Adding 120 minutes if date diff is negative in Amazon Redshift - datetime

I am grouping times how much it takes for a person to purchase an item, from the session time to purchase time. There are some cases when due to the timezones the purchase time is 120 minutes than it should be, in that case, I want to add 120 minutes and then group it like so:
WHEN date_diff('minute'::character varying::text, sessions.event_time, sales.event_time) < 0 AND sales.event_time IS NOT NULL THEN '0. 0'::character varying
WHEN date_diff('minute'::character varying::text, sessions.event_time, sales.event_time) <= 5 AND sales.event_time IS NOT NULL THEN '1. 0-5min'::character varying
ELSE 'no sale'::character varying
END AS grouped_session_to_sale,
And because of the timezone difference of 2 hours I get a lot of 0.0 groups, I need to add 120 minutes to the sales.event_time, I tried this:
WHEN date_diff('minute'::character varying::text, sessions.event_time, sales.event_time) < 0
THEN sales.event_time::numeric+120::text
ELSE sales.event_time
END as sales.event_time,
WHEN date_diff('minute'::character varying::text, sessions.event_time, sales.event_time) < 0 AND sales.event_time IS NOT NULL THEN '0. 0'::character varying
WHEN date_diff('minute'::character varying::text, sessions.event_time, sales.event_time) <= 5 AND sales.event_time IS NOT NULL THEN '1. 0-5min'::character varying
ELSE 'no sale'::character varying
END AS grouped_session_to_sale
But I get an error which is very uninformative:
SQL Error [500310] [42601]: Amazon Invalid operation: syntax error at or near "."
Position: 3346;
How can I achieve such a result?

You cannot assign the output of the first CASE statement to sales.event_time - "END as sales.event_time,". This implies that you are changing the source data from inside the select. You could call this output "new_event_time" with no ".".


Remove all rows above and below a value in R

We have citizen scientist recording data for us using In-Situ Aqua troll 600 instruments. It is similar to a CTD but not. The data format is a little different. Different enough that I cannot use CTD trim from the OCE package in R. I need to remove all the rows of data during the soak time (time in the water before they start lowering the instrument) and the up cast from the data. That is all the rows after they reached the max depth. So I just need that center portion of my dataframe.
My Data
Date Time Salinity (ppt) (672441) Chlorophyll-a Fluorescence (RFU) (671721) RDO Concentration (mg/L) (672144) Temperature (°C) (676121) Depth (ft) (671051)
16:29.0 0 0.01089297 7.257619 31.91303 0.008220486
16:31.0 0 0.01765913 7.246986 31.93175 0.1499496
16:33.0 0 0.0130412 7.258863 31.93253 0.5387784
16:35.0 0 0.01299242 7.274049 31.93806 0.6187978
16:37.0 0 0.01429801 7.26965 31.94401 0.6640261
16:39.0 0 0.01342988 7.271608 31.93595 0.681709
16:41.0 0 0.01337719 7.271549 31.93503 0.684597
16:43.0 7.087267 0.007094439 6.98015 31.89018 1.598019
16:45.0 28.3442 0.007111916 6.268753 31.83806 1.687673
16:47.0 31.06357 0.007945394 6.197834 31.77821 1.418773
16:49.0 32.07076 0.0080788 6.166986 31.76881 1.382685
16:51.0 31.95504 0.004382414 6.191305 31.72906 1.358556
16:53.0 36.21165 0.01983912 5.732656 29.3942 123.4148
16:55.0 36.37849 0.02243886 5.626586 28.82502 125.2927
16:57.0 36.43061 0.02416219 5.450325 28.23787 126.7997
16:59.0 36.44484 0.02441683 5.421676 28.14037 127.0321
17:01.0 36.46815 4.510316 5.318929 28.09501 127.2064
17:03.0 36.41381 4.012657 5.241654 28.14595 127.2227
17:05.0 36.42724 0.7891375 5.174401 28.20383 127.2019
17:07.0 36.41064 0.4351442 5.120181 28.18592 127.197
17:09.0 36.38155 0.2253969 5.033384 28.21021 127.1895
17:11.0 36.37671 0.2089337 5.019629 28.21222 127.1885
17:13.0 36.43813 0.08728585 4.981099 28.17526 127.2223
17:15.0 36.47644 0.904435 4.951878 28.13579 127.2108
17:17.0 36.54742 0.1230291 4.93056 28.06166 127.2307
17:19.0 36.60466 10.04291 4.908442 27.9397 126.6003
17:21.0 36.61511 11.33922 4.904828 27.92038 126.5161
17:23.0 36.68179 0.6680982 4.87018 27.78319 123.707
17:25.0 36.74612 0.06539913 4.848994 27.72977 119.906
17:27.0 36.75729 0.02414635 4.826871 27.72545 114.9537
17:29.0 37.1578 0.01556828 4.804105 27.81129 113.3405
> depthmax<- max(WS$`Depth (ft) (671051)`, na.rm = TRUE)
> output <- WS[WS$"Depth (ft) (671051)" < depthmax,]
> Output2 <- output[output$"Depth (ft) (671051)" > 1,]
I tried these and got output2 to work but can't seam to get output to work. Is there a more elegant way to do this? Just to recap I need to remove all rows after the depthmax (127.2307) and all the rows before the depth when they start lowering the instrument (~2.41).
Your code does remove the maximum depth, but not the rows after the maximum depth is reached. You want to locate the row index of the the maximum depth and delete that row and the ones after:
start <- tail(which(na.omit(WS$`Depth (ft) (671051)`) < 2.41), 1) + 1
end<- which.max(na.omit(WS$`Depth (ft) (671051)`)) - 1
output <- WS[start:end, ]
The first line finds the index of the last row less than 2.41 and adds 1 to get the starting row. The second line finds the index of the maximum depth and subtracts 1 to get the row before that.

