Dart/Flutter: How to refer to static variables on an abstract class? - firebase

I am writing a Firestore Model abstract class that handles common operations. Each model matches a collection in Firestore... I want to refer to that both from a create instance and before the instance exists. But I can't make collectionPath static because I can't override static methods, variables, getters, etc... I get that.
Could create an instance as needed maybe Model().collectionPath but I couldn't get that to work.
Is there a way to do this? How are others making these types of Models?
This is what I'm trying to do:
abstract class Model {
String get collectionPath => "";
void create() async {
CollectionReference collection = FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection(this.collectionPath);
this.reference = await collection.add(this.toMap());
static Stream<QuerySnapshot> snapshots() {
return FirebaseFirestore.instance.collection(this.collectionPath).snapshots();
class User extends Model {
String get collectionPath => "users";
I want to be able add an existing instance to the firestore:
User user = User("Values");
And I'd also like to load all the users before I've created any particular one:
Widget _buildBody(BuildContext context) {
return StreamBuilder<QuerySnapshot>(
stream: User.snapshots(),


Unity async/await and IO operations with Firestore (Firebase)

I've developed a Unity App that uses Firebase as a BaaS and Firestore as a Database.
Firebase has a Client SDK to make calls that are usually called from client to server by an URL endpoint.
My concern is how my methods should be implemented to correctly work on client without blocking the user experience, cause if I made a heavy request, my Unity App is blocked, and no interaction is allowed to the user.
This is the code of my client DatabaseManager with the methods to retrieve a User from Firestore:
public class DatabaseManager
public DatabaseManager(FirebaseFirestore db)
this.db = db;
public async Task<User> GetUserByUIDAsync(string uid)
string documentID = uid;
return await AsyncGetDocumentFromCollection<User, User_FirestoreData>(COL_ID_USERS, documentID);
public async Task<PlainData> AsyncGetDocumentFromCollection<PlainData, FirestoreData>(string collectionID, string documentID) where PlainData : IConvertToFirestore<FirestoreData> where FirestoreData : IConvertToPlainData<PlainData>
DocumentReference docRef = db.Collection(collectionID).Document(documentID);
DocumentSnapshot documentSnapshot = await docRef.GetSnapshotAsync();
if (documentSnapshot.Exists)
Debug.Log("Get Document data for document:" + documentSnapshot.Id);
FirestoreData firestoreData = documentSnapshot.ConvertTo<FirestoreData>();
return firestoreData.ToPlainData();
Debug.Log($"Document {documentSnapshot.Id} does not exist!");
catch (Exception e)
return default(PlainData);
This is a simple call and when it's called from any MonoBehaviouryou couldn't notice the load difference when you call it like:
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class MyMono : MonoBehaviour
private void DatabaseManager db;
[SerializedField] private Button button = null;
private void Awake()
button.onClick.AddListener(async ()=> await CustomAwakeAsync(db));
private async Task CustomAwakeAsync(DatabaseManager db)
//if this Async method is heavier, this will block the main UI thread when the button is pressed
await db.GetUserByUIDAsync("xdfipñfajrfiñar");
But if instead of GetUserByUIDAsync I make a heavy call, or multiple recursive calls my application UI will freeze until it's finished...which is bad.
How should I build my code to avoid these case?
My easy way to test if it's blocking UI thread is having this class attached to a GameObject with Image component:
using UnityEngine;
public class InfiniteRotate : MonoBehaviour
public float speed = 1;
// Update is called once per frame
private void Update()
this.gameObject.transform.Rotate(0, 0, 1 * Time.deltaTime * speed);
If the image stop spinning, means that async/await is blocking the UI thread.
Your code as shown:
private void CustomAwake(DatabaseManager db)
await db.GetUserByUIDAsync("xdfipñfajrfiñar");
...should be producing the following error:
error CS4033: The 'await' operator can only be used within an async method. Consider marking this method with the 'async' modifier and changing its return type to 'Task'.
Even if somehow you managed to silence this error the method signature private void CustomAwake(DatabaseManager db) clearly indicates that this method is synchronous to the caller.
But if instead of GetUserByUIDAsync I make a heavy call, my application UI will freeze until it's finished...which is bad.
So if you are calling this from the same thread as Update, FixedUpdate etc (which by the looks of it you are) then you are going to block Unity and thus slow down your game.
If you are going to use async/await then you need to do so all the way back to the original caller.
Make it asynchronous
Change the method to:
private async Task<User> CustomAwake(DatabaseManager db) // Note the async Task
return await db.GetUserByUIDAsync("xdfipñfajrfiñar");
...and ensure that whatever calls it uses await in order to get the User.

