TCP WiFi python-arduino communication problem - tcp

I try to steer a drone with a joytick from pc over WiFi. On board I have an Aruino like board called Particle Photon. I want to send 3 floats (pitch, roll, throttle) via TCP and I contocted this sort of thing:
On the PC - python - client side of things, it just sends this with 20 FPS/50ms frequency:
s.sendall(bytearray(struct.pack("f", float(-20*axis0))))
s.sendall(bytearray(struct.pack("f", float(20*axis1))))
s.sendall(bytearray(struct.pack("f", float(axis2))))
except socket.error as e:
print("error while sending :: " + str(e))
where s is my socket.
On the server-drone side I have this:
if (myIMU.delt_t >= 25)
if (TCPcomms && client.connected()){
// Check for 12 bytes (3 floats) from joystick input --
// if we have them, update roll, pitch and throttle references
if(client.available() >= 12){
byte tempBuff[4];
float newInput[3];
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
tempBuff[i] =;
newInput[j] = *((float*)(tempBuff));
roll_reference = newInput[0];
pitch_reference = newInput[1];
throttle_reference = newInput[2];
Drone loop works a lot faster hence the time check at the top (no need to check too often).
Now, I print-debugged it on slower speeds and everything seems fine. Whenever there are 3 floats ready, drone code reads them, if not it just continues.
But half the times I try to run it with normal speeds Particle board just checks out after some time and disconnects entirely. Apparently it does that whenever there is any problem, but it doesn't make a good job of communiocating what it is...
Earlier I also had a mechanism that disconnects after X seconds but it also dropepd connections often. I checked with Wireshark that it always coincided with retransmitting packets.
I guess my question is is it WiFi/TCP's fault and it's just not good for this type of a task or am I doing something stupid? Did anyone have a simillar issue with Arduino or Particle?


In Arduino, how do you write to port when port is a variable?

Examples of writing to a port seem to always use the port number as a constant, eg,
OCR2A = 180;
How do you write to the port when the port is unknown until run time. For example,
int port = (buttonPressed) ? 0x3b : 0x3c;
portWrite( port, 180 );
What I cannot find is the funtion portWrite(). Does something like that exist?
Robert's answer has some imprecise assertions and an incomplete answer.
Writing directly to port registers you can ruin other settings of the port and sometimes cause permanent damage to controller.
Can ruin other settings: true, you have to know what you are doing (for instance what pins are on the port you are manipulating, and know what are the functions you want to keep.
Can cause permanent damage: not really, or better not because of the port manipulation. If you wire a short circuit to ground and then set it as an output to 1, you can damage it whether you are using the port register or the digitalwrite. You have to be careful in both ways.
Now, returning to your problem, the enumeration is one way, but since the PORTB, PORTC, PORTD are just short name for values, you can set a variable and then use it to indirectly access it.
The type for this kind of variable is a volatile pointer to a byte (volatile means that write and read operations cannot be optimized by the compiler, since the value can change even between two operations):
volatile uint8_t *variablePortRegister;
You just have to load it with the address (so with the & symbol) of the register you want to change:
variablePortRegister = &PORTC;
then use the pointer to change the value
PORTC = 0x12;
(*variablePortRegister) = 0x12;
This is a short example. For it to work, connect a LED with resistor on arduino pin 5 (bit 5 of PORTD). The LED on the board (labeled L) is connected to pin 13 (bit 5 of PORTB).
The sketch will make one of the two leds blink for five times, then switch to the other. Only port manipulation instructions are used, and you can find that the way to read the port is the same as the one to write it.
volatile uint8_t *myportreg;
unsigned long lastTime;
uint8_t counter;
void setup() {
DDRB |= 0x20;
DDRD |= 0x20;
PORTB = 0;
PORTD = 0;
counter = 99; // trigger the register change immediately
void loop() {
if (counter >= 10)
counter = 0;
if (myportreg == &PORTD)
myportreg = &PORTB;
myportreg = &PORTD;
if ((millis() - lastTime) > 500)
lastTime = millis();
// change bit 5 of register
*myportreg = 0x20 ^ (*myportreg);
EDIT: as Robert pointed out, it's much better to "use" just the pins you need (in this case, bit 5 of port B and D) rather than setting the whole port; this way you minimize the risk of screwing up something else. This edit is already included in the above code, so the code is correct
The port is a bit in one particular register. If you know the register and the position of the port in that particular register you can try this:
register = (1<<port) || register
to set the port to 1 and
register = (1<<port)^-1 && register
to set the port to 0.
Of course, you will need a switch somewhere to determine the register and the bit of the port in the register given the port name.