Using condition in columns of data frame to generate a vector in R

I have the following array:
Year Month Day Hour
1 1 1 1 0
2 1 1 1 3
I wrote a function which I then tried to vectorize by using apply in order to run calculations row-by-row basis, but it doesn't work due to the booleans:
#first month in season
if((tarr$month==12) || (tarr$month==3) ||(tarr$month==6) || (tarr$month==9)){
#second month in season
}else if ((tarr$month==1) || (tarr$month==4)){
}else if((tarr$month==7) || (tarr$month==10)){
#third month in season
}else if((tarr$month==2)){
I tried
but it raised this exception:
Error in tarr$month : $ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
(I already knew about this potential pitfall, but that's why I wanted to use apply in the first place!)
The only way I can currently get it to work is if I do this:
for (x in 1:nrow(tdjf)){
If there were only a few values, I'd throw up my hands and just use the for loop, efficiency be damned, but I have over 15,000 rows and that's just one dataset. I know that there has to be a way to make it work.
To vectorize your code, use ifelse() and| instead of ||:
(tarr$month==12) | (tarr$month==3) |(tarr$month==6) | (tarr$month==9),
ifelse((tarr$month==1) | (tarr$month==4),
ifelse((tarr$month==7) | (tarr$month==10),
You might be surprised at how quickly a well constructed for loop can run. If designed well, it has about the same efficiency of an apply statement.
The properfor loop in your case is
tdjf$days <- vector ("numeric", nrow (tdjf))
for (x in seq_along (tdjf$days)){
tdjf$days [x] <- day_in_season(tdjf[x,])
If you really want to go the apply route, I would recommend rewriting your function to take three arguments -- month, day, and hour -- and pass those three columns into mapply

VBScript echo every 30 seconds

The following code writes to the screen every iteration. Based on my understanding of the DateDiff documentation, it should only write every 30 seconds. What did I do wrong?
lasttime = Now
Do While Not data.eof
'looping through database records
if DateDiff(s,lasttime,Now) >= 30 Then
lasttime = Now
WScript.Echo "It's been 30 seconds..."
End if
Change this line:
if DateDiff(s,lasttime,Now) >= 30 Then
To this (note the quotes around "s")
if DateDiff("s",lasttime,Now) >= 30 Then

