IE8 navigation cancelled error on postback -

In our company, we have bought a web application that we are testing in the intranet zone. We are using IE 8.
Basically, on a particular page, there are a few buttons, and one of them populates a fairly big gridview.
Then as soon as I click on another button that causes a postback, I immediately get a 'web page navigation cancelled (DNS Error).
At first I thought it could be a problem with the URL being too long, but it's not the case.
Then, the vendor performed the same actions on his computer, and it worked correctly. Clearly, this is not a problem with the website itself, but probably a configuration with IE8.
Unfortunately, we cannot use or test with Firefox or IE9. We are stucked with IE8.
Any ideas?
Thank you!

Take a look at the answers on this thread, specifically the one by SpritX. Many reasons this could be happening and there are a few solutions in that discussion you can try.


paypal signin page has a broken layout

when go to paypal signin page I have page with broken layout ( seems problem in css ). Screenshot attached here
Strange, but after this stage there is normal style webform but when go to the transfer money there are again css problem and button for transfer just don't work. It disturbs all opportunities
I tried to solve this by clearing cache and cookie browser, use another browser, install another browser but nothing helped. Also this problems reproduced on two my computers but when I tried third computer of my friend - all was fine and I could do transfer.
So how case could be fixed for my computer?
I've been experiencing the same thing. And it was all ok like a week or two ago. So I mean it's an issue on their end. Or we have some troubles with Paypal in our region (because the government promised to put some restrictions on Paypal very soon, maybe it has begun already?)

RadlistBox fails in google chrome

I have radlistbox in pop-up which is causing a run-time Error "System.FormatException: Input string was not in a correct format error is thrown." .when the same pop-up is been opened in IE or FireFox it works properly without any error or interruptions.Please Provide solution to this problem.
HTML and JavaScript and the way they work differ from browser to browser, so you need to post the code that causes the problem so someone can help you. For example, Chrome provides float numbers for dimensions and positions when zoomed, so this may be the cause. This broke some controls that store such numbers in the client state. This page offers workarounds and the easier way to get a fix is to upgrade your Telerik controls version
Due to Anti-virus the pop-up was acting weird.After Disabling the anti-virus it worked fine.

IFrame not working with IE

I am using iFrame to load a url in a popup within a page.I want log in to the website and perform some operations.
All this happens in the same page within an iFrame in a modal.
Except IE all browsers work fine.But in IE after one or two steps the the website is directed to the home page.
I am not able to find why this is happening.
Any help is appreciated.
IE is know to be different, but I wont get into that old debate here.
Since you are logging in from an iFrame, there may be something regarding session variables which is making it fail.
Session in Iframe working in Firefox but not in Internet Explorer
Other than that, I suggest debugging using debug bar to see what type of XHR requests are being made, and then determine the exact point of failure.

ASP.Net FileUpload control causes google chrome to crash and show broken data

I am working on an page that contains a fileupload server control (not async fileupload).
I recently noticed that whenever that control is on the page and any postback occurs, the page crashes and stops me strange and broken data like in the screenshot attached!!
I also noticed that is happening in any webkit based browser (e.g safari, chrome, etc..)
Strangely, the problem is only occurring when am running this page online, but when am debugging it locally, this problem doesn't occur!!
Any ideas??
Note: The following link [ ] is a screen of how the crash looks like, and i remember something now, i used to get this screen sometimes while am browsing through or !! hope this helps :S
Turns out this whole problem was caused by the compression module referenced in the web.config file.
As a permanent solution however, I changed all FileUpload controls to AsyncFileUpload, gaining both a solution and an easier way to navigate and work.
Thanks everyone ;)

I don't want to display back and forward button in my browser. Is there any solution apart from popup trick?

customers does not want to allow user to use back or forward button. Just a clean page without commandbar and toolbar, same for FF an IE.
Disabling them is not an option as now.
You cannot change that kind of thing in a existing window -- the only way you can make those disappear is by opening a popup, specifying they should not appear in that popup when it's being opened.
Still, note that you should not try to disable those buttons nor have them disappear : your application should work fine with them, handle their actions -- after all, it's one of the few things users have understood in browsers...
And as a user, this is disturbing and annoying :
I don't like popup windows -- and I'm not the only one who doesn't
I don't like when a website tryies to take control over my browser
It will not always work anyway.
And, as a sidenote : even if the back/forward buttons are not displayed, users can still use Ctrl+left/right or some kind of equivalent !
I know this is not easy, but a part of your work as a web-developper is to explain your clients how Internet and web-applications work... not the same way as desktop applications !
If you can force your users into IE (can't believe I'm suggesting use of IE!) you can do this trick. Try running this from the command line
"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" -k
This will force IE into kiosk (or full screen mode), similar to pressing F11 when in a usual browser session.
PS. I agree with the other answers suggesting this should be discouraged but there are instances (such as when the end user really can't be trusted) that this is a good solution.
No, there's no other way.
However, this is extremely annoying behavior and should be greatly discouraged. This isn't a code issue to solve...this is behavior that shouldn't be implemented at all.
My opinion here, you have a client problem not a code problem. Whatever standard is the expectation, and the user has the expectation of having their back/forward buttons, break that and you break their experience.
Ever see a Windows application that removes the taskbar? That's the equivalent...
I don't think there is a reasonable way to disable the behavior. You may get rid of the buttons in various ways, but the behavior is still there (through keyboard commands, popup menus and so on).
The only reasonable way is to make your web application follow web semantics, and make the client realize this.
many web based ERP (for example) does not tolerate people using navigation buttons. BUT these web applications handle the fact people use these buttons and do not crash. That's what you should do. If each time people use the back button, they get an error message, they will quickly stop using it.
The solution that used to work in IE was adding a startup script with one line:
