Flutter FutureBuilder inside StreamBuilder gets rebuild - firebase

Title might be a little off topic. I would like to create a profile page which users can see which posts they liked. My Likes structure in Firebase is like this. It has liked post's id and post's DocumentReference. I store the Post's DocumentReference because:
Prevent duplicate data.
Post's owner can change their name, it would not be affected in the duplicate data.
Hard to maintain like count of the Post.
Users should be able to unlike the posts from this page. When they unlike, it should be directly seen in the page (PostTile will be removed from ListView). To create this behaviour I use StreamBuilder as stream value as below:
Stream<QuerySnapshot> likedQuotes(String uid, int limit, Timestamp creationTime) {
return _likesCollection
.where('userId', isEqualTo: uid)
.orderBy('creationTime', descending: true)
To not load all of the posts I had to limit the snapshot and load new data whenever user scrolls down to near end. Should I increase the limit or add .startAfter([creationTime]) condition to query?
For now, I increase the limit and this causes every PostTile to rebuild. Also when all of the data is loaded, whenever user scrolls the ListView, PostTiles in the ListView get rebuild.
To build the PostTile I use FutureBuilder as future value as below:
class PostTileFromDocument extends StatefulWidget {
final Stream docRef;
final String uid;
PostTileFromDocument({this.uid, this.docRef});
_PostTileFromDocumentState createState() => _PostTileFromDocumentState();
class _PostTileFromDocumentState extends State<PostTileFromDocument> {
Future tileFuture;
void initState() {
tileFuture = widget.docRef.get();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return FutureBuilder(
future: tileFuture,
builder: (context, snapshot) {
if (snapshot.hasData) {
currentQuote = PostData.fromSnaphot(snapshot.data);
return Card(...);
Should I change the structure of the data in Firebase? Is my way of building PostTiles are wrong (FutureBuilder inside StreamBuilder)? What is the proper way of doing what I am trying to do?
Thanks in advance.


Flutter - Is it possible to show the number of users online?

I want to show how many people are using my mobile application instantly in my application. For example: "342 people are currently using the application." or "342 people are online right now." I could not find a solution for this.
I store users data with Firebase. So what I want to do is possible by extracting data from the firebase?
You're simplest and most cost effective way, is to create a document, put in a collection for example called .collection(general), when a user logsIn, add 1 to that value, when they logout, subtract 1, and put this in a stream builder.
After success login, run the following function
await FirebaseFirestore.instance
.update({'membersOnline': FieldValue.increment(1)})//this will increase the number by 1.
On logout, substract 1.
this is very easy to handle this logic just save the status when users open your app for eg: on homepage and when they kill your app just update that collection to that particular is offline and at the and do query
and check the number of users you got and simply show that number.
I hope you got this logic.
A little late to the party. But I would personally recommend making use of the App Lifecycle. Meaning:
detached: The application is still hosted on a flutter engine but is detached from any host views.
inactive: The application is in an inactive state and is not receiving user input. For example during a phone call.
paused: The application is not currently visible to the user and running in the background. This is when you press the Home button.
resumed: The application is visible and responding to user input. In this state, the application is in the foreground.
So you will have to create a StatefulWidget and WidgetsBindingObserver:
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
class LifeCycleManager extends StatefulWidget {
LifeCycleManager({Key key, #required this.child}) : super(key: key);
final Widget child;
_LifeCycleManagerState createState() => _LifeCycleManagerState();
class _LifeCycleManagerState extends State<LifeCycleManager> with WidgetsBindingObserver {
void initState() {
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
print('AppLifecycleState: $state');
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return widget.child;
void dispose() {
And then just check the states as follows:
AppLifecycleState _appLifecycleState;
void didChangeAppLifecycleState(AppLifecycleState state) {
setState(() {
_appLifecycleState = state;
if(state == AppLifecycleState.paused) {
print('AppLifecycleState state: Paused audio playback');
//update user file eg. online_status: offline
if(state == AppLifecycleState.resumed) {
print('AppLifecycleState state: Resumed audio playback');
//update user file eg. online_status: online
print('AppLifecycleState state: $state');

