What makes Julia Composable? - julia

I have seen many places the mention that Julia is "Composable". I know that the word itself means:
Composability is a system design principle that deals with the inter-relationships of components. A highly composable system provides components that can be selected and assembled in various combinations to satisfy specific user requirements.
But I am curious what the specific components of Julia are that make it composable. Is it the ability to override base functions with my own implementation?

I guess I'll hazard an answer, though my understanding may be no more complete than yours!
As far as I understand it (in no small part from Stefan's "Unreasonable Effectiveness of Multiple Dispatch" JuliaCon talk as linked by Oscar in the comments), I would say that it is in part:
As you say, the ability override base functions with your own implementation [and, critically, then have it "just work" (be dispatched to) whenever appropriate thanks to multiple dispatch] ...since this means if you make a custom type and define all the fundamental / primitive operations on that type (as in https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/interfaces/ -- say +-*/ et al. for numeric types, or getindex, setindex! et al. for an array-like type, etc.), then any more complex program built on those fundamentals will also "just work" with your new custom type. And that in turn means your custom type will also work (AKA compose) with other people's packages without any need for (e.g.) explicit compatibility shims as long as people haven't over-constrained their function argument types (which is, incidentally, why over-constraining function argument types is a Julia antipattern )
Following on 1), the fact that so many Base methods are also just plain Julia, so will also work with your new custom type as long as the proper fundamental operations are defined
The fact that Julia's base types and methods are generally performant and convenient enough that in many cases there's no need to do anything custom, so you can just put together blocks that all operate on, e.g., plain Julia arrays or tuples or etc.This last point is perhaps most notable in contrast to a language like Python where, for example, every sufficiently large subset of the ecosystem (numpy, tensorflow, etc.) has their own reimplementation of (e.g.) arrays, which for better performance are all ultimately implemented in some other language entirely (C++, for numpy and TF) and thus probably do not compose with each other.


Julia functions: making mutable types immutable

Coming from Wolfram Mathematica, I like the idea that whenever I pass a variable to a function I am effectively creating a copy of that variable. On the other hand, I am learning that in Julia there are the notions of mutable and immutable types, with the former passed by reference and the latter passed by value. Can somebody explain me the advantage of such a distinction? why arrays are passed by reference? Naively I see this as a bad aspect, since it creates side effects and ruins the possibility to write purely functional code. Where I am wrong in my reasoning? is there a way to make immutable an array, such that when it is passed to a function it is effectively passed by value?
here an example of code
#x is an in INT and so is immutable: it is passed by value
x = 10
function change_value(x)
x = 17
#arrays are mutable: they are passed by reference
arr = [1, 2, 3]
function change_array!(A)
A[1] = 20
which indeed modifies the array arr
There is a fair bit to respond to here.
First, Julia does not pass-by-reference or pass-by-value. Rather it employs a paradigm known as pass-by-sharing. Quoting the docs:
Function arguments themselves act as new variable bindings (new
locations that can refer to values), but the values they refer to are
identical to the passed values.
Second, you appear to be asking why Julia does not copy arrays when passing them into functions. This is a simple one to answer: Performance. Julia is a performance oriented language. Making a copy every time you pass an array into a function is bad for performance. Every copy operation takes time.
This has some interesting side-effects. For example, you'll notice that a lot of the mature Julia packages (as well as the Base code) consists of many short functions. This code structure is a direct consequence of near-zero overhead to function calls. Languages like Mathematica and MatLab on the other hand tend towards long functions. I have no desire to start a flame war here, so I'll merely state that personally I prefer the Julia style of many short functions.
Third, you are wondering about the potential negative implications of pass-by-sharing. In theory you are correct that this can result in problems when users are unsure whether a function will modify its inputs. There were long discussions about this in the early days of the language, and based on your question, you appear to have worked out that the convention is that functions that modify their arguments have a trailing ! in the function name. Interestingly, this standard is not compulsory so yes, it is in theory possible to end up with a wild-west type scenario where users live in a constant state of uncertainty. In practice this has never been a problem (to my knowledge). The convention of using ! is enforced in Base Julia, and in fact I have never encountered a package that does not adhere to this convention. In summary, yes, it is possible to run into issues when pass-by-sharing, but in practice it has never been a problem, and the performance benefits far outweigh the cost.
Fourth (and finally), you ask whether there is a way to make an array immutable. First things first, I would strongly recommend against hacks to attempt to make native arrays immutable. For example, you could attempt to disable the setindex! function for arrays... but please don't do this. It will break so many things.
As was mentioned in the comments on the question, you could use StaticArrays. However, as Simeon notes in the comments on this answer, there are performance penalties for using static arrays for really big datasets. More than 100 elements and you can run into compilation issues. The main benefit of static arrays really is the optimizations that can be implemented for smaller static arrays.
Another package-based options suggested by phipsgabler in the comments below is FunctionalCollections. This appears to do what you want, although it looks to be only sporadically maintained. Of course, that isn't always a bad thing.
A simpler approach is just to copy arrays in your own code whenever you want to implement pass-by-value. For example:
Just be sure you understand the difference between copy and deepcopy, and when you may need to use the latter. If you're only working with arrays of numbers, you'll never need the latter, and in fact using it will probably drastically slow down your code.
If you wanted to do a bit of work then you could also build your own array type in the spirit of static arrays, but without all the bells and whistles that static arrays entails. For example:
struct MyImmutableArray{T,N}
Base.getindex(y::MyImmutableArray, inds...) = getindex(y.x, inds...)
and similarly you could add any other functions you wanted to this type, while excluding functions like setindex!.

