SQLite : obtain current week - sqlite

I'm trying to obtain the current week for date comparison in SQLite.
I have no problem for last month, last year, today, yesterday... but don't find the solution to have the current week.
I tried lot of things like:
SELECT tastings.* FROM tastings
WHERE (DATE(tastings.date) > DATE('now','weekday 1','+ 7 days'))
Can you help me ? Thanks.

This code gives you the week number where the first day of week is monday. It also works well for last and first weeks of the year.
strftime('%W', 'now', 'localtime', 'weekday 0', '-6 days')

I guess you want compare 2 date, Assume you have a table named _testTbl and have 3 column _id INTEGER, _name TEXT, _recordDate TEXT
you want name that record this week
you can use below code:
SELECT * FROM _testTbl
WHERE _recordDate > datetime('now', 'start of day', 'weekday 6', '-7 day')
note that this week start by saturday (sunday 0, monday 1, ..., saturday 7)
this t-sql means:
datetime is a sqlite date and time function.
first parameter is given time: 'now' means the current time.
second parameter take the time to start of day.
third parameter take time to the next weekday number (in this case, saturday).
fourth parameter take time to start of week

What is stored inside the tastings.date column? Note that SQLite does not have “timestamp” type affinity, so probably you store Text (some representation of the date) or integer (julian day, epoch…)
All time and date functions expect a valid time string and convert that time string to another string format. If tastings.date contains a week number then use:
AND cast(tastings.date AS TEXT) = strftime('%W','now')

This helps me to compare the 2 dates using the week of the year.
AND ( strftime('%W', tastings.date) = strftime('%W', 'now') )
Thanks you.


How to get previous month number in SQLite

How to get Previous Month number and Month before Previous Month number in SQLite,
I am using strftime('%m','now') for getting current month number but not finding anything to extract previous month number, how to do this
You can use the date function to get the previous month:
SELECT strftime('%m', date('now','start of month','-1 month'));
SELECT strftime('%m', date('now','start of month','-2 month'));
It's fairly self explanatory: This uses the date function to get the first day of the current month (to prevent issues on the last days of a month with more days than the previous month), then subtract 1 or 2 months. Then use strftime to pull out just the month number.
SQLite has a modulo operator (%), so if month is the current month number, you can calculate:
previous_month = (month - 2) % 12 + 1
month_before_previous = (month - 3) % 12 + 1

How to get the last date of the week in sqlite3?

Let's say I have a column with values in the format of a datetime '2021-07-01 00:00:00.000', how do I get the last date of the week (Sunday) for any datetime such as this in sqlite3? The day of the last date of the week is a Sunday.
So the answer for this date would want something like 2021-07-04 or 2021/07/04 (removing the time part) which is the date of the Sunday for the week the date 2021-07-01 is belonging to.
I know how this can be done in sqlserver but I do not know how to do it in sqlite.
Could someone please assist me on this? Let me know if you need more clarification.
Here is my attempt on sqlserver, but i need to get the same result in sqlite
CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),DATEADD(DAY, 7 - DATEPART(WEEKDAY, [somedate]), [somedate]),111) AS Last_Date_Of_Week
FROM table
apparently i can't do this in sqlite because sqlite does not have an official datetime type.
Sqlite date and time functions consider Sunday to be the first day of the week, and have a weekday modifier to advance a given timestamp to the given day of the week (Using 0-based indexing from Sunday). So:
sqlite> SELECT date('2021-07-01 00:00:00.000', 'weekday 0');
date('2021-07-01 00:00:00.000', 'weekday 0')

SQLite strftime() weekday

I have been trying with no success to to count how many values were created in a specific week day:
SELECT count(*) as count FROM packets WHERE strftime("%w", timeIn) = '1';
I have this values in timeIn
I don't know what I am doing wrong here.
furthermore, if I use this:
SELECT count(*) as count FROM packets WHERE strftime("%w", timeIn) = '6';
I get
which makes no sense. Thank you in advance.
You appear to be storing the date as the number of seconds since 1970 (the Unix epoch) - a common representation. The time strings accepted by the SQLite date functions (see the Time Strings section) default to interpreting numeric time strings as a Julian day numbers:
Similarly, format 12 is shown with 10 significant digits, but the date/time functions will really accept as many or as few digits as are necessary to represent the Julian day number.
You can see this with the following SELECT:
SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d', 1472428800.6) AS t
the result of which is:
For your date representation to be interpreted as a Unix epoch, you need to include 'unixepoch' in the strftime call:
SELECT strftime('%Y-%m-%d', 1472428800.6, 'unixepoch') AS t
which returns:
If you modify your SELECT to be:
SELECT count(*) as count FROM packets WHERE strftime("%w", timeIn, 'unixepoch') = '6'
you should see results more inline with your expectations.

