Google Search Console - URL is not on Google: Indexing errors - wordpress

I'm new in search marketing.I am trying to index one of the site, while inspecting the home page url in search console, it shows "URL is not on Google: Indexing errors" and under Indexing Allowed, it shows "No: 'noindex' detected in 'robots' meta tag"
I have cross checked the meta robots robots in which found this tag
Also, in robots.txt file, nothing is blocking.
No able to understand what is wrong with the site and why Search console displaying such things in coverage issue. The site is on wordpress.
Please help me to understand this. Here is the site link -

If you get the message “URL is not on google: indexing errors” it means that Google has either removed the URL from their index because they could not access it or it's not in their index because when they first tried to crawl it was not available.


How to check search results of website on google?

I am working on a website "".
When i type datasiplus on google, i get as 3rd result this url "".
Is it normal ?
Can it be the cause for my website having unwanted popup ads ?
How to check search results of website on google?
You can see all indexed pages from your website (domain) if you go to google search and type the following is it normal?
This page is a tool to get information about a specific domain. It's estimating the value, traffic and lot more. Either this tool has automatically crawled your page or someone searched for your domain with it.
There is a form on their site, where you can request to remove your domain from here
So yes, it's normal that this is in google index because it's like a subpage of their tool and datasiplus is a keyword for both sites, yours and
If you go to google now and search for datasiplus, then you can already see your own question there.
Can it be the cause for my website having unwanted popup ads?
No, this page will not cause unwanted popup ads on your page (or any other page).
Popups like this is most probably caused by malware on your page. This may be introduced through some security holes in wordpress and / or from one of the plugins you are using.
To get started to search and remove such malware, you can start at this SO question

The URL submitted contains the noindex tag google

I have a few links that I do not want to be indexed by Google. But googleshows me the following statistics error.
The weirdest part is that I configured these links not to be indexed.
Like I set a similar rule in robots.txt for my website. But google still catches them to me like error. Can anyone help me how to solve this problem?
My site is on a Linux platform and CMS WordPress system.

Removed a page from a Wordpress live website, but it still showing up in google search

Working on a live Wordpress website deleted a page that has been published by mistake:
1- Turned the page into a Draft page, but it was still showing
2- Moved the page to Trash on the Wordpress dashboard and then deleted it permanently from the bin, but it still showing in the google search.
3-Cleared the catch, but it still showing up in google search and the link returns a 404 error.
Following up Google instruction:
Make removal permanent:
Remove or update the actual content from your site (images, pages,
directories) and make sure that your web server returns either a 404
(Not Found) or 410 (Gone) HTTP status code. Non-HTML files (like PDFs)
should be completely removed from your server. (Learn more about HTTP
status codes)
Block access to the content, for example by requiring a password.
Indicate that the page should not to be indexed using the noindex meta
tag. This is less secure than the other methods.The Remove URLs tool is
only a temporary
The first part is easy and shows the 404 error.
The second part:
Turning the page to a password protected page, now it takes me to password protected page and it is still showing on the Google search.
Also for noindex I had the following options:
Any idea why or any recommendation?
Thank you
Google search is based on indexing, it takes time to update your website's content, pages, and dependencies. Search updates are based on mechanism of Google crawlers (so called spiders). These spiders crawls your website's content and follow your meta tags and robots.txt file.
Generally, it will take about 1-3 days to get your page removed from the search results. There are no quick ways to do it as it is based on indexing. Make sure you update your Google webmasters account (just check for errors on your account which relates to a page not found).

Google Webmaster crewl server error

I have setup my website on google webmaster. As i was looking into Crwal errors i was few server errors and URL Errors.
URL Error(404):
I have a page like this /home/GetCitiesShow which. This page dosent have a physical link on my website, but i use that page as intermediate page. If i add that URL in address bar, site will display a custom page not found error which i have created.
This page show up in my google webmaster in URL Error section.
I have bunch of questions regarding this
1) How google crawled this page? Its dostn have a physical link or a physical page(.html or .asp) on site and its not in sitemap.xml.
2) IF i have maintain a custom page not found on page based on URL request , why its coming up as 404 Error on google webmaster?
3) Best practice for this error? Add it in robot.txt or handle error differently or just do something else?
There are many reasons that you are showing 404 error of some page that dones not even exit in you web sites
1. May be your domain was previously in used and already indexed in google
2. You used a theme that creates demo pages and those pages indexed automatically as Google bot always keep searching and indexing new pages in search.
Try search in google to explore all indexed page of your domain/website
you can submit request to remove unwanted url through google webmaster/search console

Detected WordPress url different to what was created

I am creating a new website in Wordpress and wrote the about page. But the url which has been detected by google webmaster isn't what I have created. I have no idea how it comes out.
The actual about page url is
The one google webmaster detected is
It also gives me an error page not found in webmaster tools.
Any suggestion on how I can solve this?
It seems that somewhere on your website the wrong URL is appearing. Check the HTML source code in the browser to find the occurrence, and fix the problem there. Otherwise just somebody entered the URL manually in their address bar.