What is more in the spirit of the Julia language and philosophy?

I recently started programming in Julia for research purposes. Going through it I started loving the syntax, I positively experienced the community here in SO and now I am thinking about porting some code from other programming languages.
Working with highly computational expensive forecasting models, it would be nice to have them all in a powerful modern language as Julia.
I would like to create a project and I am wondering how I should design it. I am concerned both from a performance and a language perspective (i.e.: Would it be better to create modules – submodules – functions or something else would be preferred? Is it better off to use dictionaries or custom types?).
I have looked at different GitHub projects in my field, but I haven't really found a common standard. Therefore I am wondering: what is more in the spirit of the Julia language and philosophy?
It has been pointed out that this question might be too generic. Therefore, I would like to focus it on how it would be better structuring modules (i.e. separate modules for main functions and subroutines versus modules and submodules, etc.). I believe this would be enough for me to have a feel about what might be considered in the spirit of the Julia language and philosophy. Of course, additional examples and references are more than welcome.
The most you'll find is that there is an "official" style-guide. The rest of the "Julian" style is ill-defined, but there are some ways to heuristically define it.
First of all, it means designing the software around multiple dispatch and the type system. A software which follows a Julian design philosophy usually won't be defining a bunch of functions like test_pumpkin and test_pineapple, instead it will use dispatches on test for types Pumpkin and Pineapple. This allows for clean/understandable code. It will break tasks up into small type-stable functions which will allow for good performance. It likely will also be written very generically, allowing the user to use items that are subtypes of AbstractArray or Number, and using the power of dispatch to allow their software to work on numbers they've never even heard of. (In this respect, custom types are recommended over dictionaries when you need performance. However, for a type you have to know all of the fields at the beginning, which means some things require dictionaries.)
A software which follows a Julian design philosophy may also implement a DSL (Domain-Specific Language) to allow a simpler interface to the user. Instead of requiring the user to conform to archaic standards derived from C/Fortran, or write large repetitive items and inputs, the package may provide macros to allow the user to more heuristically define the problem for the software to solve.
Other items which are part of the Julian design philosophy are up for much debate. Is proper Julia code devectorized? I would say no, and the loop fusing broadcast . is a powerful way to write MATLAB-style "vectorized" code and have it be perform like a devectorized loop. However, I have seen others prefer devectorized styles.
Also note that Julia is very different from something like Python where in Julia, you can essentially "build your own standard way of doing something". Since there's no performance penalty for functions/types declared in packages rather than Base, you can build your own Julia world if you want, using macros to define your own "function-like" objects, etc. I mean, you can re-create Java styles in Julia if you wanted.

Rationale behind Ada encapsulation of dynamically dispatching operations (primitives)

