Firebase Hosting and Github Action error "auth/invalid-api-key" - firebase

I'm using React for my project along with Firebase. Using Github Actions my code is successfully deployed to firebase.
But when I visit the hosted URL It gives me an error in the console saying
"Your API key is invalid, please check you have copied it correctly."
However when I deploy from the local system directly using firebase deploy It works fine.
I have taken the required care of my environment variables. But nothing seems to work.
It seems there is some problem while GitHub actions deploy the changes to firebase. Though all the build pass it gives me an error as stated above. Please Help.

This happen because GitHub actions don't have access to your .env on your local machine, you need to configure that on "GitHub Secrets" and put on your yml file.


firebase deploy not working even though firebase init command has worked

I'm a newbie in programming and still learning some stuff (i use windows btw).
i try to make an app, connect it to firebase. after setting up everything its time to setting the CLI
good news : i successfully setting up everything from node to nvm until successfully launch the login in CLI.
bad news : right after successfully login the CLI, i'm trying to type in the cmd
firebase deploy --only function
and this error appear
Error: not in a Firebase app directory (could not locate firebase.json)
i already search the web for the solution, but i found nothing.
can someone tell me did i miss something ?

Firebase deploy fails after adding second project

After adding a second project to my code using the command $ firebase use --add second-project, I get the error
There was an issue deploying your functions. Verify that your project has a Google App Engine instance setup at and try again. If this issue persists, please contact support.
Error: HTTP Error: 404, Could not find Application "second-project".
when I run $ firebase deploy.
I have added separate targets and a web app through Firebase console for the second project.
What should I be checking to get rid of this error?
I just ran into this same exact issue as well. Leaving this here for anyone that runs into this issue in the future. What caused this error for me was a permissions error, when Firebase tried to access specific resources in Google Cloud such as Cloud Functions without the necessary IAM/service accounts in place.
This happens when you create a new Firebase project without setting the Default GCP resource location under Settings > General in the Firebase Console, which occurs when you create a new Firebase project without doing any additional setup. You can set this in the settings or this is also set when you follow the walk-through instructions for setting up services such as Firestore or Firebase Storage in the Firebase console.
Without this set, the <YOUR_FIREBASE_PROJECT_NAME> IAM/service account will not be created in Google Cloud (which is needed to create/access specific resources), therefore when you run firebase deploy, it will fail with the error you mentioned above.
You can also check why your firebase deploy is failing in the firebase-debug.log that is generated when running this command (that's how I found out the cause of this error). Though I think this file is deleted after the command finishes execution, so you'll have to pipe the output into a file or save it some other way.
TL;DR: Set Default GCP resource location, one way this can be done is in the Firebase Console under Settings > General.

Error in deploying app onto domain for IBM Bluemix

I have been working on a chatbot which involves incorporating Watson Discovery and Watson Assistant. Precisely I have been using this link to help me:
I have acquired the credentials and for this I use username:"apikey", password:"API_KEY_VALUE" (the actual value i get), and I used the other IDs as normal such as workspaceID, collectionID, environmentID.
I have managed to deploy the app to a domain before, this was before following the instructions in the course (Lab 3.3) when I have to copy and paste the code in the app.js. I have found a github link which is the same thing but it already has the code copied and so i copied the app.js into my own directory so as to save time and mistakes:
However when I try to deploy the app to a domain using ibmcloud cf push, I get the error as shown in the log of the image attached:
Log of app deployment
The code I use for app.js is the exact same as the one in the github link.

How long it takes for a firebase hosting to work?

I followed the instructions, and deployed a simple web yesterday. At first, it kept showing the default website, saying " you've deployed successfully...", not my web.
Also, the 'firebase open' command + "Hosting: Deployed Site" leads to a undefined site:' '.
But, magically, about an hour later when I open the link from 'firebase console' again, the web showed up... I am not sure whether 'firebase open' command worked cause I didn't try.
Today, I added some features, and deployed again. In the firebase CLI, it said deployed. But, the link still showed the old version.
I'll catch up an hours later to see whether it works, but even it works, it takes too long.
has anyone had the same experience? what's wrong with my web?
This is how I solved this issue for my angular 7 app deployment on Firebase hosting:
ng build --prod
go to dist/myproject and run command Firebase init and...
I went to dist/myproject that now contain build files along with Firebase related files. Copy all files except Firebase related files to dist folder in side dist/myproject.
there you will get overwrite warning just select overwrite option.
after copy process completes, run command Firebase deploy.
after completion of process go to shown URL and there you will find your running app.

Firebase Storage Trigger Not Working

I created a custom bucket which I use to serve content at a specific url. In Firebase I created a bucket called "" and I wanted to use this so my users can simply go to to access uploaded images.
I wanted to have a firebase trigger on my new bucket that does Google vision analysis on the image. Here is my function:
export const imageUploaded =
.bucket('').object().onChange( event => {
//Cool stuff happens here
However, when I try to deploy the function I get this error in the console
⚠ functions[imageUploaded]: Deployment error.
Failed to configure trigger GCS Bucket: imagebucket
When I go to the function logs in Firebase I see the exact same error
Failed to configure trigger GCS Bucket: imagebucket
I also went to the Google Cloud Console to look at the functions to hopefully get some more insight on the issue. When I looked at the function, it had the correct bucket configured for the function but it had that exact same error without any explanation.
I have tried to create a new bucket using that but I get the exact same error. It seems that no matter what I do I keep getting the same error. I've tried adding permission and every It doesn't make any sense.
Does anyone know what this is about and/or how I can get this working? I had this working on the main bucket, but I really need this to work for my new bucket.
A quick update:
I tried to deploy to my production environment (my app isn't in market yet so no one is actually using it) and it worked perfectly, the trouble is, I really need my development environment working which isn't right now.
To solve my issue I used this GitHub issue:
Basically, there was no answer, I just had to shutdown my development project and start a new development project. Once I started a new project my functions deployed perfectly.