Flutter - How to register abstract classes in get_it (service locator)

I'm currently working on a simple project crypto_wallet. State management (BLoC) and Value Equality (freezed) creating CRUD operation of DB (Firebase) and in the watch method, I use StreamSubcription code is :
class CoinWatcherBloc extends Bloc<CoinWatcherEvent, CoinWatcherState> {
final ICoinRepository _repository;
CoinWatcherBloc(this._repository, this._coinStreamSubscription) :
StreamSubscription<Either<CoinFailure, KtList<CoinEntity>>>? _coinStreamSubscription;
Stream<CoinWatcherState> mapEventToState(CoinWatcherEvent event) async* {
yield* event.map(
watchCoin: (e) async* {
yield CoinWatcherState.loadInProgress();
await _coinStreamSubscription?.cancel();
_coinStreamSubscription = _repository.watchCoin().listen(
(failureOrSuccess) => add(
coinsReceived: (e) async* {
yield e.failureOrCoin.fold(
(f) => CoinWatcherState.loadFailure(f),
(coin) => CoinWatcherState.loadSuccess(coin),
Future<void> close() async {
await _coinStreamSubscription?.cancel();
return super.close();
And at last I closed the stream. I inject all third party modules on #lazySingleton :
abstract class FirebaseInjectableModule {
FirebaseAuth get firebaseAuth => FirebaseAuth.instance;
FirebaseFirestore get firebaseFirestore => FirebaseFirestore.instance;
GoogleSignIn get googleSignIn => GoogleSignIn();
Then It says :
Object/factory with type StreamSubscription<Either<CoinFailure, KtList<CoinEntity>>> is not
registered inside GetIt.
(Did you accidentally do GetIt sl=GetIt.instance(); instead of GetIt sl=GetIt.instance;
Did you forget to register it?)
If I also register this class like this.
StreamSubcription get streamSubcription => StreamSubcription();
Then it throws compile time error that abstract classes can't be instantiated like the all Third Party Classes I've registered. How to inject abstract classes? Is there any other way to do this? or I shouldn't use StreamSubcription something else? I'd be thankful <3 :)
You should not add this._coinStreamSubscription to your bloc's constructor. Remove it from the constructor, and declare it as a late final instance.
class CoinWatcherBloc extends Bloc<CoinWatcherEvent, CoinWatcherState> {
final ICoinRepository _repository;
CoinWatcherBloc(this._repository) :
late final StreamSubscription<Either<CoinFailure, KtList<CoinEntity>>>? _coinStreamSubscription;
get_it was trying to inject the abstract streamSubscription since it is in your constructor. And you do not need this. Also, if you look at it from a testing perspective, there is no need to mock the streamSubscription, you can instead mock the class that supplies data to it - which is the repository in this case
I generally just inject the implementation of the abstract class like

is there any difference in these two class implementation?

I am a beginner of programming and dart lang. I have a question about how to write class about database service related to flutter and firestore.
// what is the difference this
class DbService {
final Firestore _db;
DbService() : _db = Firestore.instance;
Future<QuerySnapshot> getDataCollection(String id) {
return _db.collection(id).getDocuments();
// and this
class DbService {
final Firestore _db = Firestore.instance;
Future<QuerySnapshot> getDataCollection(String id) {
return _db.collection(id).getDocuments();
// when use this class
_dbService = DbService();
What is the best practice. or should I use singleton to instantiate this class? Any comments or help is appreciate.
They are the same for computer, but they give me different impression.
2nd one is obvious, where 1st one telling me the constructor used to take value, or may be take value in future version.

