Unexpected binding in QML with Q_GADGET - qt

I have a gadget:
class ZScoreParams
Q_PROPERTY(quint64 lag MEMBER lag);
Q_PROPERTY(qreal threshold MEMBER threshold);
Q_PROPERTY(qreal influence MEMBER influence);
std::size_t lag;
double threshold;
double influence;
and a property of an object of type QVariant:
Q_PROPERTY(QVariant zscoreParams READ zscoreParams WRITE setZscoreParams NOTIFY zscoreParamsChanged)
its getter returns either QVariant{} that is null in QML or QVariant::fromValue(gadget_val), the setter has the same logic.
Can't figure out how do I create a dialog with three SpinBox-es for editing my ZScoreParams. What is the right way to create it?
I attempted this ZParamsEdit.qml:
property var params
property var refreshChart: function () {}
signal zparamsChanged()
refreshChart = function ()
params.lag = lagEdit.value
params.threshold = thresholdEdit.value
params.influence = influenceEdit.realValue
logTable.debug("qml", JSON.stringify(params))
Layout.margins: 5
columns: 2
flow: GridLayout.LeftToRight
Label {
text: qsTr("Lag:")
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
SpinBox {
id: lagEdit
value: params.lag
from: 100
to: 1000000
stepSize: 100
editable: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
onValueChanged: refreshChart()
Label {
text: qsTr("Threshold:")
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
SpinBox {
id: thresholdEdit
value: params.threshold
from: 0
to: 100
stepSize: 1
editable: true
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
onValueChanged: refreshChart()
Label {
text: qsTr("Influence:")
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignRight
Layout.alignment: Qt.AlignLeft
id: influenceEdit
decimals: 2
realValue: params.influence
realFrom: 0
realTo: 1.0
realStepSize: 0.1
onValueChanged: refreshChart()
and then in main.qml:
id: zdlg
id: zedit
IconButton {
icon.source: "images/analyze.svg"
onClicked: {
zedit.params = market.zscoreParams
and got an effect that I did not expect. Each time an edit box changes, market.zscoreParams property setter is called.
How to make ZParamsEdit store a copy of my gadget and set my property value only once (with the gadget as a whole) when 'OK' button is pressed in the dialog?
Also tried
but got also something unexpected.
I probably found an ugly solution with an explicitly defined function that creates a copy of the gadget:
Q_INVOKABLE QVariant cloneZScoreParams(QVariant v)
std::optional<ZScoreParams> val;
util::FromVariant(v, val);
return util::ToVariant(val);
and then
in QML.
Is there something better in QT?

If I understand your problem correctly, you just need some sort of local property/properties to store the copy of your data, and then you need some function that writes those copies back to data source.
Here's how I would change your code:
property var params
// Copy the data into local properties
property lag: params.lag
property threshold: params.threshold
property influence: params.influence
// Only update the local properties when spinboxes change
function refreshChart()
lag = lagEdit.value
threshold = thresholdEdit.value
influence = influenceEdit.realValue
// Call this when OK button is clicked
function save()
params.lag = lag
params.threshold = threshold
params.influence = influence
signal zparamsChanged()
SpinBox {
id: lagEdit
value: lag
onValueChanged: refreshChart()
SpinBox {
id: thresholdEdit
value: threshold
onValueChanged: refreshChart()
id: influenceEdit
realValue: influence
onValueChanged: refreshChart()
To avoid calling setter 3 times, you can provide an invokable function in your C++ class:
Q_INVOKABLE void save(quint64 l, qreal t, qreal i)
lag = l;
threshold = t;
influence = i;
Now the save() function would look like this:
function save()
params.save(lag, threshold, influence)


How to store the data of a nested ListView and retrieve after , without a listmodel in qml