In Ada, Primitive operations of a type T can only be defined in the package where T is defined. For example, if a Vehicules package defines Car and Bike tagged record, both inheriting a common Vehicle abstract tagged type, then all operations than can dispatch on the class-wide Vehicle'Class type must be defined in this Vehicles package.
Let's say that you do not want to add primitive operations: you do not have the permission to edit the source file, or you do not want to clutter the package with unrelated features.
Then, you cannot define operations in other packages that implicitely dispatches on type Vehicle'Class.
For example, you may want to serialize vehicles (define a Vehicles_XML package with a To_Xml dispatching function) or display them as UI elements (define a Vehicles_GTK package with Get_Label, Get_Icon, ... dispatching functions), etc.
The only way to perform dynamic dispatch is to write the code explicitely; for example, inside Vechicle_XML:
if V in Car'Class then
return Car_XML (Car (V));
if V in Bike'Class then
return Bike_XML (Bike (V));
raise Constraint_Error
with "Vehicle_XML is only defined for Car and Bike."
end if;
(And a Visitor pattern defined in Vehicles and used elsewhere would work, of course, but that still requires the same kind of explicit dispatching code. edit in fact, no, but there is still some boilerplate code to write)
My question is then:
is there a reason why operations dynamically dispatching on T are restricted to be defined in the defining package of T?
Is this intentional? Is there some historical reasons behind this?
Thanks for the current answers: basically, it seems that it is a matter of language implementation (freezing rules/virtual tables).
I agree that compilers are developped incrementally over time and that not all features fit nicely in an existing tool.
As such, isolating dispatching operators in a unique package seems to be a decision mostly guided by existing implementations than by language design. Other languages outside of the C++/Java family provide dynamic dispatch without such requirement (e.g. OCaml, Lisp (CLOS); if that matters, those are also compiled languages, or more precisely, language for which compilers exist).
When I asked this question, I wanted to know if there were more fundamental reasons, at language specification level, behind this part of Ada specifications (otherwise, does it really mean that the specification assumes/enforces a particular implementation of dynamic disapatch?)
Ideally, I am looking for an authoritative source, like a rationale or guideline section in Reference Manuals, or any kind of archived discussion about this specific part of the language.
I can think of several reasons:
(1) Your example has Car and Bike defined in the same package, both derived from Vehicles. However, that's not the "normal" use case, in my experience; it's more common to define each derived type in its own package. (Which I think is close to how "classes" are used in other compiled languages.) And note also that it's not uncommon to define new derived types afterwards. That's one of the whole points of object-oriented programming, to facilitate reuse; and it's a good thing if, when designing a new feature, you can find some existing type that you can derive from, and reuse its features.
So suppose you have your Vehicles package that defines Vehicle, Car, and Bike. Now in some other package V2, you want to define a new dispatching operation on a Vehicle. For this to work, you have to provide the overriding operations for Car and Bike, with their bodies; and assuming you are not allowed to modify Vehicles, then the language designers have to decide where the bodies of the new operation have to be. Presumably, you'd have to write them in V2. (One consequence is that the body that you write in V2 would not have access to the private part of Vehicles, and therefore it couldn't access implementation details of Car or Bike; so you could only write the body of that operation if terms of already-defined operations.) So then the question is: does V2 need to provide operations for all types that are derived from Vehicle? What about types derived from Vehicle that don't become part of the final program (maybe they're derived to be used in someone else's project)? What about types derived from Vehicle that haven't yet been defined (see preceding paragraph)? In theory, I suppose this could be made to work by checking everything at link time. However, that would be a major paradigm change for the language. It's not something that could be easily. (It's pretty common, by the way, for programmers to think "it would be nice to add feature X to a language, and it shouldn't be too hard because X is simple to talk about", without realizing just what a vast impact such a "simple" feature would have.)
(2) A practical reason has to do with how dispatching is implemented. Typically, it's done with a vector of procedure/function pointers. (I don't know for sure what the exact implementation is in all cases, but I think this is basically the case for every Ada compiler as well as for C++ and Java compilers, and probably C#.) What this means is that when you define a tagged type (or a class, in other languages), the compiler will set up a vector of pointers, and based on how many operations are defined for the type, say N, it will reserve slots 1..N in the vector for the addresses of the subprograms. If a type is derived from that type and defines overriding subprograms, the derived type gets its own vector, where slots 1..N will be pointers to the actual overriding subprograms. Then, when calling a dispatching subprogram, a program can look up the address in some known slot index assigned to that subprogram, and it will jump to the correct address depending on the object's actual type. If a derived type defines new primitive subprograms, new slots are assigned N+1..N2, and types derived from that could define new subprograms that get slots N2+1..N3, and so on.
Adding new dispatching subprograms to Vehicle would interfere with this. Since new types have been derived from Vehicle, you can't insert a new area into the vector after N, because code has already been generated that assumes the slots starting at N+1 have been assigned to new operations derived for derived types. And since we may not know all the types that have been derived from Vehicle and we don't know what other types will be derived from Vehicle in the future and how many new operations will be defined for them, it's hard to pick some other location in the vector that could be used for the new operations. Again, this could be done if all of the slot assignment were deferred until link time, but that would be a major paradigm change, again.
To be honest, I can think of other ways to make this work, by adding new operations not in the "main" dispatch vector but in an auxiliary one; dispatching would probably require a search for the correct vector (perhaps using an ID assigned to the package that defines the new operations). Also, adding interface types to Ada 2005 has already complicated the simple vector implementation somewhat. But I do think this (i.e. it doesn't fit into the model) is one reason why the ability to add new dispatching operations like you suggest isn't present in Ada (or in any other compiled language that I know of).
Without having checked the rationale for Ada 95 (where tagged types were introduced), I am pretty sure the freezing rules for tagged types are derived from the simple requirement that all objects in T'Class should have all the dispatching operations of type T.
To fulfill that requirement, you have to freeze type and say that no more dispatching operations can be added to type T once you:
Derive a type from T, or
Are at the end of the package specification where T was declared.
If you didn't do that, you could have a type derived from type T (i.e. in T'Class), which hadn't inherited all the dispatching operations of type T. If you passed an object of that type as a T'Class parameter to a subprogram, which knew of one more dispatching operation on type T, a call to that operation would have to fail. - We wouldn't want that to happen.
Answering your extended question:
Ada comes with both a Reference Manual (the ISO standard), a Rationale and an Annotated Reference Manual. And a large part of the discussions behind these documents are public as well.
For Ada 2012 see http://www.adaic.org/ada-resources/standards/ada12/
Tagged types (dynamic dispatching) was introduced in Ada 95. The documents related to that version of the standard can be found at http://www.adaic.org/ada-resources/standards/ada-95-documents/

