Arduino Function Execution Time - arduino

I have an Arduino and an APC220 wireless transceiver. I'm writing a library that reads in data from the APC using the SoftwareSerial class. I originally started with the (incorrect) code below that was causing a seg fault because the i variable is incremented even when there is no data available to read. In cases where it happened to work (by chance when the data was immediately available), this function took approximately 6 milliseconds to execute. When I put the i++; statement in its proper place (above the closing brace immediately above it), the function takes over 270 ms to run. Speed is crucial for this function, so I'm wondering what it is about that statement's placement that causes such a dramatic increase in time.
For the code below, buff is declared as char buff[10]; and sSerial is an instance of SoftwareSerial
unsigned long updateLocation(Marker* marker) {
//initiate request from vision system
unsigned long start = millis();
int state = 0, i = 0;
while((millis() - start) < 600) {
if(this->sSerial->available()) {
buff[i] = this->sSerial->read();
if(buff[i] == ',') {
buff[i] = 0;
switch(state) {
case 0:
i = -1;
case 1:
marker->x = atof(buff);
i = -1;
case 2:
marker->y = atof(buff);
i = -1;
case 3:
marker->theta = atof(buff);
i = -1;
return (millis() - start);
return 0;
// Correct location for i++; takes 270 ms to execute
// Incorrect location for i++; Takes 6 ms to execute
return 0;

Assuming that there's data ready and waiting from sSerial, there's no effective difference in the placement of i++.
You said yourself, in most cases the data isn't ready. With the incorrect placement of i++, i quickly grows to greater than the size of buff which causes the segfault.
With the correct placement, your code blocks for up to 600ms waiting for enough data to come in to reach case 3 and return. On average, you're seeing that it takes 270ms for that to happen.
You can test this theory yourself by timing the same function operating directly on a string rather than reading in from serial.
You may want to a) increase your baud rate b) check to see if there's a more efficient software serial implementation you can use c) switch to hardware serial. If you are only using hardware serial currently for debugging output, you can switch that around. Use an FTDI adapter ($6-10 on eBay) to pipe software serial to USB and reserve the hardware serial for your time sensitive function.
You might also be able to reconfigure your code so it doesn't block the whole time waiting. You can read in what's available, store it in a global and go back to your main loop to do something else until there's data available again.
edit: I see now that the APC220 is 9600 baud max. That's pretty slow, so the bottle neck may not be software serial (but you should test it). If the bottle neck is simply the baud rate, you will need to look at optimizing your code not to block waiting for input if there are other things your system can work on while it's waiting.


Why does the IR reciver gives diffrent value everytime I try to break a for loop - when new value is recived, Arduino ide?

I am new to Arduino programming and was trying to make an IR-controlled WS2812 led strip light, everything works fine apart from when I try to stop the for-loop when my IR receiver gets a new decoded value. It does get the job done but the received values are different every time. when I tested the same controller with a simple IR receiver program everything worked fine.
case 16720095:
delay (200);
for (int i = 0; i <= 182; i++) {
leds[i] = CRGB (0,0,0);;
if (irrecv.decode(&results))
value = results.value;
and the serial outputs:
first time:
second time:
third time:
It looks like you need to call "irrecv.resume()" within the if (irrecv.decode(&results)) block in order to tell the driver to keep looking for signals. The second values you are getting are garbage because you are asking it to provide data it hasn't received/ prepared.