How to add/subtract date/time components using a calculated interval?

I'd like to get this to work in Teradata:
Updated SQL for better example
current_date between
cast('03-10-2013' as date format 'mm-dd-yyyy') and
cast('11-03-2013' as date format 'mm-dd-yyyy')
then 4
else 5
end Offset,
(current_timestamp + interval Offset hour) GMT
However, I get an error of Expected something like a string or a Unicode character blah blah. It seems that you have to hardcode the interval like this:
select current_timestamp + interval '4' day
Yes, I know I hardcoded it in my first example, but that was only to demonstrate a calculated result.
If you must know, I am having to convert all dates and times in a few tables to GMT, but I have to account for daylight savings time. I am in Eastern, so I need to add 4 hours if the date is within the DST timeframe and add 5 hours otherwise.
I know I can just create separate update statements for each period and just change the value from a 4 to a 5 accordingly, but I want my query to be dynamic and smart.
Here's the solution:
current_date between
cast('03-10-2013' as date format 'mm-dd-yyyy') and
cast('11-03-2013' as date format 'mm-dd-yyyy')
then 4
else 5
end Offset,
(current_timestamp + cast(Offset as interval hour)) GMT
You have to actually cast the case statement's return value as an interval. I didn't even know interval types existed in Teradata. Thanks to this page for helping me along:
If I understand correctly, you want to multiply the interval by some number. Believe it or not, that's literally all you need to do:
select current_timestamp as right_now
, right_now + (interval '1' day) as same_time_tomorrow
, right_now + (2 * (interval '1' day)) as same_time_next_day
Intervals have always challenged me for some reason; I don't use them very often. But I've had this little example in my Teradata "cheat sheet" for quite a while.
Two remarks:
You could return an INTERVAL instead of an INT
The recommended way to write a date literal in Teradata is DATE 'YYYY-MM-DD' instead of CAST/FORMAT
when current_date between DATE '2013-03-10' and DATE '2013-11-03'
then interval '4' hour
else interval '5'hour
end AS Offset,
current_timestamp + Offset AS GMT

SQLite return wrong week number for 2013?

I have a simple SQL for calculating week number in my reports on SQLite
SELECT STRFTIME('%W', 'date_column')
It was correct for 2009-2012. In 2013 I got always the wrong week number.
For example
SELECT STRFTIME('%W', '2012-02-28')
return '09' and this is correct.
SELECT STRFTIME('%W', '2013-02-28')
return '08' and this is wrong. We have the 9th week.
Is there something in SQLite date time functions that I don't understand? Or is it a bug of SQLite?
CL's answer works fine for OP's definition of "right", which is not quite the same as ISO definition. ISO week numbers are always in the range 1-53 (no week 0), and the last 3 days of a year may fall into Week 1 of the following year, just like the first 3 days may fall into Week 52 or 53 of the preceding year. To take these corner cases into account, you need to do something like:
(strftime('%j', date(MyDate, '-3 days', 'weekday 4')) - 1) / 7 + 1 AS ISOWeekNumber
FROM MyTable;
As a side note, SQLite's Date and Time documentation does link to the POSIX strftime man page, which defines %W modifier as:
"week number of the year (Monday as the first day of the week) as a decimal number [00,53]. All days in a new year preceding the first Monday are considered to be in week 0."
To convert from SQLite's undocumented week definition (first week is the week with the year's first Monday in it, or the week with 7 January in it) to the ISO week definition (first week is the week with the year's first Tuesday in it, or the week with 4 January in it), we let SQLite compute the week of the year's 4 January. If that is not one, we have to increase the week number:
SELECT strftime('%W', MyDate)
+ (1 - strftime('%W', strftime('%Y', MyDate) || '-01-04'))
FROM MyTable
