I have written a simple Toronto running example in my remote server, and I want to access the webpage from my own computer.
The code is
app = tornado.web.Application(handlers=[(r'/post', MainHandler)], autoreload=False, debug=False)
http_server = tornado.httpserver.HTTPServer(app)
However, it seems I can only access it by "" in remote server(which has no GUI). And I cannot access it in my own computer by changing the IP address to its real ip. I don't know how to revise the code. Can anybody help me? Thanks a lot!
I have a database currently running on localhost. I want to access it over the internet, but I don't know how to access and change its settings. I can only use ODBC mechanism to connect to it not SQL server. Please suggest a working link for the problem. Thanks in advance to respected community members.
I had installed oracle 11g in my system. I want to access oracle, especially oracle-apex from other PC in the same network. I am able to work on oracle apex via my pc. Since, it is being hosted locally,I was able to access within the PC. I tried with ip adderess from other PC in the same network. But I couldn't.
Thanks in advance.
Do you have any external Apex listener or is this integrated XML DB HTTP server? in the latter case a change in the configuration might help
try running
Also, pay close attention on the server configuration, for example http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B28359_01/appdev.111/b28369/xdb_web_services.htm and many other resources
I have a sample project (using a webserver) working on localhost:49350
I would like to access that from another computer in the same network. However, entering the IP address instead of localhost (the one i get via cmd--> ipconfig) does not seem to work
( I get a bad request (400).
Can anyone help? I am using asp.net web api and I am fairly new to this.
Thanks in advance!
Try to open the port (49350) on your router, should be open for TCP.
I have a web application I have developed on a server on my home computer. Is it possible to access that web page from another computer on my home network?
My naive approach was just enter my ip address followed by the port number :8888 which the server is listening on...
Any help would be great thank you.
I don't know if it will help but you can use an ssh connection to your computer. But you need to do it from a shell (from terminal on a mac, use putty on a PC)
In the end it was easier to set up remote access to the server by setting up port-forwarding on my router and using no-ip for DNS management. They have a decent walkthrough to get it all up and running. So i simply have to type in my-address.no-ip.org to access my site from any remote device.
Otherwise the links to questions on superuser that Sampo posted are worth a try.
I'm doing some test hosting of an asp.net program I created
I can access it fine from the local machine (both debugging and pointing the virtual directory to it)
I can also access (local) by using the localhost or using the ip
however when i get on a different machine on the same network (i can ping my machine)
I get the following error:
Connection Interrupted
The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.
The network link was interrupted while negotiating a connection. Please try again.
Does anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
I have duplicate this question on serverfault.com
I would generally take a snapshot of the network traffic with Wireshark (or other network sniffer) and see what is happening on the wire. Compare this to a site that works. Windows firewall, a browser proxy, or some other network software may be at fault.