OCaml choose partial application parameter - functional-programming

I am making an http request using OCaml. To construct headers I have ended up with the following working code
let body =
let headers = Header.init () in
let headers = Header.add headers "foo" "bar" in
let uri = Uri.of_string "https://www.example.com/" in
Client.get ~headers:headers uri >>= fun (resp, body) ->
(* rest of client code irrelevant *)
However, lines 2 and 3 offend me (perhaps as I am very new to OCaml).
So I thought something like this would work, and be less offensive to my delicate sensibilities.
let headers = Header.init |> Header.add "foo" "bar" in
However this fails to compile as the first arg for Header.add is expected to be of type Header.t and I provide a string. Is there a language feature to choose which args to partially apply? I have seen flip that can be found in Jane Street core and Batteries which would let me use the nicer syntax; however if I understand correctly this will flip all args and I will end up passing the value first instead of the key.
Is there any way to choose which arg to partially apply? For example in Scala we can produce a function using the 'placeholder' _;
val f1 = (v1: String, v2: String, v3: String) => 42
val f2 = f1("foo", _, "baz") // f2 is a String => Int
List("a", "b", "c").map(f1(_, "bar", "baz")) // this is fine.
Thanks for reading.

First of all, these lines shouldn't really offend you, there is nothing wrong with this code, you're just refining the value of header. Imagine it is a history of the changes of the value. It is usually a bad idea to give different names to the same entity as it confusing (people who read your code may assume that you want the non-linear history of your value) and is error-prone (you can accidentally reference the wrong version of the entity).
With that said, when you have a long sequence of such assignments it becomes annoying (at least for its repetitiveness). In that case, I usually introduce a small DSL on the fly, e.g.,
let (:=) property value header = Header.add header property value
Now we can assign several properties, e.g.,
let setup = [
"foo" := "bar";
"joe" := "doe";
We now have a list of functions, and we can easily apply it to our header, with
let init_header cmds = List.fold cmds ~init:(Header.init ()) ~f:(|>)
Or, if we will put everything together,
let body =
let header = init_header [
"foo" := "bar";
"joe" := "doe";
] in
In this particular example, you can use just a list of pairs, instead of functions, e.g.,
let header = init_header [
"foo", "bar";
"joe", "doe";
] in
But the approach with functions works better as it enables assigning values of different types, as long as at the end you can refine it to a function of type header -> header.
And as a bonus track, what we have just implemented is called a Writer monad :)
Is there any way to choose which arg to partially apply? For example in Scala we can produce a function using the 'placeholder' _;
Sure, use fun, e.g.,
let headers =
Header.init () |> fun hdr ->
Header.add hdr "foo" "bar" |> fun hdr ->
Header.add hdr "joe" "doe" |> fun hdr ->
... in
or, if we will translate from Scala, then
val f2 = f1("foo", _, "baz")
will be
let f2 = fun x -> f1 "foo" x "baz"
or, even more shortly,
let f2 x = f1 "foo" x "baz"

However, lines 2 and 3 offend me
I believe that
let headers = Header.add (Header.init ()) "foo" "bar" in
is more readable than your code. Otherwise, use different names, e.g.
let bareheaders = Header.init () in
let headers = Header.add bareheaders "foo" "bar" in
Without knowing which HTTP library you use, I cannot explain the typing errors.
Did you consider using the Ocsigen framework?
Is there a language feature to choose which args to partially apply?
Maybe labels, or classes, or functors

