What syntax am I missing? - mariadb

I am a completely new to SQL and I am follow a tutorial verbatim to try and create a new table in my first database. However I am getting the following error.
USE menu;
`Burger Number` TINYINT,
Burger VARCHAR(50),
Price DECIMAL(5,2),
Description VARCHAR(300),
Yields SQL Error 1064:
SQL Error (1064): You have an errror in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near ')' at line 8
I made sure to use commas to separate each column and used parenthesis to what I understand is the proper way to do so. I am not sure if version is relevant but I am using version 10.5.8 of MariaDB. Any insight is appreciated!

You have one comma too many.
Description VARCHAR(300),
You need commas between each column, index, or constraint within the CREATE TABLE statement, except for the last one before the closing parenthesis.
It should be like this:
Description VARCHAR(300)
General tip about syntax errors: They tell you exactly where to look for the problem, because it reports the place in your SQL statement where the syntax parser got confused.
In this case it reported:
...right syntax to use near ')' at line 8
This tells you the problem is at that point in the syntax. The ) didn't belong there, because the syntax was expecting something else. Because commas separate columns, it was expecting another column definition following a comma.


Pervasive database: Problem with spaces in column names

We use pervasive Database with Zen Contol-Center And want to perform the following SQl-Statenemt:
insert into MWlog
(Signatur,Datum,Uhrzeit,Auftrag,Probe,Parameter,Matrix,`Messwert neu`,Zugriff,`Messwert alt`,Aenderungsgrund)
('ML','2020-12-01','15:04:50','230176','230176','Bas. wirk.','TM','5.62','5','5.62','Neuer Import')
We get the following error-message:
insert into MWlog(Signatur,Datum,Uhrzeit,Auftrag,Probe,Parameter,Matrix,`Messwert neu`,Zugriff,`Messwert alt`,Aenderungsgrund) values ('ML','2020-12-01','15:04:50','230176','230176','Bas. wirk.','TM','5.62','5','5.62','Neuer Import')
[Zen][SQL Engine]
Syntax Error: insert into MWlog(Signatur,Datum,Uhrzeit,Auftrag,Probe,Parameter,Matrix,<< ??? >>`Messwert neu`,Zugriff,`Messwert alt`,Aenderungsgrund) values ('ML','2020-12-01','15:04:50','230176','230176','Bas. wirk.','TM','5.62','5',
What is wrong in the SQL Statement?
(We found out that the problem are the spaces in the field-Names)
We are using
Zen Control Center
Zen Install Version 14.10.035.
Java Version 1.8.0_222.
Gord Thompson is correct. You need to use double quotes around field names with spaces or field names that are reserved key words. You statements should be:
insert into MWlog
(Signatur,Datum,Uhrzeit,Auftrag,Probe,Parameter,Matrix,"Messwert neu",Zugriff,"Messwert alt",Aenderungsgrund)
('ML','2020-12-01','15:04:50','230176','230176','Bas. wirk.','TM','5.62','5','5.62','Neuer Import')

I keep getting a syntax error on this code [duplicate]

I'm trying to insert some information to MySQL with Pascal, but when I run the program I get the error
unknown column 'mohsen' in field list
This is my code
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
aSQLText: string;
aSQLCommand: string;
aSQLText:= 'INSERT INTO b_tbl(Name,Family) VALUES (%s,%s)';
aSQLCommand := Format(aSQLText, [namee, family]);
How can I solve this problem?
It's because your
VALUES (%s,%s)
isn't surrounding the namee and family variable contents by quotes. Therefore, your back-end Sql engine thinks your mohsen is a column name, not a value.
Instead, use, e.g.
VALUES (''%s'',''%s'')
as in
Namee := 'mohsen';
Family := 'dolatshah';
aSQLText:= 'INSERT INTO b_tbl(Name,Family) VALUES (''%s'',''%s'')';
aSQLCommand := Format(aSQLText,[namee,family]);
In the original version of my answer, I explained how to fix your problem by "doubling up" single quotes in the Sql you were trying to build, because it seemed to me that you were having difficulty seeing (literally) what was wrong with what you were doing.
An alternative (and better) way to avoid your problem (and the one I always use in real life) is to use the QuotedStr() function. The same code would then become
aSQLText := 'INSERT INTO b_tbl (Name, Family) VALUES (%s, %s)';
aSQLCommand := Format(aSQLText, [QuotedStr(namee), QuotedStr(family)]);
According to the Online Help:
Use QuotedStr to convert the string S to a quoted string. A single quote character (') >is inserted at the beginning and end of S, and each single quote character in the string is >repeated.
What it means by "repeated" is what I've referred to as "doubling up". Why that's important, and the main reason I use QuotedStr is to avoid the Sql db-engine throwing an error when the value you want to send contains a single quote character as in O'Reilly.
Try adding a row containing that name to your table using MySql Workbench and you'll see what I mean.
So, not only does using QuotedStr make constructing SQL statements as strings in Delphi code less error-prone, but it also avoid problems at the back-end, too.
Just in case this will help anybody else I had the same error when I was parsing a python variable with a sql statement and it had an if statement in i.e.
sql="select bob,steve, if(steve>50,'y','n') from table;"
try as I might it coming up with this "unknown column y" - so I tried everything and then I was about to get rid of it and give it up as a bad job until I thought I would swap the " for ' and ' for "..... Hoooraaahh it works!
This is the statement that worked
sql='select bob,steve, if(steve>50,"y","n") from table;'
Hope it helps...
To avoid this sort of problem and SQL injection you should really look into using SQL parameters for this, not the Pascal format statement.