Arduino Function Execution Time

I have an Arduino and an APC220 wireless transceiver. I'm writing a library that reads in data from the APC using the SoftwareSerial class. I originally started with the (incorrect) code below that was causing a seg fault because the i variable is incremented even when there is no data available to read. In cases where it happened to work (by chance when the data was immediately available), this function took approximately 6 milliseconds to execute. When I put the i++; statement in its proper place (above the closing brace immediately above it), the function takes over 270 ms to run. Speed is crucial for this function, so I'm wondering what it is about that statement's placement that causes such a dramatic increase in time.
For the code below, buff is declared as char buff[10]; and sSerial is an instance of SoftwareSerial
unsigned long updateLocation(Marker* marker) {
//initiate request from vision system
unsigned long start = millis();
int state = 0, i = 0;
while((millis() - start) < 600) {
if(this->sSerial->available()) {
buff[i] = this->sSerial->read();
if(buff[i] == ',') {
buff[i] = 0;
switch(state) {
case 0:
i = -1;
case 1:
marker->x = atof(buff);
i = -1;
case 2:
marker->y = atof(buff);
i = -1;
case 3:
marker->theta = atof(buff);
i = -1;
return (millis() - start);
return 0;
// Correct location for i++; takes 270 ms to execute
// Incorrect location for i++; Takes 6 ms to execute
return 0;
Assuming that there's data ready and waiting from sSerial, there's no effective difference in the placement of i++.
You said yourself, in most cases the data isn't ready. With the incorrect placement of i++, i quickly grows to greater than the size of buff which causes the segfault.
With the correct placement, your code blocks for up to 600ms waiting for enough data to come in to reach case 3 and return. On average, you're seeing that it takes 270ms for that to happen.
You can test this theory yourself by timing the same function operating directly on a string rather than reading in from serial.
You may want to a) increase your baud rate b) check to see if there's a more efficient software serial implementation you can use c) switch to hardware serial. If you are only using hardware serial currently for debugging output, you can switch that around. Use an FTDI adapter ($6-10 on eBay) to pipe software serial to USB and reserve the hardware serial for your time sensitive function.
You might also be able to reconfigure your code so it doesn't block the whole time waiting. You can read in what's available, store it in a global and go back to your main loop to do something else until there's data available again.
edit: I see now that the APC220 is 9600 baud max. That's pretty slow, so the bottle neck may not be software serial (but you should test it). If the bottle neck is simply the baud rate, you will need to look at optimizing your code not to block waiting for input if there are other things your system can work on while it's waiting.

serial interfacing of 89s52 with Hyperterminal... getting garbage values

I need to transfer data serially from AT89s52 to Hyperterminal of PC.
For that I made a sample program to print "Hello" on the hyperterminal of my PC by programming the below given code inside 89s52 microcontroller and connecting it to my PC via serial port. Now when I am opening hyperterminal for the respective port, I should be seeing "Hello" printed on the screen multiple times, but what actually I am seeing is some garbage data getting printed.
This is the code I have used.
#include < AT89X52.H>
#include < STDLIB.H>
#include < STDIO.H>
unsigned int i;
void main (void)
TMOD = 0x20;
SCON = 0x50;
TH1 = 0xFD;
TL1 = 0xFD;
TR1 = 1;
TI = 1;
P1 = 0;
while (1)
P1 ^= 0x01; /* Toggle P1.0 each time we print */
In the Hyper terminal I am not getting correct output i.e. Hello. Instead I am seeing some Garbage characters..
Can anybody help on this please..?
Can you See P1 is toggling? I would rather send a single character first and observe what is sending by using an oscilloscope. You should see a digital signal corresponding to the ASCII value of the character being split-out from the TX pin of the micro. Also you can check the baud rate (exact value) by using the scope. If you are convinced that the correct value is sent at the right baud rate it is most likely that you got a bad connection or perhaps the baud rate should slightly be changed.

Are interrupts the right thing to use for my robot?

