-view></ion-nav-view>

Not familiar with Webstorm however, you can use ui-sref directive in its place.
Replace the path name with the name of the state you want to navigate to:
<a class="button button-outline button-calm"
style="width: 48%;"


Failed to register a Vue component in vuepress2

The main problem is under the after tag. You can ignore the other parts above.
I want to insert a chart (linechart) into my vuepress page.
I chose echart, use <script src="echarts.js"></script> to include it in my .md file, But failed.
[vite] Internal server error: Tags with side effect (<script> and <style>) are ignored in client component templates.
It seems that I can't use <script> in it? But I looked up Markdown and Vue SFC , It just says that you should avoid using more than one <script> in VuePress markdown. Does it mean I can use just a single <script> in .md file?
I tried to use echart vue component. Followed the tutorial, I just use register-components plugin to register it. These are my config:
const { registerComponentsPlugin } = require('#vuepress/plugin-register-components')
const { path } = require('#vuepress/utils')
export default defineUserConfig({
plugins: [
componentsDir: path.resolve(__dirname, './components')
<h1>Test my component</h1>
export default {
Isn't it a simplest component for test?
Then I add <TestMe /> to my .md file. But it failed again. The h1 title couldn't show and my web gave out a warning:
to see the warning information
I have no idea about that.

Vue 3 : disable shadow dom while using custom element

I would like to add in a non-vue application a custom element.
For that, I've created a classical SFC :
<div class="text-primary">Test</div>
export default {
name: 'test',
.text-primary {
color: red;
And then a main script :
import Test from 'test.ce.vue';
const testElement = defineCustomElement(Test);
customElements.define('test-element', testElement);
Everything is running normally with the creation of a shadow dom element :
#shadow-root (open)
.text-primary {
color: red;
<div class="text-primary">Test</div>
I would like to avoid to redefine .text-primary class in the component as this class is already defined in the main css file. I also don't need to define specific classes for this component only, so in other terms, I would like to remove the shadow dom like a classical custom element will do.
So basically, render this :
<div class="text-primary">Test</div>
Is there's any option to define in vue that permit that ?
Older question, but in case someone still needs a solution for this...
there is currently no way to tell Vue not to use the shadow-dom. In Vue 2 there was a official package for creating web-components without shadow-root. And there is a community port for Vue 3 of that:
It was only meant to help people who have just migrated from Vue 2 to keep there application working. It was never intended to replace the official solution and should only be used until the official package can handle Vue 3.
Unfortunately that never happend.
The community port still works, but the package does not contain any source code, so it is a bit scary to use.
I came up with another solution for our project. Using defineCustomElement on a more complex vue component wich is composed by a bunch of nested components reveals another problem. The css of the child components wont be copied to shadow root. So only the css of the root component will work.
You can find the related issue and a workaround with full example here:
It basically grabs the css from the head and appends it to the shadow root.
You just have to extend it to also copy your main.css, like
<div id="app" ref="injectionElementRef">
<img alt="Vue logo" src="./assets/logo.png">
<HelloWorld msg="Welcome to Your Vue.js + TypeScript App" />
<script lang="ts">
import {defineComponent} from 'vue';
import HelloWorld from './components/HelloWorld.vue';
export default defineComponent({
name: 'App',
components: {
mounted() {
const el = this.$refs.injectionElementRef as HTMLElement
const root = el.getRootNode()
const linkTag = document.getElementById('main-css-id')
root.insertBefore(linkTag.cloneNode(), el)
The downside of this method is, there is a short flicker because the css is applied after mount. You could show an empty element till css is applied to work around that.
You are using Vue as a Tool to create Web Components, but why use a Tool over Native Technology?
Tools are not better; Tools are only faster in performing a task.
And in your case the Tool does something you do not want it to do.
Using native Web Components Technology, all you need is:
.text-primary {
color: red;
customElements.define("test-component", class extends HTMLElement {
connectedCallback() {
this.innerHTML = `<div class="text-primary">Test</div>`;

x-data reset on every refresh in alpinejs with tailwind css

tailwindcss and phoenix liveview.
My code look like this
<div x-data="{isExpaned: false}">
<button #click="isExpanded = !isExpaned">Parent menu</button>
<div x-show="ixExpanded">Sub menu</div>
And First loaded page, even though isExpanded value is false, it shows sub menu.
and refresh the page also shows submenu.
And I checked that x-data="{isExpanded: false}"
why is it happened?
This problem is not related to tailwindcss nor alpinejs
It relates to Phoenix liveview setup
I need to add this code to work with alpinejs and liveview together in app.js file
let liveSocket = new LiveSocket('/live', Socket, {
dom: {
onBeforeElUpdated(from, to) {
if (from.__x) {
window.Alpine.clone(from.__x, to)
params: {
_csrf_token: csrfToken
hooks: Hooks

Vuejs SPA need to load css for ltr and rtl based on language

I'm building a website using Vue but I have 2 separate css files, 1 for normal ltr and one for rtl.
Now according to the URL or I can serve the appropriate file, based on server-side logic. However, I want this to be done on the client via Vue Router.
So that the URLs can look like this or
You could have language specific CSS inclusions <link href="..." /> from the respective components for EN and AR as shown below.
routes: [
path: '/en',
name: 'Welcome EN...',
component: WelcomeEN
path: '/ar',
name: 'Welcome AR...',
component: WelcomeAR
Do you think that would work for you ?
this is an example of conditional css loading inside a component
// change x to change color
const x = true;
code snippet of conditional css loading in vue

Choose between different style for an Ember.JS application

The issue I have is that I can't find a way to 'change' the css style within my application.
The thing that I want to access is for example: I have a red theme, but I want that the user can choose an other predefined theme, like a green, or a blue theme.
The idea is that I have different app.css, how can I change between one another, I can't find method to do so. Maybe I can do it in my environnement.js?
Any tips is apreciated.
tl;dr: How to set multiple css style in our Ember.JS app?
You can achieve this by generating multiple stylesheets, see:
I suggest using ember-cli-head to add a specific link element with the additional theme stylesheet. You could set the stylesheet in your head.hbs using the headData service.
Full Example:
var app = new EmberApp({
outputPaths: {
app: {
css: {
// app/styles/red.css
'red': '/assets/themes/red.css'
// Exclude theme css files from fingerprinting,
// otherwise your file is named `red-somehash.css`
// which we don't (easily) now at runtime.
fingerprint: {
exclude: [ 'red.css' ]
{{#if theme}}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/{{theme}}.css">
some-component.js (or Route or whatever)
export default Ember.Component.extend({
headData: Ember.inject.service(),
actions: {
setTheme(themeName) {
