Can i communicate between two PC using PCIe for high transfer speed, if possible how can i communicate? - networking

I have a raspberry pi 4 and a pc, I have to transfer files at very high speed than Ethernet and WIFI
if any possible methods are there Please tell me?

I'm not too sure if you're saying you want to transfer files over something other than wifi or Ethernet? If so, USB A to USB A should work for you. PCIe are downstream slots which you would be unable to connect to another system using that method. If you are able to plug up to each of the systems using ethernet, that's probably your easiest choice. As long as you bridge the connections and allow file printing and sharing, you should be able to see the system in your file explorer.


Is it possible to setup a wireless network without internet for the robot and PC?

The system includes three devices: PC, robot's computer, and wireless device.
In order to improve the signal quality of the wireless in the whole robot's environment. I'd like to put a big wireless device in the middle corridor where it is not Ethernet (no internet) and only feed by power, then use its signal to connects it with the robot's computer. The robot's computer has a small wireless device that will connect with a big wireless device. Both wireless devices have no internet, only electric power, and signal.
Can I transmit data from the robot to my PC and vice versa over Wi-Fi's signal ?
Can I access the robot's computer using Wi-Fi's signal to launch the robot ?
If yes, please your suggestions, and what are its disadvantages?
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Note: the system is working fine now using the internet in the big wireless device and connect it with the robot's computer and PC, only some problem when the robot is very far from a big wireless device because of dropping the signal quality to 5% here
The issue is ridiculous, I didn't aware of the task of some lines perfectly.
Those lines in bachrc file solved my issue.
export ROS_HOSTNAME=ip for master
export ROS_IP=ip for master
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://ip for slave:11311
It does not matter if there is Internet or not.
All we need is a router on PC or cable Ethernet to connect the big wireless device (router) with PC and find IP Address for two computers.
On the other hand, the same case within internet.

Nuvoton NUC120 Communication via Build in USB

I just bough NUC120, and there is nothing less than expected. What sparked my interest is, as stated on page 17-18 on the datasheet, It able to do UART communication. So far, I only use the USB port to uploading the firmware via ISP using NuMicro ISP Programming Tools. I've noticed (correct me if I'm wrong) that its the same concept with Arduino boards, where the USB port can be used to both programming and communication. I have do my research for several days, but still can't find how to do serial communication between Nuvoton and PC, since when I do programming using NuMicro, I use "USB" connection type, and on my PC, there is no COM PORT listed.
My question, Is it possible to do serial communication via Nuvoton USB port? If its possible, can you please point me where to look?
Thanks in advance. Please tell if I should add more details about this question.
You can find the examples in the BSP documentation. Look for samples of USBD_VCOM. To be able to communicate with your PC, you have to install the driver of Virtual COM manually

How to connect Arduino with Internet?

I have gone through several links online but I have not found any appropriate solution to it. I am wondering if there is a way to connect an Arduino with WiFi without using any shield or any other external hardware. My laptop is connected to WiFi and the arduino board is connected to the laptop with an USB cable. I want to access/run the data for the Arduino using WiFi. Is there a way to do it?
Hope my query makes a sense.
Let's restate your question for clarity - you want to share the laptop's Internet connection (e.g. via WiFi) with the Arduino connected to the laptop with a USB cable, with no additional hardware?
Assuming I restated it correctly, the Arduino's USB connection provides a virtual "serial port" for communication. This means you can use an "IP over serial" solution for Internet access. One such common and widely supported solution is PPP.
However, programing the Arduino with IP over PPP stack requires significant amount of memory and is probably an overkill for whatever it is you're trying to do.
You're probably better off designing a custom-tailored protocol for the serial communication between the Arduino and a small gateway program you can program and run on the laptop.
If you're bent on a complex solution that provides full Internet access to the Arduino, the steps to achieve what you're after are:
Program the Arduino with a TCP/IP over PPP protocol stack, running on the serial port. You'll probably need an Arduino MEGA.
Setup the laptop to be a PPP endpoint on the Arduino's serial port. For a Windows machine you can refer to this page for information on how to do that.
Once the PPP link is up, you can setup the laptop's OS to share Internet access to the PPP link.

Communicate between 2 WinCE devices using USB - how?

We've got two WinCE devices that need to talk to each other, they don't have WiFi or Bluetooth so I think a wired USB connection is our best chance. I've been reading up on using ActiveSync and serial over USB, but all the articles are geared towards talking between a WinCE device to a full Windows box, never between two WinCE devices.
If we can get ActiveSync working, that's fine, the other option is just to open COM ports on both sides and write our own communications protocol.
Given the project timelines, writing any sort of device driver isn't an option, this needs to be something that is built in to WinCE.
We are building WinCE for both devices, so I can make any modifications necessary at that level.
Is there a way to get these two guys talking to each other?
If you can't write your own driver then your fastest route is probably to get a USB to serial converter for both devices and then connect them via serial.
Obviously, you'll need to choose one that has support for Windows Mobile. I think FTDI based adapters should work.
Once that's working you just use the built-in serial API to read and write data.

How do I use Zigbee to communicate to a laptop?

What I have in mind is having a number of sensors (temperature, accelerometer, sound level meter) that are controlled by a micro controller. What I want to do is take this information and transmit it wireless to a laptop that will take this information and put it on to a web server using Zigbee. I don't know where to start.
Since you don't have any hardware as of yet, you might want to give the Arduino a try. The hardware is affordable, can be connected to your system via USB while being programmable in-system.
The basic board can be extended via so called "shields", which offer additional features. In your case, the XBee shield would be appropriate. Connecting your laptop to a XBee module is as simple as using Sparkfun's breakout board and a mini-USB cable.
The Arduino has a large community, so you will find a lot of resources, like books, online material, example code etc.
We also provide wireless modules that can be used for serial data transmission. They can be found at Our modules are very similar to the xbee, but more plug and play. They can be a great for going wireless for the first time. Our devices are designed to function like a "wireless cable" so if you're used to using wires then you'll be up and running in no time at all. We also have circuit examples for transmitting to a laptop serial port or USB. Any micro-controller will be fine for this application, as long as it has a serial port and a few ADCs to sample your data. Our modules also provide simple analog in/out which can run in parallel to the serial. If you want to compare to other systems, I would google "wireless serial modules"
Starman Electric
