Julia functions: making mutable types immutable - julia

Coming from Wolfram Mathematica, I like the idea that whenever I pass a variable to a function I am effectively creating a copy of that variable. On the other hand, I am learning that in Julia there are the notions of mutable and immutable types, with the former passed by reference and the latter passed by value. Can somebody explain me the advantage of such a distinction? why arrays are passed by reference? Naively I see this as a bad aspect, since it creates side effects and ruins the possibility to write purely functional code. Where I am wrong in my reasoning? is there a way to make immutable an array, such that when it is passed to a function it is effectively passed by value?
here an example of code
#x is an in INT and so is immutable: it is passed by value
x = 10
function change_value(x)
x = 17
#arrays are mutable: they are passed by reference
arr = [1, 2, 3]
function change_array!(A)
A[1] = 20
which indeed modifies the array arr

There is a fair bit to respond to here.
First, Julia does not pass-by-reference or pass-by-value. Rather it employs a paradigm known as pass-by-sharing. Quoting the docs:
Function arguments themselves act as new variable bindings (new
locations that can refer to values), but the values they refer to are
identical to the passed values.
Second, you appear to be asking why Julia does not copy arrays when passing them into functions. This is a simple one to answer: Performance. Julia is a performance oriented language. Making a copy every time you pass an array into a function is bad for performance. Every copy operation takes time.
This has some interesting side-effects. For example, you'll notice that a lot of the mature Julia packages (as well as the Base code) consists of many short functions. This code structure is a direct consequence of near-zero overhead to function calls. Languages like Mathematica and MatLab on the other hand tend towards long functions. I have no desire to start a flame war here, so I'll merely state that personally I prefer the Julia style of many short functions.
Third, you are wondering about the potential negative implications of pass-by-sharing. In theory you are correct that this can result in problems when users are unsure whether a function will modify its inputs. There were long discussions about this in the early days of the language, and based on your question, you appear to have worked out that the convention is that functions that modify their arguments have a trailing ! in the function name. Interestingly, this standard is not compulsory so yes, it is in theory possible to end up with a wild-west type scenario where users live in a constant state of uncertainty. In practice this has never been a problem (to my knowledge). The convention of using ! is enforced in Base Julia, and in fact I have never encountered a package that does not adhere to this convention. In summary, yes, it is possible to run into issues when pass-by-sharing, but in practice it has never been a problem, and the performance benefits far outweigh the cost.
Fourth (and finally), you ask whether there is a way to make an array immutable. First things first, I would strongly recommend against hacks to attempt to make native arrays immutable. For example, you could attempt to disable the setindex! function for arrays... but please don't do this. It will break so many things.
As was mentioned in the comments on the question, you could use StaticArrays. However, as Simeon notes in the comments on this answer, there are performance penalties for using static arrays for really big datasets. More than 100 elements and you can run into compilation issues. The main benefit of static arrays really is the optimizations that can be implemented for smaller static arrays.
Another package-based options suggested by phipsgabler in the comments below is FunctionalCollections. This appears to do what you want, although it looks to be only sporadically maintained. Of course, that isn't always a bad thing.
A simpler approach is just to copy arrays in your own code whenever you want to implement pass-by-value. For example:
Just be sure you understand the difference between copy and deepcopy, and when you may need to use the latter. If you're only working with arrays of numbers, you'll never need the latter, and in fact using it will probably drastically slow down your code.
If you wanted to do a bit of work then you could also build your own array type in the spirit of static arrays, but without all the bells and whistles that static arrays entails. For example:
struct MyImmutableArray{T,N}
Base.getindex(y::MyImmutableArray, inds...) = getindex(y.x, inds...)
and similarly you could add any other functions you wanted to this type, while excluding functions like setindex!.


What makes Julia Composable?