It looks like you are using the Cohttp module. You could define an auxiliary function header that builds a Header.t from a list of key/value pairs:
# let header = List.fold_left (fun h x -> (Cohttp.Header.add h (fst x) (snd x)))
(Cohttp.Header.init ());;
val header : (string * string) list -> Cohttp.Header.t = <fun>
This is the reverse of the existing to_list function (maybe it exists under a different name, I couldn't find it). Then you can use it as follows:
# Cohttp.Header.to_list (header [("h1","a");("h2","b")]);;
- : (string * string) list = [("h1", "a"); ("h2", "b")]


currying multiple functions in parallel in F#

I'm trying to learn F# at the moment and have come up on a problem I can't solve and can't find any answers for on google.
Initially I wanted a log function that would work like the printf family of functions whereby I could provide a format string and a number of arguments (statically checked) but which would add a little metadata before printing it out. With googling, I found this was possible using a function like the following:
let LogToConsole level (format:Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T>) =
let extendedFormat = (Printf.TextWriterFormat<string->string->'T> ("%s %s: " + format.Value))
let date = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"
let lvl = string level
printfn extendedFormat date lvl
having the printfn function as the last line of this function allows the varargs-like magic of the printf syntax whereby the partially-applied printfn method is returned to allow the caller to finish applying arguments.
However, if I have multiple such functions with the same signature, say LogToConsole, LogToFile and others, how could I write a function that would call them all keeping this partial-application magic?
Essential I'm looking for how I could implement a function MultiLog
that would allow me to call multiple printf-like functions from a single function call Such as in the ResultIWant function below:
type LogFunction<'T> = LogLevel -> Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T> -> 'T
let MultiLog<'T> (loggers:LogFunction<'T>[]) level (format:Printf.TextWriterFormat<'T>) :'T =
|> Seq.map (fun f -> f level format)
|> ?????????
let TheResultIWant =
let MyLog = MultiLog [LogToConsole; LogToFile]
MyLog INFO "Text written to %i outputs" 2
Perhaps the essence of this question can be caught more succintly: given a list of functions of the same signature how can I partially apply them all with the same arguments?
type ThreeArg = string -> int -> bool -> unit
let funcs: ThreeArg seq = [func1; func2; func3]
let MagicFunction = ?????
// I'd like this to be valid
let partiallyApplied = MagicFunction funcs "string"
// I'd also like this to be valid
let partiallyApplied = MagicFunction funcs "string" 255
// and this (fullyApplied will be `unit`)
let fullyApplied = MagicFunction funcs "string" 255 true
To answer the specific part of the question regarding string formatting, there is a useful function Printf.kprintf which lets you do what you need in a very simple way - the first parameter of the function is a continuation that gets called with the formatted string as an argument. In this continuation, you can just take the formatted string and write it to all the loggers you want. Here is a basic example:
let Loggers = [printfn "%s"]
let LogEverywhere level format =
Printf.kprintf (fun s ->
let date = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff"
let lvl = string level
for logger in Loggers do logger (sprintf "%s %s %s" date lvl s)) format
LogEverywhere "BAD" "hi %d" 42
I don't think there is a nice and simple way to do what you wanted to do in the more general case - I suspect you might be able to use some reflection or static member constraints magic, but fortunately, you don't need to in this case!
There is almost nothing to add to a perfect #TomasPetricek answer as he is basically a "semi-god" in F#. Another alternative, which comes to mind, is to use a computation expression (see, for example: https://fsharpforfunandprofit.com/series/computation-expressions.html). When used properly it does look like magic :) However, I have a feeling that it is a little bit too heavy for the problem, which you described.

