paypal signin page has a broken layout - css

when go to paypal signin page I have page with broken layout ( seems problem in css ). Screenshot attached here
Strange, but after this stage there is normal style webform but when go to the transfer money there are again css problem and button for transfer just don't work. It disturbs all opportunities
I tried to solve this by clearing cache and cookie browser, use another browser, install another browser but nothing helped. Also this problems reproduced on two my computers but when I tried third computer of my friend - all was fine and I could do transfer.
So how case could be fixed for my computer?

I've been experiencing the same thing. And it was all ok like a week or two ago. So I mean it's an issue on their end. Or we have some troubles with Paypal in our region (because the government promised to put some restrictions on Paypal very soon, maybe it has begun already?)


Google Optimize: Unable to preview experience. Please make sure to enable cookies and restart the browser

I can't preview my Google Optimize experience. Google optimize throws below error:
This happens to me quite often too. The suggestion Google gives is wrong. Clearing cookies and restarting the browser does not fix it. Sometimes rebooting does, but that's a huge disruption.
What I found to work pretty reliably is to end the preview (dropdown), then click the EDIT button to go to the editor. Come back to the setup page, then try Debug again. Debugger should work again.
This is how it worked for me:
In Chrome go to Clear Browsing Data (chrome://settings/clearBrowserData).
Make sure you select checkboxes Cookies and Cached images and files.
Submit the form by hitting the button "Clear data".
Go to preview experience.
For me it started working when I gave the Google Optimize plugin access to all pages (not just the page running the experience).
I think I've found a fix for this. Go to the top right corner of chrome (the three dots) Settings > Privacy & Security > Cookies & other data > and add the url in the bottom section called "sites that can always use cookies"
There can be multiple reasons.
Most obvious: enabled cookies like mentioned by others. should help
If it does not work even when cookies are enabled and you have restarted the browser then more chances are that the issue is in the Experience/Test that you are trying to preview. This can be due to:
A preview is already running in another tab. Turn off preview
2.You have set the experience to run on certain URL patterns and you are trying to preview on a page that does not qualify the criteria.
You have set some Audience rules which are not being met fully. For example: You have set the Audience Device type to mobile and you are trying to preview on a Desktop. Although Optimize will load the preview in a mobile mode but it will not be able to run the experience properly.
In my case the issue was due to wrong device type. I hope it helps.
It's also possible to get this "Unable to preview experience. Please make sure to enable cookies and restart the browser" error message if the content you're trying to modify doesn't exist when Optimize tries to modify it.
I had Optimize set to modify on page load, but the page I was working with was a form, where the text I wanted to modify didn't exist until I clicked through to the second step of the form (still on the same URL).
I was able to just run the study instead on another similar page that had all the text loaded at the start. I'd guess that setting Optimize to trigger from a custom event triggered upon loading the second step of the form instead of "on page load" would also have resolved the issue.
If you are using chrome then:
Click the context menu in the browser toolbar to the right of the
address bar.
Choose Settings.
Select/Search the "Security and Privacy" section.
Choose "Cookies and Other Site Data" Ensure that "Allow all cookies" is selected.

Piczard SimpleImageUpload not loading image

I have the Piczard SimpleImageUploader in a based management tool for a product catalog that seems to work just fine for most users, but for some users, the Edit popup will show, but then the image does not load. The logo and progress will just stay there and never move. Users are typically in IE 11 on a Windows 7 PC. We have tried in other browsers, but FF and Chrome seem to not allow the popup at all, probably due to the branching of Flash, which Piczard seems to need to run.
Could there be a setting in IE that is blocking the image from uploading? The tool worked just fine for the user a few months ago, but recently has not be cooperating. I was thinking it could be a Group Policy, but I have not been able to confirm that yet.
Any leads are appreciated.
Windows updates, IE Advanced settings Reset and a reboot fixed the problem this time. I do not know which setting or update fixed the issue at this point, just that it did. I had done the reset before but that alone was not enough to fix the problem.

my responsive design doesn't work on tablet/mobile

For week's now I can't figure out why my site is designed to be responsive, is everything right and laptop works perfectly even when put in a small size and then step into my mobile and is not responsive.
I've tried uninstalling the plugins, I changed the theme and not find out why.
Can you held me?
The website is:
Thanks for your atention,
Unless you are intentionally trying to send your mobile users to dubious porn websites, my guess is that your site has been compromised. Lucky for you it has been poorly compromised and it is only breaking the page instead of displaying the ads/redirects.
To verify this, put your browser in developer mode and switch to mobile emulation and look at the network tab.
Without knowledge of your limitation, I cannot recommend any measures for cleaning up the compromise, but consider disabling every plugin and upgrading WP. It looks like every single call to a CSS file by your plugins gets redirected to something nefarious.

The customization content in iframe for Dynamics Crm got messed up for one customer. CSS does not respond correctly

I am working on Dynamics Crm plugin. We add some new customization in lead view page and some other new pages. All these customization happen in iframe. These UI customization works perfectly on our machines.
However, one of our customer is experiencing some ui issue. The weird thing is, when I opened their account from my computer, it looks alright. Somehow when they opened the same account in any computer in their company, it shows some messy stuff. Some Css are not respected.
The other fact is that when the customer opened their QA account using our plugin in their computer, nothing looks wrong.
We are using exactly the same version of IE (9.0.13). I am not sure if ie plugin could make a difference for ui customized within Iframe.
I am completely out of my mind. Does anyone ever experience similar thing or can someone provide any clue please? Many thanks.

IE8 navigation cancelled error on postback

In our company, we have bought a web application that we are testing in the intranet zone. We are using IE 8.
Basically, on a particular page, there are a few buttons, and one of them populates a fairly big gridview.
Then as soon as I click on another button that causes a postback, I immediately get a 'web page navigation cancelled (DNS Error).
At first I thought it could be a problem with the URL being too long, but it's not the case.
Then, the vendor performed the same actions on his computer, and it worked correctly. Clearly, this is not a problem with the website itself, but probably a configuration with IE8.
Unfortunately, we cannot use or test with Firefox or IE9. We are stucked with IE8.
Any ideas?
Thank you!
Take a look at the answers on this thread, specifically the one by SpritX. Many reasons this could be happening and there are a few solutions in that discussion you can try.
