Unable to add any wordpress extension on my website - wordpress

my website is working properly, but i can't add any extension anymore, today i can't even update my WordPress core. it show 504 error gateway. i disabled most of plugins, but the dashboard is always slow, especially when dealing with WordPress updates and plugins update or adding new one.
anyone can help please.


Added new WordPress site on GCP with Marketplace. Publishing fails. Link cloaker fails

In Launching WordPress installation, in GCP, I cannot post with the error "publishing failed.". I tried both without updating and with updating to WP 5.4.1. I am having a hell of a time deploying WordPress in GCP. The permalinks don't work and I change the timezone, i am guessing or set the Site URL to vetsforweed.net and updated the A record at my Namecheap DNS to the external ip. sometimes the site locks up and I have to delete the vm instance and redploy. I have installed WordPress at least 10 times trying to get a working installation.
I switched to the classic Editor, I am able to publish. the post uses the permalinks setting of Post name: and it tells me the post link is : for a post titled "Petition" and I get a 404 Not found. I had done Settings...Permalinks to Post name:. I am so stuck!
What a nightmare! I cannot get anything to work with WordPress 5.4.1, no posts show up with a permalink. I cannot even click the date to see the post. It does show up in the list of Posts. Argg!
Is WordPress 5.4.1 known to be broken? What can I do to get a WordPress site up and running well? I appreciate you for your assistance.
I switched to loading WordPress Certified by Bitnami and Automattic and this worked, completely. So far. Now I have to import a WP export that is 136MB. Firs, I will deploy WordPress Certified by Bitnami and Automattic there.
Thanks for assistance.

Wordpress - Theme stuck at loading after migration

I have been recently tasked to migrate a Wordpress page to another hosting services. Task, which should be quite easy, took me last 2 days and I still can't figure out what is wrong. After migrating (tried it with Duplicator plugin, manual copying and changing links in database) pages won't load. I managed to get into backend and after changing theme to any default Wordpress theme (twentysixteen, twentyseveteen etc.) site works fine but when I try use designated theme (Proxima, https://themeforest.net/item/proxima-responsive-business-multipurpose-theme/8094780) it just won't load. Page is trying to load but in the end it shows 503 error. Same thing if I want to see the preview of theme in backend, loading animation appears and nothing happened. I tried a lot of things to fix it: changing file permissions, disabling plugins, updating Wordpress, downgrading Wordpress, changing php version, changing MySQL version and nothing works. My theme support has expired and before I renew it I just wanted to ask if anyone had that problem before. Maybe there is super easy fix and I just don't see it.
Thanks in advance for any help
Problem solved with hosting support. Bad media path was the problem.

WordPress blank page error

I installed WooCommerce and many plugins. It was all running well. Suddenly I started facing an issue at homepage. I removed everything and restored it by using the backup files taken by duplicator plugin.
I can’t see anything except a blank page. I can’t even access admin panel. Plugins are fine I tested by disabling all. Themes are creating issue. When I disable theme folder by renaming it, admin panel works. When I try to install new theme it doesn’t happen. I can’t even change theme. I don’t know what is exactly the issue.

All admin and frontend pages are working except admin dashboard in wordpress

In wordpress, All admin and front end pages are working except admin dashboard is now working... i changed in htaccess. permalinks and checked in theme and plugin
On dashboard below error is coming
The yve.today page isn’t working
yve.today is currently unable to handle this request.
Please help how to resolve this
I believe you have changed something either in your functions.php of theme or installed a new plugin so because of that you are seeing this error.
A 500 error means there is something wrong with a piece of code being executed, this would in your case (most likely) be caused by a plugin or your theme, the only way to test this is through deactivation.
I suggest to access your server via FTP, or a file manager in your hosting account’s control panel, navigate to /wp-content/themes/WhatYourThemeName/, open functions.php and remove the code you added recently. or find it the recent plugin have installed recently and deactivate that to check.
I personally would recommend installing WordPress locally and testing any changes there before you do it on your live site.

WordPress images and pages broken after host migration

I have created a WordPress site (my first) but since moving the site to a new domain all the images and pages/posts are broken and return a 404 error. Ive ran search and replace but it doesn't seem to have worked.
Manual website migration is very difficult to do. So you can transfer your website in few minutes without any issues using duplicator plugin. you just need to installed the plugin and followed the installation wizard.
you can read or watch step by step video tutorial HOW TO CLONE WEBSITE TO NEW HOST USING WORDPRESS DUPLICATOR
Go to your dashboard, log in, go to settings.
Change the following:
Site Address
Wordpress Address
Save. That should work.
did you try save permalinks some times the problem happen because permalinks need update
other point if you can go to old site and use this plugin to move your site agin
It turns out there were some issues with the httpd.conf file and httpaccess files. The permalinks and database details were correct. I got this outsourced in the end so not 100% sure what the issue was but I shall update this post with more info when I get it :)
