UnitDiskRadioMedium no power consumption settings? (omnetpp) - networking

Looking at:
OMNET++: How to obtain wireless signal power?
there seem to be no power consumption related settings to packets that are sent in a UnitDiskRadio.
Is there a way of setting packet power consumption in a unit disk radio medium, or, conversely, communication range in ApskScalarRadioMedium?

UnitDiskRadio is a simplified version of a radio, where you are not interested in the transmission, propagation, attenuation etc. details. You just want to have a clear cut transmission distance. Above that, the transmission always fails, below that the transmission always succeed. This is simple, fast and suitable if you want to simulate high level behavior like application level or routing. You really don't care how much your radio draws from a power grid (or battery) in this case.
On the other hand, if you are interested in low level details, the whole radio transmission process should be modeled. In this case, you model the power draw and based on that transmission and there is no clear cut transmission range. Whether a transmission succeeds is a probabilistic outcome depending on power, antenna configuration, encoding, modulation, noise and a lot of other stuff, so you cannot set it as a simple "range".
TLDR: No, you cannot set both of them on the same radio.
PS: and make sure that you do not mix and match various power parameters. The first question you linked is about getting the power of a received packet (i.e. how strong that signal was when it was received). The second link show how to configure the transmission power (that goes out on the antenna), and in the question you are referring to power consumption which is a third thing, meaning how much you draw from a battery to make the transmission. They are NOT the same thing.


synchronise many microcontrollers

In my project i'll use modbus protocol for serial communication. There are more than 320 slaves which seperated equally in 2 groups(see image). Every 16 slaves are powered from the same supply and isolated from others galvanically(Master'll be isolated from all the slaves).
My first question is if there is a problem in this design?
Secondly I want to synchronise all the slaves via 10ms period pulses that are derived from master microcontroller. How can i achieve a robust synchronisation(what type of bus, single or differential signal, where to isolate)?
Here is an alternative one:
see picture
Many things can go wrong here. For starters, it will take a looooooong time for you to poll each and every one of your slaves. And your isolators will easily introduce delays beyond 2us to your sync signal.
Can you briefly tell us what are you trying to do specifically, eg. synchronized motion control? There are other alternatives used in industrial solutions.
Most of the synchronized motion control used in industrial systems are used to replace mechanical cams and eccentric gears, and thus usually called "electronic camming" in this field. Here's a list of techniques I had come across in my last job
A PLC which outputs multiple pulse trains, each commands an individual servo/stepper motor driver. The PLC will have to store all the motion profiles and do all the interpolations, so relatively simple drives can be used. But each actuator will need it's own pulse train lines, and there's just too much in your system.
Motor drives stores motion profile & does interpolation, and the motion is advanced/reversed by an external pulse train. This is a technique used in Delta Automation ASDA and Schneider Electric Lexium 23 model industrial servo drives. The motion profiles are either burnt into the drive's EEPROM beforehand, or written in through MODBUS. This is very close to what you are trying to do, but the difference here is the external sync pulse train is on a separate wire.
Real Time Ethernet. The target positions are periodically written to each drives at a specific interval. This can be done very rapidly at 100Mbps. As for the latency that occurs when writing to different drives, there is a built in mechanism that measures the latency of each drives, and this is then compensated accordingly later. Cool eh? The one that I had saw, but never really used is EtherCAT by Beckhoff.
I worked mostly with method 2 in the past, and from those experience you needs might not need to be so stringent. Here are my recommendations.
It will be perfectly fine if your sync signal is delayed a little if your mechanism has no risk of collision if the timing is off by a little. But lost pulses cannot be tolerated as one of the actuators will be out of phase. Don't scrimp on your sync & communication cable quality, shielded twisted pair if possble, and connect them properly.
If the communication line is not too long, isolators are not needed. I had worked with lines up to 8 meters without the need for isolators or repeaters. Instead I am more worried about the number of spur (branch) connection on your RS485 bus. If possible, connect everything to your 2 main buses directly.
If this is a production system, there might be a problem. When the system is running in sync motion mode, there is no way to monitor the actuators as the communication lines are now occupied. This will not be acceptable on a real world application, but if this is just a proof of concept design, go for it.