I have 3 nested ListViews.The first is the month, second is day and third is hour of day.All of them constructs a calendar.There is a loader that loads a window when I click in the hour ListView, and set text in a Label.This text can be displayed in the hour view and can be deleted or edited through the above window .Unfortunately the text can not be saved because when I scroll the ListViews, delegates changing and not keeping the context of the label(That is normal I suppose).The objective is to be able to save those texts in the label(store the data) and restore them when the application is closed and re-opened.
Below is a generic code sample for 3 ListViews:
delegate: Item{
orientation: Qt.Horizontal
delegate: Item{
orientation: Qt.Vertical
property string hourTime:hourweeklistviewLabel
property string notetaking:notesLabe
windowLoader.active =true
anchors.leftMargin: 30
} //delegate:Item
Below is the code of loader:
Loader {
focus: true
sourceComponent: Window{
title:"Enter Note"
monthofdayCalendar.currentItem.daycalendarAlias.currentItem.dayList.currentIndex = calendarMonth.selectedDate.getDate() === new Date().getDate()
&& calendarMonth.selectedDate.getDay() === new Date().getDay()
&& calendarMonth.selectedDate.getMonth() === new Date().getMonth()?getHour():12
TextField {
placeholderText :'Enter Note'
anchors.horizontalCenter: title.horizontalCenter
placeholderText : calendarMonth.selectedDate.getDate() +"-"
+ (calendarMonth.selectedDate.getMonth()+1)+"-"
+ calendarMonth.selectedDate.getFullYear() + " "
+ monthofdayCalendar.currentItem.daycalendarAlias.currentItem.dayList.currentItem.hourTime.text
Button {
id: button
text: qsTr("Add Note")
onClicked: {
if (title.text !==""){monthofdayCalendar.currentItem.daycalendarAlias.currentItem.dayList.currentItem.notetaking.text= title.text}
The big question is how to save (store) the data of notesLabel.text and be able to display it and restore it every time I close and re-open the application.
As you can see the model for each ListView is not a ListModel so I think I can not use those models to save the data if I am right.If I am wrong please advise.
Anyway your help will be appreciateed.
I've changed the integer models with ListModel dynamically created.The code of the ListModels is below:
for (var i = 0; i <25; i++){
property int h:0
function createListElement(){
return {
hour : h++
for (var j=0; j <= 31; j++){
property int dD:0
function createListElement(){
return {
day : dD++
for (var k=0; k <=11; k++){
property int mN:0
function createListElement(){
return {
monthName : mN++
Can I store the data from Label notesLabel, now I've changed the models of ListViews with ListModels?
Thanks in advance.
I would create an exposed C++ class.
Using the exposed C++ class you have a range of options to pass data from the front/backend
Given that you are using strictly strings, I would use an exposed series of QStrings or a QStringList.
To tackle to file read/write use your now exposed C++ class. You can either stick to file I/O via standard c++ or QFile system.
Constructor - Read the .txt file and save the data to your property data.
Exchange data as needed updating either the QML or C++ property member
Deconstructor - save the property member data back to file.
Brief example code:
Import MyExposedClass 1.0
Item {
MyExposedClass {
id: myExposedClassID
text: myExposedClassID
id: yearTextID
text: myExposedClassID.year
id: monthTextID
text: myExposedClassID.month
id: dayTextID
text: myExposedClassID.day
Button {
id: myButtonID
onButtonPressed {
var finalStr = yearTextID + monthTextID + dayTextID
// If you used a QMember of qstring lets say
myExposedClassID.saveFile = finalStr
// If you used a QInvokable
class myClass : public QObject {
// Serial Dev
Q_PROPERTY(QString day READ getDay WRITE setDay NOTIFY dayChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString month READ ... WRITE ... NOTIFY ...)
Q_PROPERTY(QString year READ ... WRITE ... NOTIFY ...)
// On construction, read the text file and update the qproperty variables
//implement getters and setters for qproperties
// On deconstruction, write the properties to file
If you have issues with MVC and QStrings/QStringlist. You may have to look into QVariants or QAbstracts.
I find QML to be a risky hole to dive into. Its easy to add more and more functionality to a QML file. But if you try and redesign it or change up some logic, it can very quickly ruin the QML. Splitting the QML into a QML & C++ is a nice way to achieve modularity and control.