So I have this old motorized wheelchair that I am trying to convert into a robot. I replaced the original motor driver with a sabertooth 2x12 and I’m using an Arduino micro to talk to it. The motors shaft goes all the way threw so I attached a magnet and a Hall Effect sensor to the back side to act as a rotary encoder. My current goal is to be able to tell the robot to move forward a certain amount of feet then stop. I wrote some code to do this linearly however this didn't work so well. Then I learned about interrupts and that sounded like exactly what I needed. So I tried my hand at that and things went wrong on several different levels.
LEVEL ONE: I have never seemed to be able to properly drive the motors it seems like any time I put the command to turn them on inside of a loop or if statement they decide to do what they want and move sporadically and unpredictably
LEVEL TWO: I feel like the interrupts are interrupting themselves and the thing I set in place to stop the wheels from moving forward because I can tell it to move 14 rotary encoder clicks forward and one wheel will continue moving way past 1000 clicks while the other stops
LEVEL THREE: couple times I guess I placed my interrupts wrong because when I uploaded the code windows would stop recognizing the Arduino and my driver would break until I uploaded the blink sketch after pressing the reset button which also reloaded and fixed my drivers. Then if I deleted one of my interrupts it would upload normally.
LEVEL FOUR: my Hall Effect sensors seem to not work right when the motors are on. They tend to jump from 1 to 200 clicks in a matter of seconds. This in turn floods my serial port and crashes the Arduino ide.
So as you can see there are several flaws somewhere in the system whether it’s hardware or software I don't know. Am I approaching this the right way or is there some Arduino secret I don’t know about that would make my life easier? If I am approaching this right could you take a look at my code below and see what I’m doing wrong.
#include <Servo.h>//the motor driver uses this library
Servo LEFT, RIGHT;//left wheel right wheel
int RclickNum=0;//used for the rotory encoder
int LclickNum=0;//these are the number of "clicks" each wheel has moved
int D =115;//Drive
int R =70;//Reverse
int B =90;//Break
int Linterrupt = 1;//these are the interrupt numbers. 0 = pin 3 and 1 = pin 2
int Rinterrupt = 0;
int clickConvert = 7;// how many rotery encoder clicks equal a foot
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //starting serial communication
LEFT.attach( 9, 1000, 2000);//attaching the motor controller that is acting like a servo
RIGHT.attach(10, 1000, 2000);
attachInterrupt(Linterrupt, LclickCounter, FALLING);//attaching the rotory encoders as interrupts that will
attachInterrupt(Rinterrupt, RclickCounter, FALLING);//trip when the encoder pins go from high to low
void loop()
{//This is for controling the robot using the standard wasd format
int input=;
if(input == 'a')
if(input == 'd')
if(input == 'w')
if(input == 's')
if(input == 'e')
void forward(int feet)//this is called when w is sent threw the serial port and is where i am testing all of my code.
interrupts(); //turn on the interrupts
while(RclickNum < feet * clickConvert || LclickNum < feet * clickConvert)// while either the left or right wheel hasnt made it to the desired distance
if(RclickNum < feet * clickConvert)//check if the right wheel has gone the distance
RIGHT.write(D); //make the right wheel move
RIGHT.write(B);//stop the right wheel
if(LclickNum < feet * clickConvert)
noInterrupts();//stop the interrupts
resetCount();//set the click counters back to zero
//once i have the forward function working i will implament it through out the other functions
void backward(int feet)
void left(int feet)
void right(int feet)
void STOP()
void LclickCounter()//this is called by the left encoder interrupt
void RclickCounter()//this is called by the right encoder interrupt
M Serial.print("R");
void resetCount()
don't use interrupt() and nointerrupt() (or cli() and sei()) as they will stop timer and serial interrupt, breaking a lot of things. Just set to 0 the counting variable OR use detachInterrupt and attachInterrupt.
variable used inside interrupt AND normal execution flow should be declared as volatile, or their value my be unsyncornized. So declare them like volatile int RclickNum=0;
interrupt should be fast to execute, as by default other interrupt will NOT execute while inside an interrupt.
NEVER use Serial inside interrupt; if Serial buffer is full, it will call Serial.flush(), that will wait for Serial interrupt of byte written, but because you are alreadi inside an interrupt will never happen...dead lock aka you code hangs forever!
because your "moving" function use quite a long time to execute, if multiple command arrive to the serial, thay will remain isnode the buffer until readed. So if in the terminal you write "asd" and then "e", you will see robot go left, backward, right, stop (yes, actually the stop function is not usefull as it does nothing because your "moving" function are "blocking", that mean they won't return until they ended, so the loop() code (and the read of "e") will not execute until the buffer of serial has been processed.