How to convert to Xunit using mocking

I have these two methods in my service class
public class PatientService : IPatientService
private readonly IRestClient _restClient;
private readonly IAppSettings _appSettings;
public PatientService(IRestClient restClient, IAppSettings appSettings)
_restClient = restClient;
_appSettings = appSettings;
public async Task<IList<PatientViewModel>> GetPatients(int wardId)
var url = _appSettings.Server + _appSettings.PatientServiceEndPoint + wardId;
var token = _appSettings.Token;
return GetPatientList(await _restClient.GetAsync<List<PatientInfo>>(url, token));
public IList<PatientViewModel> GetPatientList(IList<PatientInfo> patientInfoList)
return patientInfoList.Select(p => new PatientViewModel(p)).ToList();
I need to add this code to my Xunit.cs. How to do it?
I've implemented this and I do not know how to proceed.
private readonly PatientListPageViewModel _patientListPageViewModel;
private readonly Mock<IPatientService> _patient;
public PatientServiceTests()
_patient = new Mock<IPatientService>();
_patientListPageViewModel = new PatientListPageViewModel(_patient.Object);
public void GetListByWard_PassingWardId_GetPatientsCountAccordingToWardId()
This is what I tried to do. How to convert those two methods in service to be testable?
You did get mocking a bit wrong. It is not the component under test that is mocked, but its dependencies. When unit-testing you'd like to test a unit in isolation. Your case of mocking would be kind of correct if you unit-tested the PatientListPageViewModel, but since your test class is named PatientServiceTests I assume that you really wanted to test PatientService. If you wanted to test the former, you would be quite right to mock IPatientService, but when testing PatientService, IRestClient and IAppSettings shall be mocked
public PatientServiceTests()
_restClientMock = new Mock<IRestClient>();
_appSettingsMock = new Mock<IAppSettings>();
_patientService = new PatientService(_restClientMock.Object, _appSettingsMock.Object);
And your test could be something like
public async Task ReturnsCorrectPatientList() // async supported as of xUnit 1.9
// set up the mock
_restClientMock.SetUp(restClient => restClient.GetAsync<List<Patient>>(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>())
.Returns(() => Task.FromResult(/* what patients it shall return */));
var result = await _patientService.GetPatients(0);
// compare whether the returned result matches your expectations
If you wanted to test whether the URL is formed correctly, you could use Verify
[InlineData("SERVER", "ENDPOINT", 12, "1234", "SERVERENDPOINT12")]
[InlineData("https://localhost:65000", "/patients/", 5, https://localhost:65000/patients/5")]
public void TestWhetherCorrectUrlIsCalled(string server, string endpoint, int wardId, string token, string expectedUrl)
_appSettingsMock.SetupGet(appSettings => appSettings.Server).Returns(server);
_appSettingsMock.SetupGet(appSettings => appSettings.PatientServiceEndPoint).Returns(endpoint);
_appSettingsMock.SetupGet(appSettings => appSettings.Token).Returns(token);
_restClientMock.SetUp(restClient => restClient.GetAsync<List<Patient>>(It.IsAny<string>(), It.IsAny<string>())
.Returns(() => Task.FromResult(new List<Patient>()));
// we do not need the result
await _patientService.GetPatients(wardId);
_restClientMock.Verify(restClient => restClient.GetAsync<List<Patient>>(exptectedUrl, token), Times.Once);
We are setting up the IRestClient in this case, since it would return null otherwise. And await null would cause your test to fail. After GetPatients has been called we are using Verify to verify that GetAsync has been called with the correct parameters. If it has not been called, Verify will throw and your test will fail. Times.Once means, that GetAsync shall have been called once and only once.
On a side note: Viewmodels shall have a meaning in the context of your user interface only. Services shall be independent and hence not return viewmodels, as you did, but POCOs (or maybe domain models). In this case the interface of your service should be
public interface IPatientService
public async Task<IList<Patient>> GetPatients(int wardId);
// ...

