I don't understand how to dynamically create an array of maps in Xquery which in the end should be serialised as JSON:
I can create a simple/static array of maps like this
let $array := [map{"id": "4711"}, map{"id": "4712"}]
I can add another map like this:
let $array := array:append($array, map {"id": "4713"})
using the following
results in [{"id":"4711"},{"id":"4712"},{"id":"4713"}] which is perfect JSON for me.
But I have an arbitrary number of maps to add to this array based on a sequence, like this:
let $mylist := ("4714", "4715")
What I'd like to have as result is this:
I'm trying to achieve this by:
let $array := array:append($array,
for $n in $mylist
return map {"id": $n}
But this returns as result:
So, obviously the for loop creates another array and appends that to the existing one. How do I avoid that?
I think the following should do it:
let $mylist := ("4714", "4715")
return array{ $mylist ! map{'id': .} }
It's a bit unfortunate in my view that array{} is special-purpose syntax rather than just being a function.
You can also do it with
array:join( $mylist ! [map{'id': .}] )
This is my sample JSON
Expected Result:
Can anyone please help me to print the above result using for loop in XQuery?
If it's a JSON document, then you can use XPath and do things even easier:
(: read the doc (update to whatever URI) :)
let $json-doc := doc("/test.json")
for $node in $json-doc/transation/node()
return '"'||$node/name()||'":"'||$node||'"'
Or if you have a JSON string to parse to a JSON object, you can use the map:* functions to select and traverse the JSON object:
let $json-doc := xdmp:from-json-string('{ "id":"743", "groupName":"group1", "transation":{ "101":"success", "102":"rejected", "301":"processing" } }')
let $transation := map:get($json-doc, "transation")
for $key in map:keys($transation)
let $value := map:get($transation, $key)
return '"'||$key||'":"'||$value||'"'
If you wanted the JSON document from the database to be a JSON object to use the map functions, you can use the xdmp:from-json() function:
let $json-doc := doc("/test.json") => xdmp:from-json()
let $transation := map:get($json-doc, "transation")
for $key in map:keys($transation)
let $value := map:get($transation, $key)
return '"'||$key||'":"'||$value||'"'
I know this seems like a duplicate, and I am sure it more or less is ...
However, it really bugs me, and I cannot make anything of the posts before:
I am building a digital edition, utlizing TEI, XML, XSLT, (and probably existDB, maybe I switch to node/javascript).
I built a php-function that should transforme each file in a specified directory to html. (My xsl-file works well)
declare function app:XMLtoHTML-forAll ($node as node(), $model as map(*), $query as xs:string?){
let $ref := xs:string(request:get-parameter("document", ""))
let $xml := doc(concat("/db/apps/BookOfOrders/data/edition/",$ref))
let $xsl := doc("/db/apps/BookOfOrders/resources/xslt/xmlToHtml.xsl")
let $params :=
{for $p in request:get-parameter-names()
let $val := request:get-parameter($p,())
where not($p = ("document","directory","stylesheet"))
<param name="{$p}" value="{$val}"/>
transform:transform($xml, $xsl, $params)
There is a list of files in the apps/BookofOrders/data/edition/ named FolioX.html, where x is the page-number. (I'll probably change names to [FolioNumber].xml, but that's not the issue)
I am trying to make a text slider (so that when I open the page, a page is presented and further buttons are created, and I can slide to the right and read the rest of the pages).
I have a table of content, that is linked to the transformed files:
declare function app:toc($node as node(), $model as map(*)) {
for $doc in collection("/db/apps/BookOfOrders/data/edition")/tei:TEI
I guess I am wondering on how to change the link inside to for example Folio29 to Folio30.
Can I take a part of the provided link and make the destination of a link flexible, similar but not identical to what I did in the toc-function above?
I'd be really happy if anyone could point me in the right direction.
Given an expression like document-uri(root($doc)) (perhaps more simply util:document-name($doc), since you're using eXist) that returns the path to (or filename of) the document ending in "FolioX", you just need to isolate X, then cast it as an integer so you can perform addition/subtraction on the value:
document-uri(root($doc)) => substring-after("Folio") => xs:integer()
util:document-name($doc) => substring-after("Folio") => xs:integer()
Then add 1, and you've got your next document. Subtract one, and you've got the previous
However, this could lead to broken links: Folio0 or Folio98 (assuming there are only 97). To avoid this, you might want to retrieve determine the complete list of Folios, find the current position, and then never hit 0 or 98:
let $this-folio := $doc => util:document-name()
let $collection := $doc => util:collection-name()
let $all-folios := xmldb:get-child-resources($collection)
(: sort the filenames using UCA Numeric collation to ensure Folio2 < Folio10.
: see https://www.w3.org/TR/xpath-functions-31/#uca-collations :)
let $sorted-folios := $all-folios => sort("?numeric=yes")
let $this-folio-n := index-of($all-folios, $this-folio)
let $prev-folio := if ($this-folio-n gt 1) then "Folio" || $this-folio-n - 1 else ()
let $next-folio := if ($this-folio-n lt count($all-folios)) then "Folio" || $this-folio-n + 1 else ()
<this>{"Folio" || $this-folio-n}</this>
I have the following map:
let $input := map { 'a-key': 'a-value', 'b-key': ['b-value-1', 'b-value-2'] }
(the length of the b-key array can vary, or be absent; a-key can be present or absent)
I need to create the following array:
[ ('a', 'b', 'b'), 'a-value', 'b-value-1', 'b-value-2' ]
The number of bs in the first sequence should correspond to the number of b-values.