IEEE 802.15.4 Superframe Structure Slot alignment reason

Consider IEEE 802.15.4 Protocol superframe structure
(Image Src: Google)
IEEE 802.15.4 Superframe Structure
In this structure Contention Access Period(CAP) is always followed by Contention Free Period(CFP).
So is there any particular reason behind keeping CAP first and then CFP? Could it be other way around?
Thank you.
It can't really be the other way around because that is what is in the standard. Obviously, you are free to implement your own use of the radio but then I guess it wouldn't be 802.15.4!
The designers of the standard probably had good reason to place the CAP before the CFP (and if you are really interested I imagine it will be documented somewhere in the IEEE meeting minutes etc). My guess is that I think it would have these following benefits:
devices have to wake up their receiver to listen for the beacon frame, and thus if they have any ad-hoc comms to perform (like collecting a pending message or negotiating a connection etc) they can do it straight away and then go to sleep for the rest of the superframe
having the CAP first allows any devices that do not have a GTS to power down their radio for as long as possible
having the CAP first provides time for devices to negotiate a GTS before the CFP starts, thus reducing the latency to their first GTS (i.e. it would be possible to hear a beacon, associate, and obtain a GTS prior to the very next CFP)

Arduino RF sensor network

I'm currently designing a sensor network that will have small ATtiny85 probes that each have a temperature sensor, a barometer, and a humidity sensor. I think I will use these (http://goo.gl/TqaDjl) to communicate as they are low cost and don't need much range. Im not sure though how I will get the probes to communicate with the main control, as the transmitter transmits digitally and I will have +20 probes that all need to send data without signals overlapping or getting messed up every minute. I think the easiest way would be to time the probes so that they don't overlap in transmission but I'm not sure.
-Is using RF the cheapest and best option for this system?
-How can I prevent communication overlapping?
-What is the easiest way to send data digitally from an arduino (or ATtiny85)?
I guess I'm late to the party, but I'll offer some insight into collision control with a ton of chattering transmitters on one link, a la 802.11. This is somewhat packetized.
If two transmitters try to transmit at the same time, you're bound to get a mangled mess of rotten bacon at the receivers.
A simplified version of WiFi-style collisions would be good. Basically, it uses preambles that can be detected, and for longer transmissions that have a higher chance of conflicting, it can use shorter request/clear to send packets.
While this is likely overkill, I'd go for preambles. Start by transmitting a steady stream of something recognizable, like in hex, 555533330f0f00ff which is basically alternating 1s and 0s but with changing frequency(0101, then 0011, then 00001111, and so on), a readily recognizable pattern that is unlikely to be given off by stray radiation or noise.
This pattern could undergo a shift so there's a finite set of other preambles that should be bitwise-shifted relative to the original.
If a transmitter detects this preamble, it should STOP and wait. If you limit all packets to a certain temporal length, collisions should not occur if you wait sufficient time between packets. If during the time of one packet, a preamble is heard, then your station should wait for the full length of the transmission(listening to its length and other header fields so it knows how long to wait). Once the packet is done, your station can transmit its preamble.
This is where the WiFi resemblance stops and simpler protocols take over.
Note that if 2 stations are waiting on a packet they can start their preambles almost simultaneously. To resolve this, each station should have a different zero bit flipped in its preamble. If it detects a 1 for that bit, it sees that there's another station preambling, and should back off.
Each station should wait a certain delay(up to you) after each packet so other stations can start their transmissions.
A few sketches of the communication patterns show that this is sufficient for your needs.
Now if it's a master-slave-style system as long as you only have one network it should be easier since there should only be one outstanding request that would involve a slave transmitting.
Those will be by far the cheapest method. As for the best method, there are a variety of choices much better, but more expensive. A network of Xbee modules comes to mind, but those are much more expensive than $1.25 a pair.
Using the RF modules is very do-able however. To prevent communication overlapping, put a RF transmitter and receiver on each sensor node and the main hub. The main hub can send "hey sensor1 give me your data", which gets broadcasted to all of the sensors. However, only sensor1 will realize "hey I am sensor 1, here is my data" which the hub will listen for. Then, the hub will go on and say "hey sensor2 send me your data" and so on and so forth.
I think your original approach may be best. The approach of putting a Tx and Rx on every device may be affordable, but I question if it will work. With 20 devices transmitting on the same frequency, which one will the receiver "hear". Most important, how will a device receive any remote transmitter's signal when its own transmitter is very close? Keep in mind: these are AM radios and will "send" a carrier even if not sending any data. Get a small number of transmitters before trying to go full scale.
To avoid the problem of receiving the one active transmitter among the soup of inactive transmitters, you want only 1 transmitter powered at 1 time. You would control Vcc to one transmitter, turn it on, send the burst of data, and then power it off.
-How can I prevent communication overlapping?
You can't -- you have to accept that there will be occasional overlaps. Add a CRC to the transmitted data so that the receiver can detect garbage.
The timing of the multiple transmitters is surely a project in itself. You surely don't want to run them all at the same transmission period. They may not collide at the beginning, but when two devices did drift together and start colliding, they would stay together and collide for a long time, until the clocks drifted apart.
I would start with something simple. For example with three devices, run the transmissions at 2000 ms, 2200 ms, 2400 ms period (use EEPROM to configure). That way, if a pair happens to collide at one data point, then next transmissions that pair will be 200 ms apart.

