Teradata Conversion of difference between dates in hours - teradata

I need to calculate the difference between 2 dates i.e creation date till todays date in hours in teradata.
((Creation_date - Current_Date) HOUR) As Open_Hour

If you just want hours:
select current_timestamp - <your timestamp> hour
If you want to get more granular, you can use hour to minute or hour to second.


Get number of milliseconds for a localised date, taking into account daylight savings

I have data in Google BigQuery that looks like this:
sample_date_time_UTC time_zone milliseconds_between_samples
-------- --------- ----------------------------
2019-03-31 01:06:03 UTC Europe/Paris 60000
2019-03-31 01:16:03 UTC Europe/Paris 60000
Data samples are expected at regular intervals, indicated by the value of the milliseconds_between_samples field:
The time_zone is a string that represents a Google Cloud Supported Timezone Value
I'm then checking the ratio of the actual number of samples compared to the expected number over any particular day, for any single day range (expressed as a local date, for the given time_zone):
with data as
-- convert sample_date_time_UTC to equivalent local datetime for the timezone
DATETIME(sample_date_time_UTC,time_zone) as localised_sample_date_time,
from `mytable`
where sample_date_time between '2019-03-31 00:00:00.000000+01:00' and '2019-04-01 00:00:00.000000+02:00'
select date(localised_sample_date_time) as localised_date, count(*)/(86400000/avg(milliseconds_between_samples)) as ratio_of_daily_sample_count_to_expected
from data
group by localised_date
order by localised_date
The problem is that this has a bug, as I've hardcoded the expected number of milliseconds in a day to 86400000. This is incorrect, as when daylight saving begins in the specified time_zone (Europe/Paris), a day is 1hr shorter. When daylight saving ends, the day is 1hr longer.
So, the query above is incorrect. It queries data for 31st March of this year in the Europe/Paris timezone (which is when daylight saving started in that timezone). The milliseconds in that day should be 82800000.
Within the query, how can I get the correct number of milliseconds for the specified localised_date?
I tried doing this to see what it returns:
select DATETIME_DIFF(DATETIME('2019-04-01 00:00:00.000000+02:00', 'Europe/Paris'), DATETIME('2019-03-31 00:00:00.000000+01:00', 'Europe/Paris'), MILLISECOND)
That didn't work - I get 86400000
You can get the difference in milliseconds for the two timestamps by removing the +01:00 and +02:00. Note that this gives the difference between the timestamps in UTC: 90000000, which is not the same as the actual milliseconds that passed.
You can do something like this to get the milliseconds for one day:
select 86400000 + (86400000 - DATETIME_DIFF(DATETIME('2019-04-01 00:00:00.000000', 'Europe/Paris'), DATETIME('2019-03-31 00:00:00.000000', 'Europe/Paris'), MILLISECOND))
Thanks #Juta, for the hint on using UTC times for the calculation. As I'm grouping my data for each day by a localised date, I figured out that I can work out milliseconds for each day by getting the beginning and end datetime (in UTC), for my 'localised' date, using the following logic:
-- get UTC start datetime for localised date
-- get UTC end datetime for localised date
-- this then gives the milliseconds for that localised date:
datetime_diff(utc_end_datetime, utc_start_datetime, MILLISECOND);
So, my full query becomes:
with daily_sample_count as (
with data as
-- get the date in the local timezone, for sample_date_time_UTC
DATE(sample_date_time_UTC,time_zone) as localised_date,
from `mytable`
where sample_date_time between '2019-03-31 00:00:00.000000+01:00' and '2019-04-01 00:00:00.000000+02:00'
count(*) as daily_record_count,
avg(milliseconds_between_samples) as daily_avg_millis_between_samples,
datetime(timestamp(localised_date, time_zone)) as utc_start_datetime,
datetime(timestamp(date_add(localised_date, interval 1 day), time_zone)) as utc_end_datetime
from data
-- apply calculation for ratio_of_daily_sample_count_to_expected
-- based on the actual vs expected number of samples for the day
-- no. of milliseconds in the day changes, when transitioning in/out of daylight saving - so we calculate milliseconds in the day
daily_record_count/(datetime_diff(utc_end_datetime, utc_start_datetime, MILLISECOND)/daily_avg_millis_between_samples) as ratio_of_daily_sample_count_to_expected