Does OCaml have general map()/reduce() functions?

In Python map() works on any data that follows the sequence protocol. It does The Right Thing^TM whether I feed it a string or a list or even a tuple.
Can't I have my cake in OCaml too? Do I really have no other choice but to look at the collection type I'm using and find a corresponding List.map or an Array.map or a Buffer.map or a String.map? Some of these don't even exist! Is what I'm asking for unusual? I must be missing something.
The closest you will get to this is the module Enum in OCaml Batteries Included (formerly of Extlib). Enum defines maps and folds over Enum.t; you just have to use a conversion to/from Enum.t for your datatype. The conversions can be fairly light-weight, because Enum.t is lazy.
What you really want is Haskell-style type classes, like Foldable and Functor (which generalizes "maps"). The Haskell libraries define instances of Foldable and Functor for lists, arrays, and trees. Another relevant technique is the "Scrap Your Boilerplate" approach to generic programming. Since OCaml doesn't support type classes or higher-kinded polymorphism, I don't think you'd be able to express patterns like these in its type system.
There are two main solutions in OCaml:
Jacques Garrigue already implemented a syntactically-light but inefficient approach for many data structures several years ago. You just wrap the collections in objects that provide a map method. Then you can do collection#map to use the map function for any kind of collection. This is more general than your requirements because it allows different kinds of data structures to be substituted at run time. However, this is not very useful in practice so the approach was never widely adopted.
A syntactically-heavier but efficient, robust and static solution is to use functors to parameterize your code over the data structure you are using. This makes it trivial to reuse your code with different data structures. See Markus Mottl's OCaml translations of Okasaki's book "Purely Functional Data Structures" for some great examples.
If you aren't looking for that kind of power and just want brevity then, of course, you can just create a module alias with a shorter name (e.g. module S = String).
The problem is that each container has a different representation and requires different code for map/reduce to iterate over it. This is why there are separate functions. Most languages provide some sort of general interface for containers (such as the sequence protocol you mentioned) so functions like map/reduce can be implemented abstractly, but this is not done for the types you mentioned.
As long as you define a type t and val compare (: t->t->int) in your module, Map.Make will give you the map you want.

