How do you use guards(1) with quilt(1) - patch

One of the ancillary tools bundled with quilt is guards, which processes a list of guards and a configuration file matching guards and files, and outputs a list of files whose guard specifications match the provided guards.
However I can't figure how they're supposed to fit together: quilt(1) doesn't show any way to invoke a command to generate series files, I didn't find examples in the mans or the working copy, and the internets are less than helpful (all the hits talk about bedding).
I feel like guard has to be manually invoked whenever its "dependencies" change and the series file overwritten, is that the case? If so, how is data fed back the other way around e.g. when adding a new patch to the series, does it have to be manually synchronised to the guard file?
Background: a few years back I used mq quite a bit, but it integrates guards natively so the synchronisation back and forth is not an issue at all.


Standardized filenames when passing folders between steps in pipeline architecture?

I am using AzureML pipelines, where the interface between pipeline steps is through a folder or file.
When I am passing data into the pipeline, I point directly to a single file. No problem at all. Very useful when passing in configuration files which all live in the same folder on my local computer.
However, when passing data between different steps of the pipeline, I can't provide the next step with a file path. All the steps get is a path to some folder that they can write to. Then that same path is passed to the next step.
The problem comes when the following step is then supposed to load something from the folder.
Which filename is it supposed to try to load?
Approaches I've considered:
Use a standardized filename for everything. Problem is that I want to be able to run the steps locally too, independant of any pipeline. This makes very for a very poor UX for that use case.
Check if the path is to a file, if it isn't, check all the files in the folder. If there is only one file, then use it. Otherwise throw an exception. This is maybe the most elegant solution from a UX perspective, but it sounds overengineered to me. We also don't structurally share any code between the steps at the moment, so either we will have repetition or we will need to find some way to share code, which is non-trivial.
Allow custom filenames to be passed in optionally, otherwise use a standard filename. This helpes with the UX, but often the filenames are supposed to be defined by the configuration files being passed in, so while we could do some bash scripting to get the filename into the command, it feels like a sub-par solution.
Ultimately it feels like none of the solutions I have come up with are any good.
It feels like we are making things more difficult for ourselves in the future if we assume some default filename. F.x. we work with multiple file types, so it would need to omit an extension.
But any way to do it without default filenames would also cause maintainence headache down the line, or incurr substantial upfront cost.
The question is am I missing something? Any potential traps, better solutions, etc. would be appreciated. It definately feels like I am somewhat under- and/or overthinking this.

How do I save a dynamically generated Lisp system in external files?

Basically, I want to be able to generate class definitions, compile the system, and save it for reuse. Would that involve a code walker, or is there a simpler option?
(save-lisp-and-die "isn't going to work for me")
Expanding to explain. I'm generating systems based on OpenAPI definitions, so a system roughly corresponds to an API client.
There will be dozens, if not hundreds of these.
The idea is to NOT keep them all in the image, but load at run time as required.
I see two possible routes here, and to some extent, I suspect they mainly differ in "the last mile" (as it were).
The route you seem to have settled on, run-time definition of classes and functions.
A route whereby you generate your function/class forms, but don't go the full way to get them "Live" in the image and instead emit the form(s) to a file.
I suspect that it would be possible to have most of the generating code shared between the two and for the first route have a wrapping macro that effectively returns a PROGN, and in the second calls a function to pretty-print what the macro would have returned on a stream.
Saying that, building a tailored environment and saving it to a "core" file is a pretty good way of getting excellent startup times.

Two instances of Modernizr on one page

I'm currently trying to make some speed improvements to one of my sites, and I'm looking at Modernizer usage.
Previously all of my javascript (including Modernizer) was lumped into one big js file. I've now removed Modernizer and it sits inline in the head section of the page. For clarity, it is a custom build.
However, not all feature detects are equal - some features benefit from being detected quickly while others can wait.
For instance, detecting webp support is pretty important, because I assume downloading a jpeg then another webp version sort of defeats the object of the feature.
Then, there are things like pointer/touch support, which don't affect layout as such and are more to do with interaction - so they can wait.
With that in mind, the obvious thing is to put two instances of Modernizer in the page - one for the important stuff at the top, and one for the rest at the bottom.
However, I've been unable to find anything on this topic. I guess that leads me to ask two questions: is it possible? And if it is - is it a sensible idea?
It definitively is possible to have two instances of Modernizr on one page; but in order to have that you have to manually rename the global object to something else since Modernizr is exposed to window directly:
e.Modernizr = Modernizr // e is internal ref. to window object
}(window, document);
This however may be considered a dirty patch since you have to alter the production code (& to maintain that alteration through update cycles manually), download and execute exactly the same basic functionality twice, which is less optimal.
Another approach would be to build all that is needed immediately for first batch of (essential) tests and than to utilize Modernizr.addTest (it has to be included in build) later on, for non-essential functionality.
Source and doc-like comments.
Of course, you'd have to write your tests. You may relay on official Modernizr tests, but addTest called outside of the Modernizr's factory method lacks some useful methods (for example, things like Modernizr's internal createElement()).
You have to make choices since there is no way to subsequently add other tests out of the box.