Using a rotary encoder with AVR Micro controller

I'm having trouble getting a rotary encoder to work properly with AVR micro controllers. The encoder is a mechanical ALPS encoder, and I'm using Atmega168.
I have tried using an External Interrupt to listen to the pins, but it seems like it is too slow. When Pin A goes high, the interrupt procedure starts and then checks if Pin B is high. The idea is that if Pin B is high the moment Pin A went high, then it is rotating counter clock-wise. If Pin B is low, then it is rotating clock-wise. But it seems like the AVR takes too long to check Pin B, so it is always read as high.
I've also tried to create a program that simply blocks until Pin B or Pin A changes. But it might be that there is too much noise when the encoder is rotated, because this does not work either. My last attempt was to have a timer which stores the last 8 values in a buffer and checks if it is going from low to high. This did not work either.
I have tried scoping the encoder, and it seems to use between 2 and 4ms from the first Pin changes till the other Pin changes.
I have a webpage about rotary encoders and how to use them, which you might find useful.
Unfortunately without more information I can't troubleshoot your particular problem.
Which microcontroller pins are connected to the encoder, and what is the code you're currently using to decode the pulses?
Ok, you're dealing with a few different issues, the first issue is that this is a mechanical encoder, so you have to deal with switch noise (bounce, chatter). The data sheet indicates that it may take up to 3mS for the parts to stop bouncing and creating false outputs.
You need to create a debounce routine. The simplest of which is to continuously check to see if A goes high. If it does, start a timer and check it again in 3 ms. If it's still high, then you can check B - if it's not high then you ignore the spurious pulse and continue looking for A high. When you check B, you look at it, start a timer for 3 ms, and then look at B again. If it was the same both times, then you can use that value - if it changes within 3 ms then you have to do it again (read B, wait 3 ms, then read it again and see if it matches).
The atmega is fast enough that you shouldn't have to worry about these checks going slowly, unless you're also running a slow clock speed.
Once you deal with the mechanical noise, then you want to look at a proper gray code routine - the algorithm you're following won't work unless you also decrement if A is high when B goes low. Generally people store the last value of the two inputs, and then compare it to the new value of the two inputs and use a small function to increment or decrement based on that. (Check out the heading "high resolution reading" on the website I mentioned above for the table). I combine the two readings into a four bit number and use a simple array to tell me whether I increment or decrement the counter, but there are solutions that are even more advanced, and optimize for code size, speed, or ease of code maintenance.
Adding an analog lowpass filter greatly improves the signal. With the lowpass filter, the code on the AVR was really simple.
| |
| Encoder |
| | |
| | |
100n | O | 100n
GND O-||-+ GND +-||-O GND
| |
\ /
3K3 / \ 3K3
\ /
| |
VCC O-/\/-+ +-\/\-O VCC
15K | | 15K
| |
Ah, the wonders of ASCII art :p
Here is the program on the AVR. Connect A and B to input PORTB on the avr:
#include <avr/io.h>
#define PIN_A (PINB&1)
#define PIN_B ((PINB>>1)&1)
int main(void){
uint8_t st0 = 0;
uint8_t st1 = 0;
uint8_t dir = 0;
uint8_t temp = 0;
uint8_t counter = 0;
DDRD = 0xFF;
DDRB = 0;
if(dir == 0){
if(PIN_A & (!PIN_B)){
dir = 2;
}else if(PIN_B & (!PIN_A)){
dir = 4;
dir = 0;
}else if(dir == 2){
if(PIN_A & (!PIN_B)){
dir = 2;
}else if((!PIN_A) & (!PIN_B)){
dir = 0;
dir = 0;
}else if(dir == 4){
if(PIN_B & (!PIN_A)){
dir = 4;
}else if((!PIN_A) & (!PIN_B)){
dir = 0;
dir = 0;
}else if(PIN_B & PIN_A){
dir = 0;
PORTD = ~counter;
return 0;
This code works unless you rotate the encoder really fast. Then it might miss a step or two, but that is not important, as the person using the encoder won't know how many steps they have turned it.
Speed should not be a problem. Mostly all mechanical switches need debounce routines. If you wanna do this with interrupts turn off the interrupt when it triggers, start a timer that will turn it back on after a couple of ms. Will keep your program polling-free >:)
What exactly are you having problems with? I assume you've been able to hook the pins of the encoder to your PIC as per the technical specifications linked on the Farnell page you gave, so is the problem with reading the data? Do you not get any data from the encoder? Do you not know how to interpret the data you're getting back?
/* into 0 service rutine */
/* into 1 service rutine */
/* make this give to you a windows time of 1/4 of T of the encoder resolution
that is in angle term: 360/ (4*resolution)