Flutter Sqflite multiple table models

I've gone through many tutorials and samples on how to implement Sqflite in Flutter. Every other example is done using only one model or database table. As defined in these tutorials:
As far as I've understood, we need to create as many models and helpers as there are tables. For each database table there will be a model.dart file and a helper.dart file.
My question here, is there any way I can have only one helper for all models?
In helper.dart file there is a future "insert". How can I use the same insert future for all models?
Future<Todo> insert(Todo todo) async {
todo.id = await db.insert(tableTodo, todo.toMap());
return todo;
I made a few comments advising the contrary, but I just remembered in my last project I did something like that, it was for Firebase Database, but it would quite similar for sqflite.
I created a BaseItem abstract class, with a key, and all models would descend from that one.
I also created a BaseProvider abstract class, which would require a BaseItem and would define the simple methods to access the model.
The upsert and delete methods lay in FirebaseBaseProvider, which extends BaseProvider.
I'll paste parts of it here (removing quite a lot to make it more understandable):
abstract class BaseItem {
const BaseItem({this.key});
final String key;
abstract class BaseProvider<T extends BaseItem> {
Future<List<T>> find();
Future<BaseKey> upsert(T item);
Future<int> delete(T item);
abstract class FirebaseBaseProvider<T extends BaseItem> {
// Abstract methods which need to be implemented
T fromMap(BaseKey key, dynamic map);
Map<String, dynamic> toJson(BaseKey key, T item);
Future<DatabaseReference> getReference(BaseKey base) async { ... }
BaseKey compileKey(T item, {String useKey}) { ... }
Future<List<T>> find() async {
List<T> result = new List();
// my implementation doesnt work like this,
// as it's firebase based, but this would
// be the place in a Sqflite implementation to use
// fromMap and load the items
return result;
Future<BaseKey> upsert(T item) async {
if (item == null) return null;
BaseKey key = compileKey(item);
(await getReference(key)).set(toJson(key, item));
return key;
Future<int> delete(T item) async {
if (item == null) return null;
if (item.key != null && item.key != "") {
(await getReference(compileKey(item))).remove();
return 0;
Then, in order to implement a News model, or any other model, then I would create it by simply defining its contents, like that:
class News extends BaseItem {
News({String key, this.creation, this.messageSubject, this.messageBody}) : super(key: key);
final DateTime creation;
final String messageSubject;
final String messageBody;
bool operator ==(o) => o is News && (o.key == key);
int get hashCode => key.hashCode;
And it would require its specific provider, that would implement only the toJson and fromMap methods, like that:
class NewsProvider extends FirebaseBaseProvider<News> {
Map<String, dynamic> toJson(BaseKey key, News news) {
return {
"creation": news.creation,
"messageSubject": news.messageSubject,
"messageBody": news.messageBody,
News fromMap(BaseKey key, dynamic map) {
DateTime creation = map["creation"] == null ? null : DateTime.tryParse(map["creation"] as String);
return new News(
key: key.child.key,
creation: creation,
messageSubject: map["messageSubject"] as String,
messageBody: map["messageBody"] as String,
In the end, NewProvider is providing the find, upsert and delete methods, but their implementation lay on the abstract class, just one implementation of them for all the models, as you wanted.
Of course, my implementation is quite more complicated than that, both because Firebase requires a different approach to obtain/load the items and also as the find method ends up having to be different in each model specific provider. But yet, quite a lot can be simplified.
What I was saying in the comment is that this last class, the specific NewsProvider which have both toJson and fromMap specific implementations may also be generalized by using annotations in the News model class, but that brings quite a lot of problems and obscurity and - in my opinion, of course - it's not worth it.
I had a similar question about creating tables, all the examples just create one table. I found this webpage that created two tables putting an await on each command.
Like this:
Future _onCreate(Database db, int version) async {
await db.execute("CREATE TABLE table1 (id INTEGER, valuex TEXT)");
await db.execute("CREATE TABLE table2 (id INTEGER, valuey TEXT)");
await db.execute("CREATE TABLE table3 (id INTEGER, valuez TEXT)");
