Error in deploying app onto domain for IBM Bluemix - watson-conversation

I have been working on a chatbot which involves incorporating Watson Discovery and Watson Assistant. Precisely I have been using this link to help me:
I have acquired the credentials and for this I use username:"apikey", password:"API_KEY_VALUE" (the actual value i get), and I used the other IDs as normal such as workspaceID, collectionID, environmentID.
I have managed to deploy the app to a domain before, this was before following the instructions in the course (Lab 3.3) when I have to copy and paste the code in the app.js. I have found a github link which is the same thing but it already has the code copied and so i copied the app.js into my own directory so as to save time and mistakes:
However when I try to deploy the app to a domain using ibmcloud cf push, I get the error as shown in the log of the image attached:
Log of app deployment
The code I use for app.js is the exact same as the one in the github link.


Problem deploying project on Firebase with Stripe

I'm trying to deploy my app that has the stripe payment extension installed. Everything works fine on the emulator (I am not using stripe for the moment) but when I try to deploy everything looks ok except deploy fails with this message:
Error: firestore-stripe-payments: Found
for secret param STRIPE_API_KEY, but this instance was previously
using a different secret
Changing secrets is not supported. If you want to change the value of
this secret, use a new version of
can create a new version at
So I go to the link without knowing how my emulator API key works compared to the production one ( I didn't activated the Stripe account ). Here I find two keys, one is firestore-stripe-payments-STRIPE_API_KEY and the other one is ext-firestore-stripe-payments-STRIPE_API_KEY. When I click to make a new version it asks for a file with a secret.
So my main problem is: do I need to change version of both two secrets or only one? Second problem is where do I find those keys and does the test API key work on deployment?
Am I missing something here, am I on the right path?

Creating an app variant in a firebase unity project

I have en existing app (e.g in Unity, that occasionally pulls content from firebase in the live environment (after being built).
Now I am trying to make a second build, with a different project id ( This second build does not use firebase after being built - it loads data from firebase before being built, and therefore already contains the needed data.
I have added as a second android app in my firebase configuration, but when trying to install the resulting app2.apk there's a clash between it and the existing installed app1.apk.
Below is the error Unity is showing when I press it's "Build and Run" button.
adb: failed to install C:\Users\*\*\*\*\app2.apk: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER: Scanning Failed.:
Can't install because provider name (in package is already used by]
My question is, how can I change the provider name in app2 so both app1 and app2 can coexist on the same device?
(I need to interface with firebase shortly before building, so I can't just remove the SDK).
Alright, so I ended up just removing the SDK, that works.
Sorry to anyone who has some similar problem.

Firebase Hosting and Github Action error "auth/invalid-api-key"

I'm using React for my project along with Firebase. Using Github Actions my code is successfully deployed to firebase.
But when I visit the hosted URL It gives me an error in the console saying
"Your API key is invalid, please check you have copied it correctly."
However when I deploy from the local system directly using firebase deploy It works fine.
I have taken the required care of my environment variables. But nothing seems to work.
It seems there is some problem while GitHub actions deploy the changes to firebase. Though all the build pass it gives me an error as stated above. Please Help.
This happen because GitHub actions don't have access to your .env on your local machine, you need to configure that on "GitHub Secrets" and put on your yml file.

Authenticating Firebase Database with Google API via Firebase Functions

here's the task I have and the resources I'm following to try to get it done.
Ultimately what I want is for users to be able to take pictures with my app (made with Ionic) and then those pictures get sorted and end up on the company's Google Team Drive.
What I originally started with was uploading the images to Firebase Storage, and then I was told they must be accessible to Team Drive.
Some of the people taking pictures aren't part of the company's G Suite, so I was thinking it would be easier to just have the database itself authenticate with the Team Drive and upload from there.
Here is an example from github that shows the same thing I want, except it uploads from Firebase Database to Google Sheets:
My plan was to follow this guide exactly to get it working, and then figure out how I can change it for Storage -> Team Drive.
However in following the instructions in the readme (they're pretty old) I've come across an error and now I'm stuck.
For Step #7 in that link where it says to run $ firebase functions:config:set googleapi.client_id="<id>" and the rest of the command, I get in terminal:
Error: HTTP Error: 403, The caller does not have permission
What should be the steps I'm looking at to get this working? I am also unsure if my current implementation makes sense anymore. It wouldn't be a big deal to make everyone using the app sign-in with a Google account so that they can be a member of the Team Drive and just upload directly from the app to Drive. Would that still include the sort of safety behaviour like if the connection drops the file upload will resume independently?
The answer to my first question is to install googleapis and google-auth-library. Run the command in the actual /functions/ directory of the sample.
There were a few other errors created by old code, but they aren't in the scope of this question and I raised them in the github Issues sections.

How to host/publish a webpage built in Meteorjs

I built a web application using MeteorJS and pushed to GitHub. Now I want to publish/deploy it on GitHub as well, so colleagues and lecturer will be able to view the page and its files on GitHub.
I know I can deploy it on, but was wondering if it's possible to deploy it on GitHub.
Could anyone list all the steps in details how to do it? Any help will be appreciated.
To make your app viewable, deploy it from the app's directory using "meteor deploy <your app name>"
Note that the deployed name (what ends up at the start of the URL (after the possibly invisible "http://" of course)) does not have to match the project name. e.g., your project name could be "meatier" but then you can use "meteor deploy platypus"
In the latter case, after it has been processed and uploaded, it will be available to anyone at
