WordPress Archive Posts Page no displaying properly - wordpress

The one page on my website is not displaying the posts properly. It is not showing in an orderly manner. I have tried to deactivate and activate plugins, republish the pages but it is still showing the same. Can anyone help where the problem may be?

I think you can try customizing or resizing.
Or open every post and change it.
Are you want to show post like these? : click here


How to locate changes to code for missing post titles in archive pages in wordpress?

I am trying to restore the missing titles to posts in my categories, tags, search pages.
I vaguely remember changing something but don't know where. It was a long time ago.
The problem is so bad that if there is no 'read more' button, you can't click on a result to go to the page.
Any tips about how to find where this code change would be located?
if you know what the code was there is a plugin called string locator (https://wordpress.org/plugins/string-locator/) it allows you to give a small snippet of code or a call and it will tell you every place that code is found in the entirety of WordPress.
OK after quite a while of various methods, I re-installed the plugin 'yellow pencil'. I had made some customizations that the plugin claims to be reversible at the click of a button globally (It didn't delete them). I found a post title that did appear and then reverted all customizations globally to it on a live category page. Thank god it all works as it should now!
Thank you to all that tried to help me.

Wordpress Display Issues

I am trying to use the widget 'Super Store Finder' with no luck. Well I had some luckas I can get it to work on the page it is supposed to be on, however it shows up above the header on my home page too. Thinking it had something to do with the Goodlayers theme and page builder I am using, I tried building a standalone site with WPBakery and Elementor with less luck. Keep in mind with my first theme, all I had to do was activate the theme and it started showing up. Didn't add it to a page or anything at all. I don't want to get in to the complexities of fixing the plugin. I more or less am interested in a workaround.
I am using all the latest versions of everything btw.
My big question is simply...How can I stop this plugin from showing up on my homepage?
Continuing my search, I came across a plugin called 'freesoil Deactivate Plugins' and you can choose which page you do not want a plugin to show up on. Easy peasy finally....

Wordpress not showing posts (Griddist theme)

I just recently updated my version of wordpress to 5.6.1. Website is www.americano.site
I used to have a set of posts display under "miscelanea/projects" (this is the category name). Now when I access this from the side menu, it doesn't show anything. It seems to connect to the right content, as when you hover the mouse around it shows the posts it is supposed to show, but it is a blank page.
I have very limited knowledge of code but reading through other posts it seems the problem has to do with javascript (main.js file missing). If so, can anybody tell me how to download and upload this to fix this error?
I'm using the Griddist theme by Superb (but problem persists in other themes too)

Can't Modify Wordpress Theme from Dashboard

Has anyone ever worked with the Booard theme created – but no longer sold or supported – by Theme-Paradise? My boss has asked me to update a simple button link on the page below and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to modify a page with this theme. As I'm new to the company I don't yet have access to the server to modify the theme files, so I'm confined to the WP dashboard. I've looked through the editor but no luck.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
The page I need help with: http://www.tech-30.com/careers/
I found it. If you click on Edit Page > 'Screen Options' at the top of the page and enable 'Custom Fields' it opens up a JSON page builder with shortcode text field entries further down on the page under the post field entry. I was able to change the link from there. It took a while to update so I wasn't seeing it on the site for whatever reason.

Wordpress: Posts and pages content not showing but title is

I have a wordpress site which was working all fine but suddenly it got hacked by someone. I immediately deactivate my theme and then after sometime activate it. it got recovered but all contents of pages and posts is not showing up but title is showing. I checked databse tables. It contains all posts, also checked wp-admin. It also contains all data. Also tried by deactivating plugins and then activating it. Dont know what to do. please help me, I badly need it. Pleaseee
here is the link
index page is okay. But go on any menu. it will give the message no post is found.
go to your functions file and see if they messed with your DEFINE posts to remove those parts of the page.