I have seen many places the mention that Julia is "Composable". I know that the word itself means:
Composability is a system design principle that deals with the inter-relationships of components. A highly composable system provides components that can be selected and assembled in various combinations to satisfy specific user requirements.
But I am curious what the specific components of Julia are that make it composable. Is it the ability to override base functions with my own implementation?
I guess I'll hazard an answer, though my understanding may be no more complete than yours!
As far as I understand it (in no small part from Stefan's "Unreasonable Effectiveness of Multiple Dispatch" JuliaCon talk as linked by Oscar in the comments), I would say that it is in part:
As you say, the ability override base functions with your own implementation [and, critically, then have it "just work" (be dispatched to) whenever appropriate thanks to multiple dispatch] ...since this means if you make a custom type and define all the fundamental / primitive operations on that type (as in https://docs.julialang.org/en/v1/manual/interfaces/ -- say +-*/ et al. for numeric types, or getindex, setindex! et al. for an array-like type, etc.), then any more complex program built on those fundamentals will also "just work" with your new custom type. And that in turn means your custom type will also work (AKA compose) with other people's packages without any need for (e.g.) explicit compatibility shims as long as people haven't over-constrained their function argument types (which is, incidentally, why over-constraining function argument types is a Julia antipattern )
Following on 1), the fact that so many Base methods are also just plain Julia, so will also work with your new custom type as long as the proper fundamental operations are defined
The fact that Julia's base types and methods are generally performant and convenient enough that in many cases there's no need to do anything custom, so you can just put together blocks that all operate on, e.g., plain Julia arrays or tuples or etc.This last point is perhaps most notable in contrast to a language like Python where, for example, every sufficiently large subset of the ecosystem (numpy, tensorflow, etc.) has their own reimplementation of (e.g.) arrays, which for better performance are all ultimately implemented in some other language entirely (C++, for numpy and TF) and thus probably do not compose with each other.

Global State in Functional Programming (F#)

I want to compute some functions which are dependent on some variables (specific data on which I run the code) and global variables, which are unlikely to be changed, but I want to leave them user-tunable. Just to clarify with an example, suppose I want to declare the following function:
let multiplyByGain x =
x * gain
Where would you declare gain, being gain a global constant for the whole project. In a separate module with constants? That would couple the module with this code, though. Or would you use a curried version:
let multiblyByGain x gain =
x * gain
and then specialize for the specific values? But suppose you have many functions like that, you will have to inject gain to all of them (in a sort of linking module)?
In my specific problem this becomes more cumbersome because both x and gain are arrays which must have the same length, suppose I have to do a Array.zip, e.g.: what is the best practice in terms of functional design to address a global constant, as gain, in a general way?
P.S.: I have found this old postenter link description here, but addresses only a specific problem.
There is no single correct answer to the question and the best approach will depend on a variety of other constraints and requirements that you have. Also, it depends on whether you are asking specifically about F# or whether you are asking about functional programming more generally. I think there are three main points:
Keeping it simple.
Using a module that exposes gain as a global value, which has some initialization code to read configuration seems like a good default approach in F#. If this is changed only rarely (say, before you run the whole computation), then mutation is not going to cause you any troubles. You just need to be careful to avoid changing the values while some computation is still running. I think most F# programmers code tend to be quite pragmatic about this and this seems like the easiest thing to start with.
Unit testing.
If you want to unit ytest your multiplyByGain function with different gain as an argument, then you'll need some way of passing different values of gain to the function from your unit tests. In this case, having it as an additional parameter and using currying is nice, because you can just call it with other values of gain from your tests.
Functional programming.
Some functional language communities (especially Haskell and, sometimes, Scala) are way more strict about state. The purely functional way of keeping state would be to use monads (either the reader monad or some kind of free monad structure). This makes your code a lot more complicated (both conceptually and in terms of extra syntactic overhead), but it is a purely functional solution that eliminates state. In F#, this kind of approach is even more cumbersome, so it's not very common.

What is the need for immutable/persistent data structures in erlang

Each Erlang process maintains its own private address space. All communication happens via copying without sharing (except big binaries). If each process is processing one message at a time with no concurrent access over its objects, I don't see why do we need immutable/persistent data structures.
Erlang was initially implemented in Prolog, which doesn't really use mutable data structures either (though some dialects do). So it started off without them. This makes runtime implementation simpler and faster (garbage collection in particular).
So adding mutable data structures would require a lot of effort, could introduce bugs, and Erlang programmers are nearly by definition at least willing to live without them.
Many actually consider their absence to be a positive good: less concern about object identity, no need for defensive copying because you don't know whether some other piece of code is going to modify the data you passed (or might be changed later to modify it), etc.
This absence does mean that Erlang is pretty unusable in some domains (e.g. high performance scientific computing), at least as the main language. But again, this means that nobody in these domains is going to use Erlang in the first place and so there's no particular incentive to make it usable at the cost of making existing users unhappy.
I remember seeing a mailing list post by Joe Armstrong quite a long time ago (which I couldn't find with a quick search now) saying that he initially planned to add mutable variables when he'd need them... except he never quite did, and performance was good enough for everything he was using Erlang for.
It is indeed the case that in Erlang immutability does not solve any "shared state" problems, as immutable data are "process local".
From the functional programming language perspective, however, immutability offers a number of benefits, summarized adequately in this Quora answer:
The simplest definition of functional programming is that it’s a programming
paradigm where you are transforming immutable data with functions.
The definition uses functions in the mathematical sense, where it’s
something that takes an input, and produces an output.
OO + mutability tends to violate that definition because when you want
to change a piece of data it generally will not return the output, it
will likely return void or unit, and that when you call a method on
the object the object itself isn’t input for the function.
As far as what advantages the paradigm has, composability, thread
safety, being able to track what went wrong where better, the ability
to sort of separate the data from the actual computation on it being
done, etc.
how would this work?
factorial(1) -> 1;
factorial(X) ->
if you run factorial(4), a single process will be running the same function. Each time the function will have it's own value of X, if the value of X was in the scope of the process and not the function recursive functions wouldn't work. So first we need to understand scope. If you want to say that you don't see why data needs to be immutable within the scope of a single function/block you would have a point, but it would be a headache to think about where data is immutable and where it isn't.