Qml: How to set a property to all GridView items

I am trying to make a change to all items of a GridView.
I have tried to iterate through either the model or the grid, I looked at similar examples on the web, but everything I try ends with Cannot read property 'buttonText' of undefined.
It seems to me that the problem is that the interpreter can't figure out that the item from the grid or model is a Button. But I don't know how to cast it.
If I change the log to only display the item, not any property, (see code snippet), it seems that it knows it is an item... see my experiments below.
The only thing I can make work is set a property (or call a signal, or a function) from the delegate. But that only affects one grid item, not all.
How can I set a property on every item of the grid ? Alternatively, how can I send a signal, or call a function, on every item?
My experiments are in function changeEverythingFunction()
file: Button.qml
id: itemButton
signal changeEverything
property int buttonIndex
property string buttonText
file: Model.qml
id: modelItem
id: listModel
property int buttonCount: listModel.count
function changeEverythingFunction()
// for (var i = 0; i < buttonCount; i++)
// listModel.setProperty(i, buttonText, "abc")
for(var childIndex in gridItems.contentItem.children)
console.log(listModel.get(childIndex).buttonText) // Cannot read property 'buttonText' of undefined
console.log(gridItems.contentItem.children[childIndex].buttonText) // Cannot read property 'buttonText' of undefined
console.log(gridItems.contentItem.children[childIndex]["buttonText"]) // undefined (I saw this in a SO example)
var item = gridItems.contentItem.children[childIndex]
console.log(item) // qml: QQuickItem(0xe496370)
id: gridItems
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
model: listModel
delegate: Item
id: buttonDelegate
buttonIndex: gridId
buttonText: itemText
Your approach is in the opposite direction: Your approach is to obtain the item of the view and modify it, but the approach that Qt points out is that the view reflects the information of the model and modifies it when necessary.
The following is a simple example where every time you press on the button with "change me" text increasing the number it shows, but if you press the button with "change all" text it will change all the numbers. As it is observed everything is done through the model, not through the view that are only used to display information or receive user interaction.
import QtQuick 2.14
import QtQuick.Window 2.14
import QtQuick.Controls 2.14
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.14
Window {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
id: listmodel
function changeAll(){
for(var i=0; i< listmodel.count; ++i){
listmodel.setProperty(i, "number", listmodel.get(i).number + 1)
id: grid
anchors.fill: parent
clip: true
model: listmodel
cellHeight: 120
cellWidth: 120
delegate: Item {
width: grid.cellWidth; height: grid.cellHeight
Column {
anchors.fill: parent
Text { text: model.number; anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter }
Button{text: "change me"; onClicked: model.number +=1}
Button{text: "change all"; onClicked: changeAll()}
Component.onCompleted: {
for(var i=0; i < 10; ++i){
listmodel.append({"number": 0});

QML - How to get children in an item?

I had a problem with the item in QML. I wanna get children of an item but it seems working in the first element.
The detail code is below:
I have a gridview with a list custom component AAA_Styles
id: grdViewDeviceControl
clip: true
interactive: true
ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator{}
cellWidth: 200
cellHeight: 300
model: ListModel{}
delegate: Item {
width: grdViewDeviceControl.cellWidth
height: grdViewDeviceControl.cellHeight
id: deviceControl
objectName: "deviceControl"
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter
name: Names
subname: Subnames
My custom AAA_RTS is a QML component have some functions such as:
- function_a()
- function_b()
I added 2 items into model using
I ensure the model have data that I added because It appeared in my design and the count of gridview is 2 elements
console.log(grdViewDeviceControl.count) //the result is 2
After that, I tried to get each element to access functions that they are available using a method in signal onRelease of a button:
onReleased: {
console.log("number of item: " + grdViewDeviceControl.count)
var myRTS = grdViewDeviceControl.contentItem.children[0]
myRTS = grdViewDeviceControl.contentItem.children[1]
The result on console:
qml: number of item: 2
qml: QQuickItem(0x9828f60)
qml: AAA_Styles_QMLTYPE_0_QML_112(0x9829070, "deviceControl")
qml: QQuickItem(0x5554140)
qml: undefined
With the first element grdViewDeviceControl.contentItem.children[0], I access function_a or function_b successful but when I using the second the error appeared
TypeError: Cannot call method 'function_a' of undefined
So can anyone tell me why I wrong and how to fix it?
Many thanks for any help!
Do not try to access directly to the child items. Use delegate IDs, signals and slots instead:
Give a "delegate ID" to all your delegates through the model of your GridView.
In your GridView, add signals that will be used to broadcast to all the delegates the following things:
The "delegate ID" of the delegate that you want it to execute the function.
The arguments for the AAA_Styles function.
In your delegate, add one slot per AAA_Styles function. Each slot will execute the AAA_Styles function only if the broadcasted delegate ID is the delegate's: if (broadcastedID === delegateID) { function_ab() }.
When you want to execute function_a() or function_b() in a delegate, broadcast the delegate ID and the function arguments through the corresponding GridView signal (in onReleased, for example).
The following piece of code sums up what I have just described to you. If it does not work put the delegate in a separated QML file. This should work for good:
// Your grid
GridView {
id: grdViewDeviceControl
clip: true
interactive: true
ScrollIndicator.vertical: ScrollIndicator {}
cellWidth: 200
cellHeight: 300
model: ListModel {
Example of list element:
ListElement { m_uuid: "{element-uuid}" }
delegate: Item {
width: grdViewDeviceControl.cellWidth
height: grdViewDeviceControl.cellHeight
AAA_Styles {
id: deviceControl
objectName: "deviceControl"
anchors.centerIn: parent
name: Names
subname: Subnames
// The delegate ID
property string delegate_id: m_uuid
// Broadcast receivers
function delfunc_a(uuid, argA0) {
if (uuid === this.delegate_id) {
function delfunc_b(uuid, argB0, argB1) {
if (uuid === this.delegate_id) {
deviceControl.function_b(argB0, argB1)
// Connecting broadcasters to receivers
Component.onCompleted: {
Component.onDestruction: {
// Your broadcasters
signal exec_a(string uuid, int argA0)
signal exec_b(string uuid, bool argB0, string argB1)
// Somewhere else in your code:
onReleased: {
* Only the delegate whose ID is "{a-given-uuid}"
* will execute deviceControl.function_a(3):
grdViewDeviceControl.exec_a("{a-given-uuid}", 3)
* Only the delegate whose ID is "{another-given-uuid}"
* will execute deviceControl.function_b(true, "U got style!"):
grdViewDeviceControl.exec_b("{another-given-uuid}", true, "U got style!")

