Wordpress site_url is different from database value - wordpress

I have a fresh Wordpress install that isn't loading the database site_url value properly. On the index, post permalinks are using https, but all assets (css, js, php files) are trying to load over http. As a result, no assets are loading and I can't even log in to the site as a result. When I try to login I get a warning about unsecured forms and the wp-admin login page just reloads.
I updated both site_url and home values in the database to be https but when I echo the site_url it's still http. Also, after I made this change, the wp-admin page won't load anymore, I get a re-direct loop error.
I've tried forcing SSL by adding the options in the wp-config file, but it doesn't fix it. I've followed every method for changing Site URL from the Wordpress docs, but this also didn't fix anything.
I've added a virtual host for port 80 as well, and it's working properly, but it didn't fix anything. I don't know if I have to add a Virtual Host for port 443 (I'm a front-end dev, not a server expert!). I feel like at this point I've gone through every similar Stack Overflow thread and tried everything there, but so far nothing has helped. It feels to me like the problem is at the server level, not Wordpress, but I might be wrong.

Has the URL been set by a constant in your wp-config.php?

Fixed – after a ton of digging around, the issue was the fact that Wordpress is behind a load balancer (again, forgive my lack of server knowledge...)
Added the following to the wp-config file to fix the issue:
$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';


Mixed Content: The page at 'https://example.com' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure stylesheet error in Wordpress site

Instead of genuine Mixed Content issue this seemed like more of a Wordpress issue hence posting here to find a resolution.
I have everything setup to work with https, though there is no valid certificate yet. here is the home page url https://tourpoule.nl. The home page loads but with Mixed content errors which seem to be generated by core Wordpress or theme functions. Attaching image:
Database does not have any url which would start with http://. I already have replaced them using search and replace script.
There is nothing in htaccess file except basic Wordpress setup code. I tried renaming it as well. I cleared all types of cache but still it does not work. The site is using twentytwenty theme and if I comment out css and javascript enque lines, some of the errors disappear but styles and scripts do not load(that is normal I know).
In the view source of page it shows mixed urls, some with https and style and javascript urls without https. see below:
Interestingly if I click a stylesheet url i.e. http://new.tourpoules.nl/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/style.css?ver=1.0 it redirects to https://new.tourpoules.nl/wp-content/themes/twentytwenty/style.css?ver=1.0
I am not sure what is going on and have got struck. I am not able to reach the client so that we can discuss turning ssl redirection off in nginx for this domain where it is redirecting everything to https if it is not https. Not sure if that is causing issue (I believe it is not as it has nothing to do with Wordpress mechanism to generate urls). Any help or direction is greatly appreciated.
I can see your website is still unsecured, for what it's worth, get yourself letsencrypt ssl.
Back to you question, go to your database, open the wp_options table, change the siteurl item to https://tourpoules.nl and also change the home item to https://tourpoules.nl.
If you have used search and replace DB master script or plugin it will not update inside meta files as well as and check for the function file have you Enqueue with https://
So will be better if you download SQL file and replace with below:
and re-upload again

301 redirect error with wordpress and apache

I've recently migrated a database from windows using bitnami (apache and wordpress) to a linux server (apache and wordpress). I'm able to access the website wp-admin, but every time I try to access the main site it repeatedly returns 301 errors.
I've tried disabling the .htaccess file (deleting, commenting everything out), but it still gets directed. I've disabled all plugins. I've looked into the themes I'm using but they don't have redirect url's like I've seen in other posts.
I'm wondering if the issue might be in how bitnami structures itself. the main documents are stored in website/wordpress/htdocs, whereas linux wordpress seems to store it directly in wordpress.
I've set sites-enabled home directory to
I've also set the wordpress address and site address to
What do I need to do to prevent the redirects, or set it up to work correctly?
if you haven't change your Site URL then.
Please change the Site URL and Home URL from database in wp_option table.
You need to mention new url in both section..
I had a trailing / on my siteurl which led to it not working. After removing that it worked.

