How to make two CSS elements that share class name different? - css

Two elements have the same class name, in my case, "img"
Is it possible to style the elements differently that are children of two different classes, even if they have the same class name?
I want the img elements under class "slide-type-final" to be styled different to the img elements under "question-2"
.slide-type-final>img {
max-height: 40em;
.question2>img {
max-height: 40em;
display: inline-table;

img isn't a class name in this case, is it? Apart from the solution you already have in your question (?), ...:
1.) You can apply a second class to the parent(s), like <div class="slide-type-final up"><img scr="...">, whose img child you would address as slide-type-final.up>img { ... }
2.) You can apply different classes to the img tags, like <div class="slide-type-final"><img class="up" scr="...">, which you would address as slide-type-final>img.up { ... }

it would be helpful if you can provide html structure. and yes, css styles can be override based on parent element/class.
if styles in your code are not overriding, that means hierarchy is not correct.
'>' symbol means img tag (note not class as to catch img class you should have .img) should be direct child of element with class slide-type-final or class question2. if weight of classes are same, then whatever style come last will apply

You can use pseudo-classes like nth-child(2n)/first-child/first-of-type/last-child
Or :not(:last-child) etc.


Assign CSS variable to class that matches attribute selector

In an attempt to avoid having to duplicate lots of CSS code for a bunch of different variants of CSS classes, I am attempting to cover it all in one statement. Let's say I have the following layout:
.body[class*="card--"] {
& .child[class*="card--"] {
/* apply some styles if they body have the SAME 'card--' class */
There are many variants of the "card--" class, such as "card--1" and so forth. I want to apply some styles to .child but only if they both have the same "card--" class.

Hide Polymer element

i try to hide several polymer elements on a certain element condition. I'm aware that there are several possibilities. In my opinon the easiest way to do this is to introduce a new CSS class
.invisible {
display: none;
and add it to the class list of the polymer elements
But this has no effect on the elements. The elements are still visible. A look into the elment inspector shows, that the class was added:
class="style-scope parent-elem invisible"
Where parent-elem is the name of the parent element.
Can anyone explain me why the element will not be hidden?
Thank you
Best Regards,
you can easly manipulate on your elements with parent property. Try in your element properties add property
properties: {
elementsVisible: {
type: Boolean,
value: true
then in your method manipulate this property and in html component set
<element hidden="[[!elementsVisible]]" ></element>
ps. if this wont work you can add in parent css
[hidden] {
display: none;
sometimes polymer elements need special mixins to customize their css, but hidden usually works :)

CSS style sheet class

Is there a way you can have a CSS file with one class let say{color:red;}
and apply it to different tags? is there a way i can get an example if this is possible?
with one class
That isn't a class. It is a rule-set with a selector consisting of a type selector and a class selector.
and apply it to different tags?
Don't specify the element type. Use a class selector by itself.
.one { color: red; }
Create a class with color name that will be easy to use.
.redText { color: red; }

Is there a way to use two classes on one element or emulate this behavior?

I need to do:
<p id="un_but" class="blue_but" class="radius_right">SignUp</p>
but this does not work.
Obviously I could just combine the class properties but I was wondering if there is another way perhaps
<p id="un_but" class="blue_but radius_right" >SignUp</p>
dom element(p) can have only ONE attribute(class), but with multiple values separated by space
One of the lesser known tricks with CSS is the fact that you don't have to limit your elements to just one class. If you need to set multiple classes on an element, you add them simply by separating them with a space in your attribute. For example:
<p class="pullquote btmmargin left">...</p>
This sets the following three classes on that paragraph tag:
You would assign these as generic classes in your CSS:
.pullquote { ... }
.btmmargin { ... }
p.left { ... }
If you set the class to a specific element, you can still use it as part of a list of classes, but be aware that it will only affect those elements that are specified in the CSS.
You can use the important keyword to set precedence over different classes.
For example:
.pullquote { width :15 px !important }
.btmmargin { width:20px }
p.left { ... }
In the example above 20px width attribute will have more precedence.

How to reference a div with class="name1 name2"?

I'm working on some CSS from a tutorial, a div has this class:
<div class="related products">
How can I reference it in the stylesheet?
The div actually has two classes, related and products. You can reference it in your stylesheet with either .related or .products, and it will pick up the styles from both of those rules. For example, with the following CSS, the text in the div in your question would appear red with font size 12:
.related { color:#ff0000 }
.products { font-size:12px }
If you want to select elements with both classes, use .related.products in your stylesheet. For example, add the following to the above example:
.related.products { font-weight:bold }
And the text in your div will receive all three rules, because it matches all 3 selectors. Here's a working example.
div.related.products is the general method
You reference it by div.related.products which literaly translates to "a div with class of related and class of products".
Or, you could reference it by using either class names, since it will catch both.
jsFiddle Example.
In the css, just put the name class of the div by doing this:
.related products {
/*styling to go here*/
Now any styling within the related products class will be applied to that div.