How can I recursively get all XElement children for an XmlProvider

I'm trying to build a dynamic type/class builder for C# using F#, from the following XML
<config target="string">
Using the code below I can parse the sample just fine
module XmlParser =
open FSharp.Data
open System.Globalization
open FSharp.Data.Runtime.BaseTypes
open System.Xml.Linq
let targetSchema = "<config target=\"string\">
type Configuration = XmlProvider<targetSchema>
The problem now is that I can't get my head around retrieving the inner parts of the about_content tag.
After parsing the actual xml using
let parsedValue = Configuration.Parse(xmlIn)
I've tried to get my head around the recursion handling in F# but am stuck at the non-working code that looks like this (e would be parsedValue.XElement)
let rec flatten ( e : System.Xml.Linq.XElement) (out:List<string>) =
if e.HasElements
then for inner in e.Elements -> flatten(inner)
else e.Name.LocalName
What I would need is a hint on how to gather the e.Name.LocalName values into a sequence/List as a result of the recursion. I could also live with having a list of XElements at the end.
The function flatten needs to return a sequence, not a single thing.
For elements with subelements, you need to call flatten for each, then concat all results:
e.Elements() |> Seq.map flatten |> Seq.concat
(note that XElement.Elements is a method, not a property; therefore, you need to add () to call it)
For a single element, just return its name wrapped in a single-element sequence:
Seq.singleton e.Name.LocalName
Putting it all together:
let rec flatten (e : System.Xml.Linq.XElement) =
if e.HasElements
then e.Elements() |> Seq.map flatten |> Seq.concat
else Seq.singleton e.Name.LocalName
(also note that I have removed your out parameter, which, I assume, was meant to be not a parameter, but an attempt to declare the function's return type; it can be omitted; for reference, function return type in F# is declared after the function's signature with a colon, e.g. let f (x:int) : int = x + 5)
If you prefer a more imperative-looking style, you can use the seq computation expression. yield will yield a single element, while yield! will have the effect of yielding each element of another sequence:
let rec flatten (e : System.Xml.Linq.XElement) =
seq {
if e.HasElements then
for i in e.Elements() do
yield! flatten i
yield e.Name.LocalName

Function with an arbitrary number of arguments in F#

I want to write a function that will take an arbitrary number of (curried) arguments and simply print them out (or perform some other unspecified action with them). Here is what I have come up with:
let print arg =
let rec print args arg =
if not (FSharpType.IsFunction(typeof<'t>)) then
printfn "%A" args
print (box arg::args)
print []
When I try to compile this I get the error The resulting type would be infinite when unifying ''t' and ''a -> 't.
I know I could just pass the arguments as a list, but I am trying to develop an API of sorts where this would be a useful idiom to have.
Is there some clever compiler trick to make such a function possible in F# or is it a lost cause?
It seems that the two branches of the inner print want to return different types: the "then" part wants to return 't, but the "else" part wants to return 'a -> 't, where 't is necessarily the same in both branches. That is, your function tries to return either its own return type or a function from another type to its own return type. Such combined return type would, indeed, be infinite, which is in perfect accordance with what you set out to do - namely, create a function with infinite number of arguments. Though I do not know how to formally prove it, I would say this is indeed impossible.
If your goal is to simply create a list of boxed values, you could get away with defining a few infix operators.
let (<+>) a b = a # [(box b)]
let (<&>) a b = [(box a); (box b)]
let xs = 5 <&> "abc" <+> 3.0 <+> None <+> true
>> val xs : obj list = [5; "abc"; 3.0; null; true]
Alternatively, with carefully chosen operator precedence, you can apply a function (but then you'll need a terminator):
let (^>) a b = (box a)::b
let (<&>) f xs = f xs
let print xs = sprintf "%A" xs
let xs = print <&> 5 ^> "abc" ^> 3.0 ^> None ^> true ^> []
>> val xs : string = "[5; "abc"; 3.0; null; true]"

How to convert a string to integer list in ocaml?

I need to pass two list as command line arguments in ocaml.
I used the following code to access it in the program.
let list1=Sys.argv.(1);;
let list2=Sys.argv.(2);;
I need to have the list1 and list2 as list of integers.
I am getting the error
This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type
int list
while processing.
How can I convert that arguments to a list of integers.
The arguments are passed in this format [1;2;3;4] [1;5;6;7]
Sys.argv.(n) will always be a string. You need to parse the string into a list of integers. You could try something like this:
$ ocaml
OCaml version 4.01.0
# #load "str.cma";;
# List.map int_of_string (Str.split (Str.regexp "[^0-9]+") "[1;5;6;7]");;
- : int list = [1; 5; 6; 7]
Of course this doesn't check the input for correct form. It just pulls out sequences of digits by brute force. To do better you need to do some real lexical analysis and simple parsing.
(Maybe this is obvious, but you could also test your function in the toplevel (the OCaml read-eval-print loop). The toplevel will handle the work of making a list from what you type in.)
As Sys.argv is a string array, you need to write your own transcription function.
I guess the simplest way to do this is to use the Genlex module provided by the standard library.
let lexer = Genlex.make_lexer ["["; ";"; "]"; ]
let list_of_string s =
let open Genlex in
let open Stream in
let stream = lexer (of_string s) in
let fail () = failwith "Malformed string" in
let rec aux acc =
match next stream with
| Int i ->
( match next stream with
| Kwd ";" -> aux (i::acc)
| Kwd "]" -> i::acc
| _ -> fail () )
| Kwd "]" -> acc
| _ -> fail ()
match next stream with
| Kwd "[" -> List.rev (aux [])
| _ -> fail ()
with Stream.Failure -> fail ()
let list1 = list_of_string Sys.argv.(1)
let list2 = list_of_string Sys.argv.(2)
Depending on the OCaml flavor you want to use, some other library may look more interesting. If you like yacc, Menhir may solve your problem in a few lines of code.