TCP WiFi python-arduino communication problem

I try to steer a drone with a joytick from pc over WiFi. On board I have an Aruino like board called Particle Photon. I want to send 3 floats (pitch, roll, throttle) via TCP and I contocted this sort of thing:
On the PC - python - client side of things, it just sends this with 20 FPS/50ms frequency:
s.sendall(bytearray(struct.pack("f", float(-20*axis0))))
s.sendall(bytearray(struct.pack("f", float(20*axis1))))
s.sendall(bytearray(struct.pack("f", float(axis2))))
except socket.error as e:
print("error while sending :: " + str(e))
where s is my socket.
On the server-drone side I have this:
if (myIMU.delt_t >= 25)
if (TCPcomms && client.connected()){
// Check for 12 bytes (3 floats) from joystick input --
// if we have them, update roll, pitch and throttle references
if(client.available() >= 12){
byte tempBuff[4];
float newInput[3];
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++){
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
tempBuff[i] =;
newInput[j] = *((float*)(tempBuff));
roll_reference = newInput[0];
pitch_reference = newInput[1];
throttle_reference = newInput[2];
Drone loop works a lot faster hence the time check at the top (no need to check too often).
Now, I print-debugged it on slower speeds and everything seems fine. Whenever there are 3 floats ready, drone code reads them, if not it just continues.
But half the times I try to run it with normal speeds Particle board just checks out after some time and disconnects entirely. Apparently it does that whenever there is any problem, but it doesn't make a good job of communiocating what it is...
Earlier I also had a mechanism that disconnects after X seconds but it also dropepd connections often. I checked with Wireshark that it always coincided with retransmitting packets.
I guess my question is is it WiFi/TCP's fault and it's just not good for this type of a task or am I doing something stupid? Did anyone have a simillar issue with Arduino or Particle?

Calculating the average of Sensor Data (Capacitive Sensor)

So I am starting to mess around with Capacitive sensors and all because its some pretty cool stuff.
I have followed some tutorials online about how to set it up and use the CapSense library for Arduino and I just had a quick question about this code i wrote here to get the average for that data.
void loop() {
long AvrNum;
int counter = 0;
AvrNum += cs_4_2.capacitiveSensor(30);
if (counter = 10) {
long AvrCap = AvrNum/10;
counter = 0;
This is my loop statement and in the Serial it seems like its working but the numbers just look suspiciously low to me. I'm using a 10M resistor (brown, black, black, green, brown) and am touching a piece of foil that both the send and receive pins are attached to (electrical tape) and am getting numbers around about 650, give or take 30.
Basically I'm asking if this code looks right and if these numbers make sense...?
The language used in the Arduino environment is really just an unenforced subset of C++ with the main() function hidden inside the framework code supplied by the IDE. Your code is a module that will be compiled and linked to the framework. When the framework starts running it first initializes itself then your module by calling the function setup(). Once initialized, the framework enters an infinite loop, calling your modules function loop() on each iteration.
Your code is using local variables in loop() and expecting that they will hold their values from call to call. While this might happen in practice (and likely does since that part of framework's main() is probably just while(1) loop();), this is invoking the demons of Undefined Behavior. C++ does not make any promises about the value of an uninitialized variable, and even reading it can cause anything to happen. Even apparently working.
To fix this, the accumulator AvrNum and the counter must be stored somewhere other than on loop()'s stack. They could be declared static, or moved to the module outside. Outside is better IMHO, especially in the constrained Arduino environment.
You also need to clear the accumulator after you finish an average. This is the simplest form of an averaging filter, where you sum up fixed length blocks of N samples, and then use that average each Nth sample.
I believe this fragment (untested) will work for you:
long AvrNum;
int counter;
void setup() {
AvrNum = 0;
counter = 0;
void loop() {
AvrNum += cs_4_2.capacitiveSensor(30);
if (counter == 10) {
long AvrCap = AvrNum/10;
counter = 0;
AvrNum = 0;
I provided a setup(), although it is redundant with the C++ language's guarantee that the global variables begin life initialized to 0.
your line if (counter = 10) is invalid. It should be if (counter == 10)
The first sets counter to 10 and will (of course) evaluate to true.
The second tests for counter equal to 10 and will not evaluate to true until counter is, indeed, equal to 10.
Also, kaylum mentions the other problem, no initialization of AvrNum
This is What I ended up coming up with after spending some more time on it. After some manual calc it gets all the data.
long AvrArray [9];
for(int x = 0; x <= 10; x++){
if(x == 10){
long AvrMes = (AvrArray[0] + AvrArray[1] + AvrArray[2] + AvrArray[3] + AvrArray[4] + AvrArray[5] + AvrArray[6] + AvrArray[7] + AvrArray[8] + AvrArray[9]);
long AvrCap = AvrMes/x;
x = 0;
AvrArray[x] = cs_4_2.capacitiveSensor(30);

How to Generate PWM with delay?

