Wordpress web invoice 2checkout redirect - wordpress

I have 2checkout account running in demo mode and have just integrated 2checkout with wordpress plugin web invoice. The invoice is being generated perfectly but when the user completes the transaction and is redirected back to my website, it displays an error message "Invoice not found". The invoice status is also not being updated to paid. I have tried all three redirect methods in the 2checkout admin dashboard. Currently I've set it to "Give Link Back". Am I supposed to add some code on the checkout page in wordpress or have i missed some setting in the web invoice config page?
This is the link to the invoice:
The error that I have mentioned only appears after the completion of the transaction at 2checkout is completed and the user is redirected back to my website.

Web Invoice passes the approved URL in dynamically with the invoice_id appended like "http://www.yoursite.com/sample-page/?invoice_id=31540985dec0e37bd0142e34856ee1df". if the domain in this URL does not match the domain that you have set on your 2Checkout account, it will not be used and the invoice will not be able to be found.
My suggestion is to check and make sure that the domain matches the domain you have registered to your 2Checkout account. If you are just using a 2Checkout demo account, you can fill in the first page of the signup application on your account homepage by clicking on the Apply Now button and save your changes to set a URL for your demo account.
As always please don't hesitate to contact techsupport#2co.com for assistance with your testing.


Paypal with option useraction=commit not creating transaction

i installed ezsystems/payment-paypal-bundle on ibexa commerce as a payment provider with all config and useraction=commit. so the Customer logs in from Paypal and clicks on the Pay Now button. Paypal gives no error, everything seems to be successful and customer is redirected at the RETURNURL, but no transaction is created in the buyer or in the seller account.
You are expected to show a review page on return, and run DoExpressCheckoutPayment (or equivalent) after the payer confirms the payment on your site. Setting useraction=commit will change the verbiage of the last button to say "Pay Now" instead of "Continue", indicating to the user that you are going to capture immediately (skipping the default review step) but this is only a wording change -- you still need to do a DoExpressCheckoutPayment (or newer API order capture/execution) to get a success orfailure response, and show the result.
It's worth noting that SetExpressCheckout / DoExpressCheckout payment are very old APIs....
The current v2/checkout/orders REST API does have similar capabilities if doing a redirect integration, but such redirecting is an old flow/ Keeping your site loaded and using JS for the approval instead of a redirect is always recommended nowadays (works with both current and old APIs).

Testing PayPal Donations with a Sandbox Account

I have a WordPress form that processes data and redirects to this url to complete the PayPal donation
https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_donations&business=sb-5mepe4127835%40business.example.com&currency_code=USD&amount= <amount>&return=http://example.local/about
However, when I submit the form I receive this error from PayPal
We can't complete your donation. This organization's account is inactive.
What am I missing? The reason I have it setup this way is because I want WordPress to save the form data and send a thank you/confirmation email after the payment is complete.
When testing with any sandbox account, change the domain to point to the www.sandbox.paypal.com sandbox environment , i.e.

WordPress Plugin Development - Post request

Am developing wordpress plugin that makes donation, through lcoal online payment providers. After payment complete a post request should be sent to the website.
My question is how to make specific wordpress page receive post request using the plugin i created
Indeed, this question is unclear.
But to what I understand, you want that a specific page that would be provided by a user of your plugin, be called upon completion of the payment.
Your plugin would allow entering that page in the plugin's configuration.
If it's that, as an example, Paypal does it : See https://developer.paypal.com/docs/classic/paypal-payments-standard/integration-guide/step_3/, Take customers to this URL when they finish checkout : They call back the URL passed to their site, upon payment completion.
In your case, you must see with your local online payment provider if he supports that feature and call it with such URL as parameter.

Wordpress WooCommerce Checkout Configuration

I am set up to create customer account after checkout with paypal.
I receive the order and customer gets back to thank you page but unless I go in and hit complete the password is not sent to them. Any clue on what I can do ?
All The following are checked. I am running WC 2.4.10 on the latest wordpress.
Enable registration on the "Checkout" page
Display returning customer login reminder on the "Checkout" page
Account Creation
Account Creation Automatically generate username from customer email
Automatically generate customer password

Redirecting back to your site after checking out in 2checkout?

I've setup a drupal site before where I DID NOT specify an approved URL in 2checkout, and it returned back to my site. However, on another site, this is not happening. What am I missing?
I am using Drupal, with Uber Cart and the standard 2checkout payment module.
This issue occurred because of how 2Checkout handles the approved URL that your cart passes in using the x_receipt_link_url parameter. If the domain in the URL matches the domain registered to your 2Checkout account, the buyer will be returned. If it does not, 2Checkout reverts back to the approved URL that you setup on the Site Management page. Ubercart dynamically generates the approved URL for each sale so the domain you are selling from must match the domain on your 2Checkout account.
For 2checkout, you have to set the approval URL in your account on 2checkout site. Go to Account->Site Management and at the end Approved URL.
You will get help from here