Changing URL Wordpress- still not working despite checking/editing database

As much as may sound like a broken record - I changed the URLs on my WP site, and now I get a 404.
What I wanted to do:
Change site URL from www.SiteA.com to www.SiteB.com
All WP files were at the time in another directory in the same hosting account. I needed them in the root directory, accessible by www.SiteB.com
What I did:
Backed up locally and remotely - Database and files.
Edited URL's through dashboard on WP - got a login error afterward, but seemed to do it anyway.
Moed ALL old site files from root to backup folder.
Moed ALL wordpress files from original directory to root directory.
Then I got a 404 error and was unable to access WP-admin or login through the new or old URL.
What I tried to fix the issue:
Noticed http should be https - changed this in 'options' within phpmyadmin, both at 'siteurl' and in 'home'.
Still 404
Then I tried defining the db_name in the wp-config file.
Still 404
Then I gae up, changed the URL's back using myphpadmin, and moed the filed back to their original directory. Now I can login to WP as usual and eerything is fine.
Why can't I access the site when I moe it into the root directory - I thought I had all the steps right!
Thanks in adance for any help
oh..and apologies, my keyboard is missing a few keys :(
Wordpress stores url/permalinks on database field values as well, changing only the configuration files will not be enough.
I am pretty sure there are other options, on my case i use often perform Wordpress website migrations, and the following tool becomes really handy when search and replacing domains on the database records.
Hope it helps.
This happened to be an SSL issue where the host for our SSL certificate was conflicting with the stylesheet somehow. 0_o

getting 404 error on wordpress pages

I've seen some other people with the same issue on net,
but the solution that worked for them (updating the .htacess file), didn't go very well for me!
I used buddypress to migrate my wordpress site to my local pc, but after everything is setup, only the home page is working, other posts or pages are getting 404 errors, I also tried to deactivate plugins and changing the theme, but nothing worked.
I'm on windows 10 and i'm using wampserver 2.5.
I think that the issue is caused by Apache, but I don't know how to fix it!
my Apache version is 2.4.9
Thanks in advance guys :)
Your site’s permalink (WordPress Admin > Settings > Permalink) is set as Default, please change it to any of the other option available below. e.g: Day and name, Post name etc.
Then you’ll be able to access the board instead of the 404 error.
Another way is troubleshooting:
WordPress sites can complicate the 404 troubleshooting process. Why? WordPress is a content management system that processes its own internal rewrite array as a part of its permalinks feature.
The first step to troubleshooting 404s is to figure out whether the 404 is being caused by the web server or by WordPress.
Static file
If your file is static (e.g. a jpg image) open your FTP client and verify that the file exists.
As an example, let’s say that the URL http://example.com/wp-content/uploads/picture.jpg is producing a 404 error. You will want to:
Open FTP Client and connect to your server (if you don’t know how to do so, read this.)
Navigate to the file’s location
Verify that the file exists
If it is does not exist, you have found the source of your 404.
However, it it does exist, yet pulling the URL up in a browser results in a 404 error, continue on to find out whether the issue is web server-based or WordPress-based.
Reference Link: http://websynthesis.com/fixing-wordpress-404-errors/

Wordpress redirect loop with MAMP pro on local machine

I downloaded a wordpress website to my local machine and set up a host on MAMP Pro with an export of the live database, now I keep hitting a redirect loop on the main page when I try to view the website, it doesn't matter whether I reset the .htaccess file, clear all my cookies, delete my plugins or do any other of the recommended things it keep coming back. The official error is:
This webpage has a redirect loop
I had the same issues. Somehow resetting the permalinks settings in the admin panel to plain fixed the problem.
Are you using HTTPS by any chance? If so you may want to add
$_SERVER['HTTPS'] = 'on';
define('FORCE_SSL_ADMIN', true);
To the top of your wp-config.php file.
You might want to also check your database to see if the site url's are correct.
As I was moving from Windows environment to Mac OS probably on the copy files i was missing the install.php file. And when i tried to install the theme it would bring me the redirect loop screen.
It was confusing to me because I was following all steps at the end I went to look for the install.php and saw it was missing there put it in the place and voila!
Maybe will help i don't know, for the next readers to come!
I was able to resolve an identical issue by doing the following:
In the wp_options table of your site's database check if the port numbers for option_name siteurl and home match those of your server. Update them if not.
Remove the port number from $root_dir in wp-config.php
This error occured on an older project running Wordpress 4.1 after changing the ports on my MAMP apache server months earlier. Hope that helps.
