If you use Google as a sign in provider in Firebase, will there always be an email associated with that user? - firebase

For example, obviously if you use email as a provider there will be an email associated, and if you use Twitter that is not the case. I was wondering if you can always get an email address if they log in using Google as the sign in provider. I haven't seen a case without an email but I would like to verify that this is always the case.

Accounts from the Google sign-in provider will indeed always have an email address associated with them.
In fact, as far as I know, the email address for this provider is also always already verified by the provider.
Edit: I just realized that it may be possible to change the scopes that you request, in which case you can exclude the email address from the requested scopes and not get an email address. I've never done this myself, but it's worth a try.


How to link a backup email address to a firebase phone authentication?

I'm using a Firebase phone auth as primary authentication. Since the phone is vulnerable, I want to link an email address to it that the user can use to access his account to change his phone number in case he lost his phone or got stolen. I can't find a way how to do it.
I saw a method currentUser.linkWithPhoneNumber(). However, reading its documentation, it says it is only supported on web platforms. Is there any other way to make this possible?
When you authenticate a user with a phone number, the only data that you have inside the FirebaseUser object when the authentication completes, are the UID and the phone number. If you need to add an email address to an existing account, you can request the user to provide an email address. Once you have that, you can update the email address using the FirebaseUser#updateEmail(String email) function. As soon as the account is updated, you can add any functionality related to that email address.
Since you didn't specify a programming language, I linked that function to the Android docs, but certainly, you can do the same thing in the case of any other programming languages.
upon further reading, i found Email Link Authentication that answered everything i've asked.
Linking/re-authentication with email link You can also link this method of authentication to an existing user. For example a user previously authenticated with another provider, such as a phone number, can add this method of sign-in to their existing account.

How do I Check if an email address is real or fake in flutter

I use createUserWithEmailAndPassword(string, string) in flutter, but I noticed if the user used a fake email address, like making us some random Gmail or yahoo account that doesn't exist, the user would still be registered, is there a solution to this
Or some logic that checks if the email account is real, then I can use the result in an if else statement to create the account
If you are looking for a solution that doesn't involve blocking the user experience, you'll be disappointed. We could come up with a new solution for checking whether an email exists or not, but this doesn't guarantee you anything. The user may use an existing email that doesn't belong to him/her.
The best you can do is send a verification email to your user, which is supported by Firebase. However, the user experience is going to be blocked until the user verifies the email.
Check here how to send the user the verification email and here how to see if the email has been verified.

Gmail auth has higher authority over Facebook auth - Firebase authentication [duplicate]

There doesn't seem to be any mention of this in the documentation, and all I found was this and this, where I would like to confirm this:
If there is an existing account with the same email address but
created with other credentials (e.g. password or non-trusted
provider), the previous credentials are removed for security reasons.
If a user signs in through Facebook or email/password and later through Google, their account sign in method is converted to Google. It only happens with Google and the setting for one account only is active.
Is it intended to be like this and is there any way to stop it?
As the documentation says: certain email domains have a trusted provider. Most prominently: Google is the trusted provider for #gmail.com addresses, since it's the only issuer of these email addresses.
If a user first registers their gmail address with say Facebook, and later there is a registration with that same gmail address from the Google provider, the latter registration is considered to overrule the former. If the user later signs in with Facebook again, the two accounts can be linked.
As far as I know, the only way to prevent this is to allow multiple accounts per email address.
Also see these posts by some of the Firebase Authentication engineers:
Firebase, login by same email different provider

Merging OAuth account with existing account based on email address

I'm developing an MVC4/Razor site for which the client requested the ability for users to be able to sign in with Facebook/Google accounts. Fortunately, this is fairly straightforward using Forms authentication.
However, I'm faced with the issue of: what if the user's email address which is returned by the provider matches an existing username?
For example, tim#rocketeerconsulting.com previously exists as a native account. For whatever reason, the user wants to use Facebook to login. Facebook returns that tim#rocketeerconsulting is the user's email address. If the user attempts to create an account using that information, MVC4 will state that the account already exists.
There are a few concerns:
Should users be allowed to merge accounts if an email address provided by an OAuth provider matches an existing account?
This presents a potential security risk. Can I rely on the OAuth provider to confirm that the address is valid? If not, a malicious user can create a Facebook account and then gain access to another user's account.
How should such a thing be implemented, if at all?
I recognize there is a similar question here, but my question pertains specifically to the context of Forms auth in MVC4.
You are right: it's easy to impersonate this way
Indeed, to add more to the problem, not all the OAuth providers give you the user email address (LinedId).
Every OAuth provider use an email address for initial validation, however, the user can have more than one, indeed some encurages you have them as backup.
So the email is not a good 'key' to identify the user.
Probably your solution will be to have a table with your own internal id and the relate this to the OAuth provider unique user identification: some use the email address, others screen name or similar.
This will allow the user to have more than one OAuth validator on your site.
I implemented this with: Linkedin, Twitter, Amazon, Google+, Microsoft and Facebook. Additionaly, our users can use their domain account to login, but this is another story...

Web service to check existence of email?

I have my little web application, with simple registration strategy - provide email and password and you are done.
Recently bot's starting to attack my application, registering big number of users from non existent emails using the same passwords.
I want to prevent that. My idea is to extend login verification, but check the existance of email address. Do you know any web services (prefereably WCF) that could do that?
This is definitely not the way to solve this problem. Try one of these
Allow user to enter only username and send auto-generated password to their email.
Send a verification link to the user email and approve him/her only after verification
This has been discussed on How to check if an email address exists without sending an email? . Basically there are ways verify email addresses, but in practice none of them is reliable. However, you can still check via SMTP, and if the server denies the existence of the expected user, send him an email with a verification link anyway. This does not prevent spammers from setting up fake servers that acknowledge the existence of any user, of using other peoples email addresses, but it's probably the closest you can get to your initial requirement of having no verification email.
I would recommend you to update your registration form. Try to use something tricky for bots. For example, post the form via AJAX with JSON object wrapper.
Try a service like: http://elasticemail.com/
You can use the api to check if the email was delivered. There is also a 'bouce list' you can check.
