I want to open my Google Analytics to many students.
How many accounts can I add as Google Analytics administrator in free version?
1 Google Account can consist of 25 Google Analytics accounts
I have never encountered this type of problem even in large account, there should be no specified limits. The documentation doesn't mention it, so I'd say that should be no specified limits. Certainly more than the number of students in a class.
When i use personal reports in Google Analytics i see different numbers of users in the report than when i get them with API.
Support of GA answered, that this is ok, because system use different ways to count users in report when i use GA and in data which i got from API.
Is there any way to get same number of users by API, which i can see on site of GA in my personal report? Because now, when i try to get users with API for same period and with same dimensions i get different number of users, than i can see in personal report on GA site.
Good afternoon,
I just started with a new company and need to remodel our website. Within the Code their is a tracking ID for Google Analytics, but unfortunately nobody can remember what the account names are. Is there any way that I could use my tracking ID, which includes my Account number according to my research, to get to my account name?
Thank you very much to everybody who is putting in some effort to help me.
You can use the Google Analytics Account Explorer to search for all accounts you have access to.
If you have access to this account, you'll be able to find the account name by searching with the tracking ID. If nothing shows up, find someone you know has access and have them search.
Having trouble linking separate accounts from GA to Adwords. They are different emails, both tracking the same site. The main GA email works with a lot of different sites, so I don't want the Adwords to have access to all of it.
The Adwords account seems to have created its own analytics site --but it's not the one I've been working with.
If I understood correctly, the possible solution to your problem is setting the cross-account conversion tracking by creating the My Client Center (MCC) account: https://support.google.com/adwords/answer/1704399?rd=1
This account is actually an AdWords account that lets you easily view and manage all of your AdWords accounts (including other MCC manager accounts) from a single location.
For additional information, please refer to:
Hope I helped.
Our company is currently developing an application that requires access to multiple Google Analytics accounts via a single Google Developer user. We were successfully able to add this user to approximately 100 Analytics accounts before we ran into the following error:
Unable to add user to account. The user has reached their maximum number of Analytics accounts.
This error has brought our work to a standstill. We would like to know if there is any work around we can implement or upgrade we can purchase in order to raise this account limit.
Okay, we finally got in touch with someone from Google who was able to help us resolve our problem. The first thing we learned is that a single user can be associated with no more than 100 Google Analytics accounts. Next, we learned that there are only two ways around this limit, you can either raise the limit to 1,000 by purchasing Google Analytics Premium ($150,000 per year) or you use a different user for each block of 100 accounts.
Does someone know how long Google will store the data from the Analytics/Adwords etc. accounts? Can't find it anywhere, and also can't believe they will store it like forever. It would be nice to see in 30 years for example, how many visitors I had in 2010.
Google usually won't delete your account or the data within your account. However, there are exceptions:
Google may close down your whole Google account if you severely violate the terms of service. This might even happen by accident. See complaints on google help forum.
Regarding AdWords, Google started to delete unused entities in March 2015. ("we’ll only delete entities that never accrued impressions and have been removed for more than 100 days.")
There is no guarantee that Google will store your data lifelong (who knows if internet or Google still exists in 30 years?), but is highly unlikely that Google will delete it. I have seen AdWords account that haven't been used since 2005 and still all data has been there.