Mass Thunderbird folder to Gnus nnfolder conversions

I'm pondering the idea of importing a few thousand Thunderbird folders, each folder containing many emails of course, as a set of Emacs' Gnus mailgroups. Each mailgroup name would be derived from the folder hierarchy. Because of the quantity, the work is going to be fairly tedious, so I would automate this massive import if possible.
Among the available backends, nnfolder seems the most promising in this case. I presume it would be better to populate the mailgroups from within Gnus. Otherwise, I would have to thoroughly understand the nnfolder format, and this might require many iterations before I really get it right. Moreover, as email continues to flow in, iterations may become difficult to properly organize without loosing anything.
I guess I have to respool everything, under the constraint that the selected mailgroup is a function of the Thunderbird origin, overriding the standard Gnus selection mechanism. I did some Gnus coding in the past, but since I did not touch Emacs for a dozen years, it is all very rusty. I'm a bit lost about how to approach this task as efficiently and quickly as possible. So my question: how would you handle it? Or is there some clever Gnus hidden corner that I should explore more deeply? :-)
P.S. After I wrote this question, I found out that Gnus has a nice, helping function towards this goal. The idea is to first copy all Thunderbird folder files within the ~/Mail directory, as they are for the contents, but properly renamed. Once this done, M-x nnfolder-generate-active-file does at once, for each copied folder, edit the contents, leave a ~ backup, generate NOV data, create one mailgroup and, of course, adjust the ~/Mail/active file.
To copy the folders underneath the ~/.thunderbird/LOGIN/Mail/Local Folders/ directory, I wrote a small Python script. It ignores all .msf files, and recurse within .sbd directories. The folder path name, relative to Local Folders/, has all its .sbd/ strings turned into periods to produce the mailgroup name, also lowering case, turning spaces and underlines to dashes, and handling other special characters appropriately. In particular, non-ASCII characters are not handled properly, nnfolder is confusing UTF-8 and ISO-8859-1 here and there. The script also has to skip msgfilterrules.dat and likely drafts, junk and such things.
I notice two details requiring attention :
Thunderbird itself can be used to compact folders before copying them, otherwise one might unwillingly recover messages which were already deleted.
(setq nnmail-use-long-file-names t) is needed in ~/.emacs prior to the whole operation.
The batch transformation aborted, saying it is not able to decrypt one of the message. I moved the offending folder out of the way, and then, the lengthy operation succeeded.

Comparing views in ClearCase

I have two dynamic views in ClearCase which, as far as I know, are supposed to be "equal".
One is supposed to look at the "Main branch" and one at some other branch (let's call it A).
I did a merge from A to Main (in the Main view) and for some reason the code at the A view compiles while Main does not.
Is there a way to compare the views for differences?
The simplest way is to use an external diff tool on those two views (like WinMerge or BeyondCompare on Windows, KDiff3 on Unix or Windows, ...).
I would actually create two new views (with the same config spec than the two initial views), to remove any "cache" effect, and start the comparison there.
Once that initial examen is done, I would start the compilation in those two views, and see if one of them still don't compile.
Don't forget that merging A to Main will not always result in the same set of files after the Merge.
It would be the same only if no evolution has taken place in Main since A started (or since the last merge from A to Main).
The setcs -current you mention will:
causes the view_server to flush its caches and reevaluate the current config spec, which is stored in file config_spec in the view storage directory. This includes:
Evaluating time rules with nonabsolute specifications (for example, now, Tuesday)
Reevaluating –config rules, possibly selecting different derived objects than previously
Re-reading files named in include rules
If you depend within your config spec on an "include file" which was at the wrong version, the first setcs would set it at the right version, and the second one would read its content and set the right version for the rest.