accessing data from a static function globally

in the init() of my splash screen page, i am calling the function of the next page in order to load the data from backend, and meanwhile the splash screen will run.
the issue here is it only calls the static function, and that function stores the data locally.
on my other page, i want data globally, so that i can access that data anywhere on that particular page.
highlights of my code is:
splash screen page init code:
void initState() {
and my next page, that is FeedScreen page, where i want data globally is:
class FeedScreen extends StatefulWidget {
_FeedScreenState createState() => _FeedScreenState();
static void getdata() async{
CollectionReference collectionReference = FirebaseFirestore.instance
var snapshot = await collectionReference.get();
collectionReference.doc(result.id).collection('myfeed').snapshots().listen((event) {
var latarr,longarr,titlearr,descarr,urlarr;
for(int i=0;i<event.docs.length;i++){
i want to access the value of latarr,longarr,titlearr,descarr,urlarr outside the getdata() function.
Declare your variables latarr,longarr,titlearr,descarr,urlarr outside any class. For instance in your main.dart file before the void main() function. These variables will be considered as global variables and will be accessible anywhere in your app.
The best and clean approach to do this is that you use State Management. With that, you will be able to manage your variables, etc in your code smoothly and you can access those variables anywhere in your program whenever needed. Some popular ones are Provider
, Bloc and GetX.
By using state management you can easily able to Manipulate and access data anywhere in your project.

Initial value in a TextFormField (Flutter) coming from a Future (Firebase)

I am trying to set an initialValue of a TextFormField from a String that comes from Firebase Firestore, so it is a Future. But i just can't make it work!
I have written a simplified code of my problem and is available on dartPad:
How should I do this correctly? Should I use a Future.then() instead of the FutureBuilder? Should I use a controller, instead of setting the initialValue? Any form I try, it ends up not working...
The text field will be empty until the task is complete but this works fine:
final _textEditingController = TextEditingController();
void initState() {
void asyncTask() async{
//do work
setState(() {
_textEditingController.text = workResult;
//in build method
controller: _emailtextEditingController,

Placing two Firestore.instances inside an initState()

Now this maybe good practice or a complete no no!!
I was trying to resist placing more StreamBuilder(s) under build(BuildContext context) and tried to use initState() instead. I am having trouble due to not using Future/async/await correctly. The String _leaseTenantName (first initState() Firestore.instance) would have correct value but Strings _leaseUnitName & _leaseUnitPropertyUid (second initState() Firestore.instance) usually would return as null. StreamBuilder<PropertyDetails> below build would give the error message 'Invalid document reference. Document references must have an even number of segments, but properties has 1, null)' but kept trying and eventually worked when _leaseUnitPropertyUid finally had a value.
I believe the solution is to somehow wrap the two initState() Firestore.instances in a Future/async/await but could not work out a way to do this. Any ideas?? Or should I just use yet more nested StreamBuilders?
class _LeaseTileState extends State<LeaseTile> {
String _leaseTenantName = '';
String _leaseUnitPropertyUid = '';
String _leaseUnitName = '';
String _leasePropertyName = '';
String _leasePropertyUnitName = '';
void initState() {
.listen((snapshot) {
_leaseTenantName = snapshot.data['companyName'];
.listen((snapshot) {
_leaseUnitName = snapshot.data['unitName'];
_leaseUnitPropertyUid = snapshot.data['propertyUid'];
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
final user = Provider.of<User>(context);
return StreamBuilder<PropertyDetails>(
stream: DatabaseServices(propertyUid: _leaseUnitPropertyUid)
builder: (context, userCompany) {
if (!userCompany.hasData) return Loading();
_leasePropertyName = userCompany.data.propertyName;
_leasePropertyUnitName = '$_leasePropertyName - $_leaseUnitName';
return Card(
That's a big no no.
Firstly, there's nothing wrong in using multiple StreamBuilder, StreamBuilder help you simplify the usage of Streams so you don't end up messing things up with their subscriptions... like you did in initState().
When you call listen() on snapshots() as you did on initState(), you created a subscription, that subscription should be canceled on dispose(), but you don't cancel it, so you are leaking memory right there, a StreamBuilder would saved you here as it manages this for you.
Another thing to keep in mind is that you are using _leaseUnitPropertyUid on build(), but you don't check if _leaseUnitPropertyUid is valid. _leaseUnitPropertyUid is only going to be set after the Firebase snapshot() Stream emits one value and build() could be called before that. Again, StreamBuilder would have saved you here as well as you could check if it has emitted a value or not.
Also you are hardcoding the Firebase.instance on your code, which makes it very hard to test. Take a look on Dependency Injection and try to inject the Firebase.instance onto your class, like a Repository pattern or something similar, so you can swap the Firebase.instace for a testing Mock and make your code more testable.

