How to reference a div with class="name1 name2"? - css

I'm working on some CSS from a tutorial, a div has this class:
<div class="related products">
How can I reference it in the stylesheet?

The div actually has two classes, related and products. You can reference it in your stylesheet with either .related or .products, and it will pick up the styles from both of those rules. For example, with the following CSS, the text in the div in your question would appear red with font size 12:
.related { color:#ff0000 }
.products { font-size:12px }
If you want to select elements with both classes, use .related.products in your stylesheet. For example, add the following to the above example:
.related.products { font-weight:bold }
And the text in your div will receive all three rules, because it matches all 3 selectors. Here's a working example.

div.related.products is the general method

You reference it by div.related.products which literaly translates to "a div with class of related and class of products".
Or, you could reference it by using either class names, since it will catch both.
jsFiddle Example.

In the css, just put the name class of the div by doing this:
.related products {
/*styling to go here*/
Now any styling within the related products class will be applied to that div.


How to make two CSS elements that share class name different?

Two elements have the same class name, in my case, "img"
Is it possible to style the elements differently that are children of two different classes, even if they have the same class name?
I want the img elements under class "slide-type-final" to be styled different to the img elements under "question-2"
.slide-type-final>img {
max-height: 40em;
.question2>img {
max-height: 40em;
display: inline-table;
img isn't a class name in this case, is it? Apart from the solution you already have in your question (?), ...:
1.) You can apply a second class to the parent(s), like <div class="slide-type-final up"><img scr="...">, whose img child you would address as slide-type-final.up>img { ... }
2.) You can apply different classes to the img tags, like <div class="slide-type-final"><img class="up" scr="...">, which you would address as slide-type-final>img.up { ... }
it would be helpful if you can provide html structure. and yes, css styles can be override based on parent element/class.
if styles in your code are not overriding, that means hierarchy is not correct.
'>' symbol means img tag (note not class as to catch img class you should have .img) should be direct child of element with class slide-type-final or class question2. if weight of classes are same, then whatever style come last will apply
You can use pseudo-classes like nth-child(2n)/first-child/first-of-type/last-child
Or :not(:last-child) etc.

how to apply css to multiple line class selector

how do you apply a specific css to second-page
<div className = "section-header second-page">SOME MESSAGE</div>
Assuming the above:
.section-header {
background-color: black,
i want to apply a different background color specifically to second-page that does not modify section-header.
If you want the styling to apply to any element with .second-page class you should use:
.second-page {
backgound-color: red,
If you want the styling to apply only to .section-header elements that also have .second-page class, then you should use:
.section-header.second-page {
backgound-color: red,
When there's no space between two classes, it means it refers to an element with both classes.
For more information on CSS selectors, please check
Your HTML should be:
<div class="section-header second-page">SOME MESSAGE</div>
Your CSS could be:
.second-page {
background-color: black,
You can mix multiple classes within the HTML or target them separately.
If you need to validate your HTML code you can use this free service:

CSS class precedence

I have two classes, one is used specifically fro certain tags, the other can be used on any tag:
a.action_link_2 {
.display_none {
In some circumstances I want to apply both these styles and have tried this:
<a class="action_link display_none">content</a>
However, when rendered in the browser, the 'action_link' class take precedence. I understand that this might be to do with CSS class priority, i.e. tag-specific classes taking precedence. My question is how do I make this tag hidden using these classes and still allow the 'display_none' class to be used on any element to hide it?
you could just remove the a from before the class, and also add body before the display none class to give it a higher priority.
.action_link_2 {
body .display_none {
You are right, it because specificity read this
To overcome the problem, you need to increase the specificity for
.display_none class when it is present on action_link_2 .
Just add one more rule, just below all of it
a.display_none {
This will work , but there will be a problem when you try to add class
.display_none to an anchor, but there is no .action_link_2 class
So the final and best solution would be to use:
.action_link_2.display_none {
You could try this:
.display_none { display:none !important; }

Oddness with simple CSS: .class:hover property is overridden by property of #child

In Chrome and Firefox, the following doesn't have the desired effect:
#hoverOnMe { background-color:orange; }
.open:hover { background-color:lightblue; }
<div id='hoverOnMe' class='open'>HELLO</div>
The :hover doesn't work. The background remains orange on hovering.
However, each of the other three possible combinations (listing by id twice, listing by class twice, and listing by class followed by id) works.
Of course my actual project is a little more complicated than this example; I'd like to add an "open" class to every hoverable element.
What's going on here? What's the simplest workaround?
I'd like to add an "open" class to every hoverable element.
Well if this is the case and you expect the same behaviour for all elements,
then you could just use !important:
.open:hover {

Every h2 except for ones that don't have a class?

I'm wondering how can I apply a style to EVERY h2 that DOES have ANY any class attached to it, thus having the effect that the style will NOT be applied on a plain
<h2 class="1"></h2>
<h2 class="2"></h2>
<h2 class="3"></h2>
<h2 class="a"></h2>
All the ones with a class should have a style - and just plain h2 should not, (This is a huge site with hundreds of styles) any easy way to do this?
There is a method to do it but it's only possible with browsers that support CSS3 :not pseudo class.
h2[class] {
/* Styles for <h2> with a class, regardless of the value */
h2:not([class]) {
/* Styles for <h2> without classes */
I hope it works!
[Edit] I've made a simple demo for you here -
What you're asking for is how CSS works by default.
The correct way to style elements which have no specific class assigned to them is to style the base element, as Ahsan demonstrated above. I don't know why he got downvoted.
h2 { property: value; }
Note that if H2 elements do have classes assigned to them, then that styling may override your base style.
So if you have: h2 { color:#333; font-size:2em; } as your base style, and then apply class="myClass" to it where: .class { color: #000; }, then the base style's color will be overriden (but not the font size). This is the cascade in Cascading Style Sheets.
Another way is to target them conditionally:
div#nav h2:first-child { property:value; }
which gives you contextual control, but again, class assignment will always override base styling, and may also override context targeting if the class application has higher specificity.
Why not simply use
h2[class] { ... }