Ignoring certain types with respect to = in OCaml

I'm in a situation where I'm modifying an existing compiler written in OCaml. I've added locations to the AST of the compiled language, but it has cause a bunch of bugs, because equality checks that previously succeeded now fail when identical ASTs have a different location attached.
In particular, I'm seeing List.mem return false when it should return true, since it relies on equality.
I'm wondering, is there a way for me to specify that, for any two values of my location type, that = should always return true for any two values of this type?
It would be a ton of work to refactor the entire compiler to use a custom equality everywhere, particularly since many polymorphic functions rely on being able to use = on any type.
There's no existing OCaml mechanism to do what you want.
You can use ppx to write OCaml syntax extensions, and (as I understand it) the behavior can depend on types. So there's some chance you could get things working that way. But it wouldn't be as straightforward as what you're asking for. I suspect you would need to explicitly handle = and any standard functions (like List.mem) that use = implicitly. (Note that I have no experience with ppx.)
I found a description of PPX here: http://ocamllabs.io/doc/ppx.html
Many experienced OCaml programmers avoid the use of built-in polymorphic equality because its behavior is often surprising. So it might be worth converting to a custom comparison function after all.
What an annoying problem to have.
If you are desperate and willing to write a little C code you can change the representation of locations to Custom_tag blocks, which allow customising the behaviour of some of the polymorphic operations. It's a nasty solution, and I suggest you look hard for a better approach before resorting to this one.
One possibility is that most of the compiler does not use locations at all. If so, you might be able to get away with replacing every location in the AST with the same dummy location. That should allow equality to behave as if locations were not there at all. This is rather hacky, and may not be possible if passes later in the compiler make any use of location info.
The 'clean' solution is to define a sane equality operation for ASTs (or to derive one using ppx) and to change the code to use that. As you say, this would be a lot more work.

Is recursion a feature in and of itself?