I am implementing an isolated boost converter. I have to generate a PWM signal for the switches given in the figure below. I have difficulty understanding the pattern. The PWM pattern is as follows: At the beginning all four switches are kept on, then switches 1, 4 are kept on while switches 2, 3 are closed as shown in the figure. Please, help me to get started on this problem. How can I generate this type of PWM? Then, at a later time the PWM should be shifted with some duty cycle time for Q2, Q3. I am confused. How can I add some delay or shift the PWM? I am using a pic18f45k22 micro controller, and the programming tool is MikroC.
I don't know whether the length of the "off" time is critical, but suppose the mark/space ratio is 1:3 as suggested in your timing diagram,
Q1,Q4 1011101110111
Q2,Q3 1110111011101
Configure a free-run timer to interrupt at one quarter of your required cycle period. At each interrupt it performs one of four tasks in sequence, such as this pseudo code
void timer_interrupt() {
static int operation = 0; // is initialised only once
clear_timer_status(); // acknowledge the interrupt
switch (operation) {
case 0: Q14_off();
case 1: Q14_on();
case 2: Q23_off();
case 3: Q23_on();
operation = (operation + 1) % 4; // advance to next operation
If you want a smaller mark/space ratio, you can do it in a similar way. Suppose you want a ratio of 1:7 represented by
Q1,Q4 101111111011111110
Q2,Q3 111110111111101111
now in this case the timer rate should be one eighth of the cycle, but not every interrupt will have an action
void timer_interrupt() {
static int operation = 0; // is initialised only once
clear_timer_status(); // acknowledge the interrupt
switch (operation) {
case 0: Q14_off();
case 1: Q14_on();
case 4: Q23_off();
case 5: Q23_on();
operation = (operation + 1) % 8; // advance to next operation
There are other ways to do this: such as an array of output bit patterns that you look up as pattern[operation]

How to read string using outside of loop()?

I want to read a String in Arduino from the keyboard outside of the loop() method.
I have the following method:
void readFromKeyboard(byte arrayAddress[])
int count = 0, i = 0;
while ((count = Serial.available()) == 0);
while (i<count)
arrayAddress[i++] =;
In the loop() method I am calling it like:
where userInput is a byte[];
The problem is that when I input more than one characters it read the 1st character initially and it call the readFromKeyboard again an then reads the rest.
Example; if I input "asdf":
--the 1st time it will do ==> userInput = "a"
--the 2nd time it will do ==> userInput = "sdf"
I have tryed many things but the same happens again and again...
Any suggestions??
So that's what worked:
In the loop():
while(Serial.available() == 0);
readInputFlag = readFromKeyboard(userInput);`
And in the readFromKeyboard method:
void readFromKeyboard(byte arrayAddress[])
int i = 0;
while (Serial.available() > 0)
arrayAddress[i++] =;
This delay, in the loop method, somehow makes the Serial get the whole string instead of just the first letter.
I know you got it working, but I wanted to show you something that I use to deal with this issue. This is a two-tiered delay system for catching bytes that come in a bit late for whatever reason. It's designed to minimize the delay needed to accomplish that task.
int received_length = 0;
byte serial_incoming_buffer[200];
while(Serial.available()) {
serial_incoming_buffer[received_length++] =;
if(!Serial.available()) {
if(!Serial.available()) {
Sometimes the Arduino falls behind in picking up serial from the sender and sometimes it grabs serial too fast. Sometimes the sender lags a little bit. This code will wait 3 ms for more bytes, and if they come in it goes back to receiving as many as are available having only had that very brief delay. This repeats as necessary, then when 3 ms goes by without anything being available, it waits a bit longer (20 ms here) for more bytes. If nothing comes in after the long delay, then the transmission is most likely done and you can safely move on.
I recommend tweaking the delays based on your baud rate.
