How to join connected sub-paths by eliminate useless point with PaperJS? - paperjs

I have a path that draw a circle whose origin is in the "west" side, then I split by removing the top and bottom. Then I get three sub-paths:
Top-left 1/4 circle
Right half circle
Bottom-left 1/4 circle
But even visually 1 and 3 looks like a flipped 2, 1 and 3 are actually two sub-paths. How do I optimize this? I've tried smooth(), flatten() and simplify() and all not work.
Here is the sketch.

Based on your simplified case, you just have to build a new path composed of all your sub paths segments.
In order to optimize the resulting path a bit, you can skip the first segment of path B and only keep its handle out, since it's the same than path A last segment.
Depending on your use case, you could also, with the same logic, skip the last segment of path B since it's the same than path A first segment and make sure that the resulting path is set to closed.
Here is a sketch demonstrating a possible implementation.
const compoundPath = project.importJSON(
['CompoundPath', { 'applyMatrix': true, 'children': [['Path', { 'applyMatrix': true, 'segments': [[50, 700], [0, 700], [0, 600], [50, 600]] }], ['Path', { 'applyMatrix': true, 'segments': [[50, 600], [100, 600], [100, 700], [50, 700]] }]] }]
compoundPath.strokeColor = 'black';
const subPaths = [];
compoundPath.children.forEach((child, i) => {
.translate(0, 150)
const assembledPath = assembleSubPaths(subPaths);
assembledPath.strokeColor = 'black';
function assembleSubPaths(subPaths) {
const path = new Path();
subPaths.forEach((subPath) => {
subPath.segments.forEach((segment, segmentIndex) => {
const isFirstSegment = segmentIndex === 0;
if (path.segments.length === 0 || !isFirstSegment) {
} else {
path.lastSegment.handleOut = segment.handleOut;
return path;


Unite paths, edge cases

I was wondering why is unite of a path composed of only one point, with an other path of 2 points returns nothing!
An other case is unite of a two points' path and any other geometrical form , it returns the last item and ignores the 2 points' path.
Thank you!
var carre = new Path({
segments: [[30, 75], [30, 25], [80, 25], [80, 75]],
strokeColor: 'black',
closed: true
// Select the path, so we can see its handles:
carre.fullySelected = true;
// Create a copy of the path and move it 100pt to the right:
var ligne = new Path({
segments: [[30, 75], [41, 25]],
strokeColor: 'black',
closed: false
ligne.fullySelected = true;
ligne.position.x += 100;
var uniteres = carre.unite(ligne);
uniteres.fullySelected = true;
uniteres.position.x += 200;
You are right to find this weird.
In fact I would say that this is a bug in the boolean operation algorithm, which you can report here:

moving plot dynamic by grouping

I try to do a highchairs code to make a Moving line with reality time ( manual action)
the first point it the same that standard line and can't be Moving
the other point can be Moving right or left
when I move the second point, it ok the other point move too
but when I move the 3 points (or more ) the 2nd point move too and it's not ok, I need the behind point not move
I try to do with groupid solution…
I select x point, the point x+1,x+2,x+3 move too but the point x-1, x-2 don't group with ( so don't move)
how can I group and ungrouped when I move point?
how can I do to limit min selected point to not move left behind x-1 point?
thank for your help
i do this code :
a piece of code :
groupId: 'Group A',
i find a solution to limite move point Under data
if (Highcharts.dateFormat('%e - %b - %Y', new Date(this.x)) ==
(Highcharts.dateFormat('%e - %b - %Y', Date.UTC(1970, 10, 9)))) {
setDragStatus('erreur condition 1 '+Highcharts.dateFormat('%e - %b - %Y', new Date(this.x))+' ');
return false;
i dont know how to do that
if (Highcharts.dateFormat('%e - %b - %Y', new Date(this.x)) <
(date point-1 )
thanks for your help
In mouseOver event function you can reduce the number of dragged points by changing groupId property for points with lower x value:
series: [{
point: {
events: {
mouseOver: function() {
var points = this.series.points;
points.forEach(function(point, i) {
if (i && point.x < this.x) {
groupId: false
}, false);
}, this);
mouseOut: function() {
var points = this.series.points;
points.forEach(function(point, i) {
if (i) {
groupId: 'Group A'
}, false);
Live demo:
API Reference:
thanks very much
it look like what i want to do
juste add a limite when i move point to left, before this than

How to query exactly selected items in Paper.js?