...or is it just a practice?
I'm asking this because of an argument with my professor: I lost credit for calling a function recursively on the basis that we did not cover recursion in class, and my argument is that we learned it implicitly by learning return and methods.
I'm asking here because I suspect someone has a definitive answer.
For example, what is the difference between the following two methods:
public static void a() {
return a();
public static void b() {
return a();
Other than "a continues forever" (in the actual program it is used correctly to prompt a user again when provided with invalid input), is there any fundamental difference between a and b? To an un-optimized compiler, how are they handled differently?
Ultimately it comes down to whether by learning to return a() from b that we therefor also learned to return a() from a. Did we?
To answer your specific question: No, from the standpoint of learning a language, recursion isn't a feature. If your professor really docked you marks for using a "feature" he hadn't taught yet, that was wrong.
Reading between the lines, one possibility is that by using recursion, you avoided ever using a feature that was supposed to be a learning outcome for his course. For example, maybe you didn't use iteration at all, or maybe you only used for loops instead of using both for and while. It's common that an assignment aims to test your ability to do certain things, and if you avoid doing them, your professor simply can't grant you the marks set aside for that feature. However, if that really was the cause of your lost marks, the professor should take this as a learning experience of his or her own- if demonstrating certain learning outcomes is one of the criteria for an assignment, that should be clearly explained to the students.
Having said that, I agree with most of the other comments and answers that iteration is a better choice than recursion here. There are a couple of reasons, and while other people have touched on them to some extent, I'm not sure they've fully explained the thought behind them.
Stack Overflows
The more obvious one is that you risk getting a stack overflow error. Realistically, the method you wrote is very unlikely to actually lead to one, since a user would have to give incorrect input many many times to actually trigger a stack overflow.
However, one thing to keep in mind is that not just the method itself, but other methods higher or lower in the call chain will be on the stack. Because of this, casually gobbling up available stack space is a pretty impolite thing for any method to do. Nobody wants to have to constantly worry about free stack space whenever they write code because of the risk that other code might have needlessly used a lot of it up.
This is part of a more general principle in software design called abstraction. Essentially, when you call DoThing(), all you should need to care about is that Thing is done. You shouldn't have to worry about the implementation details of how it's done. But greedy use of the stack breaks this principle, because every bit of code has to worry about how much stack it can safely assume it has left to it by code elsewhere in the call chain.
The other reason is readability. The ideal that code should aspire to is to be a human-readable document, where each line describes simply what it's doing. Take these two approaches:
private int getInput() {
int input;
do {
input = promptForInput();
} while (!inputIsValid(input))
return input;
private int getInput() {
int input = promptForInput();
if(inputIsValid(input)) {
return input;
return getInput();
Yes, these both work, and yes they're both pretty easy to understand. But how might the two approaches be described in English? I think it'd be something like:
I will prompt for input until the input is valid, and then return it
I will prompt for input, then if the input is valid I will return it, otherwise I get the input and return the result of that instead
Perhaps you can think of slightly less clunky wording for the latter, but I think you'll always find that the first one is going to be a more accurate description, conceptually, of what you are actually trying to do. This isn't to say recursion is always less readable. For situations where it shines, like tree traversal, you could do the same kind of side by side analysis between recursion and another approach and you'd almost certainly find recursion gives code which is more clearly self-describing, line by line.
In isolation, both of these are small points. It's very unlikely this would ever really lead to a stack overflow, and the gain in readability is minor. But any program is going to be a collection of many of these small decisions, so even if in isolation they don't matter much, it's important to learn the principles behind getting them right.
To answer the literal question, rather than the meta-question: recursion is a feature, in the sense that not all compilers and/or languages necessarily permit it. In practice, it is expected of all (ordinary) modern compilers - and certainly all Java compilers! - but it is not universally true.
As a contrived example of why recursion might not be supported, consider a compiler that stores the return address for a function in a static location; this might be the case, for example, for a compiler for a microprocessor that does not have a stack.
For such a compiler, when you call a function like this
it is implemented as
move the address of label 1 to variable return_from_a
jump to label function_a
label 1
and the definition of a(),
function a()
var1 = 5;
is implemented as
label function_a
move 5 to variable var1
jump to the address stored in variable return_from_a
Hopefully the problem when you try to call a() recursively in such a compiler is obvious; the compiler no longer knows how to return from the outer call, because the return address has been overwritten.
For the compiler I actually used (late 70s or early 80s, I think) with no support for recursion the problem was slightly more subtle than that: the return address would be stored on the stack, just like in modern compilers, but local variables weren't. (Theoretically this should mean that recursion was possible for functions with no non-static local variables, but I don't remember whether the compiler explicitly supported that or not. It may have needed implicit local variables for some reason.)
Looking forwards, I can imagine specialized scenarios - heavily parallel systems, perhaps - where not having to provide a stack for every thread could be advantageous, and where therefore recursion is only permitted if the compiler can refactor it into a loop. (Of course the primitive compilers I discuss above were not capable of complicated tasks like refactoring code.)
The teacher wants to know whether you have studied or not. Apparently you didn't solve the problem the way he taught you (the good way; iteration), and thus, considers that you didn't. I'm all for creative solutions but in this case I have to agree with your teacher for a different reason: If the user provides invalid input too many times (i.e. by keeping enter pressed), you'll have a stack overflow exception and your solution will crash. In addition, the iterative solution is more efficient and easier to maintain. I think that's the reason your teacher should have given you.