Zigbee beaconing vs non beaconing

When using a non beaconing Zigbee network, I know that the 802.15.4 spec defines the use of CSMA-CA to control when two devices get access to a channel to make sure no two nodes "step on each others toes" so to speak. My understanding is that very simply, it requires each node to "listen before talking". Is that correct? Is there more information on the Zigbee implementation of this? In other words, where do I go to learn more about how to program a Zigbee chip to implement the same?
Also, if i have 20 end nodes sending data asynchronously to one coordinator, is the channel access mechanism enough to ensure that they do not broadcast at the same time and flood the coordinator? If five nodes (for example) attempt to broadcast at the same time, how will mutual exclusion be ensured? Where can I get some details on that?
The maximum size of a 802.15.4 packet is 1024 bits of payload. So the maximum duration of the frame (running in standard 250kbps rate on the 2.4GHz band) is about 5ms when you take preamble etc into account. If your end devices are polling at 1 poll/second it should easily manage 20 end nodes I think. If it gets too much the exponential backoff should ease the collision rate.
I'm sure you've seen these when searching, but just in case:

How to synchronize media playback over an unreliable network?

I wish I could play music or video on one computer, and have a second computer playing the same media, synchronized. As in, I can hear both computers' speakers at the same time, and it doesn't sound funny.
I want to do this over Wi-Fi, which is slightly unreliable.
Algorithmically, what's the best approach to this problem?
Whether both computers "play" the same media, or one "plays" the media and streams it to the other, doesn't matter to me.
I am certain this is a tractable problem because I once saw a demo of Wi-Fi speakers. That was 5+ years ago, so I'm figure the technology should make it easier today.
(I myself was looking for an application which did this, hoping I wouldn't have to write one myself, when I stumbled upon this question.)
You introduce a bit of buffer latency and use a network time-synchronization protocol to align the streams. That is, you split the stream up into packets, and timestamp each packet with "play later at time T", where T is for example 50-100ms in the future (or more if the network is glitchy). You send (or multicast) the packets on the local network, to all computers in the chorus. The computers will all play the sound at the same time because the application clock is synced.
Note that there may be other factors like OS/driver/soundcard latency which may have to be factored into the time-synchronization protocol. If you are not too discerning, the synchronization protocol may be as simple as one computer beeping every second -- plus you hitting a key on the other computer in beat. This has the advantage of accounting for any other source of lag at the OS/driver/soundcard layers, but has the disadvantage that manual intervention is needed if the clocks become desynchronized.
hybrid manual-network sync
One way to account for other sources of latency, without constant manual intervention, is to combine this approach with a standard network-clock synchronization protocol; the first time you run the protocol on new machines:
synchronize the machines with manual beat-style intervention
synchronize the machines with a network-clock sync protocol
for each machine in the chorus, take the difference of the two synchronizations; this is the OS/driver/soundcard latency of each machine, which they each keep track of
Now whenever the network backbone changes, all one needs to do is resync using the network-clock sync protocol (#2), and subtract out the OS/driver/soundcard latencies, obviating the need for manual intervention (unless you change the OS/drivers/soundcards).
nature-mimicking firefly sync
If you are doing this in a quiet room and all machines have microphones, you do not even need manual intervention (#1), because you can have them all follow a "firefly-style" synchronizing algorithm. Many species of fireflies in nature will all blink in unison. http://tinkerlog.com/2007/05/11/synchronizing-fireflies/ describes the algorithm these fireflies use: "If a firefly receives a flash of a neighbour firefly, it flashes slightly earlier." Flashes correspond to beeps or buzzes (through the soundcard, not the mobo piezo buzzer!), and seeing corresponds to listening through the microphone.
This may be a bit awkward over very large room distances due to the speed of sound, but I doubt it'll be an issue (if so, decrease rate of beeping).
The synchronization is relative to the position of the listener relative to each speaker. I don't think the reliability of the network would have as much to do with this synchronization as it would the content of the audio stream. In order to synchronize you need to find the distance between each speaker and the listener. Find the difference between each of those values and the value for the farthest speaker. For each 1.1 feet of difference, delay each of the close speakers by 1ms. This will ensure that the audio stream reaches the listener at the same time. This all assumes an open area, as any in proximity to your scenario will generate reflections of the audio waves and create destructive interference. Objects within the area may also transmit sound at a slower speed resulting in delayed sound of their own.