I've tried just about every combination of iterating/map:for-each, etc., and the array either ends up with too much nesting or completely flat...
(n.b. the array is to be passed to a function -- not mine!-- using fn:apply, so needs to be in this form)
It seems hard to build an array containing a sequence that is constructed dynamically, I think you first need to construct the sequence into a variable and then use the square bracket array constructor [$seq] to construct the array with the sequence as the single item. Then you can array:join the other values:
let $input := map { 'a-key': 'a-value', 'b-key': ['b-value-1', 'b-value-2'] }
let $seq := ($input?a-key!'a', (1 to array:size($input?b-key))!'b')
array:join(([$seq], array {$input?a-key, $input?b-key?* }))
If you are comfortable with the functional-programming side of XQuery, you can create the whole output in two nested "loops" (i.e. folds), one over the keys and the other one over those values that are arrays:
(: the input :)
let $input := map { 'a-key': 'a-value', 'b-key': ['b-value-1', 'b-value-2'] }
(: utility function that adds a single key/value pair to the output array :)
let $update-arr :=
function($arr, $k, $v) {
array:append(array:put($arr, 1, ($arr(1), $k)), $v)
(: nested folds over keys and values :)
return fold-left(map:keys($input), [()], function($arr, $key) {
let $k := substring-before($key, '-key')
let $val := $input($key)
return typeswitch($val)
case array(*)
return array:fold-left($val, $arr, function($arr2, $v) {
$update-arr($arr2, $k, $v)
return $update-arr($arr, $k, $val)
You can even abbreviate the array(*) case as return array:fold-left($val, $arr, $update-arr(?, $k, ?)) if you want.
The result is [("a", "b", "b"), "a-value", "b-value-1", "b-value-2"] as expected.
I have an array and I want to fill it with strings taken from specific XML nodes, like in this pseudocode example:
let $array := array {}
for $child in $collection
where contains(data($child), "Hey")
do $array := array:append($array, data($child))
How would correct code look like to perform such an operation?
So if I have this XML
<child>Hey Ho</child>
I expect the array to be
array ["Hey", "Hey Ho"]
XQuery is a functional language. As such, variables cannot be reassigned once they have been declared.
The following code should do the trick:
array {
for $child in $collection
where contains(data($child/node1), "Hey")
return $child/node2
Please note that the native XQuery data type for values is a sequence. Depending on your use case, maybe you don’t need arrays at all.
I have the following query, where i want to form a string of values from a list and i want to use that comma separated string as an or-query but it does not give any result, however when i return just the concatenated string it gives the exact value needed for the query.
The query is as follows:
xquery version "1.0-ml";
declare namespace html = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
declare variable $docURI as xs:string external ;
declare variable $orQuery as xs:string external ;
let $tags :=
<tag>"private banking"</tag>
let $docURI := "/2012-10-22_CSGN.VX_(Citi)_Credit_Suisse_(CSGN.VX)__Model_Update.61198869.xml"
let $orQuery := (string-join($tags/tag, ','))
for $x in cts:search(doc($docURI)/doc/Content/Section/Paragraph, cts:or-query(($orQuery)))
let $r := cts:highlight($x, cts:or-query($orQuery), <b>{$cts:text}</b>)
return <result>{$r}</result>
The exact query that i want to run is :
cts:search(doc($docURI)/doc/Content/Section/Paragraph, cts:or-query(("credit","bank","private banking")))
and when i do
return (string-join($tags/tag, ','))
it gives me exactly what i require
"credit","bank","private banking"
But why does it not return any result in or-query?
The string-join step should not need to be string-join. That passes in a literal string. In xQuery, sequences are your friend.
I think you want to do something like this:
let $tags-to-search := ($tags/tag/text()!replace(., '^"|"$', '') ) (: a sequence of tags :)
cts:search(doc($docURI)/doc/Content/Section/Paragraph, cts:word-query($tags-to-search))
cts:word-query is the default query used for parameter 2 of search if you pass in a string. cts:word query also returns matches for any items in a sequence if presented with that.
EDIT: Added the replace step for the quotes as suggested by Abel. This is specific to the data as presented by the original question. The overall approach remains the same.
Maybe do you need something like this
let $orQuery := for $tag in $tags/tag return cts:word-query($tag)
I used fn:tokenize instead it worked perfectly for my usecase
its because i was trying to pass these arguments from java using XCC api and it would not return anything with string values
xquery version "1.0-ml";
declare namespace html = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";
declare variable $docURI as xs:string external ;
declare variable $orQuery as xs:string external ;
let $input := "credit,bank"
let $tokens := fn:tokenize($input, ",")
let $docURI := "2012-11-19 0005.HK (Citi) HSBC Holdings Plc (0005.HK)_ Model Update.61503613.pdf"
for $x in cts:search(fn:doc($docURI), cts:or-query(($tokens)))
let $r := cts:highlight($x, cts:or-query(($tokens)), <b>{$cts:text}</b>)
return <result>{$r}</result>