How do I track Flutter screens in Firebase analytics?

I have a Flutter app and I'm testing Google Analytics for Firebase on Flutter.
I wanted to see the routes our users (well, me for now) are visiting. I followed the setup steps in firebase_analytics and I checked their example app, too. I enabled debugging for Analytics as described in the Debug View docs
Unfortunately, the only two kinds of screen views (firebase_screen_class) I receive in my Analytics Debug view are Flutter and MainActivity.
I'd expect to see /example-1, /example-2 and /welcome somewhere, but I don't.
This is the app I'm running in Flutter
class App extends StatelessWidget {
final FirebaseAnalytics analytics = FirebaseAnalytics();
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
routes: <String, WidgetBuilder>{
'/example-1': (_) => Example1(),
'/example-2': (_) => Example2(),
'/welcome': (_) => Welcome(),
home: Welcome(),
navigatorObservers: [FirebaseAnalyticsObserver(analytics: analytics)],
This exact use-case is in the documentation for Firebase Analytics under the Track Screenviews section.
Manually tracking screens is useful if your app does not use a separate UIViewController or Activity for each screen you may wish to track, such as in a game.
This is exactly the case with Flutter, as Flutter is taking care of the screen updates: most simple Flutter apps run one single FlutterActivity/FlutterAppDelegate and it takes care of rendering different screens on its own, so letting Firebase Analytics automatically track screens will not bring the desired effect.
As far as my past experience goes, the FirebaseAnalyticsObserver was not very helpful, however, I recommend you, too, check their docs again, they do imply that things should "just work". My best guess is that it didn't work well for me because I didn't use RouteSettings on any of my routes *.
In case FirebaseAnalyticsObserver won't work or apply for your app, the next approach worked quite well for me over the past months of development.
You can set the current screen with FirebaseAnalytics at any point, if you call the setCurrentScreen method with the screen name:
import 'package:firebase_analytics/firebase_analytics.dart';
// Somewhere in your widgets...
FirebaseAnalytics().setCurrentScreen(screenName: 'Example1');
As a first attempt I did this in the widget constructor, but that will not work well and miscount the events: if you pop or push routes, all widget constructors in the stack will be called, even though only the top route really qualifies as "the current screen".
To solve this, we need to use the RouteAware class and only set the current screen in case it's the top route: either our route is added to the stack or the previous top route was popped and we arrived onto the route.
RouteAware comes with boilerplate code and we don't want to repeat that boilerplate for all of our screens. Even for small apps, you have tens of different screens, so I created the RouteAwareAnalytics mixin:
import 'package:firebase_analytics/firebase_analytics.dart';
import 'package:flutter/widgets.dart';
// A Navigator observer that notifies RouteAwares of changes to state of their Route
final routeObserver = RouteObserver<PageRoute>();
mixin RouteAwareAnalytics<T extends StatefulWidget> on State<T>
implements RouteAware {
AnalyticsRoute get route;
void didChangeDependencies() {
routeObserver.subscribe(this, ModalRoute.of(context));
void dispose() {
void didPop() {}
void didPopNext() {
// Called when the top route has been popped off,
// and the current route shows up.
void didPush() {
// Called when the current route has been pushed.
void didPushNext() {}
Future<void> _setCurrentScreen(AnalyticsRoute analyticsRoute) {
print('Setting current screen to $analyticsRoute');
return FirebaseAnalytics().setCurrentScreen(