loading in a MySQL table called "order" with RMySQL

I'm currently trying to connect my R session to a MySQL server using the RMySQL package.
One of the tables on the server is called "order", I already searched how you can import a table called order with MySQL (by putting it into ''), yet the syntax does not work for the RMySQL query.
when I run the following statement:
order_query = dbSendQuery(mydb,"SELECT * FROM 'order'")
It returns the following error:
Error in .local(conn, statement, ...) : could not run statement:
You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that
corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use
near ''order'' at line 1
Anyone knows how to get around this in R?
Single quotes in MySQL indicate string literals, and you should not be putting them around your table names. Try the query without the quotes:
order_query = dbSendQuery(mydb,"SELECT * FROM `order`")
If you did, for some reason, need to escape your table name, then use backticks, e.g.
SELECT * FROM `some table` -- table name with a space (generally a bad thing)
As #Ralf pointed out, in this case you do need backticks because ORDER is a MySQL keyword and you should not be using it to name your tables and columns.

I Can't break out of ...> in SQLite shell

I'm learning SQLite and I guess I entered something wrong, but now I'm stuck where anything I enter it just keeps showing "...>"
SQLite create kitchen_table(food_name TEXT UNIQUE,food_type TEXT,quantity INT)";
As you can see, I've tried both semi-colon and ctrl-D, which are the two answers I found online.
Near the very end of the first line is an open quote: ".
Close that, followed by a semicolon, and you'll escape with a nice syntax error.
sqlite> create kitchen_table(food_name TEXT UNIQUE,food_type TEXT,quantity INT)";
...> "
...> ;
Error: near "kitchen_table": syntax error
You're also likely looking for CREATE TABLE, not just CREATE. See the language documentation.
Oka's right. The double-quote at the end of the query string might be your issue. Try this:
CREATE TABLE kitchen_table (
food_name text UNIQUE,
food_type text,
quantity integer);
Note the data types and syntax for SQLite

swi-prolog odbc error while inserting into postgresql

I have the following problem and I'm begging for help: I'm using swi-prolog and odbc interface to connect to postgresql database. Problem occurs when I try to insert in database. SELECT works fine but INSERT doesn't work. Does anybody know what am I doing wrong.
Here's my simple test code:
odbc_connect(baza, C, [user(Mat),
password(lozinka), alias(baza), open(once)]).
sel(R) :-
'SELECT * FROM pacijent',
odbc_query(baza, 'INSERT INTO pacijent (name, surname, passw, number) VALUES ("James", "Bond", 007, 007)').
This is the error when i try to insert:
?- ins.
ERROR: ODBC: State S1000: [unixODBC]ERROR: column "James" does not exist at character 30;
Error while executing the query
Also i tried to insert through psql console and everything works fine, but as said problem is when inserting from prolog.
Please help, im stuck here.
A suggestion: proper escaping, don't know if it'll be enough though. I'd turn
"James", "Bond"
\'James\', \'Bond\'
The problem is you've passed the column data for columns name and surname in double quotes instead of single quotes. Most databases use " (double quotes) for identifiers like table and column names and ' (single quotes) for data. How you ensure that in prolog I don't know.
I suspect you'll want to quote the other 2 columns as well.
In ODBC you'd use SQLGetInfo and get SQL_IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CHAR which will usually return double quotes meaning to quote identifiers use these quotes.