Set default value depending on actual time INFOPATH

I'm trying to set a default value in a DropDown box depending on the current time. (substring-after(now(), "T"))
To be more specific, I would like my DropDown box to have as default value
"AM" if the current time is between 06:00:01 and 12:00:00.
"PM" if the current time is between 12:00:01 and 18:00:00.
"NIGHT" if the current time is between 18:00:01 and 06:00:00.
I tried with "Rules" and "Set default value" but can't figure out a solution.
Thanks for help!
go get the hours and seconds number and put it fields.
A - hours
B - seconds
A >= 6 and B > 0 OR A =< 12 and B = 0 ---> AM
if A >= 12 and B > 0 OR A =< 18 and B = 0 ---> PM
if A >= 18 and B > 0 OR A =< 6 and B = 0 ---> NIGHT
I found a way, I put hours in a field (I don't think it's absolutely necessary but it's more clear for the formula after) then I set the default value for the formula of the DropDown Box as :
concat(substring("AM", 1, (field4 < 12) * string-length("AM")), substring("PM", 1, (not(field4 < 12)) * string-length("PM")))
field4 is the field when I extract the current hour of the day with that formula:
substring-before((substring-after(now(), "T")), ":")
You will find usefull tips here for this application:

VBScript - Date and Time Constraints for Running a File

Ok I am new with writing VBScript and I want to write a string of code that plays a file (WAV format) only on a certain day and only between specific times. After piecing together multiple fragments of code I found on the internet I was left with the following:
Dim myDateString
Dim thing1
thing1 = 0
myDateString = Date()
If myDateString < "13/08/13" Then
thing1 = 1
end if
if thing1 = 1 then
If myDateString > "15/08/13" Then
thing1 = 2
end if
end if
if thing1 = 2 then
hournow = hour(Time())
If hour(Time()) >= 9 And Hour(Now()) < 22 Then
set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
music = "C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\Desktop\MYSOUND.wav"
WshShell.Run "wmplayer """ & music & """",0,True
wscript.quit 1
End If
wscript.quit 1
End If
Ok so I had set this for the date I ran this on, within the hour I was in. But
it didn't work. I expected the VBS to start playing MYSOUND.wav but it didn't. When running the file
there were no errors though, so I was wondering what I did wrong!
I running Windows 7
If anyone could tell me what I did wrong, and how to fix it that would be great.
Double points if anyone could post a corrected version of the code!
Thanks to any answers!
First, indent your code and give your variables meaningful names!
Then, your date comparison doesn't work because you're trying to compare strings as if they were dates. This usually won't work (depending on your "system locale"): you need to use date type variables and an actual date comparison function (DateDiff in VBScript).
(EDIT: as Ansgar Wiechers pointed out, you don't need to use DateDiff to compare dates in VBScript, "DateStart <= Now And Now <= DateEnd" will do just fine)
Try this:
Dim DateStart, DateEnd, WshShell, music
DateStart = DateSerial(2013, 8, 13)
DateEnd = DateSerial(2013, 8, 15)
If DateDiff("D", DateStart, Now) >= 0 And DateDiff("D", Now, DateEnd) >= 0 Then
If Hour(Now) >= 9 And Hour(Now) < 22 Then
'*** delete after debugging ***
MsgBox "play sound"
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
music = "C:\Users\MYUSERNAME\Desktop\MYSOUND.wav"
'*** 2nd parameter : 0 hides wmplayer, 1 shows it ***
WshShell.Run "wmplayer """ & music & """", 1, True
'*** delete after debugging ***
MsgBox "Not the right time"
End If
'*** delete after debugging ***
MsgBox "Not the right day"
End If
Also, if you want to debug a small script like this, you can call MsgBox to do a simple tracking of what's actually executed (in your example, replacing your "WScript.Quit 1" by MsgBox would show you that the date is not properly compared.