According to my understanding, project.getItems({selected: true}) returns wrong results: I'm selecting a curve, it returns the parent Path: Sketch
Try clicking on a curve or a segment. Whole path will be moved. Then try changing the behavior by setting var workaround = false to var workaround = true to observe desired behavior.
How can I get exactly what is really selected?
Current workaround
I'm currently adding those objects into an array on selection and use those items instead of project.getItems({selected: true}).
The thing is that in Paper.js architecture, curves and segments are not items (they are part of a specific item which is the path). So you shouldn't expect project.getItems() to return anything else than items.
Another thing you have to know is that a path is assumed selected if any of its part is selected (curves, segments, points, handles, position, bounds, ...). And a curve is assumed selected if all of its parts are selected (points and handles).
With that in mind, you can create an algorithm to retrieve "what is really selected" based on project.getItems({selected: true}) as its first part. Then, you need to loop through curves and segments to check if they are selected.
Here is a sketch demonstrating a possible solution.
var vector = new Point(10, 10);
// Create path.
var path = new Path({
segments: [
[100, 100],
[200, 100],
[260, 170],
[360, 170],
[420, 250]
strokeColor: 'red',
strokeWidth: 10
// Translate given thing along global vector.
function translateThing(thing) {
switch (thing.getClassName()) {
case 'Path':
thing.position += vector;
case 'Curve':
thing.segment1.point += vector;
thing.segment2.point += vector;
case 'Segment':
thing.point += vector;
// On mouse down...
function onMouseDown(event) {
// ...only select what was clicked.
path.selected = false;
hit = paper.project.hitTest(event.point);
if (hit && hit.location) {
hit.location.curve.selected = true;
else if (hit && hit.segment) {
hit.segment.selected = true;
// We check all items for demo purpose.
// Move all selected things.
// First get selected items in active layer...
project.activeLayer.getItems({ selected: true })
// ...then map them to what is really selected...
// ...then translate them.
// This method returns what is really selected in a given item.
// Here we assume that only one thing can be selected at the same time.
// Returned thing can be either a Curve, a Segment or an Item.
function getSelectedThing(item) {
// Only check curves and segments if item is a path.
if (item.getClassName() === 'Path') {
// Check curves.
for (var i = 0, l = item.curves.length; i < l; i++) {
if (item.curves[i].selected) {
return item.curves[i];
// Check segments.
for (var i = 0, l = item.segments.length; i < l; i++) {
if (item.segments[i].selected) {
return item.segments[i];
// return item by default.
return item;
That said, depending on your real use case, your current workaround could be more appropriate than this approach.

How to select a single Curve in a Path in Paper.js?

I need to distinctly select a single Curve of a clicked Path, how can I do that?
For example, in this sketch we can select a whole path when clicked on it:
Currently I can detect the curve (not sure if it is the appropriate approach, anyway):
..onMouseDown = (event) ~>
hit = scope.project.hitTest event.point
if hit?item
# select only that specific segment
curves = hit.item.getCurves!
nearest = null
dist = null
for i, curve of curves
_dist = curve.getNearestPoint(event.point).getDistance(event.point)
if _dist < dist or not nearest?
nearest = i
dist = _dist
selected-curve = curves[nearest]
..selected = yes
But whole path is selected anyway:
What I want to achieve is something like this:
There is an easier way to achieve what you want.
You can know if hit was on a curve by checking its location property.
If it is set, you can easily get the curve points and manually draw your selection.
Here is a sketch demonstrating it.
var myline = new Path(new Point(100, 100));
myline.strokeColor = 'red';
myline.strokeWidth = 6;
myline.add(new Point(200, 100));
myline.add(new Point(260, 170));
myline.add(new Point(360, 170));
myline.add(new Point(420, 250));
function onMouseDown(event) {
hit = paper.project.hitTest(event.point);
// check if hit is on curve
if (hit && hit.location) {
// get curve
var curve = hit.location.curve;
// draw selection
var selection = new Group(
new Path.Line({
from: curve.point1,
to: curve.point2,
strokeColor: 'blue',
strokeWidth: 3
new Path.Rectangle({
from: curve.point1 - 5,
to: curve.point1 + 5,
fillColor: 'blue'
new Path.Rectangle({
from: curve.point2 - 5,
to: curve.point2 + 5,
fillColor: 'blue'
// make it automatically be removed on next down event
As an alternative, to avoid messing up with the exported drawing, you can simply select the line instead of applying it a stroke style.
See this sketch.
var selection = new Path.Line({
from: curve.point1,
to: curve.point2,
selected: true
There is no built-in way to do what you'd like AFAIK.
You basically need to walk through the segments, construct a line, and see if the hit is on that particular line. The line cannot be transparent or it's not considered a hit which is why I give it color and width to match the visible line; it's also why it's deleted after the test.
Here's the sketch solution that implements a bit more around this:
function onMouseDown(event){
if (!myline.hitTest(event.point)) {
// there's a hit so this should find it
let p = event.point
let segs = myline.segments
for (let i = 1; i < segs.length; i++) {
let line = new Path.Line(segs[i - 1].point, segs[i].point)
line.strokeWidth = 6
line.strokeColor = 'black'
if (line.hitTest(p)) {
c1 = new Path.Circle(segs[i-1].point, 6)
c2 = new Path.Circle(segs[i].point, 6)
c1.fillColor = 'black'
c2.fillColor = 'black'
throw new Error("could not find hit")
Here's what I draw:

Google Maps v3 Shapes

I am trying to take a string which has shape option information and create the shape on my Google Map application.
The string is made by splitting an array that was built from a local text document.
The string appears as:
Circle{center: new google.maps.LatLng(38.041872419557094, -87.6046371459961),radius:5197.017394363823,fillColor: '#000000',strokeWeight: 1,strokeColor: '#000000',map:map};
The function I have to take such string and make the shape appears as:
function loadDrawings(evt)
var f =[0];
if (!f)
alert("Failed to load file");
else if (!f.type.match('text.*'))
alert( + " is not a valid text file.");
var r = new FileReader();
r.onload = function (e)
var contents =;
var drawings = [];
var drawing;
var drawingType;
var shape;
var shapeOptions;
drawings = contents.split(";");
for (i = 0; i < drawings.length - 1; i++) {
drawing = drawings[i].toString();
drawingType = drawing.substr(0, drawing.indexOf('{'));
if (drawingType == "Circle")
shapeOptions = drawing.substr(6); //UNIQUE TO CIRCLE
shape = new google.maps.Circle(shapeOptions);
My issue is shapeOptions as a string does not work in the above syntax for creating the Circle. However, if I take the contents of the string, which is:
{center: new google.maps.LatLng(38.041872419557094, -87.6046371459961),radius:5197.017394363823,fillColor: '#000000',strokeWeight: 1,strokeColor: '#000000',map:map}
And directly enter it, the shape appears.
Do I need a certain variable type for my shapeOptions for this to work? I know that the new google.maps. requires (), but I have had no luck creating a variable from my string. Am I missing something here?
Much appreciation for any help!
Your shapeOptions string is a JavaScript object literal, so you can eval() it to get the object:
shapeOptions = eval( '(' + drawing.substr(6) + ')' );
Since it has map:map in it, you don't need the subsequent setMap() call.
Also, you're missing a var for the i variable. I don't really recommend the coding style where all the var statements go at the top of a function. I find it error-prone; it's too easy to omit a var without noticing it. (I know some famous JavaScript experts insist that var at the top is the only way to do it, but they fail to see the tradeoffs involved.)
You don't need the .toString() on drawings[i]. It's already a string.
You have two different brace styles. Best to pick one and stick with it. For JavaScript, putting the { on a line by itself is not recommended, because this code will not do what you expect:
return // hoping to return an object literal - but it doesn't!
a: 'b',
c: 'd'
Whereas this code does work correctly:
return {
a: 'b',
c: 'd'
Since you are using FileReader, I think it's safe to assume you also have .forEach() available.
You can replace the code that uses .indexOf() and the hard coded length with a regular expression.
Putting all that together, you might end up with code like this:
var r = new FileReader();
r.onload = function( e ) {";").forEach( function( drawing ) {
var match = drawing.match( /^(\w+)({.*})$/ );
if( ! match ) return; // unrecognized
var type = match[0], options = eval( match[1] );
switch( type ) {
case "Circle":
new google.maps.Circle( options );
r.readAsText( f );
But you may be able to take it a step further. So far we're looking at a Circle (line breaks added for readability):
center: new google.maps.LatLng(
fillColor: '#000000',
strokeWeight: 1,
strokeColor: '#000000',
With only a simple change, that could be executed as JavaScript directly. You just need the 'new google.maps.' at the beginning and () around the object literal:
new google.maps.Circle({
center: new google.maps.LatLng(
fillColor: '#000000',
strokeWeight: 1,
strokeColor: '#000000',
I assume you will have other drawing types as well? Will they all map directly to google.maps.* objects like Circle does? If so, you could simply do:
var r = new FileReader();
r.onload = function( e ) {";").forEach( function( drawing ) {
eval( drawing.replace(
'new google.maps.$1(\$2)'
) );
r.readAsText( f );
