How to connect the ESP8266 Wifi Module to firebase through the STM32CubeIDE - firebase

I am working on an embedded project on the STM32F103rb Nucleo-64 board.
The project contains the ESP8266 Wifi Module.
I write the code in the STM32CubeIDE workspace.
Is there a way to connect the ESP8266 Wifi Module to firebase through the STM32CubeIDE work environment?
Or is it not possible?
Many thanks in advance!

The highlight text provide clarification as per # Oz Edri's comment.
Based on your comments. There are two ways to achieve what you want.
To have the ESP8266 with AT Command firmware, and the STM32 communicate with ESP8266 via AT commands to establish an SSL connection over TCP with firebase server. In this case, the ESP8266 just acts as a WiFi module.
To have the ESP8266 acts as an Arduino, and you design and write your interface protocol and commands between STM32 and ESP8266 (via SPI, I2C or UART). In this case, ESP8266 handle most of the communication while STM32 interfacing with sensors, etc.
I've done both ways in my projects, I have a blog post which might give you some more details on how to implement it.


Create the Pairing limitation on HC-05 sensor

I have been trying to set the limit of pairing the Bluetooth device HC-05(interface by Arduino controller) with my smartphone.
I have tried making this solution work with AT command
Example: AT+INQM=1,9,48\r\n
But instead of converting AT commands using serial.h with embedded C, I am looking for any dedicated library which helps to work this kind solution in using Arduino.
Basically, with the help of Bluetooth device connect to Arduino Nano, I want to send the altimeter sensor data to my smartphone.
During the connection, HC-05 should be responding any one device at a time, if another smartphone tries to pair then the error will be shown.
Please share your advice on this.
Yes there are some libraries in arduino but these are only meant for connection and pairing and low energy connections. We don't have any dedicated library from where we can control the mode of operation of HC05 or any bluetooth module. like bypassing or accessing GAP and GATT services of bluetooth. However there is a way to flash HC-05. But we can only use it for updating the firmware of this device. This github repo is dedicated for this purpose . Hope it helps you

Communication b/w two WiFi modules using Arduino Ide

Firstly, I'll just give you a brief introduction about our project... its "Speech controlled Home Automation System" where we are controlling the Home appliances by the voice or speech commands. We're successfully done with the voice recognition module. But our problem is with achieving the communication between the transmitter {where the user gives the voice command} and receiver {where the home appliances are present} through WiFi i.e. we have got 2 ESP8266 12E modules interfaced with Arduino both at the transmitter and receiver side and these two WiFi modules need to be communicated(To interchange some data sent by Arduinos).So please let us know which Arduino code need to be used at transmitter side wifi module and at Receiver side wifi module and also about the header files or additional softwares(if any)to be used.
you can achieve this by starting one of wifi modules in Access Point Mode and the other one has to be set to Station Mode in order to connect to the first one.
In case you want to add a router, just set both ESP8266 modules to Station Mode and connect them to the router.
And then transfer any data you want through AT commands of ESP8266.
Here is the refrence to them.
If you are newbie to Esp8266 and Arduino , this will help you.
Good Luck !
I worked on a similar system a year ago. I was developing a remote controlled toy. My main difference was I used the ESP8266 without an Arduino attached.
One ESP worked as a a WiFi hotspot and the other connected to it, sending messages through UDP.
For some reason, I could not get the two ESP modules to connect (I think it was a problem with the board I had), but I sent messages from my computer, and it worked out fine. I will not burden you with all of the code, but here is the GitHub link.
All that needs to happen is they will be on the same WiFi network, and then you can use the ESP8266 WiFi library to send messages between the two. Like I said above, I used UDP, which is good for high speed, with no error checking. But there is also TCP (higher up, has error checking code), or you can use the server/client part of the library to set up a full web server and read/write data to it. Without knowing what type of data, I cannot comment on what would be the best method.
As for headers, you will need WiFi.h, and if you are using UDP you will need WiFiUdp.h
You should not need any external software besides the Arduino IDE.
I taught myself from scratch for this product, using two main resources: the Arduino library reference, and the docs on the ESP8266 Arduino GitHub page

How to work with ESP13 wifi shield for arduino?

I recently bought a ESP13 wifi shield which has to mount on to Arduino. I think it is much similar to esp8266 modules, but unable to find a proper guidelines/libraries relevant to it. I did not notice any helpful tutorials also. Here, I want to use this module to run as a wifi server.
An ESP13 is an ESP8266. It is version ESP-13.
It is not a WiFi shield for Arduino; although you can connect it to an Arduino via serial pins and use its WiFi capabilities.
The ESP8266 ESP-13 is a stand alone device. It combines a processor with WiFi so you don't need an Arduino for simple jobs (or not that simple; I use mine to receive REST commands and run 60 addressable LEDs in pretty patterns).
There are lots of resources for ESP8266s:
For example:
Note that the pin locations change between versions so look out for that when making circuits.

computer AND esp8266 WITH arduino

how the bellow connection can be done , what the protocol that must be used to send bytes from computer through it's serial WiFi and receive the bytes in Arduino using ESP8266-01 WiFi Serial Transceiver Module.
computer AND esp8266 WITH arduino
It depends on what you want to accomplish, and what roles you want the computer and the arduino/esp combi to play. You can put the ESP in station or access point mode (or mixed), and have it talk to the arduino via the serial interface. The communication with the PC will indeed go via wifi/tcp protocol, but depending on your specific requirements you will have to decide one the roles. Then you can make the ESP a web client or a web server, mainly depending on the direction of the flow of information.
I assume you want to query the Arduino from the PC, in which you can send a HTTP/GET request from the PC to a simple web server on the ESP.
There are various examples in the Arduino examples that do just that to give you a start, available when you install the ESP library in the Arduino IDE, see:

How to send data to cloud from arduino uno?

I have some sensors connected to my ardunio uno and get periodically data from that sensors now I wanted to send that data to cloud.
I dont have any idea about how should I connect my arduino to Internet using GSM. How should I solve this problem or any alternative is there.
Just get an appropriate shield (like this one) and follow the documents included with it. The linked shield includes some basic service plan as part of the purchase. Once connected, it's just like using any other TCP/IP application.
