Brand new Monodevelop installation can't restore packages - .net-core

I'm trying to use MonoDevelop in order to work with .NET Core. In a brand new Linux Mint 20.1 machine, I installed MonoDevelop 7.8.4, and opened a project that I'm working on, and the IDE complained imediatelly:
Getting restore information for solution /home/REDACTED/project.sln
ApplicationName='/usr/bin/mono64', CommandLine='"/usr/lib/mono/msbuild/15.0/bin/MSBuild.dll" "/tmp/NuGetScratch/3r24uwj4.84i.nugetinputs.targets" /t:GenerateRestoreGraphFile /nologo /nr:false /v:q /p:RestoreBuildInParallel="False" /p:RestoreUseSkipNonexistentTargets="False"', CurrentDirectory='/home/REDACTED', Native error= Cannot find the specified file
The file /usr/bin/mono64 does not exist. Anyone knows how I can fix this?
When I try tobuild the project, it fails with the followiing error:
Error: NuGet packages need to be restored before building. NuGet MSBuild targets are missing and are needed for building. The NuGet MSBuild targets are generated when the NuGet packages are restored. (My.App)
This seems to be connected with the previous error message.

I have just installed Ubuntu and for anyone interested I found a solution.
In /usr/bin, make a mono64 symlink to mono-sgen. mono is already a symlink to that.
I will investigate the other tools suggested.


New project xamarin.form prism Error NETSDK1004 - Prism 2.2.1

when generating a new project xamarin.form prism I get this error when running. With the previous version 2.1.7 it worked for me OK.
It does not allow me to open the Nuget Package since it also gives an error.
Any recommendation?
I saw the 2 posts of this error but they do not apply to me.
Error NETSDK1004 Assets file 'C:\Empresas\Job_Facu\Job\Job.Prism\Job.Prism\obj\project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file. Job.Prism C:\Program Files\dotnet\sdk\3.1.202\Sdks\Microsoft.NET.Sdk\targets\Microsoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets 234
The error tells you what to do. Run a NuGet restore. Visual Studio should help you do this automatically. Note that if this occurred after updating dependencies sometimes Visual Studio gets confused and it's best to close Visual Studio and reopen it. This usually gets it to refresh itself so you get the updated package restore.
If that's not working for you, you can download the latest nuget.exe and from the command line navigate to the solution directory and execute the command {path to nuget.exe} restore.
When NuGet performs a restore it generates the project.assets.json file in the obj folder of each project it has restored. This in turn provides MSBuild with the reference information it needs to properly reference your dependencies like Prism and Xamarin.Forms.
I have recently ran into similar issue as well, seemingly out of the blue. I believe upgrading my build machine to the latest VS version (VS for Mac 8.10.4 (build 11))
NETSDK1004: */project.assets.json' not found. Run a NuGet package restore to generate this file.
To fix, I had to run Nuget Restore twice. Once for the shared project directory and once for the iOS project.
If I run the restore just for the Shared/(main.sln file) project directory I get the error.
If I run the restore for the iOS project the build passes but IPA file isn't created.
Need to run both.
Modules used for CI/CD build in Azure Devops Pipeline

Couldn't install any packages .Net Framework NuGet

I have a solution with a lot of projects targeting .net framework but not any with .core NuGet. The case is that, quite occasionally I started getting the following error while trying to set up any package from manage NuGet packages
HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component
Did someone run into the same issue and how you managed to resolve it
Go to your C:\Users\{USER}\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio folder, and you should find a folder in there called 15_{id}. Open it, and have a look at the ActivityLog.xml. If you have a look in it you should find the error in there and the library that's causing it. In my case it was caused by within the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.11.0.dll library.
This post helped me solve the issue then: Msdn forum
1.Open "Developer Command Prompt for VS 2017" as Admin
2.CD into "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\Common7\IDE\PublicAssemblies"
3.Run "gacutil -i Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.11.0.dll"
After a restart, it all worked well.
Please Follow the Source