Unable to get highlighting working on TextEdit

TL;DR: TextEdit paints highlighted text only when I click on it. Nothing helps
I have a ListView with a QAbstractListModel model with string properties.
Those string properties are being spellchecked and QSyntaxHighlighter is used to show spell errors. I create QSyntaxHighlighter descendant in Component.onCompleted of TextEdit. I double-checked highlighting get's executed with correct spell errors and setFormat() of Highlighter is executed with correct positions. The problem is that it draws text in red (invalidates) only when I click on the TextEdit itself.
TextEdit lives in a Flickable (to track cursor) and Flickable lives in a Rectangle (to have nice background and border). Binding to some signals and calling update() of TextEdit does not help.
After spellcheck finishes, I emit rehighlight() signal of created SyntaxHighlighter.
Rectangle {
id: descriptionRect
height: 30
border.width: descriptionTextInput.activeFocus ? 1 : 0
clip: true
Flickable {
id: descriptionFlick
contentWidth: descriptionTextInput.paintedWidth
contentHeight: descriptionTextInput.paintedHeight
anchors.fill: parent
interactive: false
flickableDirection: Flickable.HorizontalFlick
height: 30
clip: true
focus: false
function ensureVisible(r) {
if (contentX >= r.x)
contentX = r.x;
else if (contentX+width <= r.x+r.width)
contentX = r.x+r.width-width;
TextEdit {
id: descriptionTextInput
width: descriptionFlick.width
height: descriptionFlick.height
text: description
onTextChanged: model.editdescription = text
Component.onCompleted: {
globalModel.initDescriptionHighlighting(index, descriptionTextInput.textDocument)
onCursorRectangleChanged: descriptionFlick.ensureVisible(cursorRectangle)
Here is a small sample of project with demonstration of how it does not work until you click on a text https://bitbucket.org/ribtoks/qt-highlighting-issue
Any ideas how I can solve this?
Just encountered this issue on 5.11.2 and found the following fix which allows updating of individual blocks without having to highlight/deselect the whole text area
Q_EMIT document()->documentLayout()->updateBlock(newBlock);
The issue was probably caused by QTBUG-44765, fixed in Qt 5.5.
Given the low level of the bug, I don't think it is practically to work around it.
You can work around that by appending an empty string to the TextEdit when you're done with the syntax highlighting
TextEdit {
id: captionTextEdit
width: wrapperFlick.width
height: wrapperFlick.height
text: display
readOnly: true
Component.onCompleted: {
itemsModel.initHighlighter(index, captionTextEdit.textDocument)
Connections {
target: itemsModel
onUpdateTextEdit: {
console.log("Update element at index: " + indexToUpdate)
if (indexToUpdate == index)
console.log("Update me!")
onCursorRectangleChanged: wrapperFlick.ensureVisible(cursorRectangle)
where updateTextEdit(indexToUpdate) is a new signal your itemsModel has to emit.
void updateTextEdit(int indexToUpdate);
void ItemsModel::initHighlighter(int index, QQuickTextDocument *document) {
// Signal mapper could be avoided if lamda slot are available (Qt5 and C++11)
QSignalMapper* signalMapper = new QSignalMapper(this);
if (0 <= index && index < m_ItemsList.length()) {
SingleItem *item = m_ItemsList.at(index);
SpellCheckHighlighter *highlighter = new SpellCheckHighlighter(document->textDocument(), item);
QObject::connect(item, SIGNAL(spellCheckResultsReady()),
highlighter, SLOT(rehighlight()));
// TODO: Don't connect this slot for Qt 5.5+ to avoid performance overhead
QObject::connect(item, SIGNAL(spellCheckResultsReady()),
signalMapper, SLOT(map()));
signalMapper->setMapping(item, index);
connect(signalMapper, SIGNAL(mapped(int)),
this, SIGNAL(updateTextEdit(int)));
Full code is available here: https://bitbucket.org/swarta/rehighlighdemo/branch/workaround#diff

