Testing PayPal Donations with a Sandbox Account - wordpress

I have a WordPress form that processes data and redirects to this url to complete the PayPal donation
https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=sb-5mepe4127835%40business.example.com&currency_code=USD&amount= <amount>&return=http://example.local/about
However, when I submit the form I receive this error from PayPal
We can't complete your donation. This organization's account is inactive.
What am I missing? The reason I have it setup this way is because I want WordPress to save the form data and send a thank you/confirmation email after the payment is complete.

When testing with any sandbox account, change the domain to point to the www.sandbox.paypal.com sandbox environment , i.e.


How to install ecwid payment gateway template

I'm currently working on the wordpress ecwid plugin. In order to develop my own payment method, I downloaded on github their payment gateway template that I'm now trying to install on my wordpress ecwid shop without success. Please, would you know how to proceed? Thank you for your attention.
It's Gunter from Ecwid team. I see you reached out to us via email too. We've addressed the email request. And we will post the answer here too, just in case.
If you want to integrate a custom payment to your Ecwid store, you should follow these steps:
Register a custom app. You can do that at this direct link: https://my.ecwid.com/#develop-apps
Provide us with the payment URL (your own server) to which Ecwid will send the payment requests. You can send us your URL to apps#ecwid.com email and we'll add it to your app.
After that, when your customers choose your own payment at checkout and click on the “Pay” button, Ecwid will send a POST request with the cart data to your server payment URL. And your customer will be also redirected to this URL. So, you can show any external page to them after redirection.
After redirection, your server needs to get cart details from the request, decrypt it and send it to the payment provider in a correct format for processing. After the payment is processed, your server needs to update the order status and redirect the customers back to the Ecwid storefront.
You can find more details about how the custom payment apps work here: https://api-docs.ecwid.com/docs/how-payment-method-works

Silent payment using paypal without redirecting to paypal url

Is there a way I can pass the sellers credentials to the Paypal API and it can make a transaction without taking him to Paypal URL?
I am trying to build an eCommerce website for a shop with Paypal as the payment medium. The payment for user has been implemented where he is redirected to the Paypal website and he can purchase an item. But under certain conditions he is allowed to cancel his purchase and his payment must be credited back to him.
I need this transaction to happen without navigating to the Paypal URL.The reason is that, the buyer is the one initiating the transaction. So there is no way he can authorize a transfer from sellers to buyers account. The buyer should be able to press the "Cancel Order" button and the payment should be immediately credited back to his paypal account.
I can store the sellers credentials in the server and send it to the API which should be able to authorize him but I was looking for an API which Paypal provides to make this happen.
My requirement is different from the anser provided in this question as here they still show a popup of paypal webpage.

Sandbox account verification

I'm using paypal with woocommerce on a wordpress site.
I've set up a developer's account, and made a sandbox account. The profile says the status is unverified, even though I have recived the verification email and followed the link to verify the account. Could it still say unverified because I haven't linked a card to it?
When I try to test paypal checkout on my site I get this error:
Payment error:
An error (10002) occurred while processing your PayPal payment. Please contact the store owner for assistance.
Error Code Interpretation:
Authentication/Authorization Failed Username/Password is incorrect.Please check below link for more information

notify_url not working in new paypal

I have registered to paypal on live on https://www.paypal.com. Not verified for live.
I can login to https://developer.paypal.com with above login detail.
Here I go for sandbox accounts, I have created two account, one business and one personal.
(Sandbox account are verified)
I am trying for payment integration with Paypal with html form.
I have specified the notify_url, payment goes all right but no notification in notify_url.
I have double checked the notify_url, its working fine.
Anybody there, what seems to be wrong here?
Are you using buttons created and saved to a PayPal account? You may not be able to define a notify_url value through a hosted button. IPN may also be disabled in the account.
Log into the seller account receiving the payment, enable IPN, and set a URL for the post to be sent to. From the "Instant Payment Notification Preferences" section (where you enable IPN) you can view the IPN History which shows you the last 28 days of IPN posts sent for that account.
I've run into the same problem. A buy now hosted button was saved without errors, but a notify_url was not notified by paypal.
There is a work around, you can specify a notify_url in your profile globally.
paypal docs
For future reference: I just had the same problem. This caused it in my case:
I have been testing on the development server. This server was not accessible for IPs outside of our company (for security purposes). So the IPN-call from paypal never came trough to the IPN-script on the development server.
Took me one day to figure that out...
If you already done the test of the IPN via the simulator https://developer.paypal.com/developer/ipnSimulator/ and checked if it's OK?
Have you checked you set the "pixel" in your HTML form? If it's missing, the notify_url won't work. This solution worked for me.
For Sandbox, use : <img alt="" src="https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/fr_FR/i/scr/pixel.gif" width="1" height="1">

Wordpress web invoice 2checkout redirect

I have 2checkout account running in demo mode and have just integrated 2checkout with wordpress plugin web invoice. The invoice is being generated perfectly but when the user completes the transaction and is redirected back to my website, it displays an error message "Invoice not found". The invoice status is also not being updated to paid. I have tried all three redirect methods in the 2checkout admin dashboard. Currently I've set it to "Give Link Back". Am I supposed to add some code on the checkout page in wordpress or have i missed some setting in the web invoice config page?
This is the link to the invoice:
The error that I have mentioned only appears after the completion of the transaction at 2checkout is completed and the user is redirected back to my website.
Web Invoice passes the approved URL in dynamically with the invoice_id appended like "http://www.yoursite.com/sample-page/?invoice_id=31540985dec0e37bd0142e34856ee1df". if the domain in this URL does not match the domain that you have set on your 2Checkout account, it will not be used and the invoice will not be able to be found.
My suggestion is to check and make sure that the domain matches the domain you have registered to your 2Checkout account. If you are just using a 2Checkout demo account, you can fill in the first page of the signup application on your account homepage by clicking on the Apply Now button and save your changes to set a URL for your demo account.
As always please don't hesitate to contact techsupport#2co.com for assistance with your testing.