How to restore an ASP.NET Core project with Ubuntu

Recently, I created an core project using Visual Studio Code on Windows and pushed it to GitHub. When I cloned the repo from GitHub and attempted to do a dotnet restore on the project on Ubuntu, an error message stating there was no project.json file was returned. Can anyone point me to a resource that will show me how to properly restore a .net core project from a Linux machine? Thanks!
So it seems like on each of your machines you are running different versions of the .net core SDK.
A big caveat with what you are trying to do. Are you trying to use Project Rider from Jetbrains on Linux? This only works with project.json (As of the time of this post) so be wary of that.
Now there are two ways to do this. If you are wanting the very latest on Linux and don't care about using Rider, then you can go here : and download the latest release for both Linux and Windows, install on both and you should be good to go.
If you do care about using Rider or you aren't ready to be strapped in for the wild ride of the latest release. Then you can do the following.
Find what version of the SDK you have on linux by typing into a terminal the following :
dotnet --version
This will spit out what version you have on linux. Go here and download the same version for windows and install it on your windows machine (
Now BEFORE you create a project, create a solution folder and create a file in it called global.json. Inside that put the following :
"sdk": {
"version": "1.0.0-preview2-003131"
Where the SDK version matches what you got from your linux terminal. Now create a folder for your project inside the solution folder. Run "dotnet new -t web" or a similar command to create your project. It will inspect the SDK version of the global.json and create a project with the tooling that matches. You should then be able to shift this project around any machine that has the same SDK installed, even if it also has the latest SDK's also.
If you do not create the global.json, it defaults to the latest version (Atleast on Windows).
Read a bit more about it here :

Cannot install web grease via nuget because of permission access

I want to configure bundling to my new project. I have configured my project with TFS online but I cannot add any packages via nuget and always get this error.
The item F:\Project\MOC\packages\WebGrease.1.5.2\lib\WebGrease.dll could not be found in your workspace, or you do not have permission to access it.
The item F:\Project\MOC\packages\WebGrease.1.5.2\tools\install.ps1 could not be found in your workspace, or you do not have permission to access it.
The item F:\Project\MOC\packages\WebGrease.1.5.2\tools\uninstall.ps1 could not be found in your workspace, or you do not have permission to access it.
This maybe a nuget bug with older version. More details ,please refer the thread from GitHub: Install package fails when solution/project is bound to TFS source control
The bug is during uninstalling packages, nuget will delete package
files from TFS, but if user set disableSourceControllntegration to
true, package files are not added to TFS workplace during installing,
so TFS can't find those files during uninstalling,
The fix is to check disableSourceControlIntegration before deleting
package files from TFS.
Source Link: TFS Error "[file]not be found in your
Also suggest you to update your nuget version to latest and try again.

Ajax Control Toolkit, Visual Studio 2013, Nuget: AjaxControlToolkit.dll is missing

I tried to add the actual Ajax Control Toolkit to an .Net 4.5.1 WebSite. All the dependencies seem to be properly installed but the AjaxControlToolkit.dll file is not there.
I tried to uninstall and reinstall the package with the NuGet Console in Visual Studio 2013 and it always looks to be successful, but also always that dll is missing. Also restarting VS did not help.
In the packages.config the entry for the dll with version is there and also in the packages directory there a directory AjaxControlToolkit. but only the AjaxControlToolkit. and the readme.txt files are there.
Any idea, what went wrong or what I could do?
Start a command prompt and run dir c:\ajaxcontroltoolkit.dll /s to see if the file is somewhere on your system. If it is, then copy it to the project's bin folder.
If it's not on your hard drive, go to, download the version in question, and copy the .dll from the package to the project's bin folder.
In the back of my mind it seems that I ran into this a couple of weeks ago, also, so there may be a bug in NuGet.
Version of the NuGet package is broken.
Update 15.1.2 is available.
P.S. Dependencies are extracted into separate packages (AjaxControlToolkit.HtmlEditor.Sanitizer, AjaxControlToolkit.StaticResources)