screenName: screenName(analyticsRoute),
screenClassOverride: screenClass(analyticsRoute),
I created an enum to track the screens (and functions to turn the enum to screen names). I used the enums to be able to easily track all routes, refactor route names. Using these enums and functions, I can unit test all possible values and enforce consistent naming: no accidental spaces or special characters, no inconsistent capitalization. There could be other, better ways to determine screen class values, but I went with this approach.
enum AnalyticsRoute { example }
String screenClass(AnalyticsRoute route) {
switch (route) {
case AnalyticsRoute.example:
return 'ExampleRoute';
throw ArgumentError.notNull('route');
String screenName(AnalyticsRoute route) {
switch (route) {
case AnalyticsRoute.example:
return '/example';
throw ArgumentError.notNull('route');
Next step in the inital setup is to register the routeObserver as a navigatorObserver of your MaterialApp:
// ...
navigatorObservers: [
// FirebaseAnalyticsObserver(analytics: FirebaseAnalytics()),
Finally, we can add our first example route that's tracked. Add the with RouteAwareAnalytics to your states and override get route.
class ExampleRoute extends StatefulWidget {
_ExampleRouteState createState() => _ExampleRouteState();
class _ExampleRouteState extends State<ExampleRoute> with RouteAwareAnalytics{
Widget build(BuildContext context) => Text('Example');
AnalyticsRoute get route => AnalyticsRoute.example;
Every time you add a new route, you can do so with little effort: first, add a new enum value, then the Dart compiler will guide you what to add next: add the screen name and class override values in their respective switch-case. Then, find your state that's building your route, add with RouteAwareAnalytics, and add the route getter.
* The reason why I didn't use RouteSettings is that I prefer Simon Lightfoot's approach with the typed arguments instead of the Object arguments the settings provide:
class ExampleRoute extends StatefulWidget {
const ExampleRoute._({#required this.integer, Key key}) : super(key: key);
// All types of members are supported, but I used int as example
final int integer;
static Route<void> route({#required int integer}) =>
// I could add the settings here, though, it wouldn't enforce good types
builder: (_) => ExampleRoute._(integer: integer),
// ...
Add a Navigation Observer
Add Firebase analytics navigation observer to your MatetialApp:
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
FirebaseAnalytics analytics = FirebaseAnalytics();
home: MyAppHome(),
navigatorObservers: [
FirebaseAnalyticsObserver(analytics: analytics), // <-- here
That's it! Your analytics should appear in the DebugView:
If it's the first time that you are integrating analytics in your app, it will take about a day for your analytics to appear in your dashboard.
See results right away
To see debug results right away, run the above command on your terminal, then check that they appear in the DebugView:
adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app [your_app_package_name]
I experienced the issue for some time and was just able to make it work
The issue for me is that I'm not properly passing settings in MaterialPageRoute
return MaterialPageRoute(
settings: RouteSettings(
name: routeName,
builder: (_) => viewToShow);
I follow the tutorial on FilledStack and was able to figure out my issue after seeing the sample code
If you are seeing "Flutter" in the firebase_screen_class parameter of the screen_view
event, it means you have it configured properly.
You should find the values you are expecting in the firebase_screen parameter, instead of the firebase_screen_class.
It's also worth checking the firebase_previous_screen parameter to see what was the screen that was open before that one.