Solr: Day of week, second of day with timezones

We require to search by day of week and time of day using SOLR.
That`s why we first convert date to UTC and then create two index fields: UTC second of day and UTC day of week.
We know what timezone user requests, so we are able to shift this required values and create query:
Monday from 4:00 to 6:00 AM in +5 timezone
is converted to search values for UTC:
(Sunday from 23:00 to 24:00) OR Monday (0:00 to 1:00)
Unfortunatelly this query will fail in timezones with daylight saving time, when timezone is shifted +5 is +6.
Is there a way how to query by correct time of day?
Only solution we could think of is add to query also date ranges, which were in summer/winter time:
((Sunday from 23:00 to 24:00) OR Monday (0:00 to 1:00)) AND (30.10.2015 TO 27.3.2016) OR Monday (0:00 to 2:00)) AND (27.3.2015 TO 30.10.2015 ) OR ... OR ... ,
where these ... represents date, when was switched from summer to winter time.
Data may be recorded in any timezone and viewed in any timezone as well

How to calculate day of the week from timestamp? (DST)

I am developing code for device where datetime library is not available (note: floats also unavailable), so I have to do math myslef.
My timestamp is seconds from 1 Jan 2000 (in UTC).
In configuration of device I have:
current timezone as number of hours +/- from UTC
dst as number of hours to add
I need to know:
current day of week
current hour
Calculating current hour is pretty easy:
timestamp % 86400 # seconds from midnight
Calculating day of the week (1-monday,7-sunday):
dayofweek = (timestamp - 86400) % (86400*7) / 86400
if dayofweek = 0:
dayofweek = 7
86400 = seconds in one day
But before calculations I should:
1. add timezone hours
2. add DST hours
The problem is how to calculate if DST hours (for European Summer Time only) should be added or not? I need to do this efficiently beacuse I have very limited computing power and I need to do this as fast as possible :-)
To determine if DST is applied, you need to know day and month as well. In Europe, the change is on last weekend in March/last weekend in October. Would suggest you apply timezone offset without DST, do your calculations to get hour, day of week, day and month, and then if you are in DST, you may need to adjust any or all of these values (depending on the original value of hour, it may just be hour that needs adjusting).
By doing the timezone offset first, you are getting the local hour/day of week/day values correct without DST, then the DST adjustment is trivial.

ASP - How to calculate total hour and minutes within time range

I need to prepare a yearly management report to show the total overtime (OT) work hours and minutes of all staff within time range and month.
The time format in ms sql 2000 database is as follows:
Each record will contains the FROM date & time and TO date & time
The report layout is as follows:
I had no idea how to divide and calculate the total hours & minutes within the time range as each OT records will overlap several time range and date.
Please help. Thanks.
The SQL DateDiff function can be used to compute the number of minutes, i.e.
declare #fromDT datetime
declare #toDT datetime
set #fromDT = '10/22/2011 18:30'
set #toDT = '10/22/2011 22:45'
select #fromDT,#toDT,DATEDIFF(mi,#fromDt,#toDt),
ltrim(str(DATEDIFF(mi,#fromDt,#toDt)%60)) as HoursMin
StartTime End Time Mins HoursMin
2011-10-22 18:30:00.000 2011-10-22 22:45:00.000 255 4:15

SQLite : obtain current week

I'm trying to obtain the current week for date comparison in SQLite.
I have no problem for last month, last year, today, yesterday... but don't find the solution to have the current week.
I tried lot of things like:
SELECT tastings.* FROM tastings
WHERE (DATE(tastings.date) > DATE('now','weekday 1','+ 7 days'))
Can you help me ? Thanks.
This code gives you the week number where the first day of week is monday. It also works well for last and first weeks of the year.
strftime('%W', 'now', 'localtime', 'weekday 0', '-6 days')
I guess you want compare 2 date, Assume you have a table named _testTbl and have 3 column _id INTEGER, _name TEXT, _recordDate TEXT
you want name that record this week
you can use below code:
SELECT * FROM _testTbl
WHERE _recordDate > datetime('now', 'start of day', 'weekday 6', '-7 day')
note that this week start by saturday (sunday 0, monday 1, ..., saturday 7)
this t-sql means:
datetime is a sqlite date and time function.
first parameter is given time: 'now' means the current time.
second parameter take the time to start of day.
third parameter take time to the next weekday number (in this case, saturday).
fourth parameter take time to start of week
What is stored inside the tastings.date column? Note that SQLite does not have “timestamp” type affinity, so probably you store Text (some representation of the date) or integer (julian day, epoch…)
All time and date functions expect a valid time string and convert that time string to another string format. If tastings.date contains a week number then use:
AND cast(tastings.date AS TEXT) = strftime('%W','now')
This helps me to compare the 2 dates using the week of the year.
AND ( strftime('%W', tastings.date) = strftime('%W', 'now') )
Thanks you.