Deducting points because "we didn't cover recursion in class" is awful. If you learnt how to call function A which calls function B which calls function C which returns back to B which returns back to A which returns back to the caller, and the teacher didn't tell you explicitly that these must be different functions (which would be the case in old FORTRAN versions, for example), there is no reason that A, B and C cannot all be the same function.
On the other hand, we'd have to see the actual code to decide whether in your particular case using recursion is really the right thing to do. There are not many details, but it does sound wrong.
There are many point of views to look at regarding the specific question you asked but what I can say is that from the standpoint of learning a language, recursion isn't a feature on its own. If your professor really docked you marks for using a "feature" he hadn't taught yet, that was wrong but like I said, there are other point of views to consider here which actually make the professor being right when deducting points.
From what I can deduce from your question, using a recursive function to ask for input in case of input failure is not a good practice since every recursive functions' call gets pushed on to the stack. Since this recursion is driven by user input it is possible to have an infinite recursive function and thus resulting in a StackOverflow.
There is no difference between these 2 examples you mentioned in your question in the sense of what they do (but do differ in other ways)- In both cases, a return address and all method info is being loaded to the stack. In a recursion case, the return address is simply the line right after the method calling (of course its not exactly what you see in the code itself, but rather in the code the compiler created). In Java, C, and Python, recursion is fairly expensive compared to iteration (in general) because it requires the allocation of a new stack frame. Not to mention you can get a stack overflow exception if the input is not valid too many times.
I believe the professor deducted points since recursion is considered a subject of its own and its unlikely that someone with no programming experience would think of recursion. (Of course it doesn't mean they won't, but it's unlikely).
IMHO, I think the professor is right by deducting you the points. You could have easily taken the validation part to a different method and use it like this:
public bool foo()
validInput = GetInput();
MessageBox.Show("Wrong Input, please try again!");
validInput = GetInput();
return hasWon(x, y, piece);
If what you did can indeed be solved in that manner then what you did was a bad practice and should be avoided.
Maybe your professor hasn't taught it yet, but it sounds like you're ready to learn the advantages and disadvantages of recursion.
The main advantage of recursion is that recursive algorithms are often much easier and quicker to write.
The main disadvantage of recursion is that recursive algorithms can cause stack overflows, since each level of recursion requires an additional stack frame to be added to the stack.
For production code, where scaling can result in many more levels of recursion in production than in the programmer's unit tests, the disadvantage usually outweighs the advantage, and recursive code is often avoided when practical.
Regarding the specific question, is recursion a feature, I'm inclined to say yes, but after re-interpreting the question. There are common design choices of languages and compilers that make recursion possible, and Turing-complete languages do exist that don't allow recursion at all. In other words, recursion is an ability that is enabled by certain choices in language/compiler design.
Supporting first-class functions makes recursion possible under very minimal assumptions; see writing loops in Unlambda for an example, or this obtuse Python expression containing no self-references, loops or assignments:
>>> map((lambda x: lambda f: x(lambda g: f(lambda v: g(g)(v))))(
... lambda c: c(c))(lambda R: lambda n: 1 if n < 2 else n * R(n - 1)),
... xrange(10))
[1, 1, 2, 6, 24, 120, 720, 5040, 40320, 362880]
Languages/compilers that use late binding, or that define forward declarations, make recursion possible. For example, while Python allows the below code, that's a design choice (late binding), not a requirement for a Turing-complete system. Mutually recursive functions often depend on support for forward declarations.
factorial = lambda n: 1 if n < 2 else n * factorial(n-1)
Statically typed languages that allow recursively defined types contribute to enabling recursion. See this implementation of the Y Combinator in Go. Without recursively-defined types, it would still be possible to use recursion in Go, but I believe the Y combinator specifically would be impossible.
From what I can deduce from your question, using a recursive function to ask for input in case of input failure is not a good practice. Why?
Because every recursive functions call gets pushed on to the stack. Since this recursion is driven by user input it is possible to have an infinite recursive function and thus resulting in a StackOverflow :-p
Having a non recursive loop to do this is the way to go.
Recursion is a programming concept, a feature (like iteration), and a practice. As you can see from the link, there's a large domain of research dedicated to the subject. Perhaps we don't need to go that deep in the topic to understand these points.
Recursion as a feature
In plain terms, Java supports it implicitly, because it allows a method (which is basically a special function) to have "knowledge" of itself and of others methods composing the class it belongs to. Consider a language where this is not the case: you would be able to write the body of that method a, but you wouldn't be able to include a call to a within it. The only solution would be to use iteration to obtain the same result. In such a language, you would have to make a distinction between functions aware of their own existence (by using a specific syntax token), and those who don't! Actually, a whole group of languages do make that distinction (see the Lisp and ML families for instance). Interestingly, Perl does even allow anonymous functions (so called lambdas) to call themselves recursively (again, with a dedicated syntax).
no recursion?
For languages which don't even support the possibility of recursion, there is often another solution, in the form of the Fixed-point combinator, but it still requires the language to support functions as so called first class objects (i.e. objects which may be manipulated within the language itself).
Recursion as a practice
Having that feature available in a language doesn't necessary mean that it is idiomatic. In Java 8, lambda expressions have been included, so it might become easier to adopt a functional approach to programming. However, there are practical considerations:
the syntax is still not very recursion friendly
compilers may not be able to detect that practice and optimize it
The bottom line
Luckily (or more accurately, for ease of use), Java does let methods be aware of themselves by default, and thus support recursion, so this isn't really a practical problem, but it still remain a theoretical one, and I suppose that your teacher wanted to address it specifically. Besides, in the light of the recent evolution of the language, it might turn into something important in the future.