Defining point of functional programming

I can enumerate many features of functional programming, but when my friend asked me Could you define functional programming for me? I couldn't.
I would say that the defining point of pure functional programming is that all computation is done in functions with no side effects. That is, functions take inputs and return values, but do not change any hidden state, In this paradigm, functions more closely model their mathematical cousins.
This was nailed down for me when I started playing with Erlang, a language with a write-once stack. However, it should be clarified that there is a difference between a programming paradigm, and a programming language. Languages that are generally referred to as functional provide a number of features that encourage or enforce the functional paradigm (e.g., Erlang with it's write-once stack, higher order functions, closures, etc.). However the functional programming paradigm can be applied in many languages (with varying degrees of pain).
A lot of the definitions so far have emphasized purity, but there are many languages that are considered functional that are not at all pure (e.g., ML, Scheme). I think the key properties that make a language "functional" are:
Higher-order functions. Functions are a built-in datatype no different from integers and booleans. Anonymous functions are easy to create and idiomatic (e.g., lambdas).
Everything is an expression. In imperative languages, a distinction is made between statements, which mutate state and affect control flow, and expressions, which yield values. In functional languages (even impure functional languages), expression evaluation is the fundamental unit of execution.
Given these two properties, you naturally get the behavior we think of as functional (e.g., expressing computations in terms of folds and maps). Eliminating mutable state is a way to make things even more functional.
From wikipedia:
In computer science, functional programming is a programming paradigm that treats computation as the evaluation of mathematical functions and avoids state and mutable data. It emphasizes the application of functions, in contrast with the imperative programming style that emphasizes changes in state.
Using a functional approach gives the following benefits:
Concurrent programming is much easier in functional languages.
Functions in FP can never cause side effects - this makes unit testing much easier.
Hot Code Deployment in production environments is much easier.
Functional languages can be reasoned about mathematically.
Lazy evaluation provides potential for performance optimizations.
More expressive - closures, pattern matching, advanced type systems etc. allow programmers to 'say what they mean' more readily.
Brevity - for some classes of program a functional solution is significantly more concise.
There is a great article with more detail here.
Being able to enumerate the features is more useful than trying to define the term itself, as people will use the term "functional programming" in a variety of contexts with many shades of meaning across a continuum, whereas the individual features have individually crisper definitions that are more universally agreed upon.
Below are the features that come to mind. Most people use the term "functional programming" to refer to some subset of those features (the most common/important ones being "purity" and "higher-order functions").
FP features:
Purity (a.k.a. immutability, eschewing side-effects, referential transparency)
Higher-order functions (e.g. pass a function as a parameter, return it as a result, define anonymous function on the fly as a lambda expression)
Laziness (a.k.a. non-strict evaluation, most useful/usable when coupled with purity)
Algebraic data types and pattern matching
Currying / partial application
Parametric polymorphism (a.k.a. generics)
Recursion (more prominent as a result of purity)
Programming with expressions rather than statements (again, from purity)
The more features from the above list you are using, the more likely someone will label what you are doing "functional programming" (and the first two features--purity and higher-order functions--are probably worth the most extra bonus points towards your "FP score").
I have to add that functional programming tends to also abstract control structures of your program as well as the domain - e.g., you no longer do a 'for loop' on some list of things, but you 'map' it with some function to produce the output.
i think functional programming is a state of mind as well as the definition given above.
There are two separate definitions:
The older definition (first-class functions) has been given by Chris Conway.
The newer definition (avoiding side effects like mutation) has been given by John Stauffer. This is more generally known as purely functional programming.
This is a source of much confusion...
It's like drawing a picture by using vectors instead of bitmaps - tell the painter how to change the picture instead of what the picture looks like at each step.
It's application of functions as opposed to changing the state.
I think John Stauffer mostly has the definition. I would also add that you need to be able to pass functions around. Essentially you need high order functions, meaning you can pass functions around easily (although passing blocks is good enough).
For example a very popular functional call is map. It is basically equivalent to
list is some list of items
OutList is some empty list
foreach item in list
return OutList
so that code is expressed as map(function, list). The revolutionary concept is that function is a function. Javascript is a great example of a language with high order functions. Basically functions can be treated like a variable and passed into functions or returned from functions. C++ and C have function pointers which can be used similarly. .NET delegates can also be used similarly.
then you can think of all sorts of cool abstractions...
Do you have a function AddItemsInList, MultiplyItemsInList, etc..?
Each function takes (List) and returns a single result
You could create (note, many languages do not allow you to pass + around as a function but it seems the clearest way to express the concept)....
AggregateItemsInList(List, combinefunction, StepFunction)
Increment functions work on indexes...better would be to make them work on list using list operations like next and for incTwo next next if it exists....
function incNormal(x) {
return x + 1
function incTwo(x) {
return x + 2
AggregateItemsInList(List, +, incNormal)
Want to do every other item?
AggegateItemsInList(List, +, incTwo)
Want to multiply?
AggregateItemsInList(List, *, incNormal)
Want to add exam scores together?
function AddScores (studenta, studentb) {
return studenta.score + studentb.score
AggregateItemsInList(ListOfStudents, AddScores, incOne)
High order functions are a very powerful abstraction. Instead of having to write custom methods for numbers, strings, students, etc.. you have one aggregate method that loops through a list of anything and you just have to create the addition operation for each data type.