Can Repeater delegate in Qml be made to behave in a generic way to the given Items?

{New to Qml (quick 2.0 using Qt 5.1 beta) and learning}.
I wanted to know if such an idiom would be possible in Qml:
Below I have objLeftColumn which expects its children to expose a boolean m_bIsSelected and a MouseArea alias m_mouseProperty and uses them to make the collection of such children mutually exclusive, ie., only one of them can be in selected state. The followin works fine but I need to repeat it every time I want and specially if I wanted it for Row etc.
Column {
id: objLeftColumn
property int m_iLastButtonClicked: -1
property int m_iCurrentButtonClicked: -1
onM_iCurrentButtonClickedChanged: {
if(m_iLastButtonClicked != -1) {
objLeftColumn.children[m_iLastButtonClicked].m_bIsSelected = false
m_iLastButtonClicked = m_iCurrentButtonClicked
Repeater {
id: objLeftColumnRepeater
model: 5
delegate: ABCD {
id: objABCD
m_mouseProperty.onClicked: {
if(m_bIsSelected) {
objLeftColumn.m_iCurrentButtonClicked = index
else {
objLeftColumn.m_iLastButtonClicked = -1
objLeftColumn.m_iCurrentButtonClicked = -1
Can I write a generic objLeftColumn (in a separate qml file) that could arrange the given Items in Column while aslo dealing with exclusivity of their selection?
The idea is instead of giving the component to the delegate right there an then, I'll give it later and for each instantiation of the component (depending on numeric value of model above and below) the delegate: in Repeater should behave similarly.
eg., in psedo code:
in Exclusive.qml:
Column {
id: objLeftColumn
property int m_iLastButtonClicked: -1
property int m_iCurrentButtonClicked: -1
property alias m_delegate: objLeftColumnRepeater.delegate
onM_iCurrentButtonClickedChanged: {
if(m_iLastButtonClicked != -1) {
objLeftColumn.children[m_iLastButtonClicked].m_bIsSelected = false
m_iLastButtonClicked = m_iCurrentButtonClicked
Repeater {
id: objLeftColumnRepeater
model: 5
onItemAdded: {
//state of item can be manipulated but want to
//add behaviour to the item eg:
/*item {
m_mouseProperty.onClicked: {
//do something
in SomeOther.qml:
Exclusive {
model: 5
delegate: ABCD
Exclusive {
model: 9
delegate: DEFG
etc..So this way Column in Exclusive is more generic and can be called with any Item assigned to its delegate and will behave similarly. Is this possible in qml
This needs a bit of trickery to be solved, I can think of two ways:
Use the JS connect() function to manually create the connections. Something like this:
Repeater {
id: objLeftColumnRepeater
model: 5
onItemAdded: {
item.m_mouseProperty.onClicked.connect(function() {
Wrap the delegate into an Item by using a Loader, and use aConnections element for the connection. Something like this:
property Component delegate
Repeater {
id: objLeftColumnRepeater
model: 5
delegate: Item {
Loader {
id: loader
sourceComponent: delegate
Connections {
target: loader.item.m_mouseProperty
onClicked: console.log("Clicked")