OCaml: how to use user defined types as key for Map.Make?

I have the following code which I intend to create a Map with self defined types variable and location. I understand that the key type should be ordered (some comparator function). How shall I add these rules to make this work? Also, I find the code ugly here. Do I really need the ;; at the end of a type and module?
type variable = string;;
type location = int;;
module LocationMap = Map.Make(variable);;
module EnvironmentMap = Map.Make(location);;
This is the rest of my code:
type variable = Variable of string
type location = Location of int
module LocationMap = Map.Make(struct type t = variable let compare = compare end)
module EnvironmentMap = Map.Make(struct type t = variable let compare = compare end)
(*file read function*)
let read_file filename =
let lines = ref [] in
let chan = open_in filename in
while true do
lines := input_line chan :: !lines
with End_of_file ->
close_in chan;
List.rev !lines
(*get the inputs*)
let inputs = read_file Sys.argv.(1) in
for i = 0 to List.length inputs - 1 do
Printf.printf "%s\n" (List.nth inputs i)
This has a syntax error. I am not sure why.
I make this work with the following edit:
type variable = Variable of string
type location = Location of int
module LocationMap = Map.Make(struct type t = variable let compare = compare end)
module EnvironmentMap = Map.Make(struct type t = variable let compare = compare end)
(*file read function*)
let read_file filename =
let lines = ref [] in
let chan = open_in filename in
while true do
lines := input_line chan :: !lines
with End_of_file ->
close_in chan;
List.rev !lines
(*get the inputs*)
let () =
let inputs = read_file Sys.argv.(1) in
for i = 0 to List.length inputs - 1 do
Printf.printf "%s\n" (List.nth inputs i)
Sorry for the long list of questions, what does let () = do here? Is it true that when I define a function with let, I do not need in?
When applying the Map.Make functor, you need to supply a struct containing your type and a compare function:
module LocationMap =
Map.Make(struct type t = variable let compare = compare end)
module EnvironmentMap =
Map.Make(struct type t = location let compare = compare end)
You never need to use ;; in compiled code. It's only required when using the toplevel, to tell it when it should evaluate what you've typed in so far.
Some people do use ;; in compiled code, but you never need to do this and I personally never do. There is always a way to get the same effect without using ;;.
The let compare = compare binds the pre-existing OCaml function compare (the infamous polymorphic comparison function) to the name compare inside the struct. So, it creates a Map that uses polymorphic compare to do its comparisons. This is often what you want.
I created a file containing your definitions (without ;;) and the above code, then compiled it with ocamlc -c. There were no syntax errors. I'm positive you don't need to use ;;, as I've written many many thousands of lines of code without it.
Note that I'm not saying that if you remove ;; from syntactically correct OCaml code, the result is always syntactically correct. There are a few idioms that only work when you use ;;. I personally just avoid those idioms.
Update 2
A let at top level of a module is special, and doesn't have an in. It defines a global value of the module. OCaml treats every source file as a module (for free, as I like to say), with a name that's the same as the source file name (capitalized).
You can actually have any pattern in let pattern = expression. So let () = ... is completely normal. It just says that the expression has unit type (hence the pattern matches).
