How to verify background color and font color of a button using tosca - tosca

I am trying to automate background color and font color of a button in Tosca,but couldn't able to do it, could any one help me on this


Is it possible to change PyCharm's Jupyter Notebook's preview pane's background color?

Is it possible to change Jupyter preview pane to match my IDE's background color? No matter how I change my themes or color schemes Jupyter's preview pane's background color remains the same (brown).

Can I set background of cefsharp to transparent?

The default background is white. I am wondering if it is possible to set it to transparent. So I can use the other control(a video player, for example) as a background. The cefsharp is only used to display some text.
I am using cefSharp.WinForms, Version=

How do I identify PrimeFaces tooltip backgrouond color?

I'm using PrimeFaces6.1 and my primefaces.THEME is afternoon. I would like to make my panel overlay look the same as the tooltips. Therefore, I need to figure out what the tooltip background color is. It's obvious the font color is white.
I have found information on how to override the tooltip colors and I guess I could do that, but I really like the theme color. Anyone have an idea on this?
You could find out the back-ground color for p:tooltip used in Primefaces 6.1 in components.css
Path: primefaces-6.1.jar\META-INF\resources\primefaces
open the components.css
and search ui-tooltip-text{padding:3px 10px;background-color:#4c4c4c;color:#fff}

How to change IDLDE background color?

I was just wondering if/how I could change the background color of IDLDE, to avoid having a white screen all day long, and use a less exhausting color for my eyes like brown/grey...
Thanks a lot
EDIT : IDLDE (the IDL IDE) not IDLE, my bad, I'm working with IDLE and IDLDE...
Try right-clicking on the editor window, and hit Preferences. At the bottom, under Appearance color options select Background color and uncheck System Default. Then, you can play with the little color box just above it.
Works for me in IDL 8.3.0.

Sencha Touch UI Button Icon: how to enable the use of the original color?

i created several buttons in a toolbar with custom icons. however, it turns out that these icons are all in black instead of their original colors. how could I make it by using CSS?
Just apply a background colour to them using css, if you are properly applying the icons (with a mask), that should change its colour
Also: you can inspect and remove rules for the -webkit-mask, and replace them with background images.
